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Open Doomed Kalos

“Maybe I should make sure they don’t lose to the champion,” Wyndham Said. “Grunts, get me my expansion suit.”
Wyndham put the suit on, disguised himself as a grunt of the opposing team, and then ran off quickly to the scene of the battle, “Go Rhyperior and Snorlax! Destroy Diantha!”
Zed not batting and eye to the situation commanded " Go mirage use earthquake, Scepter use acrobatics on carnevine, swampert jump into the water and use ice beam on the bridge supports". Zed knew what he was going to do next he just wondered if anybody else would.
Wyndham’s Rhyperior shot a Rock Wrecker at Diantha, interrupting Alder’s battle with her. Her Pokémon protected her, but Snorlax used Giga Impact to take it out. Then Wyndham ran up to Diantha and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up with the enhanced strength of the expansion suit, and using its pokeball jack to steal her Pokémon. “Goodbye, Champion. I loved your movies.” He said to her, before throwing her into the waters of the ocean.
"Diantha No" Thomas screamed. "Go Dragonair use dragon tail on Swampert, Carnivine charge up solar blast" Thomas commanded. Thomas ran into the water and jumped in to it to find diantha Thoas grabbed her and swam up to the surface giving her cpr(not oral). Thomas sent out Drifliblim an used hot water to heat himself. "Grunts I need help!" Thomas yelled. Two grunts rushed out and took Diantha to the medi bay. Thomas got up and walked towards the battle.
"Serena no"clement cried."greninja use water shuriken on charzard" Gyarados blocked the water shurikens with hyper beam ash was shocked.the pikachu gave ash enough time time to save Serena.
to be continued.....
Wyndham saw the admin trying to give CPR to Diantha and thought, “This new team is stupid.”
He jumped back up to the top floor of the Tower, and he had his Rhyperior Earthquake the Aegislash of Wikstrom.
Thomas got to the battle field. "I may be stupid but Im good with Pokeom, Carnivine solarbeam on Rhydon." Thomas commanded. Carnivine was emiting a golden glow before it blew out a beam of light towards the Rhydon. "You damm traitor how could you do that to Diantha she was a champion!" Thomas screamed at the grunt with the expansion suit. Dragonair continue attacking Swampert make sure it doesn't Ice to much of the bridge." Thomas commanded.
“How did you really expect to take over Kalos without dispatching of the champion? It had to be done!” Yelled Wyndham as he returned a KOed Rhyperior to its ball. “Go Machamp! Use fire punch on the fool’s carnivine, then follow up with an Ice Punch with your other hand!”
Zed who just realized he was surrounded on all sides and knew what he had to do. He was at a point that he didn't care he wanted this to be done. He shouted " Sceptile uses brick break on the iced bridge supports, swampert drag the dragonair under the water and continue the fight under the water, use whatever you need to do to faint it. Flygon use dragon claw on the machamp. Brute come back out. Go rip off that power suit." The Large ape like pokemon then begins to climb up the tower like king kong.
“Too many of them!” Shouted Wyndham. “Retreat for now. Can’t afford to lose this suit, Return Machamp! See you soon when I am King of Kalos!”
Then Wyndham jumped off into the distance back to his lair in the Chamber of Emptiness, periodically checking behind him for flying Pokémon following him.
All Zed could think was damn but then he also thought of a new idea. He would send one of his pokemon after him he just didn't know who yet. So after looking over his options he finally got it and began the command "Swampert throw the dragonair onto the bridge and then follow the guy in the suit, Sceptile use brick break on the other pillars on the oppisite side of the bridge to they break. Slaking jump back down and use ice punch on the carnevine, flygon use dragon claw on the Carnevine we are going to back up near the entrance." With one more pillar needing to break for the bridge to collapse at a point Zed knew it was now or never and it needs to happen now or it will never happen.
Validus looked behind him and saw nothing in the sky. He landed at the mouth of the Chamber of Emptiness and just missed having his head slammed into by a Swampert’s fist, which it the top of the door, shaking the ground. “Looks like I still have something to deal with. Go, grunts! Fight Swampert!” Commanded Wyndham as he re-entered the cave, and simultaneously ten grunts swarmed out, sending out onixes, rhyhorns, and geodude.
The swampert sent a massive wave of water swept away all the ground rock type pokemon. Back at the bridge sceptile had just broke through the last pillar on the bridge that meant the it could collapse if hit hard enough. So Zed returned all his pokemon but brute. He then commanded "Slaking use earthquake on the bridge." The bridge soon began to crumble trapping Zed on the island. Zed then returned slaking, he then sent out his flygon to fly out the where swampert was.
Wyndham heard a splash above ground. ‘Those failures of grunts just lost, didn’t they?’ Thought Wyndham. He saw his admins, Scarus and Akoni, and commanded them, “Go take care of that swampert.”
Scarus sent out Pidgeot, using Brave Bird, while Akoni sent out Shiftry to use Leaf storm on the Swampert.
Zed got there right as the pidgeot attacked. Zed jumped in to see swampert faint. Zed sent out Brute his slaking and Beamount his aggron. He shouted "Brute use ice punch on the shiftry, Beamount use head smash on the pidgeot" the two massive pokemon went thundering toward the other pokemon.
“I’m very sorry, but we aren’t offering tours right now.” Said Scarus calmly as his Pidgeot flew over aggron’s head to avoid the attack, and then used steel wing to intercept the ice punch from slaking.
Meanwhile, Akoni’s Shiftry used fake out on the agronomy, making it flinch, and then used leaf storm.
Zed was calm and kept on going. He told his slaking to use hammer arm on the wall it's right and told his aggron to use double edge on the shiftry.
“Crush them, Scrafty.” Said Akoni, since his Shiftry was knocked out by the powerful attack from Aggron. Scrafty used high jump kick on Slaking and connected, doing massive damage since it was super-effective.
“Pidgeot, air slash on the aggron!” Commanded Scarus. Several blades of air collided with Aggron. “Now, fly!” Pidgeot flew straight up into the air, avoiding any counter Aggron could try.
Zed thought for a monument since brute fainted and sent out his sceptile. “Scepter use sword dance, Beaumont grab the pidgeot and then use heavy slam.”
Since Pidgeot fainted, Scarus sent out Blastoise, which used a super-effective Hydro Pump on the Aggron. Then Akoni used Scrafty to fake out sceptile, flinching it, and then knock off.
Since aggron fainted Zed knew he would need to send something out so he sent out something that he knew would at least help. “Go Jeff marsh use earth power on the scrafty scepter use leaf blade on the blastoise.”
"Crap carnivine return you did well , return Grunts keep pushing the enemy!" Thomas commanded. "Drifliblim help the grunts use fly. Dribliblim rushed up into the air as Thomas fell back to the grunts. "Dragonair return" Thomas commanded.
Both Scrafty and Blastoise were defeated, so Scarus sent out Jolteon, which used extreme speed on sceptile, while Akoni sent out his ace, Tyranitar. “Use flamethrower on Sceptile!” Commanded Akoni.

