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Ask to Join Fantasy High School

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker knew that defusing the situation was hopeless and turned his attention to Aubrey. Based on the sound that was made and the cracks in the wall where she hit it, he could tell that she could be seriously injured. He ran over to the girl, who had slumped onto the floor, and gently picked her up.

"Hey, you okay? Don't move too much, I don't know if you have any injuries. I'm going to take you to the nurse's office, alright?"
“Careful, hotshot. Don’t hurt yourself,” Austin taunted, shooting a look to Pisces. Aubrey, despite the jagged bolt of pain crackling through he back of her skull, sat up a bit in his hold, clutching her head, wincing lightly, although she would’ve much rather stayed where she was. It was warm, or maybe that was just the fact that she was always way too cold.
“I- ah- no, I- I’m okay-“ she insisted, her voice faltering. She’d dealed with migraines for the past several years, and this was just, like.. a physically induced migraine. Right? Still, the burning sting of tears has made it’s way to her eyes. She blinked them away.
Near them, Austin put a hand on his heart and pretended to look moved.
“Awww, boyfriend comes in to save the day!” He sneered mockingly, looking at the group around them. “Seriously, which one of you losers is this mutation’s little boytoy?” he continued, and it became apparent that he had friends around him,al wearing the same smirk.
Pisces, or what used to be him, said;
"Hey, not Many of us even have relationships with anyone at this phase, because, look at me. You can see that I'M single. I mean, I'm just protecting her because she seems like a good friend." He said.
"Also, where'd you learn your sense of humor from, a DUMPSTER?"
He asked, referring to the 'Careful, Hotshot.' Pun. ((I love that kind of pun.))


Previously Swirled
Abyss stared at the group with disgust, "Why can people here learn to keep their mouths shut, every time I come to this school I wanna cut my ears off so I don't have to hear their annoying babbling." The boy only came because everyone in his hometown knew that his powers were out of control and they knew that this place could help. He looked at Abury with special disgust and shouted to her direction, "Hey weakling, no one cares that you're hurt, grow up and deal with it and if you can't then the door is over there." He hated everyone in this school for freaks that couldn't control their powers and wished that he never had these powers to begin with.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle looked at the kid who tried to roast Aubrey. "Yo stop acting all cold like your Shadow Or Sasuke it doesn't work for you get a new style." Kyle said. Then his group let out a little "Ooo roasted" as if they that he would scald them if heard it. After that a small smile appeared on his face. Finally my group did something right he thought.
Aubrey, already in a bad mood from having been thrown against a wall, had to actually bite her tongue, forcing a hesitance upon herself to yell back at the stranger. She wriggled out of Parker’s grasp with a quiet “thank you”, her knees wobbling as she touched back on the ground. She held her hand to her head, watching with an annoyed expression as Austin and his group followed after Abyss, probably to congratulate him on.. what? Being a jackass?
The jolt of pain in her head had yet to ebb, but she did her best to ignore it, crossing her arms for a brief moment before looking back at the group.
“I, uh. Thank you guys. Really. I didn’t mean to play the dumb ‘helpless injured girl in need of defending’ card, but I really appreciate it.” she mumbled sheepishly, still leaning against the wall, mainly because she didn’t trust herself.


Previously Swirled
Abyss saw Asutin and his group of idiots come up to him, but he told them in mock polieness, " Spare me the congratulations, though I do appreciate it." The cruel boy then turned to Kyle, "And also, Shadow? Sasuke? Clearly you must have nothing better to waste your useless life on if you know who those people are, and while I'm at it, drop the whole act, I've seen guys like you, defending the girl or crap like that, let the little weakling speak for herself, though if she can't then I wouldn't hold it against her." Abyss grew tired of hearing guys like Kyle, so he decided to walk out as there was nothing here for him.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel stood silently at the Telekinetics group, just watching the situation unfold. He leaned against the wall, not really knowing what to do. He was a bit shy, so meeting a bunch of people he didn’t know wouldn’t really work out. He sighed, looking at the other groups.


