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Ask to Join Fantasy High School


Previously 5DigitNeb
“I don’t know... I missed all of my previous classes and have been hanging out with Abyss. He said something about having a target I think? Then you guys showed up so I told him I was gonna try to make more friends. Anyways, you’re so cool though! Weird skin twins!” Zoro said while raising his right hand. He was a bit confused why Parker left. “Aubrey you GOTTA introduce me to your friends!” he said with a grin.
Aubrey felt the twinge of guilt from earlier twist into something larger, a gaping hole of guilt and she hated it.
Truth was, she felt really flustered in groups, and this was a good example. Zoro brought up Abyss, which made her tense up microscopically, and then he said something about being ‘skin twins’ and raised his hand. She assumed that he raised his hand for a high five, and she reluctantly tapped it with her own palm.
“Well- I don’t- I don’t have many, it’s just- a lot of people know my name, I guess..” she mumbled, face going red. “I have to get to the nurse, there was a bit of a fight, but, um.. I’ll see you guys around.” She mumbled, ducking her head and disappearing to the nurse’s office, taking a sharp breath to calm herself from the sudden spotlight.
Pisces frowned. He then saw Zoro, and smiled again, and it wasn't forced, like you might think. "Hey, yo! What's up! I'm Pisces." He said, smiling.
Still though...
He knew Aubrey knew about the messed-up junk that sometimes popped up in his mind. Normally, he was cool and optimistic, but every time his rarely seen rage or the demon popped up in his mind. He didn't know how to react to the rage.... It came up so rarely. It was such a strange, sometimes frightening shift. He needed help. Somebody to work him through. But... He knew he could handle it... He didn't need anyone to help him.... He thought...
After a series of weird tests and harsh lights, the nurse came to the conclusion that Aubrey had undergone a minor concussion due to hitting her head, but the and while she would be completely fine, the nurse suggested to take it down a notch for the next few days. Aubrey agreed and the nurse sent her on her way, the girl taking longer routes and slipping through otherwise empty halls to avoid.. everyone. She made it to the class and noticed people she knew, but distanced herself, settling down in a seat a good distance away from anyone else, leaving her to her own thoughts, which was honestly rather dangerous.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Heya Pisces, I’m Zoro! Just trying to be nice and have fun in this school. Well, that and control my powers better. How’s life?” he asked happily. He liked Pisces, he seemed positive. “I wonder what’s his power,” he thought. “I might as well get some friends now. I don’t know how people will react if I ever end up going... berserk. Aubrey seems to have a lot of friends though. And Abyss is cool, too. I wonder if I’ll get to know Pisces better, at first he didn’t seem to happy.”

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker had found his way to the next class fairly quickly after leaving the group in the hallway. He was suprised when he entered because he had actually been one of the first students into the classroom. He noticed Aubrey walk in and sit a good distance away from him, and everyone else for that matter. Huh, wonder if she's okay... I talk to her about it later.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oh actually I gotta get to class, see you around!” Zoro said while hearing back to gym. He saw a couple more people got here and saw someone sitting alone. Zoro recognized him as the person who left when he started talking to Aubrey. He went over to him and sat at the desk next to him. “Hey, there. I’m Zoro. You’re with Aubrey, right? She’s pretty cool. Do you by any chance want to be friends?” he asked with a genuine smile. He was probably going to do this with most people, but at least he really did want to form a bond with them.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker looked at the boy sitting next to him with a slightly confused look on his face. "Oh, uh... Maybe? I don't know, I'm not super good with people and the concept of 'friends' kind of scares me. Aubrey was a special case you could say. I sort of got stuck with her and she was really nice to me, and I also felt kind of bad for her. So I just kind of stuck with her, she's the only person I would call a 'friend'." Parker talked pretty fast, he wasn't good with people, especially people he didn't know


Previously 5DigitNeb
“It’s alright, I’ll take my time. Can’t expect everything I want to fall in my lap, now can I?” Zoro asked with a chuckle. “Well if you want you can feel bad for me? I have pink skin, weird horns, and extra eye, and I’m LITERALLY a demon. Did ya really expect me to NOT have gotten bullied before. To be honest, I was sort of like you. I didn’t open up to people, and I was also insecure. Then I came to this school. I figured since we are all people with weird powers, most of us have probably been called “freaks” before or something like that. And I thought it would be easy to become friends when you have something in common with a person. If you want I can leave you alone, but I’d like to stick around,” he explained.
You- whAT.
You felt bad for mE?
Nonono, you’ve got that toTALLY backwards! I tagged along because I felt bad for YOU.