OOC wasn’t your Swampert out?
OOC yes it was but that's the magic of revives

Since scepter fainted Zed sent out mirage. " Mirage use steel wing on the Tyranitar, Jeff marsh use earth power on the jolteon." The was only one pokemon left Zed knew he had to finish this quick.
“Quick, Akoni! We must retreat and heal up!” Said Scarus as he ran inside the base, quickly closing the blast doors behind him. “You’ll have to find another way in,” he Shouted to the unfamiliar trainer, “These doors can withstand a Hyper Beam!”

OOC: IK you had to ban that one guy, but why did you have to delete my posts? ;_;
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Previously Keet
CHARACTER APPEARANCE: Has cobalt hair with blue eyes, wears black-ish red pants, a blue shirt, black hoodie, and wears white socks and green shoes.
POKEMON: Balloon the Drifblim
ADDITIONAL INFO: When the kalos crime wave started, Nato was very afraid. He heard that pokemon were being stolen and decided to run from his house. His only companion was his Drifblim, which he had been gifted from his dad. After seeing what had become of Kalos, he had decided to become the hero.When he finds someone from the evil team, he takes them down, hopefully stunning them for long enough to escort anyone being attacked far away.

Nato had been wandering around the forest for the past few days. He had one goal in mind, and that was to save Professor Sycamore. Ever since the disappearance of the champion and E4, Kalos was in shambles. He had never seen anyone come into the forest to hide, but only the occasional attack from the evil-doers. They were pretty easy to handle, but he wanted to progress. But first, he wanted to go rest. He said, "Balloon, use fly!" As he was flying towards Shalour City, the town seemed normal. Landing, he started to walk towards the Poke-center. Getting there and going in, he and Drifblim found a place to sit, and started to snooze off.

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