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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

Yuro sighed and thought some more. He wasn't sure if Muel was disarmed. However, he trusted the ship to make good judgment calls. But, just in case. "Um, I know I'm not Eli, bit can you please ask Evelin and Lykros to guard the entryway?" He looked back at Muel. "There, I'm granting your request. But until that door closes, you have guards. If the Computer allows my request to go through."
Evelin and Lykos went to where they last saw Yuro disappear. When they got there, they saw the dark grey drake smile and turn to the person inside the prison. "It's nothing. Just don't make me regret it. I'm trusting you not to try anything. And I know it can." He sighed and looked at the human and wolf. "Whatever you do, don't let him free. That decision is Eli's to make and Eli's alone. He has done terrible things and he is good at manipulating people." The two nodded as Evelin bit back some words. Yuro left and Evelin started humming as she kept an eye on Muel.

Yuro walked to where he saw Flarea go to talk to Eli and entered the room, wondering if it was a bad time. He went up to Eli's bed and sat there, a worried look on his face. Hopefully he didn't fall for a Muel trap.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel looked at the two newcomers “Hello, who are you? I’ve never seen you two before, if you are here, you must be from a place ravaged by that dragon and her partner after stealing my work”

Eli was fast asleep
Evelin sighed. "Your guards. But by name we are-"
Lykos stopped her. "Look at his eyes. Definitely, without a doubt, evil. Red is the sign of corruption. A sign of dark magic."
Evelin facepalmed. "That's only back at home. Anyway, I'm Evelin, the wolf is Lykos. And yes, that did happen. I said she couldn't be trusted, and did anyone believe me? Nooo. She was treated like a citizen until she led an attack." Evelin looked at Lykos and pointed at him. "You owe me an apology for letting her in."
Lykos sighed. "I'm sorry for letting her in and not trusting you." The black-haired girl nodded with contentment.

Yuro glanced up. "Computer, is it wise to wake Eli up about this question? Or should I tell Muel to wait until later and you tell me when he's awake?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
“He just got into a restful sleep that he has needed, he is very close to recovery and waking him up might make recovery longer” the computer responded

Muel smiled “You let her in? Well, I guess everyone learns something now and then” he stood up “What was she doing there, if I may ask”
Yuro nodded. "Can you let me know when he wakes up then?" Yuro backed away from Eli and left the room. He didn't want to tell Muel Eli was sleeping and he didn't want to lie, so he'd had to be careful with his words. He had it. He walked back to Muel's prison, not going down the hall until he had an answer.

Evelin frowned. "Someone else knocked us out during it. Me, I'm guessing because I was asking questions and I didn't trust her. Him because he's extremely loyal." Evelin sighed. "When we woke up, friends and family was attacking each other. A hooded figure called them 'false life'." Evelin shook her head. "Now here's a question for you, why are you locked up?" Evelin leaned against a wall facing Muel, an eyebrow raised. Lykos sat down next to her, allowing Evelin to do all the talking.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"Yes sir"

