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Ask to Join Fantamus Region

Lilith blinked, still sleepy from her recent nap. Her sleep schedule was getting worse by the second, but Lilith was more focused on Joseph.
She took his hand, blushing slightly from the contact.
"I'm Lilith Diaz." The brunette responded.

"Are you battling the gym leader too?" Joseph responded.
"Yo, you two! In case you haven't noticed, the gym is supposed to be closed right now. I need to sleep." Alexa responded, interrupting the meeting.

"Well, can I battle you really quick. Please?" Lilith pleaded. Alexa sighed. "Fine."
The battle went by quickly. Brad and Diana destroyed her team. Alexa didn't seem to care too much and handed over the badge half-heartedly.
"Here's your badge, now go away." Lilith left the gym, along with Joseph, who had been watching the fight.
Tessa crooked her head to Mark as he spoke to her, and blushed as he did. That's all about what he said, wasn't it? She thought to herself. "Good. It's healing at the centre?" She asked her companion as Star looked up at Tessa's arm. She looked down at her pokemon. "Don't worry about it. It's just a flesh wound." Tessa said half-heartedly as it still hurt. Man, are those teeth sharp.


Previously Swirled
Marcus blushed as well, seeing that something was making Tessa flustered, and he thought she was cute when she was flustered.
"You should at least wrap it up and rub some rubbing alcohol on it so it doesn't get infected," Mark finally told Tessa after a good period of silence.
"Hey Tessa, do you mind if I call you Tes?" He wanted her permission to call her that nickname, he didn't want to offend her, which when he realized that, his blush got darker.
Eric looked at his scarf, he got the scarf from his trainer.
"How'd you end up from Kanto to Fantamus?" The words echoed in the Sneasel's mind, suddenly, it all came rushing back like a critical hit Hydro Pump hitting his face.
-Begin Flashback-
It was when Zack was about to challenge Brock's gym, besides him, his former trainer also had a Pidgey and a Charmander in his team. He used only Sneasel, hoping to win by using ice attacks, sadly the Ice type attacks were neutral against him and he ended up fainting to Brock's Geodude.
"You're useless!" Zack had told the Ice type, the words now echoing in his head, "Get out of here, I never want to see you again!" The Ice-Dark type held on to his scarf before running away and accidentally stumbling on a ship to Fantamus, getting knocked out by a small crate carring goods for trade. He got off the ship and didn't remember what happened to him, all he knew was that he had this scarf, he assumed he stolen it resided in Frostencool until now
-End Flashback-
Eric's eyes sharpened and he began hissing at Ike, he jumped out of Nurse Joy's arms and ran out the door, searching for Marcus and Tessa, hissing all of the way.
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Zack grunted. "I'm releasing Sneasel. That's all." He waved at the Sneasel dismissively. Ike just shrugged. "That's just like you." He picked up Sneasel and ran back to the pokemon center. "Sorry, Nurse Joy. It was a false alarm." He handed Sneasel over and left the pokemon center.
Ike decided he'd turn in for the night. He found a comfortable looking spot in an alley and put out his coat to sleep on. He started dozing off and Geck and Noi popped out of their Pokeballs, and began to sleep with him.
Derek had been traveling through Xeleon Forest for quite some time. It had been an uneventful experience. Nothing as drastic as a Trevenant dragging him out of some spoopy woods.

The air had a hint of frost to it. Makes sense. Frost. Frostencool. Trees begin to droop, as if bowing to Derek. They also became sickly. Derek was a cruel leader, who starved the peasants beneath him. They were thin, and their pale bark was peeling. Small flecks of ice took the place of leaves. Derek's breath turned to mist, as a shiver shot through his body. He was getting close, that was for sure.

Derek felt akin to when Noivernman battled Mister Avalugg. Mister Avalugg used his freeze weapons to nearly turn Noivernman into a Popsicle. But those were just comics. You couldn't turn into a Popsicle in real life... right?

Derek made it to the Pokemon Center moments before his fingers froze off, and crashed on a bench in the lobby. He didn't even bother to check in. Disgusting.
Tessa's face suddenly went cold. Her glare would've frozen whatever wasn't already so. "No. No you cannot." She said, her voice deep and calm as if she was trying to contain something inside her. Not wanting to make a scene, "Star, come on. We got to find somewhere to settle down tonight." Tessa said while up and turning her heel to Marcus. The two soon walked into the town's glow of light.


Previously Swirled
"Okay, I'll, see you tomorrow then," Marcus told Tessa as he walked to his own room. When he got into his apartment, he realized something.
"I screwed up, I need to make it up to her, somehow," Marcus began thinking of ways, but he shortly fell asleep. Eric was sneaking around when he had found Marcus, he was about to ambush him, until he realized that he was tired too, so he slept on the floor, it was nice, but the minute he woke up, he was gone.
"Ah, Frostencool City. We finally made it!"

