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Open Dripping Shadows


My name is Dusk.
I'm an Eevee, but not your regular Eevee. At least, that's what the scientists have said. I'm not the color I should be. My eyes are not brown. They resemble a sunset, hence my name. The scientists kept me in an experimental kennel for two years, but I escaped. I live in the wild but I hear them walking around, calling my name. I'm afraid. Something is wrong with the sky- it looks as though it's falling apart, and almost dripping thick fog. The worse the situation gets with the sky, the more frantic the scientists seem to be to find me. What could I have to do with the sky? It's not my fault, I swear...

-=Info / Plot=-
Dusk is in the wild and afraid. She's dodging other wild Pokemon who seem taken by her beauty, and she is quite frankly just trying to figure something out... What is wrong with the sky?
In this thread, I plan for at least two stray Pokemon to come across Dusk and assist her to figure out why she is necessary for the sky's benefit.

Age (Pokemon age as humans do in this thread):
Pokemon / Type:
Appearance (Picture if possible & written description):
Crush (If any):

Name: Dusk
Age: 15
Pokemon / Type: Eevee / Basic
Appearance: A beautiful light brown colored Eevee with patches of darker and lighter fur splattered around her pelt, with long, dark ears and a fluffy tail. Her eyes are a myriad of colors, fading from yellow to purple, like those of a sunset.
Personality: Dusk is shy, nervous and quiet. She's also very determined and brave, but only in certain situations. Considering the situation of this thread, she's very stressed, but she wouldn't usually be.
Crush (If any): N/A
Strengths: Fighting Solo, Swimming, Hiding
Weaknesses: Climbing, Arguing
Fears: Being Alone, the Future, Hurting Others
Other: Message me with your forms, please! :3

(And the link to the Dripping Shadows Discussion Page: https://pokecharms.com/threads/dripping-shadows-discussion.16795/ )


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As Jango trekked through the forest, he couldn't stop himself from looking back up at the sky. He still couldn't believe his eyes - er, well, eye - when he saw how the sky looked one morning. It looked... Fractured. No, not like the Pokémon. And not long after that, some humans in weird clothing came into the forest looking for something. Apparently, they hadn't found it yet. Humans were weird, Jango had no doubts about that. Although, he figured a lot of Pokémon were weird, too.
Dusk didn't know how long she'd been running. All she knew is that she had been sprinting against crunching, colored leaves that crumbled under her paws, giving away what she thought was clear indication of her exact location.
They can't find me. They can't.
She thought desperately, looking back around her. She still saw the beams of the light-sticks the humans had gleaming against the shadows among the trees.
"We can't lose it! Experiment 649 is too important to lose!" one shrieked. Dusk kept running, however, still looking behind her, so she didn't see the looming figure ahead of her until she crashed directly into them. A crackling pain shot through her head as she regained her balance, looking at a somewhat mean-looking Mightyena.
"S-Sorry! I'm so sorry-" she yelped, eyes darting around. She'd been so occupied with running that she hadn't noticed the pads on her paws were scuffed and bloody. In fact, she still barely noticed...
Jango had been lost in though when some Pokémon ran into him. At first, he thought a smaller Pokémon thought they could take him on, but then he heard the smaller Pokémon apologizing, albeit stuttering. Was she afraid of something? Probably him. Most Pokémon were. However, this Eevee was also different. Her eyes were very unique, as well as her whole body coloration. She was unique, to say the least. Jango just let out a slight chuckle. "It's not at all a problem, my friend. We all accidentally bump into someone at one point or another. So, you got nothin' to worry about. But, I guess you weren't paying attention to the front of you. Playing tag with another Pokémon, perhaps?" The Mightyeba cocked his head to the side slightly, showing his curiosity.
The little Eevee took a harsh and quiet breathe.
"I wish," she rumbled, sitting down, but still looking around, eyes wild and jittery. "However, that's not the case."
Whilst picking out stones from her paws and desperately cleaning them from blood, she decided to explain.
"My name is Dusk, and according to the humans I am necessary for the sky's survival." She glanced up at the sky only to whimper in dismay. It had worsened since she last saw it. It had almost appeared that the cracks were ravines and the clouds, dark with rain, were seeping out of the ravines into- or, out of- the sky.
"I don't know why or how, or even why the sky is dying. But what I do know is that I do not want to be a part of whatever plan they have. They just kept poking me with these sharp needles and trapping my blood in little containers and giving me a lot of potions."
She looked down at her stomach where they had drawn blood around a week ago. It was still sore, and the old bandages had started to crust and fall off. They hadn't replaced them. Feeling a growing anger towards the people hammer in her heart, she tugged the bandages away.

