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Private/Closed Dragon Ball Burst

Icicure looked at Damunga, and said, "Yes, that is fair." Icicure was sweating so much from the sparring match. She then reverted her power back to 50%.

She looked at Damunga, and said, "Alright, you go first. But before that, may the forced gravity be turned off for a moment?"
Sasha sensed the increase in power coming from the ship Icicure went in to. It's obliviously Icicure and Damunga, but their power levels are higher. Sasha decided to go and check it out. She went inside the ship and walked around. She then sees an Arcosian like Icicure, only smaller.
"Fine. My story begins with..."

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!"

Damunga's attempt at telling his story was cut off when Arcie's security alarm sounded once more. The gravity to the gravity room shut off as Damunga let out a sigh.

"We have company." Damunga said before he ran out of the room. Soon he saw Arcie with her laser gun pointed at Sasha's head.

"Who are you!?" Arcie yelled as she kept the gun to the girl's head.
Icicure walked up to Arcie, and said, "Calm down. She is a friend of mine."

She then looked at Sasha, and said, "Sasha, what has brought you here?"
Sasha pushed the gun away from her head with her index finger. "Geez, is this how you welcome all of your guests?" She asked, "Because this doesn't feel so welcoming." She then turned to see Icicure. "Well, I sensed that you two were raising your power levels so I came to see what it was all about," she said.
"We were training." Damunga said as Arcie put her gun away.

"Sorry, you're just yet another person who snuck on this ship. I get tense after awhile." Arcie said with a sheepish grin.
Sasha turns to Arcie and pets her with a slight smile. She then turns to Damunga and Icicure. "Wow, you two look like you've seen better days," she commented.
Icicure looked at Sasha, and said, "I guess you could say our training got a bit...intense. But that doesn't matter now, you should get out of here. You wanted to go with Celacion, and I don't see him as the waiting kind. And besides, me and Damunga have some issues we must discuss."
Sasha then turned to just Icicure. "Actually, I might as well until you're done," she said, "Look, I just want to say that I'm..." She then starts to hesitate to finish her sentence and looks down a bit. "Well, I umm...." 'Wow, I did not think it was going to be hard to apologize,' she thought to herself. She hardly ever apologizes to anyone so she's not use to it.
Icicure looked at Sasha with confusment, and then said, "You umm what?" Icicure didn't believe that she could have been so confused in her life.
Sasha took a deep breath. "Well, I just wanted to say that....I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," she said as looked at the corner of her eye while still looking down a bit, "I had some stuff on my mind with had me stressed and....it wasn't right to take it out on you."
Icicure looked at Sasha, and sighed. She walked up to her, and put her hand on Sasha's shoulder. She then said, "I should be the one who says sorry. I was just getting mad that no one was paying attention to my plan, and I 'snapped' as well. And you're right, I shouldn't have put all my frustrations on you, either. I hope we can forgive each other."
Icicure took Sasha's handshake offer. "Of course, Sasha. And I know this might seem anti-climatic, but I'm still going to go through with my plan. You can go ahead and go with Celacion, that is not my choice but yours. I will not be mad at you, because I still see you as a friend. But... there is a reason I'm still holding on strong with my plan, but...I don't think I'm ready to tell all of you why."
"Wonderful. Now if you ladies are done saying sorry to each other I have business with Icicure. Sasha you and Arcie can listen as well, I don't care. But the sooner I tell Icicure my story the sooner she can tell me why she refuses to use her 100%." Damunga said as he sat at the nearby dinning table.

And the sooner I can work to get her past that mental block.

"Feel free to make yourselves comfortable. I'll go make snacks." Arcie said as she went to the kitchen.
Sasha let go if Icicure's hand, slightly lifted her hand and pointed at Damunga. She shot a little energy beam which was an inch away from his right cheek. "Man, you are such a party pooper," she said to him as she looked at him with her usual cold tone and expression. She then turned back to Icicure with a slight smile, "Nah, I'll just stick with you."
Icicure looked at Sasha, and asked, "Why are you deciding to follow me?"

Icicure then sat down in a chair, and waited to see if Damunga or Sasha would speak first, and also because she was waiting for Arcie's promised snacks.
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Damunga barley saw the beam graze past his cheek. Damunga gave a glare to Sasha as Arcie returned with a large plate of assorted snacks and drinks.