Aubrey thought, biting back a small laugh. Admittedly, this could be considered eavesdropping, but she’d heard her name at least eight times and her curiosity got the better of her. So she headed down, wobbling slightly as she bounced between bleachers until she’d sat herself down by them.
“Sorry about that-! Too many people, I got spooked. Had to take a breather.” She murmured, flashing an apologetic smile. “In other news.. guess who has a concussion..” she announced dully, accompanied with mediocre jazz hands. Yayyyy..
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro was a bit surprised by Aubrey, but didn’t mind. “Oh no. That’s bad. I would try to help with my magic... but I forgot my spell book in my room. All I remember are basic spells and fighting spells. Maybe I can get you some ice for your head?” He was genuinely concerned right now as he is not at all used to concussions and thinks they must be highly dangerous by the sound of them. All he knows is that they have something to do with the brain. “Did you overuse your mind or something?”
Aubrey waved her hands a bit, a little gesture to try and stop him from worrying.
“Oh- nonono, I- I’m okay, I just can’t be too excitable, kinda. I- I hit my head. On a wall. Like an idiot,” she explained, scratching the back of her neck. She didn’t really want to include the fight part, if he didn’t know already.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oh yeah, I remember from when I first saw you. But you... don’t seem to be an idiot. I don’t think it’s like you to do that kind of stuff,” Zoro said suspiciously. He was mostly joking but had previously wondered about why she was leaning against the wall in the first place. “If anything happens just shout my name or something and I’ll try to help you as soon as possible, ‘kay?”

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Aw Aubrey, I knew it was a good idea to take you to the nurse's office." Parker could only imagine how bad it could have been if she kept pushing herself with a concussion. "I'm pretty sure this is the physical education class, so make sure you tell the teacher and don't overwork yourself. Parker turned his attention back to the rest of the gym, it seemed the teacher hadn't arrived yet...


Previously Swirled
(Holy crap I missed a lot, you just can' get S L E E P with out people continuing on, typical.) Abyss didn't wave goodbye to Zoro when he left, he only gave him a small smile, he wondered where their lazy no good teacher was and why they all had to be at this class when the person who was supposed to be teaching wasn't even here. "Well, what am I supposed to do now, try and meet up with my only friend here I guess." The boy then went over to Zoro and sat down, thinking about his powers, all they seemed to do was make random things out of ice and freeze people around him whenever he got mad. No shooting ice out of your hand, no freezing water, just those two things, they seemed pretty useless at this stage of life. He also saw the weakling and that one other guy that held her for some reason, either way they both hated him so no point in talking to then, he just sat in his place and waited for someone stupid to be injured or something interesting to finally happen at this school for freaks.
A slightly flustered Aubrey scratched the back of her neck, ducking her head.
“Okay, okay- I will,” she responded to Zoro after he insisted she shout for him if anything went wrong, although honestly she probably wouldn’t. That would just lead to him getting tormented, too.
She noticed Abyss sit near them with no acknowledgment to her, and she didn’t acknowledge him, either. There were no waves of hostility coming off the girl like they had earlier as she continued her conversation.
“Hah- yeah. I can still do most of the stuff I always can, it’s just.. I can’t go jumping around and sprinting. It’s just minor,” she said with a small laugh, looking down st her hands.
After everything blew over in the Power room, Zack made his way to the gym, where the next class was. He found some familiar faces hanging out, and a lot of other students from the previous class. Not wanting to jump into the conversation they were having with some new people, he decided to do whatever he wanted until the teacher showed up. He walked over to the actual gym area of the room, where there was a bunch of workout machines and tools. Zack was surprised and joyed that no one else was in it. He cartwheeled and back flipped over to the acrobatic area, the part which he enjoyed the most. He was one of the rare people who actual enjoyed working out, which he didn't know whether to be proud or ashamed of. Hopefully class doesn't start soon and I can have some fun. He thought. Wasting no time, he leaped onto a pole and propelled himself into the air, doing several spins before landing on the mat below him.
Pisces was watching from a distance. He was laughing. "I like most of the kids in this school. They're all either FUN or funNY." He said. "Man, I can't believe I've laready made three friends. I guess they would be Zack, Aubery, and Zoro." He said, not noticing his face get a little red, as this was the first Time he had made friends since.... Well.... Ever.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle took away around where most people would of gone. Though this path had a trip to the school's mini hospital so he took a little detour. "Hey... Mallory can I come in? Or you still I called you Terra or was it my bite?" Kyle said with a small smile.


