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DPPt/HGSS Explanation: Basics to a Competitive Team

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Because I don't like stating this over and over again, I'm going to make a little Thing on the Basics of forming a good competitive team and raising one to an extent. This guide was made for your convince to help your teams out. Click on the following Links to be brought to the corresponding page.

*Warning: if you report any of the following posts that you think are double posting, I'm doing it so this topic can help serve you as the one needing help for the better. I think this format looks way nicer and more organized. Not just some huge wall of text at you, right? Now, no one else go posting like I just did, cause it's against the rules. I had to so I could present information in a better way for you users of my topic.

The Basics
Raising and Breeding
The Moves
Other Factors: The Items and Abilities
Other Useful Information
Why EV Train?

Hope that helped you guys with questions out there. Other members are also encouraged to add to the lists I've made and add to what I've got already. If you ever need a hand with your teams, just post in this area of the forums and I'll help you with what I can.

Edit: This is the updated version. Coming next, another surprise.
Edit: New update, added a clauses section for those who battle on places other than here at 'Charms.
Edit: Why people EV Train, and no it's not a hobby.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
3 ) Never have two attacks of the same type on one Pokemon. The only exception is if you're using a CB Pokemon. Even then, only have two attacks of the same type, One special, One Physical.

I cannot emphasise this enough. Today I've seen two "wonderful" teams with copious numbers of same type moves on Pokemon.

You need to have different Types of move on each Pokemon so that they're flexible. A Venusaur with four Grass-type attacks is effectively crippled. What will you do if your Venusaur faces an opponent where Grass-type moves are not very effective? None of its moves will do much damage. And what if your other Pokemon are all knocked out? You'll be completely stuck.

Yes, you should use the Same Type Attack Bonus. It's useful, boosting your moves by 50%. But don't get too obsessed with it. Make sure each Pokemon has moves to cover its Type weaknesses and give it the flexibility to face different opponents. Check the Pokedex and the Type Chart available on Pokecharms or other sites and try to come up with a moveset that will protect your Pokemon if:
1) It's the only Pokemon you have left, and it's facing an opponent with a Type advantage.
2) It's the best Pokemon you have for that opponent, but the foe knows a move that's Super Effective against it.

Also, remember that dual-Type Pokemon get STAB from both of their Types. Thus Venusaur should know, at the very least, one Grass and one Poison attack.
That's exactly what I had on my Venusaur before I revised my team after I read this guide. And I think you said That so... Anyway These rules really helped my pokemon team. Thanks Plapti!!!
The Basics:

1 ) Use Diverse types of Pokemon. in the meta-game, a strong sweeper will tear through your team with a super effective attack and your moves will be predictable.

2 ) Always try to use moves with STAB. If you don't know what STAB is, read Barartron's topic by clicking here.
The only exception to this is the Poison-Types and certain Pokemon.

3 ) Never have two attacks of the same type on one Pokemon. The only exception is if you're using a CB Pokemon. Even then, only have two attacks of the same type, One special, One Physical.

4 ) Never use two turn attacks like Hyper Beam and Fly, One hit KO attacks and most HM moves. Most people will switch into an approprite counter for the two turn moves. The only exception is for Slaking with Giga Impact because it would lose the turn anyways because of Traunt. The HM moves are weak and have better uses elseware (Only Surf and Waterfall are exceptions). People will be laughing in your face when you try to use a One Hit KO move. They'll have an easy time hitting you while you're missing your attack.

5 ) Use diverse attacks on your Pokemon (This is literally a repeat of #3). A Pokemon should always have an attack that will be super-effective against them if the Pokemon does switch in.

(Double Posting to make this look better, as in a much easier to read style)
Raising and Breeding:

1 ) EVs are Effort Values. They are gained for defeating certain Pokemon. Different Pokemon give off different EVs, so use the 'Charms Dex to see what gives what. Sweepers usually have 252 EVs into Speed, 252 EVs into Attack/Special Attack or a mixed sweeper would have 128/128 Attacks and Special Attack. The last 6 EVs for the first two are usually put into HP. Walls usually have 252 EVs HP, 252 EVs into Def/S. Def and the last 6 into Atk/S.Atk.