Previously Swirled
Abyss noticed Manuel and his group of Telekenitics, "And then here is these scrawny pukes, honestly, if I didn't need them, I'd blind myself because looking at you all disgusts me." Abyss then headed for the door and told Kyle, "Here is a little parting gift," He held up both middle fingers to Kyle before leaving, "I'd say see you around, but why would I come back to a freak show like this?" He then opened the doors and left, leaving many of the bystanders shocked, some of them even crying at Abyss's harsh comments.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Jeez, what's up with him?" Parker watched as the rather rude boy left the room with his middle fingers at Kyle. Parker quickly turned his attention back to Aubrey. "You sure you don't need to go to the nurse? It's not a big deal, I'd be happy to take you..." Parker still didn't know if the girl was okay. Sometimes I wish my power was to heal and not to kill...


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro grabbed his suitcase and got ready to head to school when he was suddenly teleported on a floor. "Oww..." he mumbled and then looked up. "Sorry for the inconvenience," the man in front of him said while handing him things. "That's your schedule and key. Welcome to Night Side High School," he said and then disappeared. "Thanks!" Zoro shouted unsarcastically as he got his belongings and stood up.

He went to his room and just put his suitcase on the bed. He checked his schedule only to realize he skipped most of his classes. "Great! Though I guess I have to catch up a bit," Zoro muttered. He started heading to P.E. class when he saw a "colorful" girl on a wall. He immediately rushed in and gasped in awe. "No way! SOOOO COOL! YOU HAVE WEIRD SKIN LIKE ME!!!" Zoro shouted a bit too loudly. "I mean you're still cooler 'cause I have weird horns and I have only one colored skin and I have three eyes BUT STILL! Oh... right I'm Zoro," he rambled without thinking.
Aubrey chuckled faintly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Everything felt foggy, and the bright lights in the halls weren’t really helping. Not to mention her splitting headache.
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind that...” she mumbled lightly, pressing her fingers to her temples, when an explosion of excitement hit her through mind reading, as most emotions got to her, and some kid just.. appeared, and was just shouting at her and looking absolutely gleeful. She smiled and nodded, mainly because she was dazed and confused, and hadn’t really been listening, but she did manage an incoherently flustered “thank you”, because she was pretty she that among it she’d heard a compliment of sorts. His skin was sort of odd, more on the pink side of ‘peachy’. His horns were cool though.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Okay, we can probably make it to the nurse and get her to check you out before next period. A-Are you okay to walk, or should I carry you again?" Parker knew he had a slight blush on his face, but how could he not? He extended his hand to her. "C-Come on, we need to go or we'll run out of time..."
Aubrey chuckled gently.
“I can walk,” she replied softly, although admittedly she really didn’t want to. Walking sucked, and honestly she was kind of scared that she would just fall over, being clumsy as she was. But she knew that it would be pretty embarrassing for him to just.. haul her over to the nurse, so obviously she rejected the offer as they made their way down the hall.


Previously Swirled
Abyss was still wandering around the school like a lost puppy looking for his mother, "Well I screwed up, now I either have to swallow my prude and walk back in there, or I have to look for another place that takes freak shows like me." In his eyes, it was a lose-lose situation, he could already hear the snarky remarks, the usual "Look who came crawling back" maybe even, "What happened to the whole dramatic exit? But he had nowhere else to go, even if he tried to get a job and be a functioning member of society, his powers would likely come up at the worst of moments, so he kind of put himself in a bad spot. "Well, after thinking about it, I think I'll just go back in and ignore the snarky comments of everyone and besides when has other people's opinions stopped me?" He took a deep breath and walked back in, wondering where his first class would be, and if he could find that guy who attempted to defend the weak little girl and even punch him square in the face, that would be a bonus.
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While all of this crap was happening, Pisces was taking out his rage in the schoolyard by punching a hole in the ground and polluting the atmosphere with the smoke coming from his on-fire body. His rage could be heard for miles around, and he was yelling something about Austin, Aubery, Abyss, and a few others.


