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It seems that the firey figure smiled, and nodded. It looked at Valerie, and she nodded, bursting into flames as well. Then, they both came together to create a blazing two headed, two tailed snake. "Time to turn up the heat." It said, and lashed at Abyss.


Previously Swirled
Abyss acted with mock surprised, letting his opponents think that he was out of options, "Oh no, I have lost, defeated by an overgrown, flaming lizard with two tails, whatever shall I do, oh wait, I have something." His body became pure liquid nitrogen and rushed towards Violet, freezing her and then knocking her back to a wall, leaving her unconscious. He then turned to Pisces and mocked his fallen companion, "Yes, show me, how much wrath your fire has." His body was now pure ice with snow surrounding him, his icy blade now grown in size.
The snake faltered. "No..." It said, with two voices coming from it. The snake split into the two again, and Pisces said; "I got Violet. You take on Abyss." But Valerie was unsure. "Well.... I'm nit angry enough..." She said. "I can fix that, because if you don't beat him, I'll tell you the... 'Secret.'" He siad. Valerie got red faced and angry, and then she turned into a small fire dragon. She went at Abyss, trying to maul him with fire.


Previously Swirled
"I'm sorry what?" He was overwhelmed by the attacks of Valerie, at least until he turned back into his liquid nitrogen form and blocked her attack, "No seriously, what secret?" Violet was very injured and asked Pisces, "I may not be able to get back up, so just continue the fight, okay?"


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro and Oma were walking around, wondering where the others went. Eventually, Zoro found footprints. "Oma, here!" he whispered. The two followed the trail and saw a trapdoor. They went through the door and and saw a lizard with two tails and made out of fire fighting Abyss with Violet. "What the heck is happening?" Zoro asked. Oma looked at Abyss, scared of his different appearance.


Previously Swirled
Abyss turned his head to Oma, rememering her from his victim's memories, So this is the one he loves, I can kill her, he doesn't need the attachment to her. He them turned his attention to Oma and attacked her, but his body stopped, he was unable to do it, at least for a moment, he decided to tell the confused girl, "Hey, in short, this isn't the Abyss you're used to, basically I'm possessing him, just thought I should tell you that." He then readied his sword for an attack.
Pisces nodded, and said; "On your behalf, I'm going to help." He siad. "And for everyone in the world who needs my help." He siad, and then merged into Valerie's fire dragon. It became bigger and more menacing. "Okay. Oma, sty back. You too, Zoro. This is Sparta." They growled, and went foreward in a flaming dash.


Previously Swirled
The possssed boy grew bored with the two and separated the two with a single slash of his sword. He was starting to get exhausted, as he stared at Valerie, on the ground, and he readied his blade for the finishing blow, and gave Picses the "Violet Treatment" so he didn't interfere, "Know if anyone has nothing else to say, I'll kill this peasant.
Valerie got up. "Yo. I have a plan. Let's play a game of Dare or Dare!" She yelled, and said; "Hey. Oma, I dare you to kiss Abyss cuz it's the only way." She said, but was sweating a bit. Pisces was on the ground, rekt like Violet. "Welp, this sux." He said, looking over at Violet.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle had been summoned again but this time with a camera. "I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED YET AGAIN!" Kyle said ready to a picture. His camera had that HD good frame work. Holding camera smiling he slowly watched.


Previously Swirled
Annoyed, Abyss swiftly broke the camera, broke Kyle's ribs and subsequently threw him to a wall and waited, mocking Valerie, "Come on, show me your brilliant plan."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Oma's face turned as red as a tomato and in the next second she teleported out of the room. Zoro's face was indescribable. "No. Why?," he thought. He glared at Abyss and his eyes turned red, but more dark. "This is for you and Oma," he said calmly. His entire body turned dark and the outside of his pupils turned black. Then he disappeared into the shadows and then in front of Abyss. "Why?" he asked before immediately putting one of his hands into the air. "You don't gain anything from this. You're not my friend, but I know he is somewhere. I'll just have to get him out," Zoro said before releasing a blast of dark fire.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle flung to the wall in pain. "W- Welp any minute now I'll slowly..." Kyle said. He just sat their regening his limbs faster then a normal ghoul since he's a half ghoul. ((I don't that TG Logic))


Previously Swirled
Abyss grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist, "See no, I was told that a boy was coming here with cryokenisis and was decently strong, in a way I'm helping him, he's happy, trapped in his own mind, without a clue about what I am doing, if you were truly his friend, let him be happy." He threw Zoro aside,but began to tire, he was acting with a facade so no one would suspect it, he then tried to hunt down Oma so he could kill her.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro shook the hand off and slowly began returning back to normal, this time, though, he didn't faint. "That's not. Abyss. He only thinks he's happy," he whispered. Zoro closed his eyes and turned around. "I have to find Oma. Maybe she can stop him," he said to the others. Zoro called Oma and asked where she was. She told him she was in her room and Zoro left the room and headed towards it. Oma started breathing heavily. "Why was Abyss attacking people?" she asked herself. She shook her head and waited for Zoro to come in.