For more information about EVs and IVs, click here.

2 ) Be ready to breed for natures and Egg moves. Commonly used natures include:
Jolly (+Spd, -S.Atk)
Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
Adamant (+Atk, -S.Atk)
Modest (+S.Att, -Atk)
Impish (+Def, -S.Att)
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
Calm (+S.Def, -Atk)
Careful (+S.Def, -S.Att)

Always try to use beneficial natures for playing.

For a complete list of natures, click here. Credit goes to Ruko for the great chart.
The Moves:

1 ) Status moves are wonders in the game. Stat Boosters and Pokemon that reset an opponents stats are good too. If you're having trouble finding a filler move, try a status inflicting, stat upper or phazing move.

2 ) Priority moves are a fairly good choice in the competitive play. Moves like Ice Shard and Quick Attack can mean the difference between a win or a defeat.

3 ) Commonly used or useful moves:

Bug Type:
-X-Scissor (High base power)
-U-Turn (An attack plus a switch to a counter)
-Mega Horn (Strongest Bug attack)
-Bug Buzz (Strong Special Bug attack)

Dark Type:
-Faint Attack (Never misses)
-Crunch/Dark Pulse (Strongest Dark attack)
-Night Slash (High critical hit ratio)
-Pursuit (Double the damage if the Pokemon is switching
-Taunt (Only damage dealing attacks can be used)

Dragon Type:
-Draco Meteor (Strongest Dragon attack)
-Dragon Claw/Outrage/Dragon Pulse (High base attack)

Electric Type:
-Thunderbolt (Strong base attack)
-Thunderpunch (Strong Physical attack)
-Volt Tackle (Pikachu exculsive attack)

Fighting Type:

-Focus Punch (Powerful, often combined with Substitute)
-Aura Sphere (Never Misses)
-Brick Break (Decent power and PP)
-Close Combat (Powerful but lowers stats)
-Counter (return damage dealt double)
-Cross Chop (High power, High critical hit ration)
-Focus Blast (Indirect fighting attack)
-Reversal (lower HP, higher base power)
-Seismic Toss (Damage equal to user's level)

Fire Type:
-Flamethrower (Strong base attack)
-Overheat (Second strongest Fire attack)
-Flare Blitz (High power but high recoil)
-Fire Blast (High power but unreliable)
-Fire Punch (Decent PP and decent power)

Flying Type:
-Aerial Ace (Never Misses)
-Air Slash (Decent base power, indirect Flying attack)
-Brave Bird (High attack power)
-Drill Peck (Decent power)

Ghost Type:
-Shadow Ball (Strong base attack)
-Shadow Claw (High critical hit ratio)
-Shadow Sneak (Priority move)

Grass Type:
-Seed Bomb (Physical Grass attack)
-Solar Beam (great with Sunny Day/Power Herb)
-Energy Ball (high base attack)
-Leaf Storm (Strong base attack)
-Wood Hammer (strong but has recoil)
-Grass Knot (Lots of Pokemon can learn this attack)

Ground Type:
-Earthquake (Overused attack)
-Spikes (HP is taken away when switched in Flying Type and Pokemon W/ Levitate)

Ice Type:
-Avalanche (power doubles if second to attack)
-Ice Beam (good base power)
-Ice Punch (Physical Ice attack)
-Ice Shard (Priority Move)

Normal Type:
-Return (At max Friendship, it has a base power of 102)
-Facade (Its power doubles when inflicted with a status move)
-Explosion (Its used as a last resort move on some walls)
-Baton Pass (It's used to pass stat changes or Subs to another Pokemon)
-Substitute (Creates a Sub using 1/4 of a Pokemon's HP)
-Sleep Talk (Move is used at random)
-Rapid Spin (Gets rid of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes)

Poison Type:
-Sludge Bomb (Decent power)
-Poison Jab (Decent base power and good PP)
-Cross Poison (High critiacl hit ratio)