"Calling Mr. Alder! Mr. Alder, the specimen is here! We believe she could've contaminated a nearby Pokemon- It's a.. huh? Yes sir- It's a Mightyena, a mean looking one, too- both? Yes sir!" a voice spat from behind them. Dusk whirled around to see three humans with net-guns. She began to back up.
"Run.. Run!"
Name: Ryu
Age: 9
Pokemon / Type: Riolu / Fighting
Appearance: He's an ordinary Riolu, except he has a tuft of fur on his head, and he sports a yellow and burnt orange-striped scarf
Personality: He is quite friendly, but has quite the temper. He has, however, been working on it, so only big things can get him mad to the point where he actually shows it; his reactions in such a scenario are explosive.
Crush (If any): N/A (Might think of Dusk as a looker)
Strengths: kind, strong (trains from time to time), determined/confident, fast, loyal to friends
Weaknesses: not clever, easily manipulated
Fears: bullies (although will stand up to them), heights, psychic and flying types
Other: N/A (might add onto this later)

"..." Ryu laid in the grass of the forest, looking up at the dark sky as it devises its unknown intent. Ryu had always been into meteorology and the like, and liked to watch storms before they got too bad, only then he'd seek shelter and watch it from there. However, interfering with the noise of the thunder - which, even that, he was unsure of hearing - was the noise of crunching leaves. He sat up and examined his surroundings, surveying the scene around him. Upon doing so, he saw a few people, seemingly human, who looked like they were trying to find something, what with their bright lights; one even flashed a light over at Ryu, but paid him no mind, luckily. Ryu never had a good history with humans, which is why he lived in the wild: nature and others around him treated him far better than humans.

In spite of the humans, he got up and ran away to a safer place, which was only really a few meters away from where he previously was. Just as he was about to sit back down, he heard what sounded like a thud and grunting. Concerned, he got back up and looked around. Shortly after getting back up, he heard talking, that of which sounded like a girl, and following after was a guy's voice. He followed the sounds through some shrubs, and he saw two Pokemon; a Mightyena, and an Eevee, although, something about the Eevee seemed a bit fishy. Trying to shimmy quietly through the shrubs to try to get a better view, he takes note that not only the eyes of the Eevee were different - which is certainly a sight to see, but the fur colors and patterns were different as well. Something about all that made Ryu warm inside.

Unfortunately, that feeling came to an end when he heard an unwelcome voice from aside. He looked over to see the same humans that he had seen before. He looked back and forth between the Pokemon and the humans, as he put together the puzzle pieces. As the humans starting gaining up on the Pokemon, the two Pokemon backed away, looking like they were about to run away. Just then, Ryu had a bold idea; a stupid and bold, but brave idea. He gave himself some room as he backed up, waiting for the humans to be in line with his path. Once they were close enough, Ryu ran and jumped over a bush, crashing into a few of the humans, knocking them over. As he recovered, he looked over at the Pokemon with a face full of anger of the humans, but concern for the two. "Go! Run away! I got this!" He shouted over to them, using the sound barrier between him and the humans to his advantage. Turning his attention back towards the humans, he jumped back from them, trying to quickly think of his next move before they made theirs.
Dusk stepped back for a second, contemplating the situation, but ran at two of the three scientists with Take Down, barreling them over to the best of her abilities, but of course hurting herself just a bit in the process, forcing them down while scuffing her cheek in the process, and a droplet of blood trickled down it, dangling on her chin for a moment before dripping onto the ground.
"Come on!" she yelped to Ryu, glaring at the other scientist with a sort of "I dare you" look dancing violently in her myriad of color eyes. The person looked unsure but ready to chase them, while the other two were leaning on each other, attempting to regain balance.
"Boss! Another- A Riolu- I believe he's been contaminated, sir!" he howled, booking it just as Eevee started sprinting, hopefully with her two new companions. (Short. Sorry. :p)
(OOC: No no, you're good. Although, I wouldn't call that short... xD)

BIC: As Ryu decided what he was going to do next, he got into a stance, getting ready to attack. However, right before he struck, the same Eevee he had told to run before had tackled two of the three men harassing them, knocking them over as well. He just stood there and looked at her in awe, as she was willing to risk herself for him. Or, at least, that's what he thought; anything could have been her motive. What felt like minutes was really just a few seconds, when he snapped out of his trance as the Eevee cried at him to get going. With a shake of a head - and a nod after, he ran off with the two, making off towards someplace else that's hopefully a lot safer.