Previously Swirled
Abyss saw the yelling Pisces, he simply joked, "Woah man, you need to chill, funny thing is I can help you with that." He was genuinely enjoying how angry this guy what getting, he figured he should make it all the funnier by cracking some jokes, but he did hear something about Austin and asked, "Who the heck is Austin?"


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"To be real with you kiddo, the fact that you know about them and insalting me for knowing about them is lower than me." Kyle said. His cold death stare came to life, almost as if your parents were about to punish while looking down at you with that kind of stare. The fact he achieved this stare is something no person his age ever done.
Shortly after saying that, he watched the kid flip the bird. Something boiled in him, the rage of everyone he killed came back to him. He fidgeted slowly raising his hands staring at them. Then turned around but everyone backed to the wall. "C'mon I won't hurt you guys..." Kyle said as he tilted his head with a creepy smile.

(Insalting - Salty + Insulting)


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro didn't really understand what was happening, but decided that something happened to the girl in front of him and she was being helped. He turned around and didn't seem at all disturbed by the creepy smile Kyle made. "You're pretty cool. I'm gonna get to class, but see you guys around!" he said with a wide grin. He left the room and started walking around the school while whistling.

He was passing through the schoolyard and saw someone punching which sparked Zoro's curiosity. He came over and heard someone talking about Austin. He was making a wild guess since he didn't know anyone, but he told Abyss,"I think that guy did something to the other weird skin person." He looked at what Abyss was wearing and thought he looked cool. "Heya! I'm Zoro, by the way. I think I got here late. Anyways wanna head to the next class together?" he asked while extending his hand.


Previously Swirled
Abyss thought about pushing away this cheery demon, but decided that he needed at least one friend here or he may never survive in this freak show, "Sure I guess, so how's the whole demon thing going for you?" The cryokinetic then realized that he had no idea where his next class was, "So, where is my next class anyway, I am a little new here, how about you?" He never really knew how to make "friends" but really all friends were are people who you know and are on good terms with so you can use them to get out of tough situations.
Zack had stayed quiet most of the situation, watching as everything happened so quickly. Finally, he decided to take action. He ran behind the big-talking Austin, and drew the word "Loser" in small flames with messy hand writing. He snickered at his work and returned to his original position. He found it very difficult to keep his composure as the boys shirt slowly began spreading in flames. He then brought his attention to a new kid, who had been insulting everyone around.
"Hey kid, look. I know your probably really insecure about your feelings and want to take it out on everyone you lay your eyes on by using very rude and pathetic insults, but right now isn't the time to do it. So if you could go run along now to your edgy pals and leave us alone, that would be nice. Thank. You," Zack said to the annoying brat. He didn't have time to deal with yet another asshole today.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"I'm new, too. And I guess the whole demon thing is pretty cool. I can do magic like this," Zoro said. He used two of his fingers which began glowing with a white light and shot something at his head using them. Then there were two mini-Zoros. They used magic again to fuse and create normal Zoro. "And y'know, fighting magic like shoot fireballs, lava, throw rocks, you get it. The next class is P.E., so I guess it's at that big gymnasium with a label that says "P.E.," he told Abyss while pointing to the left. "Well now that we're friends I guess I can trust you, so I might talk a lot, sorry," Zoro said a bit embarrassed. He started heading to the gym, hoping Abyss would follow him.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
A girl walked out of the crowd. "SNAP OUT OF IT AND GO MAKE FRIENDS DUMMY!" She said as she slapped him. Everyone else gasped then she realized what she done and tried to go back to where she was in the crowd. The crowd just made it hard her to get back to where she was so she got her punishment.
"Your right... I will!" Kyle said. Then he went to the next class with a smile on his face.
Aubrey made her way through the halls to the nurse, feeling like a total loser because that jackass Abyss had drawn out her insecurities.
Maybe I should turn back. Maybe he’s right, I am just a weakling. What kind of person just lets themself be thrown to a wall? Just turn around and head to class.
She sighed gently, ducking her head, which was still throbbing.
Weak. No wonder you couldn’t save him those two years ago. It’s your fault-
She pursed her lip. Now wasn’t the time. In fact, there never was going to be a time.
Just drop it! Only weaklings ponder on the past, you can’t change it, you can’t SAVE HIM. He’s right, you’re useless- useless, weak, helpless..