Previously Swirled
Abyss still waited for that lazy no good teacher to show up and actually do his or her job, when a thought occurred to him, why doesn't he just skip? It's not like his teacher will notice and besides he was just wasting his time here until he could leave. But what if he was caught, then he would likely be expelled as this freak show for a school must have zero tolerance for class skipping, then where would he go? For the sake of his well being, he had to stay in class and wait for the teacher to arrive, though in his mind, if they don't arrive soon enough, then the students have the right to leave and have a free period.
Mallory was being helped into a wheelchair when Kyle came in. “Those ribs won’t be healed for sometime, but we’ve been ordered to get you into this wheelchair so you won’t miss any classes.” “Yay for me”. She muttered sarcastically. The nurse that was helping her into the wheelchair finished her work and slipped out of the room when Kyle walked in. Mallory turned her head to look at the black-haired boy and groaned, “Ugh, what now? And what do you think?”


Previously Swirled
Abyss was getting very, very bored, and when he got bored, he got angry. When he was younger and nicer, he had little fits whenever he was bored, and now he has a hard time just accepting boredom, the cryokenisis user wanted to do the same right now, but that would be the kind of stupidity that he would laugh at. If this teacher doesn't get here soon, I will actually go insane, I guess I should talk to someone. He remembered those guys that were following him after he insulted Aburey and wondered if they were around as well. He then remembered the weakling and tried to send a direct mental message to her, Hello, weakling, how are you? Even if he became friends with her, which was very unlikely, he was still going to refer to her as a weakling until it gets old, but it will never get old in his mind.
Aubrey wasn’t quite sure how to answer, considering mindreading was one-way, so she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted out to him.
“I’m doing just about as well as a weakling can, thank you!” She called back, although her tone was teasing and not angry.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro got relaxed when Aubrey said she’d be fine, and began becoming drowsy. Then he heard her shout out to Abyss and got worried again. “Why did you just say that? And so loudly to Abyss?” he asked her. He was genuinely confused. “Is her concussion really that bad?” he wondered. “Yo Abyss, why don’t you come over here! We’re not doing anything anyw-“ he was interrupted by a portal appearing in front of the gym which had an incredibley ripped woman coming out of it.

She took her shades off and grunted. “All right, maggots! Welcome to physical ed! Don’t expect me to go easy on you plebs! Oh, and don’t you DARE say anything about why I’m late. I had business to attend to. And if any of you maggots’ friends were late... TELL THEM THEY HAVE TO DO 200 PUSH-UPS WHEN THEY GET BACK! Anyways... it’s time for dodgeball! If you have a problem with it, TOO BAD! At least you can use your weird powers. Oh and my name is Ms. Ricic,” the person shouted.

Zoro honestly looked terrified. “Are all teachers like her?” he thought. “Aubrey, please don’t get yourself hurt,” he whispered. Ms. Ricic walked over to him and stared right at Zoro which caused tiny flames of tears to form in his eyes. “Well, Well. What’da we got here! A creepy demon talking to a weird skin creepy girl. Well you’re in luck monster! YOU get to be a team leader!” she shouted at him. Zoro began to say that he wasn’t a monster before being yelled at to shut up. This caused him to wince and feel very sad. Zoro walked over to the middle of the gym.