(OOC: Now that is short x3)
Dusk continued sprinting but, as concerned as she was for herself, she turned to see the Riolu chasing behind her and sighed with relief, before skidding to a horrified halt as they approached a lake. She groaned in annoyance. Nothing was going right today.
She whirled around to face Ryu.
"Can you swim?" she rushed, watching as the people rushed far behind them, but they were nearing quickly. Her eyes searched his frantically, although his looked like he was focused on something else and sort of out of it.
"Hello? Can you swim?" she yelped.
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While they were running, Ryu ruminated over how he only took down one of the humans back there. Were he stronger, he could have taken more of them on, if not all three of them. That mental moment with himself spawned some more motivation to get stronger. He always wanted to push himself to do his absolute best until he could do it no more, and often times, because of his small size, it got him hurt. He also wanted to say that he was strong, and mean it, as opposed to just saying that he was strong and going in over his head. He had made that mistake once, and he's determined to make sure that never happens again.

However, he snapped out of it when the Eevee had cried out to him, asking him if he could swim. He shook his head and looked at her, before looking out in front of them. He noticed that in front of them stood a lake. A small feeling of dread built up inside of him as he looked at the lake. He looked back at her with the look of worry in his eyes. "Yeah, I can swim, but I am strongly opposed to doing so, especially on a day like this." He told her, almost getting into one of his backstories. He looked behind him and saw that the humans were gaining on them, and fast. He looked back over at the Eevee with the look of defeat on his face. "But if we must... I will swim." He said to her, defeated in the debate that hadn't even started. He looked forward at the lake, then back at the humans behind them, then back at the lake again. With a gulp, he walked into the cold water, wincing at the cold.

(OOC: "He walked in a bit further, before turning around and waiting for the others." I thought about adding that in at the end because I wouldn't have known if he was going to be the first or last one in.)
Dusk winced.
"Good. Cause I can't." she replied with a sloppy grin, jumping in immediately just as the scientists neared them. She waded for just a second before she gathered her breath and diving under.
"It can swim?!"
"It appears not. Get those Pokemon!"
Something behind her splashed violently.
She felt as though her skin was freezing beneath her fur, but she continued, opening her eyes against the murky, cold water. Everything was blurry but she saw, just barely, what was ahead. A giant fish. Of sorts. And a bunch of other fish swimming around.
She went to yell but inhaled water,
It was around this point that she actually realized what it meant to swim and why she couldn't.
oh no.
She started coughing, and spluttering water, flailing up for air. She gasped, looking around, blinking to get the water out of her eyes, and saw a cave in the side of a mountain on the outskirts of the lake.
"Th- aogh- the c-cave!" she yelled, hacking water up from her lungs.
As he looked over at the humans, who had just arrived, he started swimming farther into the water, hoping he could get far enough into it that they wouldn't be able to get him. However, due to the splashing caused by his swimming, he didn't realize that the Eevee had said something. When he looked back again a few moments later, he saw a bunch of splashing where the Eevee was, along with splashing heading towards her. Right then and there, he knew that something was terribly wrong. He swam over to her, taking note that he had to act fast, because not only was she in danger, but they were both in danger. Of being caught, that is.

Adrenaline kicking in, he kicked it into high gear and swam as fast as his body would let him towards the Eevee. He managed to grab her and pull her up high enough so that they could both breathe and swim, but only feet away from the human that was swimming after them. As she coughed, Ryu heard her mutter something about a cave. As he swam nowhere in particular, but away from the human, he frantically looked around for a cave. In seconds he managed to find one. Making a sharp turn, which was a really risky move considering the human was right on their tail, he splashed water into the human's face, hoping that it'd blind him momentarily. He continued this until he got to the point where he could climb out of the lake without the humans seeing where he's going.

In a matter of moments, Ryu had pulled both himself and the Eevee out of the water, and was escaping the humans once again. However, fatigue started setting in as his arms and legs grew weaker as he carried her. Luckily, they had already reached the cave that the Eevee mentioned. He slowly wandered inside and set her down on the stone floor, slowly collapsing himself.