Previously Swirled
Abyss saw Kyle our of the corner of his eye as he was walking around, as he sighed, "I'm going to enjoy pounding his skull in." He then walked into the gym and seemed generally disappointed. He dealt with it, only cause this sad excuse for a school is the only place that takes in freaks such as himself, he also saw Aburey and the mental torment that was plauging her mind nut he didn't feel bad at all, especially since he caused it, Abyss thought talking to her would be a good idea, but at some point, and personally it would be best in private, due to him not wanting anyone to see him swallow some of his pride.
The girl sensed his presence easily, but it was so odd to read his mind while he was thinking about.. her thoughts. She turned around and made sure she eye contact with him, the desperation for acceptance in her eyes quickly replaced with a burning flame, flickering icy white in her pale blue eyes. He wanted to talk? To her? Her idea of ‘talking’ that was associated with him was getting verbally beaten up.
Please. You’ve worried me for a bit, you two-faced snake, but I can see your other side. You’re soft, past all that hubris. There’s no reason for me to be afraid of you, I’ll worry about my own problems. She thought fiercely, breaking the eye contact and continuing on her way.


Previously Swirled
Abyss only could guess that he somehow knew his thoughts as he felt the atmosphere in her stare so if he could he decided to just tell her in his mind, Look I'm only gonna think this once, sure your a weakling, but there are smart weaklings and true weaklings, Smart weaklings try and get stronger while true weaklings give up and don't improve themselves. Be a smart weakling. He had no idea why he bothered to tell her that bit it just felt right for some reason.
Huh. Impressive.
Nobody had ever identified her as a mindreader just from the look she gave.
She’d have to add that to the list of things that made this kid one of her least favorite people so far. Her thoughts seemed hazy- probably just because she hit her head, but one rang out, clear as day, amongst the smog of words:
Prove that you’re not a weakling.


Previously Swirled
Abyss then smirked before he went back to the gym and simply began to sleep, wondering of he could find those suck ups that tried to congratulate him, he knew how fake those people were, they try to befriend you and do things with you that actually seem fun, but then use you, betray you or outright abandon you, and the boy was no one's tool to use for their pleasure. He woke up and hoped to find that one guy that tried to defend that weakling whom he later advised, again why, he had no idea, maybe just to do something nice aside from not pushing away Zoro even though he was a little annoying, but so everyone else in this school so there was little to no difference.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro saw Abyss come inside the gym as Zoro was practicing his magic inside. He saw Kyle and wanted to become friends with him, but also wanted to talk with Abyss. “Hey wanna talk to people and stuff? Might as well get some friends early in the year. Enemies will just get you no where. I mean, friendly rivalries are great to have a motivation to become stronger and all... but I just wanna have friends. We’re all weird and have cool powers right? So we all have something in common. I just find that nice,” the demon said with a smile as he sat down next to Abyss. “Anyways, my point is that we should do nice stuff and get to know people. People see me as a freak demon, I guess, but I don’t care. I have other problems and friends help you with that and don’t stereotype,” Zoro said. He was happy he had someone to talk to in this school.


Previously Swirled
"Well, I think of it like this,"Abyss told the partial demon in a tone of genuine friendliness, "Enemies give you a person to antagonize, a person to blame and a target to hit. Friends can help you, but they really want something from you, whether it is human interaction or money or somewhere in between, in short, friends are something I haven't bothered myself with, at least until now." Zoro was the only person here that either didn't hate him or in some form idolized him, so at least he was okay.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Well I guess I want human interaction? But that’s so I can grow a bond and for people to be happy. It’s supposed to be an everyone wins thing with friendship. And with enemies you want to get stronger so you can antagonize them more? I guess getting stronger is a benefit so I don’t mind. Just please don’t involve me with violence unless someone is hurting you for no reason or is evil,” Zoro said with an awkward smile. He sort of pulled together that Abyss is violent, but he didn’t mind. “Hey maybe we can spar before class starts. Just don’t try to hurt me badly, ok?” he asked with a chuckle.