Muel looked up at her "I was trying to acquire a rare material, that is considered taboo to create, I was stopped in the process and locked up, we had are disagreements before, but Eli threw me in prison this time"
Evelin rolled her eyes. "Wow, this is surprisingly cliche. Let me guess, you two used to be close friends or something." Lykos tried to silence her with a stare, but Evelin kept going. "Oo! Oo! I know, teammates!" She chuckled. "Sorry, fiction nerd and someone who loves dissecting tropes. And making references."
Yuro walked into the room and looked at Muel. "He still needs to make his decision." He then looked at Evelin. "I didn't know you were a talker." She shrugged. "You wouldn't understand a good portion of what I would say. Too many references to books found at my home."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel chuckled "Oh, no, we were never teammates, or friends, maybe allies a few times, but we never liked it" he looked at her "and you? if I had to say, you are more cliche than you accused me of, fiction references you know don't apply? chosen savior from another world, maybe universe, just screams at me. where's the jewelry that lets you do it?"
A huge smile appeared on Evelin's face as Yuro shook his head and left. "I'm not the only one who noticed it! Thank goodness!" Lykos growled slightly at Evelin to shut her up as she pulled out the necklace out of under her shirt. "Right here. Takes me to and from Silverhawk. Also let's me know when it's in danger and I'm not there. Right now, the amulet thinks I'm at Silverhawk due to the fact I never went "home" with it. So no terrible headaches for me." She placed the amulet back under her shirt and crossed her arms. "So, any other tropes that you can think of, other than talking animal companion, of course. And magic." It was clear Evelin enjoyed pointing out tropes and Lykos was getting annoyed. "I would say hero's journey works for me as well." Lykos flattened his ears and laid to the floor.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He smirkes "Ad I suppose the amulete is very picky and ONLY works for you?" he thought a moment "Well, Eli has a nasty habit of always coming back, even if you thought you clearly killed him, pretty cliche fiction-esch"
Evelin shook her head. "It's not that picky. The only rule is that you have to have blue eyes. But then again, if I take it off, goodbye Silverhawk. I forget everything about that place. So, not the type of picky you're thinking of." She thought for a moment and shrugged with a smile. "Well, I don't have the same protection. I mean, I can heal myself and create small force fields that can protect me from minor things, but no recoveries like you're talking about. Also, this ship. Very sci-fi. To the point it's a trope." Lykos glared at the two of them, silently begging them to stop.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel laughed "It's hardly Sci-fi if its it literally surrounding you" he chuckled "I know how this whole thing works, and how to construct many wonders, I bet if I studied that necklace, I could find out everything about it" he raised his hands "Not saying you should let me, just saying I could"
Evelin raised an eyebrow. "Then I guess it isn't fantasy if it's literally surrounding you, by that logic." She then glared at Muel when he started talking about her necklace, her hand hovering her sword as he was to close to shoot an arrow at. She relaxed some when he said he didn't have to look at it. "Good. And I suggest you drive that idea from your mind, I'm never going to give it to anyone. Not even Lykos." She crossed her arms and glowered at Muel, not saying anything else. Lykos sighed with relief as he also glared at Muel.
Lykos growled. "I suggest you stay quiet." Evelin rolled her eyes then looked at Lykos. "He doesn't like the fact I call his home a living fantasy." She then looked back at Muel. "And my stance stays the same. Now how about you tell me more about what you do." Evelin chuckled. "I told you a lot about my amulet. Your turn to share." She seemed to be more open again after his explanation.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel smiled "I'm what's classified as a lesser lesser demon, the kind of childhood you are used to does not apply where I am from, as a
lowly one, I had to learn quick, becoming knowledgeable, one day, I will go back, whoop the Devils life, then just leave, upend society" he sat back "They taught us how to do it, they never would think we would dare bring it against themselves"
Evelin's eyes widened in shock when she heard that Muel was a demon. Even if he was the lesser of the lesser demon. Though, to her, it explained his appearance. She listened and didn't speak up till the end. "You want to destroy demon society. I get that part. But why? Is it because of the rough childhood? Or something else? A petty grudge? A vow of revenge? A desire know your people are thrown into chaos?" Evelin closed her eyes and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I just can't understand why you would do that."
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He smiled “The whole order of command is built of strength, often sprouted from when you are born, they expected me to not do much of anything, maybe become someone’s hated neighbor, but when I beat the leader, a lesser lesser demon, the whole place will be flipped on its head” he stood up
Evelin nodded. "So you want to prove a point?" She shrugged. "Could be worse. And your home sounds awful. Did you have any friends there? Any at all?" She then realized how stupid the question was and looked down at her feet for a second, then scratched behind Lykos's ear, the wolf giving a slight growl of enjoyment. She then looked back at Muel. "And demons from stories are most of the time naturally evil. Are you like that? Well, your people."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He nodded “One, but we never really saw each other” he listened to the next question “Most of them, yeah, though some demons are good, they are a rarity, and are usually still a bit of...” he thought for a moment “Like the equivalent of what you might call a ‘bad girl’”
Evelin nodded. "Would you consider yourself one of the 'good' ones?" She thought for a second. "And how well did you two get along when you did see each other? What did you do with him, or her." She smiled to Muel. Then a spark of realization hit her face. "Sorry for asking so many questions. But I am genuinely curious on your views. And that's the only lead you gave me. And I never met any demons before also makes me curious." She chuckled as Lykos glared at her.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He smiled “Well, yes, I do, though I guess most think that, dont’t they? We were friendly to each other, but she was often sent of, harbringer of the demon realm to another plain and everything, really it was just pity to me” he layed down “What about your home?”