Just outside the chilly city stood Dan with his partner Snivy right by his side as he had clearly been eager upon the arrival as not only was the winter-ish wonderland a sight to behold, but also this was where he could find the second gym. Though even if he had the impulse to charge and look for the gym, he decided first to go and try to find the Pokemon Center. That way his Snivy and Riolu could get a recovery from a battle that had happened on the way there and there would be a warm place to have his egg rest rather than keep it stuffed in his backpack.

So with that, he and Snivy made their way to the city's Pokemon Center as the entered inside for a quick check up.
As the double-doors to the pokecenter slid away, they revealed what was behind. Standing almost nose-to-nose with Dan, mere inches away, was Sid-Roggoth. Without a pause, the latter reached out his finger and wiped it over Dan's left eyebrow, leaving a thin trail of transparent, sticky substance.

"Unsssavory," grumbled Sid-Roggoth, passing by without further remark.

He had learned little over the night, save that humans had woefully inefficient mating rituals compared to most other mammals. That, and the fact that people grew wary when you walked through snow without leaving footprints. Drowzee's night had been far more productive. He had eaten a full five dreams, and at least two of them were human. Creative minds were far more nutritious than animal ones of base intelligence. He would doubtlessly perform well today.

The Frostencool gym loomed before him, and Sid-Roggoth allowed a human male to get ahead of him before drifting soundlessly over his footprints. It would have been perfect, except that the guy was glancing back at him with a troubled expression. Sid-Roggoth wondered if it was because he was following him from less than a foot away. These bipedal apes were so touchy when it came to personal space. Never mind, though. If there was nobody to challenge the gym leader, he would strive for his next badge.
Joseph turned to Lilith. "Good job on that battle. I'm gonna check in the hotel, I hope I see you around-oh, here's my number, by the way." He handed her a slip of paper and left the center.

Lilith decided she was way too far behind to dawdle. The brunette walked to the city boundaries, all the way to the next route. It was a fairly short route, consisting of a winding path of stone and lots of grass. The flowers seemed to fade the farther she walked. Eventually, she made it to Tenimous Town.

"So...Tired...." Lilith muttered, walking into the Pokecenter. Groggily, she rented a hotel room with the little money her mother gave her, passing out on the cushy bed.


Previously Swirled
Marcus woke up again and pounded the the table, until he rememered he had no alarm clock. He put in his jacket with his regular clothes and picked up a sleeping Eric, only half awake himself. He walked out and noticed Jane along with Sid-Roggoth.
"Hey..." He drones tiredly, with a yawn shortly after, Eric was snuggling in Mark's arms and made a pleasant noise.


Previously 5DigitNeb
James woke up and smiled. "I have a feeling today's gonna be a great day," he thought as he fell off the bed and on the floor. He quickly changed out of his Blaziken pajamas into the clothes he wore before he changed yesterday. After doing the normal morning routine, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, etc, he left the Pokémon center. He saw Sid-Roggoth, Marcus, and Jane but walked past them. He went towards the gym, which had just opened for the day.

Nobody seemed to be there, so he walked through the puzzle-less side.
"I challenge you for a gym battle!" James shouted.
Neige shrugged and smiled. "I guess I accept, though I ask why did you come here so early?"
James shrugged back and simply said,"I just wanted to come get my badge as fast as possible."

The group of Sid-Roggoth, Marcus, and Jane would have heard the voice of Dan yell at them, though he had not known their names nor focused on any of them except for Sid-Roggoth. His partner Snivy had tugged on Dan's pants to try and calm her partner down, but this proved to be rather ineffective as Dan walked up to Sid-Roggoth's face and clearly seemed to have something to say to him.

"You're that guy who wiped that...sticky, gunky stuff on my face last night. What was it and what was that for!?" Dan yelled, as normally he had not gotten this mad over most things but given Dan was quite the passionate individual when he did get fired up it was hard to cool him down. As evident by Snivy's efforts to try and tug Dan away from Sid-Roggoth which had proven ineffective.
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Tessa streched as she walked out of her room. "Gym two today." She said to her pokeballs. She reached behind her and picked up her bag and ran outside. As she exited, Tessa ran by the others. "Sorry, gotta win my next gym battle!" Tessa called as she ran by with a wave. In a little while, Tessa made it to the gym soon enough to hear James challenge the gym. "And I'm next!" She proclaimed upon entering.


