Eli sat back and looked at Flarea "Well, you see, humans are very fragile creatures, you see raw meat has a certain quality, specifically bacteria, that makes us very, very sick" he looked back at the pot "Eating raw meat has the very real threat of killing us, but if you heat up meat above a certain temperature for long enough, all the bacteria die, making it safe, and as meat is one of the best ways to get protein, that is a very useful thing" he leaned back in, pulling out the spoon and smelling it, he proceeded to remove the pot from the fire, pulling some leafs (Similar to bay leaves) and throwing them in the fire "and due to that, many humans have grown the habit of cooking multiple food together in multiple ways to get different flavors, this is not limited to meat, keeping many things cold can preserve them from rot before you are ready to use, boiling water can make it safe, careful incision to remove poisons and venoms" He looked back at the dragon "You can trivally pick up something and eat, but that carelessness for me can easily be devastating"