"Everything's here! Once you all get settled, we can begin story time wit Damunga!" Arcie said with a grin as she sat next to Damunga, who in turn glared at his pilot.
Sasha proceeded to sit next to Icicure. "Well I have nothing better to, so that's why," she replied to Icicure. She then proceeded to get some of the snack that Arcie brought. "Wow, this is good," she said after taking a bite.
Icicure smiled after she heard what Sasha said. She then tried some of the snacks herself. Wow, Arcie is a really good cook! But why am I surprised, most Acrosians are fantastic cooks.

Icicure then looked at Damunga, and said, "Well, you can go on with your story now."
Damunga let out a sigh.

Let's just get this over with...

"I am the heir to the strongest of the thirteen demon clans and in turn heir to to my father's crown. This would be fantastic if my father felt I was acceptable to rule. However, I was not. Father deemed me a "weakling" and a "disappointment" in spite of his efforts to train me. My own twin sister is stronger than me, by a substantial portion, but by not being the first born on a technicality she is unable to be the heir to the crown." Damunga said, taking a moment to put aside a bitter memory.

"She resents me to this day for it. As does my father as I was the "wrong" child for the clan." Damunga said, pausing for a moment to let the information sink in.
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Ozen was seated on the roof of Arcies ship image training. A bead of sweat ran down his for head as he blocked out the sound around him.
He stood in a dark void roaring as he raised his energy level to its maximum, freed from the restraint of his weights.
"I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" He roared as two figures charged at him from either side. He brought his arms up and began blocking and dodges hits from the shadowed fighters. He grunted as the assault continued before leaning back to dodge two oncoming beams. The two powerful attacks connected, causing a huge explosion that sent all 3 fighters flying.
"Damn, there more powerful than I thought." He said while wiping blood off his brow line. He jumped to his feet only to be knocked back down by an explosion of golden light. He shielded his eyes from the intense shine while squinting to make out his opponents. The shadowed figures were no longer hidden by the darkness as the golden aura around them lit up there faces, revealing Sasha and Celacion, powered up to super saiyan.
"Why! Why can't I reach that power!?" He screamed before letting loose a giant silver beam at his opponents. The two saiyans fired similar beams which quickly swallowed his attack and engulfed him in energy.

"Ahhh!" Ozen screamed as he flew backwards off the ship, collapsing from the intense image training.
Icicure looked at Damunga, and in a way...she could relate. So...he's not so different from me after all. We both have issues with our father.

Icicure then said, "So, the only reason you want me to use my full power is because you want to prove to everyone that you're not a weakling? Ah, I see, but now I'll tell you why I can't use my full power. It doesn't have anything to do with my past, but instead it has to do with what the power does to me." Icicure then had a flashback....

Lord Dridice: Come on, Icicure! Show me your power!
Icicure: But...father, I've never used that much power before.
Lord Dridice: Nonsense! As the daughter of the galactic emperor, you will show me so I can see if you are a worthy successor.
Icicure: Fine, I'll do it father.
*Icicure powers up to max*
Icicure: AGH! AHHHH!
*Icicure face had completely changed, and she looked furious*
*Icicure then starts flying around some planets, blowing them up with ease*
*Dridice is nodding*
Lord Dridice: Good, very good.

"When I use 100% of my power, I lose control of every single bit of sanity I have. I would start attacking anyone, friend or foe, the most ruthless way I could. Also, I can't get out of the form until I pass out from exhaustion," Icicure said.
Damunga let out a sigh. Icicure's description of her 100% only added to the tease, though part of him conceded he understood her reluctance.

"So you're afraid? That you'll destroy what you love if you use your full power?" Damunga asked. Arcie gave a nod.

"See, I told you she had a good reason." Arcie said as Damunga let out a sigh.

"Sorry, but how you battle and my sister battle are frighteningly similar. Neither of you go all out no matter the circumstance. Though her reason was I was too pathetic to bother with using 100%. She wanted me to feel the shame of knowing I was never close to her level." Damunga said.
Icicure nodded to Damunga's question.

Damunga then told Icicure how she reminded him of his sister, and Icicure said, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I will never battle you using 100% of my power."

Icicure then heard something outside of the ship. What was that!?
Icicure then flew outside of the ship, having her hands flared up with ki, only to see Ozen lying on the ground like if he had fallen.