EDIT: (OOC: Please tell me if I overdid it with the superhero act.)
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Dusk gasped over labored breathes. She was shaking, and staring at the floor, but she could only imagine how tired the Riolu was; he'd carried both himself and her.
"Thank you... you saved my life... we.. we could.... wait here..... for a while..." she muttered, glancing up at him. He was a bit different than other Riolu's she'd seen; although not nearly as different as her. He had a little tuft of fur on the top of his head, almost like the hair the humans had. And he had this very cozy-looking yellow and orange scarf, although it didn't look particularly comfortable at the moment because it was soaked. She shook her fur, which clung to her skinny, malnourished frame due to the water.
"I'm.. sorry I dragged you in to this. I'm not sure if there's any point where you could leave, now... The humans are tracking me and the Pokemon I've touched... I don't know why... But I guess I've forced you to be my partner now. So, what's your name?" she discussed, studying him with piercing eyes. She blinked them as a demonstration. "I'm Dusk. Hence my eyes."
Well, that was an interesting turn of events. Jango had expected the humans to catch them, but instead a Riolu had intervened. He ran a separate way once the other two bolted, in an attempt to divide the humans. After only a few minutes of running, he emerged at the lake, and just in time to see his two newest acquaintances swim into a cave. He needed answers, so he leapt into the water and followed them. Upon emerging in the cave, he heard the Eevee say that her name was Dusk. He also got a better look at the Riolu. He was unique, although it paled in comparison to the Eevee. "Dusk, huh? Pretty name. They call me Jango. Don't suppose you could explain why those weird humans were after us? They don't match the usual humans who try to catch us."
Dusk looked up to the Mightyena she'd ran into.
"Well.. I can't explain entirely. I don't know why they need me. But whatever it is I've decided I do not want to be a part of it as what they've done previous to this hasn't really been fun... But they're tracking me down from this- ugh- I can't- could one of you guys- get this off-?" she tugged at a glowing collar around her throat, which had been slowing her down up until that point.
Ryu laid on the ground once again, panting heavily as he tried to regain much of his lost breath. The wet scarf around his neck, however, was making it difficult for him to do so as it constricted due to the water, so he weakly lifted an arm and unwrapped the scarf, laying it down beside him. He then heard an exhausted voice come from the Eevee as she regained the strength to talk. She seemed to be thanking him for his courageous deed. "It's... really n-nothing..." He stuttered through gaps in his breaths. "I mean... what are friends for?" He asked, implying that they were already friends, despite just meeting not too long ago, let alone not even knowing each others' names. She then started apologizing for getting him into the mess. "Oh no, it's really okay." He said, sitting up to look at her, before laying back down weakly and grunting, "Nope, too weak..."

"I mean, why do you think I jumped out in the first place? I wanted to help you, and it seems that I did a good job at doing it. I could care less if they're looking for me now. I could use some more action in my life, anyways. You don't have to apologize for anything." He tried to reassure her. Afterwards, though, he was asked for his name as she introduced herself as Dusk, hence her eyes. "Dusk... that is a really fitting name, not to mention a lovely one, also." He complimented her on her name and eyes. "You can call me Ryu. I guess my-" He stopped there, however, as he was about to bring up a bad memory. "I guess... I was named after a fighter, because I heard the name going around." He explained, rephrasing what he wanted to say. "It's nice to meet you, Dusk." He said, looking over at her with a smile on his face.

Soon after, the Mightyena from before had shown up in the cave. It seemed that he didn't follow them, hence why he was just showing up. It was only after he introduced himself as Jango that Ryu noticed him, jumping slightly at the sudden voice. He then laid his head back as he started drifting in and out of consciousness, only waking up to the sound of Dusk saying that she couldn't get something off. He sat up and looked over at her to see her tugging at a collar. After that, his mind was filled with angry thoughts of the humans again. Those darn humans... why can't they just leave us alone?! He thought to himself. However, he might have said that aloud, as he tends to speak his thoughts sometimes. He didn't realize that he said it aloud, though.