Previously Swirled
As if on cue, the boy busted in and told her, "Hello, I don't care how you are, time to die." Abyss then looked at her with a cold stare before asking her, "Now, before I stab you I just ask, what's the deal with Abyss, meaning how do you feel about him?"
Valerie helped up Picses, and he winced when he got on his right foot. "Agh!" He said. "OH no.... Maybe that attack Broke your leg!" She said. Pisces looked down. His leg felt horrible. He had broken it. "Agh. Just leave me here. Take Violet. She's more important than me, as I'm just broken and mangled." He said. Valerie teared up, and went up to Violet. "I've got a wish from Pisces. Let's go." She said, holding out her hand.


Previously Swirled
"I'd rather you not sacrifice yourself for me," Violet as she felt her arm in immense pain, but still shooed him, "The fact is that I couldn't do anything against this coruppted version of Abyss, you actually have a fighting chance, so Valerie, please leave me behind."
Valerie looked up at the ceiling and said; "Both of you are in No condition to fight. I'm leaving you both. I'll come back for you, and that's a promise." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes and running to find.... Well.... You couldn't call it Abyss anymore.


Previously Swirled
Violet looked over at Pisces and told him, "Well, we're going to be here for a while so might as well get comfortable." She tried to sprout wings that all of her face supposedly had, but she neither had the strength or the will to fly them both out.
Pisces managed a frail smile, and made sure not to move his leg. "Heh. What do ya know. It's just like in the mov-" he started, but he fell asleep. He was too weak to stay awake.

Meanwhile, Valerie found Abyss with Oma. "Just freaking do it!" She yelled at Oma. "I don't think you want me to do the other option... Which is.... You know." She and hesitatance in her voice.


Previously Swirled
Now Abyss was interested, "And what if she doesn't, what is this other option that your talking about?" He sat down and waited patiently for one of them to make a move, whichever one was necessary, "Go on, it's not like I have places to be or anything."

At the same time, Violet decided to take a nap to, sprawling out in a manner that made her look cute, as she hoped that the Abyss she knew, the real Abyss would come out and make whomever is responsible for this pay.
"Well, I'll have to kill the host." She said, really hesitant. "And trust me... Nobody wants that." She said. Then, she tried to get into his mind. "Oma. Help me." She said, nodding at her. "Whatever he offered you, it's not worth it, because I know the real Abyss is in there. Somewhere." She said, her eyes filled with anger and frustration, but also with sympathy and want fir him to get back.

Meanwhile, Pisces got up. He looked at Violet, and said; "Well, I guess she's fine." And began to crawl slowly out. "It's my job to protect others. And me protecting her, is letting her stay and rest." He said, and started climbing up the stair to get out of the basement.


Previously Swirled
"Huh, so that's unexpected, certainly won't make him happy," The possessed boy sounded genuinely concerned, "My employer kinda needs this body alive, he just let me borrow it, so, how about this, I leave the boy's body and you get your friend back? Sounds good right, but I have a price." Abyss stood up and retracted his ice blade so that he could convince his opponents that he won't try to pull anything.
"Price? Name it." She said, growling a bit. Pisces crawled up behind Abyss, unnoticed by anyone. He lit a small cinder, and was going to turn Abyss into a hot mess if he pulled anything stupid. "I'm not one to wait, but show me what you've got." She said.


Previously Swirled
"Well, I want to know things, primarily what secret the other pyro mentioned. So just tell me that and you can have your friend back, that's all." He sat down and waited to see how much the other boy had to hide. It intrigued him that just the mention of this secret could make Valerie flare up in anger, so naturally it must be good info.
She breathed in..... And sighed.
"Well... I'm In a group called the Inferno. We help people in need, but it's a secret organization, and for no people to hear about it unless I'm in dire need and need to help people. Pisces is in it too, but he really doesn't do anything. It's really important that Inferno stays safe." She sighed.
Pisces listened, and said; "Well, that's it."