Previously Swirled
Marcus walked the gym in carrying the sleeping Sneasel, he had no idea how he got him in his arms but decided to greet Tessa and apologize for yesterday.
"Hey...," The boy said to Tessa in a tired voice, "Sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I mean it too, I'm just tired, also I wanna battle too," He snuggled Eric as did the Sneasel, little dis they realize that the Ice type just tried to kill him.
Lilith woke up with a start, feeling disgusted with herself. The brunette was sticky with night sweat and sweat from her adventure. Her hair was tousled, her breath terrible, and her joints cramped from exercise and sleeping in her normal clothing. Lilith made a face.
"I'm terrible..." Lilith muttered under her breath. She peeled off all of her clothes and hopped into the shower, enjoying the warm water running over her bare body.

Afterward, she brushed her teeth and hair, styling her hair into a messy bun. Lilith threw on torn jeans, a faded "Zigzagoon Stardust" t-shirt, her boots, and her bag. Lilith checked out of her room and sent out her Pokemon. Brad, Diana, and Mari happily walked next to her, Brad and Diana talking while Mari shyly walked behind her. Lilith bought a few things and set off on her adventure through Xeleon Forest.

The forest was dark and mysterious. Lilith battled a few Pokemon, training up her Pokemon, and walking quickly. The noises in the forest and lack of other humans terrified her. "Damn it." Lilith cursed under her breath at herself for falling asleep in the gym. "Trub, Trub!" Diana cheerfully called out. (Translation: "Well, at least you got to meet Joseph, and you still got the badge!") Mari shyly nodded.
Uncertainty was something that Sid-Roggoth had never experienced before entering the third-dimensional world. The one called "Dan" had accused him of getting saliva on his face- which was true. What confused him was that Dan had timed the act as "last night."

He could have sworn by Lord Azathoth's hundred screaming mouths that it had only been minutes.

Oh, well. What was the boy so upset about? Sid-Roggoth had tasted him, and recoiled at the flavor. Like most of the others, he was no good to eat. He should be thanking God that he was made that way. Unable to think of an appropriate answer, he turned instead to Jane, who had addressed him first.

"H-Hey, h-how a-are you? I-I’m j-just f-fine!"

"We are- I am average, like the others." He noticed she was shivering, and her voice likewise shook from the cold. Right . . . these frail creatures could live only in a very narrow range of temperature. He shifted tactic, making sure to add shivering to his own voice. "L-l-l-let's go inside. It's an i-i-i-i-ice gym, but that means challengers will use Fire-types to warm things up."

Secretly, he hoped not. If there were three things he hated, they were music, warmth, and light.
Dan himself had taken notice of the shivering Jane, not that he knew her name nor did he have the desire to concern himself over her just yet as he kept his gaze directed at Sid-Roggoth. Clearly Dan had gotten annoyed at being ignored, something that his partner Snivy had noticed and quickly tugged on his pants.

"Snivy." Snivy said, as she hoped that even in Poke-Speak she could reason with Dan before he had the chance to do something stupid.

"Look, I don't appreciate being ignored! So after we go inside the ice gym how about you give me some answers!" Dan yelled, as he had made a motion to try and rug on Sid-Roggoth's collar which caused Snivy to slap her own forehead in annoyance.
Lilith heard a new noise, coming from right behind her. An unsavory growl filled the forest. It seemed to get twice as dark. A shot of adrenaline surged through her, and the Pokemon Trainer began a sprint. "Oh, hecc..." Lilith muttered. "Chin, chou!" Mari cried, swearing in Pokemon language. Eventually, Lilith made it all the way to Frostencool. She regained her breath, then subsequentially puked behind a nearby bush. The air was cold. Lilith shivered. Jeans and a T-shirt were not good clothes to wear in this weather.
Dan turned to the shiver girl and heard her protest, while in the back of his mind he wondered why she seemed extra cold even with the weather Dan disregarded that as he let out a sigh before he faced her.

"Sorry, let my temper get to me, but I do feel it is fair of me to expect this guy to explain why he wiped that...weird sticky stuff on my face. And here..." Dan said, as he removed his coat he brought for the trip to Frostencool and attempted to put it on the shivering girl as he figured she needed the extra warmth more than he did.

Snivy meanwhile had just kept a curious gaze at the Snorunt.


Previously 5DigitNeb
OOC: missed one of your few chances to get a swaddle rip
BIC: James realized that most of the other people were also looking for a battle, which caused him to sigh, leaving his frosty breath in the air for a moment. "At least I'm first," he thought.
Neige nodded and sent out his first Pokémon, a Spheal. James sent out Burn and smiled. "This should be easy," he thought.

"Use Mach Punch!" he shouted. Spheal was caught off guard by the speed of the Monferno and got hit, doing super effective damage to the seal Pokémon.

"Brine," Neige said simply. Spheal sent out a large amount of water, hitting Burn and doing more than Mach Punch. James grunted and commanded,"Aerial Ace and then Mach Punch." The monkey Pokémon jumped into the air and attempted to hit Spheal with fast and strong force.