He stood up and stumbled closer to Dusk, getting a better look at the collar. He then reached out at it to grab it. "We've got to get this thing off at all costs." He said, tugging at it a bit more, but stops after realizing that it may be hurting Dusk. He inspected it more, turning the collar around her neck as it slid smoothly. "You'd think this'd stop working after getting wet, but no... man, they thought of everything, didn't they...?" He angrily asked to no one in particular. He then noticed a clasp on the collar, with the end of the collar looping through it. "Oh, phew, this makes it a lot easier to take off." He says in a relieved manner, not explaining what makes it easier. "This could have gone terribly worse had I not found this." He continued, trying to pull the end through the loops. When he had trouble grabbing it, however, he would have to bite it and pull, which he didn't really think about the awkwardness of.
"Humans make things so difficult." Jango agreed, before padding next to the Riolu and Eevee. He lowered his head and clamped his jaw on part of the collar, and began chewing in an attempt to break it. The thing certainly was tough. "Arceus, what did those humans make this thing of?" He mumbled, while still trying to snap it. "Ryu, was it? Any luck on your end?"
After a while, Jango, the Mightyena, had made his way over to where Ryu and Dusk were, and started chewing on the collar to try to snap it. Ryu could have sworn that he heard him mutter something, but didn't want to question him. Jango did, however, ask if Ryu had any luck, along with asking for confirmation on his name. With a nod, he answered, "Well, it is a tough material, it seems. Really, the only way to get it off is to-" He was interrupted by a click from the collar. With a loose tug, the collar came right off. "... do that." He finished with a smile on his face.
(OOC: I'm going to put my Form in the discussion thread, for context, as Jango DOES have a physical difference from most Mightyena.)
BiC: Jango let go as the Riolu, Ryu, he assumed, - because he didn't correct Jango's guess on his name - managed to untie Dusk's collar. "Never did understand why Humans made it so difficult to get things like that off." He said, before once again turning his full attention to the unusually-colored Eevee. "Well, they said we were contaminated, so I guess they'll be looking for us as well. It would be smart if the three of us were to stick together, at least until we get some answers."
Dusk arched her neck as the two others wrestled at her collar, straining as lump formed in her throat. The collar had made it difficult for her to breathe for the past year and a half, and the area around it was swollen and red and the fur was thin, but of course she didn't know that until the collar snapped off. She stumbled for air when it finally did, sucking in huge breathes of fresh air that she hadn't truly experienced for a long time.
Suddenly she was more aware of everything. The breeze whispering into her fur, the wind tickling her ears. Everything in her vision became much sharper than before, and it seemed like her ears cleared and she heard so much more. She could feel each individual crack and dent in the rocks under her paws.
She sniffed the collar curiously. What did it do to stunt her senses?
She noticed that the inside was wired with a weird, gel-like pad, which supposedly was supposed to keep it more comfortable, but utterly failing, and the padded interior seemed to be coated with something shiny. Dusk was about to touch it when Jango spoke up about being contaminated.
"Yeah, I agree. I'm still not sure what they meant by contaminated, though..." she muttered, turning her attention back to the collar, and she noticed that the closer she got, the hazier her senses became.
"Something about this collar is weird. I was so.. stunted. I couldn't see or hear well. Nothing tasted as it had when I had it on. Everything felt the same. I suppose I got used to it and assumed that was normal, but now it's so much clearer... Is it just me?" she thought aloud, not necessarily to nobody, but also not quite to Jango and Ryu.
Carefully, she pressed her nose to it, and suddenly everything was blurry again and nothing was clear. She pulled away and marveled at her new- well, her old- senses. How regular Pokemon sensed.
Everything Dusk said about the collar made Ryu curious. It made him question the humans' motives. Why would they do such a thing? He thought to himself. He looked down at the collar and picked it up. He raised it up to his face and sniffed it, but as he did so he got a little dizzy as his sight faded slightly and his hearing deafened. He dropped it in surprise, and the odd effects wore off. "What in the-" He muttered under his breath. Just then, a bell started ringing in his head. "If only we had more time," he started. "If we did, we'd be able to tell what's up with this collar without any rush, but if those humans were tracking you with this, then we need to get rid of this thing!" He prompted worriedly.