Evelin nodded as he spoke and for some reason felt bad for him. When he asked about her home, she looked completely stunned. "Oh, wow, depends on which one. My birthplace or Silverhawk. I consider both my home. But I'm guessing you ment my birthplace." She chuckled as she walked closer to Muel and sat on the floor. "Well, unlike your home we tend not to place strength at birth high on the list. Instead we are simply raised to be about the same. Then school starts and then friend groups are made. I've always been that one person that loved to read. As I grew, I loved reading more and more. I'm not the smartest in the class, but I tended to get As and Bs. I also had s brother who was great at sports. Because my parents could show off his trophies, they got super excited over every single game. I started multiple book clubs. First few failed because I couldn't convince people to come and stay. So I had to practice talking, and persuading. My last one was a success, but I left because everyone wanted to read published fanfiction." She shook her head then looked down. "Obviously, my childhood was much easier than yours. And I'm not sure if you could relate to anything that I just told you. But if you have any questions about what I just said, feel free to ask."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He smiled “That’s sounds different from my schools, I had classes like tourcher 101 and PE was fighting with real weapons, you complained about being hurt? You got detention” he frowned “I guess it was there way of teaching to never show pain”
Evelin frowned. "Are you fine? Your school sound traumatic. I mean, we were never given real weapons ever. And if someone would show up to school with one, they would be arrested." She shook her head. "I guess where I come from, socialization is what we're judged on. The better one can talk, the more powerful in society they become." Lykos glared at Muel, disliking the fact Evelin was being so friendly with him. He was the prisoner, not some sort of guest.
Evelin sighed. "The closest thing to a weapon that I've ever held before going to Silverhawk was a kitchen knife and a baseball bat. The first instance I was putting it away. The second one I was playing baseball. At gym class. The one class that divides the school. It's worse than published fanfiction. Actually, no. They are at about the same awful." Evelin thought for a second. "Would you like to know more about Silverhawk Forest? It's my second home. I place I love retuning to." Evelin eyes sparkled as she spoke about Silverhawk. Lykos shook his head no as he fought the urge to lunge at Evelin to keep quiet.
Lykos was clearly getting very agitated, his growling now being extremely loud. Evelin shook her head and ignored him. "Well, Silverhawk is very different than my home that I spoke about. There, children are taught how to defend themselves due to the consent war with Bronzefalcon. Also, there are no buildings. There is the Silver Glade though, the home of the unicorns. They offered their glade as protection of sorts." Evelin smiled as she thought about her second home. "It's inhabited by talking animals and the unicorns. There are dragons now and again, but they aren't very common. They prefer Goldeagle due to the fact it is very mountainous." She thought for a moment. "Do you want to know something that still blows my mind? I'll tell you. When someone changes alligences, their eye color changes. Silverhawk is blue, Goldeagle is green, and Copperowl and Bronzefalcon is brown and like colors."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
“Talking animals?” He looked down at Lykos “Could have guessed, but he’s so quiet” he looked up at her “Their eye color changes? Like this?” He closed his eyes, he did not use his demon power much, but he still could as he opened his eyes, now sapphire blue.
Lykos muttered something when Muel said he was very quiet. He noticed that Evelin was about to speak up until Muel continued. Lykos and Evelin both watched and when Muel opened his eyes, Lykos stared at him with his mouth open, dumbfound. He heard Eve giggled slightly. "Not exactly. They don't choose to change their eye color. It is more of a subconscious thing, if conscious at all. It happens without them knowing. Though, they do know it has happened because they changed sides. What I'm trying to say is that they don't have control over their eye colors, it just changes to match their allegiance."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel smiles at Lykos, blinking repeatedly, changing his eyes to an assortment of colors before letting rest back on red “Hmm, demons just do whatever suits what they need, and they would probably Have a great time there”
Evelin frowned when Muel finished his statement, clearly disliking the idea. "Then I hope they would stay far away from us. My job as the defender of Silverhawk is hard enough with Bronzefalcon constantly attacking. The only reason why I'm here is because they broke into Silver Glade. No one just breaks into Silver Glade and gets away with it. I mean, it's the place of peace and protection in Silverhawk." She sighed. "Sorry, just dislike the idea of people disturbing my home."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
He smiled “Don’t worry, there is currently no settled demon colony around your universe, the chance of one showing up is very very low chance of one showing up” he looked at her “and they would probably would be a loner”
Evelin sighed in relief then looked at Muel. "Loner? Wait, have you been alone for a long time? I could hardly imagine that. Do demons prefer to be alone? Do you prefer to be alone? Am I bothering you?" She shook her head as her mind went wild. She hated to think that she was someone being annoying to someone who couldn't get away. She frowned and looked at Muel. "Because, if I am, just tell me to shut up or something and I will. Don't want to be that person."
Lykos growled. "Like I would talk to you. I don't trust anyone with red eyes. Signs of dark magic." He glared at Muel, his teeth bared. "And your illusion magic doesn't trick me." Evelin frowned and shook her head. "I'm so sorry for my friend. He's very suspicious of people with red eyes, I guess. Never had to deal with that before. He associates it with Bronzefalcon. I think." Lykos laid down, head facing Muel only because his job was to make sure he didn't escape. Evelin started biting her lip during to her companion's bad behavior.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel got up and bent down to the wolf’s eye level “Where I Come from, dogs and wolfs are fertile beasts that can’t be trusted unless you beat them down and make sure they know you are their master, so I guess we all have are problems” he stood up “For you it’s eye color, for me it’s, well, a lot of thing, but we will say dogs for now, a lot would say demons, Eli would flip out if he ever laid eyes on a unicorn”