This time the seal Pokémon was prepared and tanked it, but ended up getting stunned for a few seconds. Burn used that opening to land a very quick and powerful Mach Punch which K.O.'d Spheal. Neige returned his Pokémon and sent out Delibird.

"Use Flame Wheel!" James shouted. The Monferno nodded and turned into a spinning wheel of hot flames. Then he charged at the delivery Pokémon.

"Dodge it!" Neige shouted. The Pokémon flew into the air and Burn missed. "Try Aerial Ace!" James said. Burn jumped at high speeds and hit the Delibird twice. Then Neige snickered. "Wow, can't even hit me with a fire type move?" he asked. The challenger grew an angry (anime) vein and glared at the gym leader.

"Flame Charge," he simply said. Burn's body was engulfed in fire and hit Delibird while it was falling quickly. "Guess I have to finish you. Drill Peck!" Neige shouted. Delibird's beak started to turn very rapidly and then the flying type hit Burn with a strong Peck which caused it to faint.

James grunted and returned Burn. Then he sent out Rosetta. "Rollout," he said with a smirk. Delibird got hit and the Pokémon fainted. Neige said,"Return," and changed out his Pokémon for Glaceon.

Rosetta started rolling again and hit Glaceon, but she mostly tanked it. "Attract!" Neige shouted. The Glaceon winked at Rosetta, but it appeared to do nothing. "That Roggenrola's a girl," James said simply. "What... how... HOW do Rock Pokémon even have genders in the first place! They are ROCKS!" Neige replied. The challenger shrugged and then smiled. Rosetta was on the move again towards Glaceon.

The Ice type jumped into the air and the Rollout missed. "Use Ice Beam!" Neige shouted. Glaceon shot a beam of ice in front of Rosetta. The Roggenrola crashed it, but it caused her to stop.

"Rock Blast," James said simply. Rosetta created multiple small-to-medium Rocks which hit the Ice type in the face in a row. One...two...three... BOING! Glaceon got hit four times by the super effective moved, and it started to move around randomly a bit, before collapsing.
OOC:tldr, spheal got rekt... monferno got rekt... james used rosetta... delibird and glaceon got rekt.
BIC: Neige returned his Pokémon and James returned his and the gym leader walked over to James and handed him an Icicle shaped badge. "Here you go, the Ice Spike badge. I mean... it's literally a miniature icicle but who cares," he said. The trainer took it and put it in his Gym Case, next to the leaf shaped badge he won in Florania. Then he went back to the group who were talking behind me and chuckled.

"Ahh, Sid touched you with sticky stuff, ay? Same thing happened to me. I don't really think he's human... but whatever. Anyways, sup Jane, Marcus, Tessa. I'm James by the way. Who are you?" he asked Dan.
Tessa held up one hand. "Sup." She said as the girl stepped up to the battlefield. "Hey, I'm gonna be your next challenger." Tessa said with a challenge in her voice. Neige looked up at her. "Your next? Lets begin then." He said while taking out his first pokemon.
Tessa quickly did a side spin throw with her ball, sending her first pokemon out, Nido. The poison type called out as a Spheal was summoned on the other side. "Quick, Double Kick!" Tessa called out as her purple coloured pokemon ran forward swinging both feet forward into the ball. The ball pokemon was sent across the field into a rock. "Spheal, return with rollout!" Neige ordered sending the ice pokemon to roll forward to Nido. Tessa had to think quickly as a reaction. "Points out!" She called, making Nido send out it's poisonous spikes. Spheal had to swerve out of the way to prevent poisoning. As soon as the ice pokemon made it back around, Nido kicked again, knocking the Spheal out.
Neige tossed out his next mon. "Delibird!" He called as the delivery pokemon came out. "Aerial Ace!" Neige called out, sending the bird to strike the poison type. Nido was knocked out, but not after poisoning the bird. Tessa returned the spin with Star. "Quick, Spark!" Star ran forward into the bird with a spark attack, dealing high damage. The Delibird fainted soon after due to poison. "Now, my Ace, Glaceon!" He called out as the ice type was sent out. "Ice Beam!" The Glaceon sent forward a blast of ice. Star quickly began to charge, bringing up its special defense. As the blast hit, a collection of mist appeared around Star, who began to glow white. With a puff of energy, a new Luxio stood proud and strong. From the new evolution, Star raced forward faster than before. "Spark, quick!" Tessa half-screamed as Star rammed into Glaceon. "No!" Neige called out as his final pokemon fainted. Tessa was grinning like crazy when Star ran forward to her in greeting as it's new self.
Tessa walked forward to recieve her badge. "Good battle." She said to her opponent, taking the ice badge. "I already heard about it." She said with a grin and ran back to rejoin her friends.