Icicure reverted the ki from her hands, and said to Ozen, "What are you doing on the ground?"
Ozen stood with a cold calm face. "Nothing, I'm fine." He said while taking a step forward only for his knee to give out causing him to fall flat on his face. "Okay so...I might've taken image training a little to far." The young boy said, only for his words to be muffled from the ground. He pushed himself up into a seated position. "Its just... I dont think I've got enough saiyan in me to transform, I'm worried I'm reaching my limit." His voice was slightly shaky as he thought of not being able to match up to his families power.
"Knowing you can only go so far, knowing their is a level of power you'll never surpass. I can relate." Damunga said to Ozen before he faced Icicure.

"I don't care about your personal fears. All I know is you'll never reach your full potential if you constantly worry over what it might do to others. To hide that power and make no attempt to master it is an insult." Damunga said as Arcie walked up to him.

"So, disappointment or not, if you're a prince why are you not back in your realm?" Arcie asked Damunga, who remained silent.
Icicure took her hand out for Ozen, so he could get up, and she said, "I don't know much about Saiyans, but there is one thing I do know. No matter who you are, a peasant or a king, you can always break your limit, and reach for new heights. This Super Saiyan thing, it's just a challenge that you will achieve through your journey while breaking limits you thought could never be broke."

Icicure then looked back at Damunga, and said, "I don't think my apologies will ever get through to you, but I'm not going to risk a life just for my amusement. I will never stoop that low."
Sasha listened to both of their stories without saying a word. She then heard something outside and went to go check with Icicure. She goes outside and sees Ozen flat on the ground.
"And what happens when you meet an opponent you cannot beat without using 100%? Are you gonna remain defiant to using that power out of fear? Would you accept death first?" Damunga asked as Arcie frowned over being ignored.
Ozen took Icicures hand and got back to his feet, leveling himself out. He glanced at Damunga then back to Icicure. "Hey, I dont know much about arcosians either, but I have to agree with Damunga. I can understand that your power changes you, but you can master it. The trick is fear, dont be scared of your own power, embrace it." He gave a soft grin before turning to Damunga. "Mind if I continue gravity training with you?"
Icicure stood there in silence, until she responded with, "None of you understand. I lose control, and it's like I'm a completely different person. If I were to fight someone with 100% of my power, I would kill them without hesitation, and as soon as they're dead, the planet is next. And then I'll go on a rampage. And I've tried mastering the form, but the over-whelming power takes over my mind and I go insane."
"Oh I understand. You're in complete submission to your fear and you've given up. It's a shame, I considered you a goal to surpass but I guess I'll never know what that true benchmark is. Go ahead and run from it all you want, but someday you will have to use that power." Damunga spat out before he moved to go to the gravity room. Not particularly caring who went in with him.

"Sorry, he didn't have to be a jerk about it." Arcie said, giving an apology to Icicure.
Icicure looked at Arcie, and said, "It's fine. I didn't think that Damunga would feel any sympathy anyways."

Icicure then followed Damunga to the gravity room, but before she entered, she looked at Sasha. She then asked Sasha, "Sasha, may you enter the room so we can spar?"
Ozen slipped into the gravity room behind Damunga. "Your powerful Damunga, and ruthless...which is exactly why I wanna train with you." He slipped into his fighting stance with a stern look on his face, Icicures words playing over and over in the back of his head. "Breaking my limits....I can do that." He thought to himself while waiting for Damunga to start.
Sasha glared at Damunga after seeing him being a jerk to Icicure. She then turned to Icicure. "Sure, it's been a while since I've been in a gravity room," she said and followed Icicure.
Once all four entered the room, Damunga turned to the others.

"So, what setting? I promise not to just kick start the gravity this time. Me and Icicure left off on 50x, I think, but what do you people want to work with?" Damunga asked the group. Arcie never thought she'd see four people in the gravity room.

Good thing I made it big and spacey...
"So you've been in a gravity room before, Sasha? Well, then, try to go easy on me, since I'm new," Icicure said as she entered the room.

Icicure looked at Damunga, and said, "How does 60x sound, Damunga?"
Ozens eyes widened. "50x normal gravity?!" His heart raced as the prospect of turning into a pancake popped into his head. "Wait, no. This is a chance to push my limits." He thought as he slowed his breathing. He unlatched the weighed gauntlets on his arms and let them smash into the floor below him leaving two small craters. "Y-yeah, 60x sounds good to me." He said unsteadily before cracking his neck in preparation for the oncoming pain.
Sasha nodded at Icicure and then turned to Damunga. "Alright, 60x it is then," she said, "Though I might be a bit rusty when it comes to that much gravity." The last time she entered a gravity was two years ago, and went up to 40x gravity.