"And to make things worse, they'll most likely be able to track us, more or less you, Dusk, by scent, so we'll have to disguise ourselves; not just by scent, but by looks, too." He said, realizing what had to be done. "For you, Dusk, it's simple; we take some mud and other things, unless you've got anything better, and rub it on your fur to make you look like an ordinary Eevee. For you, Jango, however, we'll need to find someway to make your eye look... well, normal. As for me, we can just get rid of this extra fur on my head, although I am opposed to that since it's the only thing that makes me stand out from others... it's what makes me unique... it makes me... me..." He stopped, starting to get deep into thought. "Anyway, who wants to trash the collar?"
"By all means, me, please, dear Arceus..." Dusk drawled in disgust, stepping down to the entrance of the cave, where lake water lapped at her feet. Then she said something that perhaps didn't make much sense.
"Loosha!" she shouted, studying the water for a moment, in silence.
Then a ripple emerged. And it expanded. Out of the water came a Lapras, shining with water droplets on it's cool, resistant skin, and green moss clinging to it's stone shell.
"Ahh, hi, Loosha, my friend!" Dusk piped cheerfully. The Lapras, dubbed Loosha, grinned back.
"Oh, Dusk, it's lovely to see you! Where have you been?"
"No time to explain that. Could you do me a favor? Take this collar- hold it here, nowhere else or it'll SUCK- and take it to the verrrrryyy bottom of the lake, and bury it, too, if you need to, please? Thank you." she explained, passing the collar to Loosha who nodded, and disappeared beneath the surface once more.
Dusk turned to her new companions once more.
"Mud, no problem. Jango's eye, however... hmm.. and, we don' necessarily have to cut it off, I suppose. Pokemon tend to roll around in the mud, anyway, so if we just do that it'll hide our scent and appearance," she explained, somewhat nervous that Ryu wasn't catching any of this and instead just staring at her, but she hoped he understood because, despite the way the light reflected in her eyes at this particular moment was rather beautiful, this was very important and could lead to the result of their survival or downfall.
Ryu looked over at Dusk as she took the collar; then, he looked over at Jango and grimaced as if to tell him that he should have taken it (nothing personal). Then, he heard Dusk say something quite odd that sounded like "Loosha." A few moments later, something emerged from the lake water. To his surprise, it was a Lapras, seemingly named Loosha. Ryu couldn't quite hear everything that was said, but what he did find out is that Loosha had taken the collar, and dove back underwater with it. Dusk had then turned around to look at Ryu as she started speaking her thoughts on what could be done concerning disguises. However, Ryu wasn't listening completely because of Dusk's eyes. The twinkle in her eyes as the light reflected off of them was breathtaking, and caused him to stare cutely into them. After a while, he snapped out of his trance because he didn't hear her talking anymore, which must have meant that she found out that he was staring again. "Oh... y-yeah, yeah that- that'll work perfectly!" He recovered, hoping that what he said made sense with what she said. Now began the tricky part: trying to remember what she said so he wouldn't have to ask and seem like a fool.
"Great! In the morning, we should find the nearest mud puddle, but for now I think we should stay here, for the night. It's awfully dark," she murmured, casually walking to the back of the small cave, where it looked as though a Wingull or Pelipper had set up nests made of soft moss. Carefully, she stepped down the edges until it was a somewhat flat pile of moss, more than suitable for a well deserved rest. She glanced at the other few nests right next to or near the pillow she'd made herself.
"Unless you happen to be a nocturnal with a very odd sleeping schedule, I suggest you should get some sleep." she said, softly, addressing both of them. While she didn't really want to be too close to them while she rested, she also did, as it made her feel safer to be near one of her new friends, so she looked closely at the nest accompanying her just mere inches away, inviting one of the two to settle down into it.
Dusk said a few more things, those of which gave Ryu a good idea of what she had suggested not too long before. She had then migrated toward the back of the cave, using the abundance of moss to her advantage. She had then invited one of them over to her to sleep by her. Ryu saw this as his chance to get to know her better. Or, at the very least, be with her. She was certainly a beauty to behold, and Ryu wanted to be the best friend he could be for her. "I think I'll take you up on your offer, Dusk." He said without hesitation, picking his scarf up off the ground and heading over towards the moss nest that had been made conveniently right next to another. "Yeah, I suppose it is getting late. Swimming for two can be exhausting." He stated, emphasizing his physical exhaustion.

He laid down on the mossy nest and got comfortable; despite his scarf still being damp and cold, he used the scarf as a pillow for himself. But then, he looked over at Dusk, who was beside him and still seemingly wet. He looked back and forth between her and his scarf, for he was conflicted between two choices. Either he could keep the scarf for himself as he slept, or he could give the scarf to Dusk for her to use. Ultimately, he chose the latter. Laying the scarf out flat, he folded it up in the same neat pattern that he was taught. "Here, Dusk." He asked for her attention, holding out the neatly folded scarf for her. "You seem to need it more than I do."
Dusk smiled sweetly as the Riolu settled down beside her, and, with the warmth of the nearby Pokemon, she curled into a ball-like shape to rest and started dozing off when Ryu brought up how truly tired he was.
Dusk's cheeks went red.
"Oh, I-I'm really sorry about that.."she mumbled at the memory of her swimming- or- "swimming" accident.
She set her chin down on her paws, stewing in embarrassment, when he piped up to give her his scarf.
"Are.. are you sure?" she replied cautiously. Although she appreciated it, it was still his scarf, and she didn't want to have to take it from him. "You can take it back, you know." she offered gently.
When Dusk apologized for the whole "swimming accident," Ryu's face grew red as he felt that what he said was misinterpreted. "Oh no, I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was just saying it's tiring! It's really quite alright! I don't blame you!" He tried to correct himself. As Dusk hesitated on taking the scarf, however, Ryu's offer still stood. "Please, I insist, though. I mean, unless you say you're fine without it, you can have it." He continued, trying not to seem too pushy. "You can, of course, return it after. You just seem cold is all. I just thought that the scarf would help somewhat. I don't mind sleeping without it; don't feel guilty if you do." He tried reassuring her, telling her that he really didn't mind.
"Please, I don't mean any trouble, you take it." Dusk insisted, nudging it back towards him with a charming grin, and settled back into her moss for real this time, drifting off to sleep.
(Low muse, sorry;;)
(OOC: Sorry, but... low muse? I don't get it. Perhaps explain it later?)