Psychic Type:
-Psychic (Strongest Psychic attack used)
-Psycho Cut (Physical attack)

Rock Type:
-Stone Edge (High Base power)
-Stealth Rock (Inflicts damage on Pokemon switching in)
-Power Gem (Indirect Rock type attack)

Steel Type:
-Bullet Punch (Priority move)
-Flash Cannon (Indirect Steel attack)
-Iron Head/Iron Tail (Strong Base power)
-Meatl Burst (Damage dealt is returned to foe double)
-Meteor Mash (High base attack)

Water Type:
-Waterfall (Physical attack)
-Surf (Powerful move)
-Water Pulse (Decent power plus a chance of confusion)
-Aqua Jet (Priority move)

Weather Changes:
-Sunny Day
-Rain Dance

Healing Moves:
-Slack Off
-Milk Drink
-Heal Order
-Leech Seed (Saps health slowly, doesn't work on Grass types)
-Pain Split (The remaining health is added together and then divided amongest the two Pokemon)
-Wish (Takes two turns)
-Moonlight (Affected by weather)
-Synthesis (Affected by weather)
-Morning Sun (Affected by weather)
-Rest (Takes two turns, good with Chesto Berry)
-Heal Bell (Every Pokemon in the party)
-Aromatherapy (Every Pokemon in the party)

Stat Upper Attacks:
-Swords Dance (+2 Atk)
-Dragon Dance (+1 Atk, +1 Spd)
-Calm Mind (+1 S.Atk ,+1 S.Def)
-Agility (+2 Spd)
-Belly Drum (+6 Atk (max), health cut in half)
-Tail Glow (+ 2 S. Att)
-Nasty Plot (+ 2 S. Att)
-Curse (+1 Atk, +1 Def, -1 Spd)
-Bulk Up (+1 Atk, +1 Def)
-Defend Order (+1 Def, +1 S.Def)

Status Inflictors:
-Toxic (Bad Poison)
-Toxic Spikes (Poison)
-Thunder Wave (Paralysis and Speed cut in half)
-Will-o-Wisp (Burn, attack cut)
-Spore (Sleep)
-Yawn (Sleep)
-Confuse Ray (Confusion)

Phazing Moves:
-Roar (Forces a switch)
-Whilrwind (Forces a switch)
-Haze (Resets the stats)

Other Moves:
-Endure (Endures the hit, leaving 1 HP, often combined with Reversal)
-Mean Look (Traps the Pokemon)
-Protect/Detect (May evade attack)
-Trick (Switches items with the foe)
-Trick Room (Slower Pokemon go first for 5 turns)
Other Factors: The Items and Abilities:

1 ) Items for Pokemon have different uses. The Plates and any item that only boosts the type it says are not worth it (Charcoal, Mystic Water). Commonly used items include:
-The Pinch Berries (Salac, Ganlon)
-Expert Belt
-Focus Sash
-The Berries that reduce the damage from Super-Effective hits
-Choice Band/Scarf/Specs
-Wise Glasses
-Muscle Band
-Flame Orb
-Toxic Orb
-Life Orb
-Power Herb
-White Herb

2 ) Secondary STAB/Power Boosts: Other than STAB, certain abilities give an extra Power Boost to an attack. Such Abilities include Blaze, Guts, Technician, Huge Power, Iron Fist, Adapability, ect. They act as another STAB. Choice Items and any attack boosting Items work the same way.

Take Swellow for example: It's burned and it kicks Guts in. Guts activates because of Swellow's status condition (For a fact, Guts cancels out the Burn Power loss and then boosts the power by 1.5). So now, all of Swellow's attacks get a STAB/Power bonus. Swellow is going to use Facade (Normal-Type attack). Since Swellow is part Normal, Facade gets a 1.5 Power boost to the attack. Guts also gives it another 1.5x power boost. And Facade's power doubles to 140 Base Power so to figure out the base damage we go: 140*1.5*1.5. So the Base Power of Facade is now 315. If it came in holding a Choice Band (Gives a 1.5x power boost) we take 315*1.5 or 140*1.5*1.5*1.5 to get 472.5 Base Damage. Incredibly powerful, even if the Defending Pokemon resists the attack.