Previously Swirled
"Well, that was disappointing, but since I am a entity of my word, I'll let your friend go, who knows, maybe I'll see him again." And as soon as the possessed boy finished his sentence, black smoke came out of his ear and he fell to the ground, Abyss was freed, and somehow sleepy. Violet managed to get back up to where Valerie and Pisces were and was confused, "Did I miss anything?" Meanwhile the entity retreated back to where he came from and reported the news, "It seems that we might have overestimated their potential, but then again, he was only one, soon, we could have an army."
"Abyss is back." Said Pisces as Valerie saw him and began to help him up. "Anyway, we should get both you and Voilet to the infermary because you both seemed to be hurt. Probably we should bring Abyss." She said. "Yep. I might need a boot or some crutches for this leg." He said, smiling and laughing a bit.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"A little help?" Kyle said as his leg was still regenerating. AT this point it was down to his knee so it wasn't bad. Look around he noticed he left the mini 'prom' room. He wondered if Mallory was still there.


Previously Swirled
Abyss finally woke up, and this time he was his usual, evil free self, "So did I miss any-" He sentence was cut short by an unknown presence who had shot a sleeping dart of sorts, putting the cyrokinesis user in an unconscious state once again. Violet stood up, despite the fact that her legs had been in extreme pain, maybe even broken, she also had the same sleeping dart shot at her, and as such she was sent to the realm of unconsciousness, just like her formerly corrupted friend. The person who had fired the two sleepers was invisible and put him/herself in the position to fire again, this time aiming at the two pyrokinesis user's necks.
Pisces was hit, but Valerie dodged the dart. "Sleeping darts! Aubery, Oma, Zoro! We gotta get out of here!" She yelled, and began dragging Pisces away. "Bleh..... No.... You may NOT eat me with cheese and crackers...." Pisces mumbled in his sleep.


Previously Swirled
The two began twitching in their sleep as if to say, "Mind helping us?" The air around Abyss became colder and Violet began shivering. The invisible shooter shot a sleeper at Kyle from the distance, knowing that he was injured, he/she then took aim at Valerie again as his/her boss required all of the superpowers lids they could find.
Valerie realized where the shots were coming from, and shot a Blaze at the shooter's location. She got down inside a burrow, and grabbed Violet and Abyss and pulled the two into the burrow. "Dangit."


Previously Swirled
The first shooter had no choice but to retreat, as his/her current location was discovered. Fortunately for him/her, they sent a squad of shooters, instead of a single one, in case one wasn't enough to finish the job. The squad split up, some went to hunt down the two demons that were supposedly here, the others hunted for the others kids that were here.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle saw the dart coming. Instinct told him to move but with 1 good leg not much can happen. The dart hit him and instantly fell asleep.
Valerie pulled Violet, Abyss, and Pisces into a sewage pipe. She started gathering stuff from the water to barricade the pipe. Then, she said; "Get up. I have bacon." And Pisces bolted right up. "Bacon?!" "No." "Oh." She then looked at the other two. "What should I do to you." "I don't know, but the smell down here might wake them up, P.U!"


Previously Swirled
Violet became so cold that she bolted awake as well, "I'M UP, NOW WAKE HIM UP SO HE DOESN'T MAKE EVERYTHING COLD!!!!!" She did wonder what could make him sleep for so long. Abyss didn't awake as he was so used to being unconscious, that his body adjusted to the prolonged state of rest. The sleeper agent picked up Kyle and regrouped with his/her comrades, who have discovered the pipe of sewage that Valerie hid her sleeping friends in and were now attempting to break open the barricade. The two agents that were hunting for Zoro and Oma found a signal that the demons were near, and pursued the signal as protocol.
Valerie threw Abyss onto her shoulder, heating herself up to warm up the cold, and ran down the pipe, but shoved a giant metal slab over the pipe and cauterized it to the wall. "Come on, let's go!" She said, running down the pipe as Pisces used fire to float.


Previously Swirled
Abyss slowly started to wake up, as the hot temperature irritated him, and was feeling a little sick. The sleeper agents finally broke through the first layer of barricade, only to find the cauterized pipe and to solve that issue, they simply blew it up. Once the dust had cleared, the agents began to give chase to the kids. Violet heard the footsteps and told the group, it seems we have company. As the other members of the squad were looking for the demon siblings, they stumbled upon Aubrey, who was already unconscious, they took her and continued to search for their targets.