BIC: To his surprise, Dusk had politely refused his offer to sleep with the scarf. "Well, alright then... if you insist." He says, putting the scarf down beside him and laying his head down on it to get some sleep. However, he was left sleepless; at least for a while. He had too many thoughts flying through his head, most of them being about the humans and why they were chasing them, but others being about how cute Dusk looked when she slept. Luckily, this single thought vanquished all the other negative thoughts about the humans, allowing him to sleep with an empty mind.
(OOC: Oh, sorry! It was something in that old forum of mine. It just means that they're acknowledging that they haven't written much and will pick up the pace sooner or later.)

Dusk was stuck in a nightmare.
The sky was pitch black, darker than the fur of a Houndoom.
"Dusk and Dawn will save the sky.
Despite the sunset's fatal cry."
Something was speaking. It echoed in her ears, ringing painfully.
She looked around and saw a curved, wicked looking blade on a small, stone table.
Next to it was a sun stone.
And beside the table was a lower, wider table.
They set her down on the low table.
Held her down despite her squirms.
And forced the blade to her throat.

Dusk woke up in cold sweat- or perhaps that was just the water. She was shaking. Something was off about that and she was petrified. In fact, she was positive she felt the sting of tears burning around her eyes. She hiccuped and wiped them away, but more formed. It was so vivid, so real. And what was that quote? Was her fatal cry her last plead before death by the blade? What did it all mean? What did they mean by contaminated?
She focused on her breathing and tried to fall back asleep.
Her plan failed, so she sat in the darkness with her paws tucked under her tail.
Well, that night's events proved to be interesting. Apparently Dusk could summon a Lapras named Loosha. Hiding Jango's eye could be a problem, unless they could get a Zoroark's help. As the other two went to sleep, he looked back at them. "I can go a long time without sleep. I'll keep a lookout." He stated. And with that, Jango sat, his back facing his new companions and staring intently at the cave entrance, all senses alert.
Name: Casey
Age: 12
Pokemon / Type: Jolteon/Electric
Appearance: Wears a bandanna around head and is missing one of his fangs.
Personality: Very outgoing and friendly. He'll stand up for whatever he believes in. He never backs down especially for others' sake. Casey is also extremely easygoing and generous and typically puts others' needs ahead of his own, Doesn't handle girls well at all
Crush: Casey :D
Strengths: Perseverant, strong willed, empathetic
Weaknesses: Short tempered, being flirted with
Fears: Betrayal, loneliness
Other: N/A for now