So the abilities that give a Power Boost are:

-Overgrow: 1.5x Power Boost to Grass attacks when the Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its health.
-Blaze: 1.5x Power Boost to Fire attacks when the Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its health.
-Torrent: 1.5x Power Boost to Water attacks when the Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its health.
-Guts: 1.5x Power Boost to all attacks when the Pokemon has been inflicted with a status condition.
-Adaptability: 3x Power Boost to all attacks of the Pokemon's type.
-Pure Power: 2x Power Boost to all attacks.
-Huge Power: 2x Power Boost to all attacks.
-Hustle: 1.5x Power Boost to all attacks but only hit at a base rate of 80%.
-Technician: 1.5x Power Boost to all attacks with a base power of 60 or less.
-Iron Fist: 1.2x Power Boost to all attacks that are Punching based.
-Reckless: 1.3x Power Boost to all attacks that cause recoil.
-Swarm: 1.5x Power Boost to Bug attacks when the Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its health.
-Minus: 1.5x Power Boost to Special attacks when the Pokemon is paired with Plus.
-Plus: 1.5x Power Boost to Special attacks when the Pokemon is paired with Minus.
-Sniper: 2x Power Boost to an attack that causes a critical hit.
-Rivalry: 1.5x Power Boost to all attacks when the Pokemon is the same gender of the opponent.
-Flower Gift: 1.5x Increase in Attack and Special Attack. In double battles, both Pokemon recieve a bonus.
-Solar Power: Raises S.Atk one level, but lowers HP
Other Useful Information:

1 ) Commonly used Abbreviations: People that often do Pokemon team building have several shorthand words. I'm going to list some of them.

-AA=Aerial Ace
-BB=Brick Break or Brave Bird
-BP=Baton Pass or Base Power
-CB=Choice Band
-CC=Cross Chop or Close Combat
-DD/DDance=Dragon Dance
-HP=Hidden Power or Hit Points

2 ) Tiers: They determine what Pokemon go where. They're based on stats, movepool and other things.

-Uber: High Base Stats and Unpredictable Move Pools, They're Banned from Normal Play. Example: Wobbuffett, All forms of Deoxys, Manaphy
-OU: Over Used-These Pokemon form the base of Competitive Battling. Example: Salamance, Electirvire, Skarmory
-BL: Border Line-They're too powerful for UU but not popular enough for OU. Example: Swellow, Articuno, Blaziken
-UU: Under Used-They either have sub par stats or horrible move pools. Example: Flareon, Altaria, Meganium
-NU: Never Used-These are never used in the meta game. They have mostly poor stats and bad move pools. Example: Beautifly, Stantler, Unown

3 ) Battling: Don't be disappointed if you don't win. There's one thing I can't help you with, predicting your opponents moves. It takes some time and getting use to it. You'll get the hang of it. You win some and lose some right?

1) Clauses are set rules that are used in tournaments if you do battle outside of ‘Charms over the Wi-Fi. I'm going list most of the clauses and give a brief description to each.