Previously Swirled
"While I appreciate the offer, and don't get me wrong, I would love to any other day, but I have a certain target in mind..." Abyss was referring to Kyle and how if he was going to punch anyone in this school,Kyle had to be first, he did comment on Zoro's conversation he was trying to start, "Well, at least human interaction doesn't lead to using others, at least not yet as we barely know each other." Abyss wondered when the teacher would finally do his/her job or was he/she just going to stand there and contemplate what they are doing with life.
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Aubrey, in a spur of guilt, turned her attention back to Parker as they walked. She’d lost train of thought in the midst of a long chain of her thoughts.
“So! Thank you for walking me,” she offered with a small smile, twiddling her thumbs. She didn’t really know what else to say at that point, so she went the route she’d taken with Kyle. Awkward icebreakers!
“Okay. So. Icebreakers- what’s your favorite food?”
Pisces walked down the hall. He looked normal as ever. Not flaming, screaming, or blowing up somebody's property. In fact, he looked generally happy, except for the fact there was still smoke coming off of his body and it looked like he had been crying for a bit.
"Hey, yo. What's up, Aubery." He said, shooting a quick thumbs-up.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oooh new people. Sorry Abyss, talk to you later. Time to get more friends!” Zoro exclaimed childishly. He gets excited easily, which usually confuses people when they look at a demon. He stared running towards the new people, before tripping on the floor. He stood back up and got rid of the dust on his vest. “Oh I remember you from when I first met Abyss! And you’re that lady who I met in the third class I was supposed to be in!” Zoro shouted enthusiastically. “Oh in case you didn’t hear me I’m Zoro. I’m just here to become friends and stuff.” He actually just wanted to be himself and not be forced to be like his dad, but he doesn’t really like to talk about his past issues.
AH. Okay- more people-! So much for icebreakers.
“It’s Aubrey,” the shorter “speckled” girl offered with a vague smile to Zoro. And then she looked at Pisces and her face automatically went to one of concern. His eyes seemed red and puffy, like he’d been crying. Her ice blue gaze studied his face with genuine worry, her brows drawn together.
“Pisces? You okay?” She murmured lightly. Wow. There were a lot of distractions on the way to the nurse! Who knew?
But he looked happy- elated, even- yet the smoke rising steadily from him and the red rings around his eyes said otherwise..
"Everything.... Is fine. It's just... Ya know, post rage junk." He said, his face getting a little depressed. He had been crying over all the complicated junk that had been happening. He couldn't believe he had let his rage go like that... It hadn't ever been in defense of someone other than his family, though... He didn't have much interaction besides them to make any sort of romantic/plutonic relationship with them.
She blinked, clearly not believing him- things obviously weren’t fine, but she knew how people were when they didn’t want to talk about things.
“Okay,” she replied gently.
He’s gotten so.. furious. He didn’t know what to do with himself for getting so angry- he’s not used to it. No wonder, he seemed like the most cheerful guy when we first met.. other than Zoro, maybe.
“So- Zoro,” she said, taking the attention off Pisces, because naturally she assumed that kind of spotlight was hellish, “-how’re you liking this pit of drama with a side of education that we fell in?”

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker wasn't comfortable with large groups of people, and since the only person he really knew was Aubrey he felt a little bit out of place. Everyone seemed to mob Aubrey when she entered a room. He didn't know why, but she seemed really popular. It made him a little bit jealous and a lot a bit depressed. He kind of just wanted to spend time with her, maybe he needed more friends...

"Hey Aubrey I'll see you next period, okay?" Parker said tapping her shoulder. He put his hands in his pockets and made his way down the hall. He turned around for a second and waved to the group. "Have fun talking, don't be late for the next class!"