Casey had finally had enough of hiking around and decided to take a break. Starving out of his mind, Casey finally deemed it necessary to dig out some food from his bag. He took out a paw full of berries and stuffed them into his mouth. He had planned on saving the rest but his hungry had gotten to him so once he had a taste of the berries, it was a done deal. Once done with the hand full, he reached in his bag and grabbed another. And another. And another. Before long, Casey had a full stomach and a bag void of any food. "That's great. Way to go moron." Casey sighed and picked up his things. "I'll have to worry about food later. I need shelter right now." Casey continued his hike for another half mile before coming across a cave. He always detested such dark and mysterious areas as such but with fatigue starting to set in, he wasn't left with much of a choice. Casey slowly made his way toward the entrance from the side, being cautious of any danger it may hold. Once he reached the opened, Casey peeked his head inside to check what the cave held.
Dusk stirred in her bed of moss, stiffening as discomfort washed through her suddenly. She sighed and slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them with a weary paw. Her ears drooped with fatigue, and she went rigid when she saw a figure peeing through the entrance of the cave. She jumped to her feet, her eyes bright with suspicion.
"H-hey! Get out! Don't come- any closer!" she snapped, backing up slightly. She knew she couldn't touch him- he'd be "contaminated".. and whatever that meant was not good. "Who.. are you?" she spat, her voice harsh with fear. Her fur was fluffed jaggedly along her spine specifically, making her seem slightly larger than she was. Which didn't necessarily make her seem any more intimidating, but it still happened, and she still let a soft growl rumble in her throat, her whole body tense.
Jango walked protectively in front of Dusk and got in a crouch, snarling. Whatever being "contaminated" meant, it resulted in those humans following them, and it could happen to this Pokemon, too. If Jango had to intimidate him to stop him from having the same fate as them, so be it. "For your own sake, Jolteon, I recommend leaving." He growled, as his fangs began to glow an ice blue color, and a cold mist began to come off of them. "Either explain yourself or go."
Casey reveals the rest of himself and raises his paws into the air. "Hey, I'm just looking for a place to sleep okay? I've been walking around all day and I think I deserve some RnR. But that's just me." Casey inched himself closer to the trio in a nonthreatening manner. "My name is Casey. You guys seem a little..... 'Territorial'..... But I'd appreciate it if you just let me stay here for the night. I'll even go out and get breakfast for everyone in the morning!" Casey offered as he tilted his head to the side with a smile.
Honestly, Jango was surprised the Jolteon hadn't fled upon seeing him prepare an attack. He was brave, that was for sure, and Jango had to give him credit for that, but he didn't get up from his crouched position. "Territorial isn't the word I'd use. But, it's not my call. Dusk? What do you think?" He tilted his head in Dusk's direction, but kept his working eye trained on the Jolteon. "I think I know why you don't want him near us, and frankly, I agree, but I'm leaving this up to you."
Dusk looked down and studied the ground for a moment, weighing her options. Taking a deep breathe, she looked up, meeting the Jolteon's eyes with her sunset gaze.
"You can stay. You don't need to hunt as of tomorrow, but you'll sleep on the other side of the cave. It's not my precautions of you, it's more so my safety measures of myself. Do not touch any of the Pokemon currently in the cave- okay?" she muttered, shuffling her paws silently in her moss. She was no longer tired; she was on edge, somewhat afraid, and she walked up near Jango.
"I know you say you can stay up but you need to rest. We'll probably have to be running from something tomorrow and you should get some sleep. I'll keep watch. If it gets out of hand I'll wake you." she promised, busying him off with a small smile.
(Of course :p)
Casey's face contained a slight frown, offended by Isolation. "Well that's better than nothing I guess. I'll just-" Casey was interrupted by the sudden baby Heracross. Casey picked him up and read the scarf. "Big Pokémon? I doubt I qualify but.... I don't see any other candidates. If you guys don't mind, I think this little guy deserves a spot here too." Casey walks over to his spot without any confirmation and lies all his belongings down. "Um, if you're hungry, you're out of luck. I don't have anything. Unless they have some food." Casey hinted at them with a side gaze.
Name: Caesar
Age: 16
Pokémon/type: Monferno: Fighting/Fire
Appearance: Average Monferno; wears a blue bandana around his neck
Personality: shy towards most strangers but generally nice. Typically quiet.
Crush: none
Strength: Feeling threatened brings out the best in him
Weakness: Trusting others
Fear: Abandonment; just as his trainer did to him
Other: N/A


"Get out of here! You're weak!" Those were the last words Caesar heard from his trainer after he had appeared from his poke ball; but not for battling. "I need a strong Pokémon! Not one that will hold me back!"

Caesar had been on his own for almost three weeks now; every day no easier than the last. He had traveled alone ever since his abandonment. He held his tail out beside him, the flame giving the Monferno light as he traveled through the darkness. He hadn't even spoken to a Pokémon ever since his abandonment. His blue bandanna, that hung around his neck, was all he had left to remember his home. He couldn't part with it. This also, however, made wild Pokémon aware he was a trainer kept Pokémon and caused them to avoid him. Outcast him.

His stomach began to rumble and he made his way under a tree where he sat, exhausted and hungry. He had no food and no shelter. He had nothing. He looked up at the tree and figured that'd be the safest place to be. As he began to climb, he saw a cave nearby. He heard voices, but figured the curiosity would only get him hurt or shunned again. He propped himself up on a branch and laid against the trunk, drifting to sleep.
Glen yawned as he trekked through the dense forest. It was getting pretty dark, but that could have been the least of his problems. Why in blazes is the sky breaking apart? I had nothing to do with it, that's for sure. That might be something I'm not able to deal with. So, I might as well focus on dealing with this. Glen's rings slowly got brighter, the light clashing against the darkness of the night, until the area around him became illuminated with a blue light. That's better. He kept hiking, still barely managing to stay awake, thanks to his light. Suddenly, Glen came across a cave that looked pretty occupied. A strange looking Eevee, a Mightyena, and a Jolteon. He padded in front of them. "Hello."