Previously Swirled
Marcus sleepily put down Eric as he watched Tessa battle. When he knew she was finished, he then realized that Eric was right there for catching. But catching Eric could wait for now, he needed to battle due to the fact that Beige healed his Pokemon.
"Are you ready?" The Ice type gym leader asked.
"Why not?" He replied with a tired smirk on his face.
The boy immediately knew how he was going to do this
"Venus, I choose you, use Return!" The Marill unintentionally used a different move, she curled up into a ball and rolled at the Spheal. Venus had learned Rollout. The Spheal took critical damage, but attmpted to fight back, "Return with Frost Breath!" The Spheal used its cold breath on the Marill, landing a critical hit, but not enough to make it faint. Venus finished Spheal with Rollout now waited for the next Pokemon to be sent out.
"Delibird, come out!" Neige called as he sent out the present giving Pokemon. By now, Rollouts increased power plus an additional times four weakness to rock type moves meant that Delibird was out before it could even give Venus a present. Neige desperately sent out his ace, Glaceon.
"Glaceon, Freeze Dry!" The snowboarder called out as Glaceon sprayed a beam of ice that damaged Venus, but not enough to make her faint. By now, Rollout was so strong that it managed to bring Glaceon down to critical damage. Glaceon used Freeze Dry again, but Venus dodged it and finished the battle with a full power Rollout. Neige was speechless as he tossed Marcus a gym badge.
TL;DR, Venus learned Rollout and destroyed everyone.
Marcus smiled as he took the badge and left, rejoining his friends, while also taking the sleeping Eric in his arms.
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Derek yawned, and woke up. Nurse Joy was tapping on his shoulder.

"Sir, you need to wake up," Nurse Joy said, "You're lucky I allowed you to sleep through the night."

Derek squinted, and saw that the sun had risen. He had to get to the gym soon. The quicker he beat the gyms- the quicker he'd make it to Starlite!

"Thanks Joy," Derek croaked, tripping over himself on the way out the door. Joy caught up to him, and gave him his Gligar and Phantump.

Derek made it to the frosty gym, and entered. He ground was a sheet of clear ice. Derek took one step, and slid across the rom, into a jagged ice rock. A puzzle. Derek slid to and fro, never making it to the gym leader, Neige. Finally, Derek climbed on top of one of the ice rocks, and dove as far as he could. He skidded over to Neige.

"I made it," Derek grunted, "And now... I challenge you!"

"Well why else would you be here?" Neige scoffed, sending out his first Pokemon- Delibird. Derek chose Phantump. Delibird struck quickly, using Drill Peck. Phantump used Confuse Ray before Delibird made contact. Delibird slammed into the ground, and got its beak stuck in the ice. A few quick Tackles easily defeated it.

"This is easier than my first gym battle," Derek chuckled.

Neige switched Delibird with Glaceon. Glaceon used Icy Wind, whipping up shards of ice from the ground. There was no escape. The frozen vortex closed in on Phantump. Phantump cried out, and fainted.

"Nice try, Phantump. Return. Go, Gligar!" Derek called out. Gligar jetted towards Glaceon, and used Knock Off. He then struck again with Quick Attack. Glaceon wasn't having it. He used Bite, and hung onto Gligar as he thrashed.

"Gligar, slam Glaceon into a boulder!" Derek yelled, thinking quickly. Gligar nodded, and began to twirl. Glaceon continued to sink his teeth into Gligar, but eventually, the velocity was too much. Glaceon went hurtling into a boulder.

"Nice strategy," Neige commented, "But it won't be enough to save you. Return, Glaceon. Go Spheal! Finish this!"

Spheal started out with Ice Ball. The sphere of ice tumbled towards Gligar. Gligar took a few deep breaths, and went to town on the ice ball with Fury Cutter. By the time he was done, it was just fragments. Gligar then quickly hurled the shards back at Spheal. Spheal used Defense Curl in response. Gligar rushed at Spheal, and used Quick Attack to end the battle.

"Congrats," Neige smiled, returning Spheal to its capsule. Neige handed the Ice Spike Badge to Derek. Derek thanked Neige, and left the gym. One badge closer to stardom.

TL;DR: After a back and forth, Derek beat Neige, and got the ICE SPIKE BADGE. He still has his sights on Pokewood.
Dan's continual indignance towards him troubled Sid-Roggoth. At this rate, it would draw enough attention to single him out among even the adults, and that would attract demon hunters. Breaking Dan's neck would likely only increase suspicion towards him; the only sensible option was to de-escalate things somehow. What did people call it when they performed petty, juvenile acts upon each other? A plank? A prank?

