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Open Enter A New Region: Hepplea!

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"COMBO... POWER... BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST!!!!!!" A huge blast from Dartrix, Torracat and Brionne blew team plane away. Ace and his pokemon, exhausted fall onto the ground.
"Hey Ced I'm gonna challege the normal type gym leader see ya later" Ace called out before leaving the apartment Palmer brought them too. Ace walked into the gym with his Pokemon by his side. To his surprise ! "Everyone in this gym is fat!!!". Ace was stopped by the same guy as before "Hey bud 'member me?" "Yeah, your the guy who helped me in the lasy gym." "Yeah and just gonna be quick and tell you that this is a normal gym so be prepared" "Thanks" Ace managed to beat the other fat trainers and heard one of them "Remember that guy who challengd all of us at once and beat us!" said one of them "Yeah i think his name was something like Rex?". Ace was shocked when he heard this.
"So Rex was here not long ago?" Ace thought to himself. He walked up to Biggs and saw how gigantic she was! "Ok Biggs I'm ready to battle" Ace's Pokemon were really excited. "Then let's big-in get it?" Ace held his laugh in "Go Charjabug!" The gym leader sent out her Pokemon and the battle started.
"Wrap up his Pokemon with string shot." Her Pokemon was sealed in string "Now attack with Spark!
Lucas walks into the gym. Tsane city's gym was massive. Biggs the leader stands there. Lucas sends out beedrill and Biggs sends out herdier. "OK trainer you are going down. Take down!" Herdier jumped onto the beedrill.
"Beedrill use poision sting!" The beedrill poisoned herdier. Herdier fainted.
"Go eevee! Use tackle." Beedrill fell from the sky. Fainted.
"Go dratini! Use dragon breath!" The eevee fAinted.
" watchog go! Retaliate!" The watchog knocked out the dratini.
"Fine this way is better. Go quiladin! Use retaliate!" And like before both Pokemon fainted.
"How many Pokemon do you have left?" Biggs asked.
"One." Lucas had one he was presented with the chubby badge. Lucas put it into his case and left waving at Biggs.
"Go charjabug finish his Pokemon" after a hard battle Ace finally wins the gym badge from Biggs "He was to powerful you really think you can beat him?" Asked Biggs, Ace knew he was talking about Rex, his brother "I can and I will, il meet him in the big leauge" "Then Ace you might want to take this" Bigg gives Ace a map "That map will take you somewhere to make your charja bug evolve and also help you train" Ace nodded as he walked off. When Ace walked out the gym he saw many kids in trouble "HELP HELP THEY STOLE OUR POKEMON!" the kids screamed as people with masks ran away. A mysterious man jumped right in front of them with a Infernape, Empoleon and Torrerra by his side "GO!" With one blow the robbers fell back dropping the Pokeball with the children's Pokemon. Ace picked them up and gave it to the kids, the mysterious person said to Ace in a small whisper "see you in the Hepplea league" As he swiftly dissapeared.
Ace knew who the voice belonged to and recognized the Pokèmon. It was Rex, his brother. Ace was determined to beat ever gym leader so that he could beat his brother the words were stuck in his brain "see you in the Hepplea league" "trust me Rex I'm gonna beat you then you'll have to appologise" Dartrix, Torran at and Brionne looked at Ace with a worried expression, Ace noticed right away "Don't worry guys I'm ok..." "RAWR" a Jangmo-O appeared "WOW A JANGO-O. GO Popplio!" The wild Jangmo-O used Dragon Tail "Popplio use bubblebeam" It caused a huge explosion was made "Go Pokeball" the Pokeball shook once... another time... once more... Click! "YES WE CAUGHT JANGMO-O"
Ace didn't know if he should tell Lucas so he said "I don't know" It wasn't a complete lie because he didn't know it was Rex for sure.
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