Species Clause:
- This clause states that only one species of Pokemon can be used in a battle.
Evasion Clause:
- This clause states that no using moves that alter the evasion of a Pokemon (Double Team and the sort). The minor boost from Sand Storm is not part of the Evasion Clause
One-Hit Knock Out (OHKO) Clause:
- This clause states that no OHKO moves are to be used (Sheer Cold and such)
Sleep Clause:
- This clause means that only one Pokemon on your of the field can be asleep at one time. If Rest was used, the sleeping Pokemon isn't counted. Same thing applies to Pokemon that have the Natural Cure ability if they switch out and go back to their Pokeball.
Uber Clause:
- This clause means that no ubers are to be used unless you and your opponent have decided to remove that clause or are having an all uber battle.
Legit/Legal Clause:
- This clause states that all Pokemon must be caught in a place they would be found in the game, must not have hacked stats and must have moves the Pokemon can actually learn. So no Flare Blitz on Flareon sadly.
Freeze Clause:
- This clause states that after a single Pokemon has been frozen, no more moves that have a chance of causing the frozen status may be used until the frozen Pokemon is thawed of fainted.
Item Clause:
- This clauses states that two or more Pokemon may not hold the same items. It's up to the trainers to follow this rule. Leftovers is usually excluded from this clause.
Self-KO Clause:
- This clause prevents you from using any moves that KO your own Pokemon when both you and your opponent have only one remaining Pokemon left.
Perfect IV Clause:
- You and your opponent cannot use Pokemon that have perfect IVs in every stat, since it's so unlikely to get perfect IVs in all stats.
Luck Items Clause:
- This clause prevents trainers to from using items that are randomly activated or items that rely on luck to activate.
Focus Sash/Choice Items Clause:
- This clause restricts the trainers team to only one Focus Sash and one Choice Items per team.
Skarmbliss/Skarmcressbliss Clause:
- This clause prevents trainers from using Skarmory and Blissey on the same team (Cresselia if playing Skarmcressbliss Clause). You can only have one of the Pokemon on the team.

In short, there can be clauses for anything. The one I've listed are the most common ones. Any other ones you want me too add, PM me and I'll see what I can do if it's in a high enough demand.

*Note: Special Post: #1000
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Why EV Train?

For those who don't know what EV Training is, click here.

EV training is almost essential to battling over the Wi-Fi. That's the main reason why people often list EV sets. The EVs make a difference of up to 63 points (By Level 100) in any single stat. 63 points is quite a bit, isn't it?

And what if we don't EV train? Well you'll have Stat gains in some useless stats that Pokemon can't rely on. Take Swellow for instance. If I battled random Pokemon till I got 510 EVs, how much of those EVs were actually put to good use? Swellow needs the boost in Attack and Speed to survive.

With the boost in stats, you'll stand a better chance against people who do EV train, otherwise, you're at a huge disadvantage.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just wondering if you could clarify what you meant related to building move sets, Jet.

---> "2 ) Always try to use moves with STAB. If you don't know what STAB is, read Barartron's topic by clicking here.
The only exception to this is the Poison-Types and certain Pokemon."

and ---> "5 ) Use diverse attacks on your Pokemon (This is literally a repeat of #3). A Pokemon should always have an attack that will be super-effective against them if the Pokemon does switch in."

I'm sure you're saying what I think you mean, but #2 comes off sounding like you shouldn't use any non-STABed attacks on a Pokemon whereas #5 suggests being diverse which indicates the opposite. Did you just mean people should focus on STAB first, then diversity, or something more?
Just wondering if you could clarify what you meant related to building move sets, Jet.

---> "2 ) Always try to use moves with STAB. If you don't know what STAB is, read Barartron's topic by clicking here.
The only exception to this is the Poison-Types and certain Pokemon."

and ---> "5 ) Use diverse attacks on your Pokemon (This is literally a repeat of #3). A Pokemon should always have an attack that will be super-effective against them if the Pokemon does switch in."

I'm sure you're saying what I think you mean, but #2 comes off sounding like you shouldn't use any non-STABed attacks on a Pokemon whereas #5 suggests being diverse which indicates the opposite. Did you just mean people should focus on STAB first, then diversity, or something more?

Yes, iffy wording. Really, I should have combined it to use STAB attacks, but keep a diverse set of moves at the same time. Keep in mind what your team also has already covered. Really, focus on getting at least one, or both STAB down, And work from there.

And sorry it took so long. I wasn't motivated to do anything. Like my usual lazy self. I should really do more. >_>


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Codybobobo gets a warning for SPAM.

Now, kindly read the rules, Ash.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I think I'm going to lock this now. If anyone has any questions concerning it, feel free to PM KoL/Gerudo Ganon or Nem about it.
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