"The application of saliva was merely a plank," said Sid-Roggoth to Dan, matter-of-factly. Yeah, the word was probably "plank." But Dan had also expressed his irritation at being ignored, so to balance the situation, Sid-Roggoth fixed one of his eyes upon the boy. Everything that he did from that time after, regardless of the events that transpired, one eye remained focused on Dan.

When Sid-Roggoth crawled down to the battle floor to challenge Neige, one eye stayed on Dan.
When Torracat roasted Delibird like a Christmas goose, one eye stayed on Dan.
When Spheal pressure-hosed Torracat into the wall, one eye stayed on Dan.
When Drowzee put Spheal to sleep, and proceeded to violate its mind, one eye stayed on Dan.
And when Glaceon deep-froze Drowzee, causing Sid-Roggoth to lose his match, one eye stayed on Dan.

Sid-Roggoth's eye only left Dan when the full realization came over him that he'd lost. He hadn't been distracted by Dan, or anyone else, for that matter, but . . . the other trainers had clearly done something that he himself had neglected. Neige's pokemon were simply stronger than his own, and Sid-Roggoth needed to figure out why. Until he did, he would lack the necessary badges for getting into the Palace.
Lilith took a few minutes to regain her composure. She tied her brunette locks into a new bun and slipped on an emerald green hoodie. The icy cold environment numbed her cheeks and a cold, fragile layer of ice laced the grass. Snow fell from the sky gently, flecks landing on her brown hair. Tentatively, Lilith took a few steps on the snowy ground. Looking off into the distance, she noticed a familiar person. Her facial features carved out a gentle face with those goggles on. She had a slender figure and stood at average height for her age. "Jane." Lilith thought, quickening her pace to a jog.

"Hey, Jane." Lilith casually greeted the trainer. Brad happily ran after her. The cold weather complimented his fluffy coat of fur. The Poochyena leaped onto Jane happily. Lilith smiled. "I know he seems like a vicious wolf, but he's just a sweet lil' pupper," Lilith reassured Jane in case she was shocked or scared by Brad's arrival. Mari shivered as she hopped forward. The water-type was wrapped up in one of Lilith's scarves, still shivering. Diana brought up the rear, hopping into the scene. Diana sat in the snow, making a small snowman while her trainer was occupied.


Previously Swirled
Marcus walked to Jane and waved, he was sleep walking with Eric in his arms.
"What about this sacrifice I have for you?" Mark mumbled in his sleep, he put Eric down and sleep walked to a nearby bench.
At first, Sid-Roggoth had regarded his loss with utter confusion. It had started when Torracat fell in battle for the first time since he had procured the dark feline. It made no sense- Torracat didn't lose battles. Then, when Drowzee also succumbed to his injuries, the confusion turned to anger. Sure, Sid-Roggoth kept Drowzee more for amusement than anything else, but he'd maintained the health of both pokemon and made certain they were in peak condition before leaving the pokecenter.

So why had he lost? What were the victors doing that he wasn't?

Sid-Roggoth returned to the spectator stands, his entire body pulsating like a furiously-beating heart. From his two pokeballs, he called out the limp forms of his beaten Torracat and Drowzee, and placed his two hands over their mouths. He concentrated, allowing a little of his borrowed life-force into their bodies.

"Come. Thy master bids thee return."

The two creatures made spasmodic jerking motions for a moment, then jolted awake. Sid-Roggoth pointed at Marcus, and waited until Drowzee was looking at him. "Feed," he commanded. "Recover your strength."

As Drowzee used Dream Eater on the sleepwalking Marcus, Sid-Roggoth turned his attention to the first trainer he had encountered in a gym. It was the boy James, the one who seemed to take the most initiative in pressing forward. He tasted disgusting, but he could prove useful in other ways. "James," Sid-Roggoth rasped, fixing him with both eyes, "Why did your pokemon succeed against Neige, when mine did not? What have you done to make them stronger?"
Lilith looked up to see a stranger approach the group. Lilith wanted to introduce herself, but she didn't want to barge into their conversation. Caliborn and Brad seemed to be playing some sort of game while Mari shivered. Diana came up and fearfully looked up at Sid-Roggoth.
"Trub...Trub..." Diana tugged on Lilith's sleeve, pointing at Sid-Roggoth, apparently not trusting the stranger. "Don't be rude, Diana," Lilith mumbled down to the Trubbish.


