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Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

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Midnight looked at Crescent and her ears went down. She growled at her immediate reaction and at the Emperor. She made her ears go back up and stared at the closet door. She jumped out of Crescent's tail and shot a Shadow Ball at the door, creating a hole in the door.
"Again, kids, I'm in a hurry." The emperor said. He sighed. "I'll let them go alright. But, not you!" Then a big electric cage appeared, and Midnight and Crescent was in it. "I better get going. Toodles." He said then he walked away.
Crescent jumped in surprise, before with a snarl she threw herself at the bars of the cage. The resulting shock lit up her runes, and she yowled in pain, leaping back. Her mouth glowed, and she shot a Dragon Pulse towards the bars, which only resulted in a scorch mark. Not knowing how to use the rest of her moves properly, she began to panic. She trotting in a few rapid circles, looking around frantically. It seemed her old self had returned, as she began muttering frightfully. "no...no... not again..." she whispered hoarsely. Still, she searched the bars, running alongside them, just to do something to occupy herself. But, alas, she couldn't figure out how to escape, and she dropped to the middle of the floor, cowering.
Midnight looked at Crescent worriedly. "It's ok Crescent" she said trying comfort her. "I know how to get us out" she said and used Dig right next to Crescent. "Here let's go" she said to Crescent.
Crescent nodded shakily, slowly crawling into the hole Midnight made. Her confidence had left, even once she was out of the cage, she kept glancing back at it. She wanted to snarl at it, hiss, attack it, but she couldn't bring herself to. She was fighting a lot of instinct, attack it or run from it, but she had to remain calm and stay with Midnight too.
"Impossible." The emperor's wife came in the room. She was on the phone. "Ok, then, bye." She put her phone away. "What are you doing? Don't dig it'll hurt you. It's deep and at almost the bottom, it has diamond. It's unbreakable. "
Midnight heard the Emperors wife and growled. She dug to the side more and then up and out of the cage. "Looks like it's not that impossible" she smirked when she got out of the hole and the cage. "Come on Crescent, let's get out of here" she said protectively putting a hand out for her to grab.
"Kids." She rolled her eyes. "It is impossible. How do I know? Because I live here. Diamond is unbreakable. Have you gone to school?" She said. She had kids that go to school.
Midnight smirked. "Actually I have been o school but I'm out of the cage now, aren't I?" She said pulling Crescent out of the hole. She walked to the door and pushed it. "Moons" she said when the door didn't open.
The emperor's wife laughed when it didn't open. "Trick door. We knew this was coming. So, we planned it." She smirked. She jumped down and went in there faces. "Now you know nothing, this never happened." Her eyes were swirling, hipnotyzing them. When they were asleep she threw them outside.
When Midnight woke up her head was throbbing. "Oh moons what happened" she muttered. Then she remembered what happened and immediately became alert and stood protectively over Crescent.
Crescent groaned, trying to clear the foggy haze in her mind. Her vision was blurry, and she couldn't seem to shake off this feeling of unease that settled over her. "W-what happened?" She croaked. Her ears flattened as even her voice seemed to cause an earthquake inside her head.
As Zenix was ringing his bell, he felt that something happened to Crescent and Midnight. "Something... doesn't feel right," he said. He then looked to the direction of the emperor's building.
Midnight looked down at Crescent and smiled. "Are you ok?" She asked her. "Why are you here?" She growled at the kid. "And don't lie" she said.
"Me, lie? Why am I here? You are hilarious! Today is the parade. I'm the star and everyone knows me. I'm getting ready, silly." Sylvia laughed. "And I'm also the... better not talk about it." She said.
Midnight looked surprised. "Well I'm Midnight and this is Crescent" she said looking down at her sister but then quickly getting out of her bubble. She looked around and saw Zenix, Roxie and Matt. She smiled at them and signaled them over.
Sylvia spotted Roxie and Matt. She waved, because she knows them. Meanwhile, Matt saw Midnight's signal. He nodded and ran toward her. Roxie weakly got up and tried to walk to her.
Zenix smiled when he saw Midnight. He started to walk to her, but noticed Roxie having trouble. "Here, let me help you," he said offering Roxie his help.
"Thanks," Roxie smiled, accepting the help. She waved at Sylvia. 'I wonder what Sylvia is doing and why is Midnight and Crescent outside, because that was quick.' She thought.
Midnight turned very serious. "We need to go now, before the Emperor finds out the we escaped" she said quickly. "I'll give you some energy to make a portal out of here" she said and gave some energy to Roxie.
Roxie felt stronger, but she's still sick. "Ok I'll try." She shut her eyes and muttered some words. Then a big blue portal appeared. "Come on. You first."
Matt went through but he got shot back out. "What's going on? Why can't I get through?" Sylvia laughed. "Um, you can't leave if you're born here. Today's the parade and a spell is casted that no one can leave until the day is over unless you ask me or the emperor but if I let you I'm in big trouble and I'll go to jail and everyone will hate me."
Crescent didn't yelp as she was tossed through, although she did grunt as she hit the ground. Her vision and mind hadn't cleared yet, in fact, she felt more woozy than ever. She groaned, sitting up was a struggle, and she swayed even though she wasn't moving from her sitting position.
Zenix was ready to help Roxie cross the portal, but noticed Matt getting sent back. "Then what do we do now?" he asked after hearing Sylvia.
Midnight went back to the other side. "Hey are you guys coming because I'm not staying on the other side of you guys aren't coming" she said.
Midnight jumped through the portal back to the side where Roxie and the rest were. "Ok then I'm staying here. Close the portal" she said.
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Species: Eevee
Role: Child
Parents: Father Zach (Umbreon) and mom Zoe (Espeon)
Moves: Tackle and Growl
Personality: Shy, deep personality, funny and can be childish
Likes: Shadow likes the night
Dislikes: Shadow dislikes the bright sun
Others: Shadow has a dark mark in it's forehead
Midnight looked surprised at Sylvia's action. "Go ahead and try to go in guys, if you can't then I'm staying here with you guys and Crescent isn't feeling well so she's going to stay on that side either way" she explained.
"Alright!" Zenix said, "Thanks Sylvi!" He jumped through the portal and was back at the daycare. Now he waits for Midnight to cross through.
"Oh no. Someone saw." Matt said. "I knew this will come in handy one day." Roxie said getting out something like glitter. She sprinkled it on Shadow. "It'll make him forget about what he saw and be blind to the portal."
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