Previously Swirled
Marcus jolted awake after his dreams were being eaten. Eric jolted awake too and attempted to attack Sid-Roggoth's Drowzee. In panic, Marcus threw a Pokeball at Eric, the scarfed Pokemon attempted to escape but then he realized something, trained Pokemon seemed to be stronger than wild Pokemon, and if he was stronger, he could take revenge on Zack easier, so he let himself get caught.
"You're welcome Sid, he almost killed you," Marcus said with disgust at the Pokeball, now it was his responsibility to train this Pokemon, little did he know how that would effect him and the scarfed ice type.
"Fair enough" Dan replied, as he took his coat back and placed it back on himself. While Dan had lots of questions about what was going on, Dan decided first and foremost to settle his main business he had for coming here. As Dan with Snivy in toe made their way over to where the Gym could be found.
Dan entered the Gym and saw the Gym Leader himself, Neige, who had his arms folded and a serious expression on his face when his eyes scanned Dan up and down.

"Have you come to challenge me?" Neige asked, as Dan smirked while his partner Snivy had a determined look on her face.

"That's right, and we're gonna get that badge today. Just you watch!" Dan called out as he showed his confidence as Neige smirked before he explained that this would be a three-on-three Pokemon battle. While Dan only actually had two Pokemon he could have used, he none-the less remained confident as he saw Neige call out his first Pokemon. A Spheal. Dan turned to Snivy in response.

"Sorry buddy, but even if I believe you can beat anyone I need you to hold back. Gotta consider the type matchup here." Dan explained as Snivy, while disappointed, understood her partner's idea as Dan pulled out a Pokeball.

"Go Riolu!" Dan called out as he called out his fighting type, who Dan figured had a favorable matchup over the ice types Neige. Neige smirked in response as the battle soon began. Neige gave a command for Spheal to use Water Gun, as it fired the stream at Riolu which caused Dan to respond with a dodge, as Riolu jumped over the water stream. Dan then called for Riolu to deliver a force palm, as Riolu charged while Spheal tried to stop Riolu with multiple blasts of the Water Gun at Riolu, but Riolu proved to be too agile as it delivered the Super Effective strike at the Spheal, which knocked it against a wall. However, the Spheal was not about to go down that easily as it quickly got back to its original position as Neige ordered Spheal ordered it to use Powder Snow, which began to spread over the area which had made it more difficult for Riolu to see as Neige then ordered Spheal to fire an Aurora Beam, which hit Riolu right in the chest and knocked it back. However, Riolu proved to be resilient as he had quickly gotten back on his feet. Dan ordered for Riolu to use Double Team, which had caused Spheal to struggle as it had a hard time finding the real one as it tried to fire multiple Aurora Beams which only hit the copies, which allowd Riolu to come forward and deliver another Force Palm. Which knocked Spheal into the wall and had knocked it out.

"Return! Good job Spheal, you've earned a good rest." Neige said to Spheal's Pokeball before he pulled out his second Pokemon, a Delibird. Dan knew that the partial Flying typing might give Riolu some trouble, but Dan decided to stick with it as Snivy would have a double weakness against it had he made the switch. Neige began with a Hail attack, as soon the field had become a haze which not only was gonna be a constant annoyance to Riolu but also limited his vision. Which is likely what Neige had counted on as he followed it up with a Drill Peck. Dan responded with another Double Team, which caused the Delibird to hit an after image as it tried to hit as many of them as it could and having eventually gotten lucky and having landed a grazing shot towards Riolu's side which knocked it away. Though Dan had been quick to respond with a Quick attack as Riolu dashed towards where the Delibird had managed to hit it. Neige called for another Drill Peck which Dan knew that Riolu would have been unable to dodge in time, so he called forth a Counter. The Drill Peck connected, but Riolu managed to use the momentum of the Flying/Ice type as he violently tossed it against the ceiling. Both Pokemon fainted in response to this.

Dan and Neige had returned and congratulated their fallen Pokemon before they called out their last ones. For Neige, it was his Glaceon. For Dan, it was his partner Snivy. Dan knew he had the type disadvantage, but he also knew Snivy and him could deal with even those scenarios. They had to, if they wanted to be champions. Neige called for an Ice Beam, and Dan called for Vine Whip as Snivy used the vines to shoot herself in the air which had caused her body to avoid the chilling blast. Dan then called for Razor Leaf, which Snivy soon fired several leaves that had pelted the Glaceon. Though Glaceon managed to shake this blow off as Neige called for an Ice Shard, as Glaceon fired several sharp ice shards at the airborne Snivy, who Dan simply instructed to dodge using a graceful free fall as it drifted between before Dan called for a Vine Whip with the intent to restrain Glaceon, but this was countered by Neige who called for an Ice Fang as the Glaceon bit into the vine of Snivy and pull her down. But before Snivy crashed against it, Snivy managed to land on her feet as Dan ordered Snivy to restrain Glaceon's waist with her second vine as the pressure caused Glaceon to release its grip on the vine before Snivy used it to wrap around the Glaceon's neck. Then Snivy would lift Glaceon up in the air and slam it against the ground violently.

And again....

And again...

And again...

Snivy just continued to pummeled Glaceon against the floor and walls of the gym over and over again until Glaceon fainted from the force.

Neige returned his Glaceon, giving it thanks for its efforts, before he faced Dan and presented him with the Icicle-shaped badge.

"It is my honor to present you with the Ice badge." Neige said, as Dan accepted it as he and Snivy smiled before they would exit the gym and made their way back over to the group.
Tessa turned outside to Marcus holding the pokeball in disgust. "So, what's in there?" She asked while looking over his shoulder. "If it's so bad for your likings? Nothing can be that bad." Tessa said having to stand on her toes to see the ball.


Previously Swirled
"It's that Sneasel that attacked us last night, it would have attacked Sid, but I caught it, why I don't know," Marcus explained as he took out Eric. The Sneasel stared at Tessa for a long time before he started nibbling her leg, and then hugging it.
"I guess Eric changed," Marcus thought out loud as he slowly walked toward the Ice type that immediately jumped into his arms. Eric smiled, he needed to bond with his new trainer, he knew that Marcus had sort spots, so making him one of them was a priority for the Sneasel.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“I suppose,” James began to attempt and answer Sid’s question. However when Jane chimes in he just nodded at her answer. “Yes, that is very important. According to the Pokedex, your Pokémon can gain experience points that way and eventually even evolve. Evolution is the process of your Pokémon becoming strong enough to take a new form and become a new being, which includes a new name and maybe new typing. Though, that’s the gist of it, it is what happened with Burn. Second, remember to use strategy. Think of what moves to use, remember your items, all that stuff. However, one of the most important things could be caring and taking care of your Pokémon. That way you can deepen your trust and bond with them,” he explained with a smile. Then he put his hands over his head. “Well, I’m gonna go through Boulder Tunnel to try to reach Zormy Towne. Then I can go get my next badge. Wanna come, Jane?” he asked.
Ike woke up in the alley next to the gym he slept in. Noi was already flying around while Geck stayed in his pokeball. Ike yawned, got up, and stretched. He got outside the alley and walked to the gym. He saw another boy looking around his age standing outside the gym. Ike waved and got closer. When he was within earshot, he said, "Hey! I'm Ike. This is Noi, my Noibat. I also have a Treecko, but he's pretty shy. What's your name?"
It took Sid-Roggoth a moment to compartmentalize the events transpiring around him. First, he dealt with the sudden Sneasel ambush. Marcus had saved his Drowzee from the Ice-type, which Torracat would have otherwise sublimated in unholy fire. Ironic, as Drowzee was the one who'd preyed on Marcus in the first place. Why had Marcus done that? Weren't pokemon supposed to be violent?


Exceedingly violent, if James and Jane spoke truly. Up until now, Sid-Roggoth had only ordered Torracat to attack and kill wild pokemon for food. Then Torracat would eat as much as Sid-Roggoth could get him to. That was how he himself gained strength: not by honing battle skills, but by gorging on the essence of savory life-forms. But all this time, his pokemon were supposed to have vanquished hordes of wild pokemon? Had he only won in the first gym by fluke? How . . . flustering.

“Well, I’m gonna go through Boulder Tunnel to try to reach Zormy Towne," James was saying, stretching his arms behind his head. "Then I can go get my next badge. Wanna come, Jane?”

In a moment, Sid-Roggoth had imposed himself upon James, taking no heed of Jane's Tynamo, or the fact that James wasn't talking to him. "I will shadow you," he gurgled. "I will observe your every move. I will become. Like. You." He bent his arms back behind his head, in an exaggerated imitation of James's posture. "Let us go. Boulder Tunnel awaits!"


Previously Swirled
"I'll come with, gotta train this little guy, Tessa, want in?" Marcus announced casually as he took out his Pokedex to see his current level. Eric was a Level 12 Sneasel with the moves Power Snow, Scratch, and Feint Attack. Clearly, Eric was at a similar level to the rest of his Pokemon, he took out Solar to observe him, even though Eric was scared of Solar for the reason that Ice and Dark were weak to Fire and Bug respectively.
Tessa shrugged. "Why not. Got nothing better to do." She said while holding Eevee's ball in her hand. "Training her will be my goal then as well." Tessa said while starting to jog ahead. She then waved forward. "Cave's this way!"
Dan glanced over at the group, and saw that they seemed to be going over to a cave to train as well as travel towards the next town. While Dan had not known these people so well Dan had decided they seemed nice enough with even factoring in how weird this Sid guy seemed to be and followed Tessa towards the cave. Snivy right by his side as per usual.

Though unknown to them, a lone Swinub had eyed Dan ever since he arrived in town. And while it appeared to be shy, once it saw Dan and Snivy begin to leave it would follow the pair though it tried to do it so that it would not attract attention.