“WELL! Anyone else wanna be captains?” Ms. Ricic yelled. Not that many people raised their hands, the ones that did were mostly super strengthers that looked unbelievably ripped, a few pyros, and very little of anyone else. Ms. Ricic began looking around and looked in the completely the opposite way of most people with their hands up. “You! Robot hand boy! Come up, you get to be the other team leader weirdo!” she told Manuel. This caused Zoro to feel bad for him, since he knew right now how awkward it is to be put in the spotlight in class.
Aubrey ducked her head as the woman commented on the pigment of her skin, studying the ground with a vaguely hurt expression on her face. She knew that the whole ‘being picked last’ was definitely going to occur, because she was, as previously mentioned- or thought- a weakling, not to mention the damage on her head. She felt Zoro’s ripple of sadness as the woman screamed at him for being a monster, and she clenched her fist, leaving small, crescent shaped marks where her nails dug into her palms.


Previously Swirled
"Oh, so you're teaching us, I've been wondering when this would happen." Abyss said in mock happiness, "And really pay attention to this part, You have no right to treat Zoro like that! Calling him a monster, the only monster in here is you, and you call him out even though you can't even arrive to your own class on time, and then you expect the students to abide by those same standards, you're nothing but a hypocritical slouch who can't get of the couch and do her job, they should just fire you!!" If he was going to act like a jerk, then might as well do it to those who deserve it, he then went over to Aburey so she didn't have to shout, "Well that's nice, I'm okay as well." He then looked at Zoro and thought to himself, That one's for you Zoro, don't let her break your spirit.
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"Gah, I know I'm going to get picked last. I'm weak. The only physical labor I get it lugging a bag full of bricks for 1 mile every day." He said, frowning.
"Oh... Wait..." He said. "That's actually a good workout regimen." He said, sounding a bit surprised.
He walked over to Aubery. "Man, I feel bad for Zoro. Why does he have to be picked on when he's such a nice kid." He said. Then, he felt a twinge. "Nope. Not going to let you out rage." He whispered, a look of strain on his face.
Aubrey unclenched her fists, having not realized she’d been doing it, and the tiny red crescents on her hand were evident, so she tilted her hand away, where- hopefully nobody would see it. The look on Zoro’s face just made her want to.. stand up and just.. slap the coach.
“Who spat in her coffee this morning?” She muttered, mainly to herself.
"Shit!" Zack muttered as the fearsome teacher entered the class and began barking orders. He nearly failed a landing that would have caused some pretty bad pain considering how many spins he'd been doing. Quickly he threw his jacket back on an exited the workout area. He stood over near a wall where no one seemed to be, and leaned against it in an attempt to avoid attention. At least until teams were assigned. He honestly was considering dipping and not playing seeing as there wasn't a possibilityssibiliyu he could be hit. He wasn't even thinking that to brag or anything, it was the truth.
"Well... This ought to be interesting," Zack told himself.


Previously Swirled
Abyss also was enraged that Zoro was getting pushed around by this teacher, but he was actually doing something about it. He looked at Aubery and told her, "Wanna prove that you aren't weak?Do something about this." As rage was filling his body, the area around him began to freeze, ice starting to form on a couple of bystanders legs. He wanted to do the same to the cruel teacher who called Zoro, the nicest person to him this far, a monster, so he let the ice freeze everyone else, hoping that it would reach the teacher.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro felt bad for Aubrey, seeing her with her with her face down. Then he looked surprised at Abyss, for shouting all those things to the teacher. She looked incredibley enraged, but then all of a sudden she seemed calm. Zoro looked at all the ice beginning to form around Abyss, and then two magic circles appeared in front of his hands. A bunch of lava appeared, melting the ice. “Stop, Abyss. It’s ok. I don’t want you to get in trouble,” he said while looking at Abyss with a sad smile. “Oh I think he did more than trouble. But whatever. I won’t call your little friend monster. I’ll just call him Pinky. Fine with that, huh Pinky?” Ms. Ricic yelled. “Yeah... that’s fine,” he muttered, loud enough for Ms. Ricic to here. Zoro shot Abyss a look as if to say,”please, it’s really fine.” Even though Zoro was clearly sad, his friend sticking up for him already made him happy enough in his mind. Though he did wondered why Abyss called Aubrey weak, that wasn’t what he was thinking most of right now. “Now. Can we actually do this class? Period is nearly over. Cmon up robot boy!” Ms. Ricic yelled.


Previously Swirled
Now Abyss should have felt calm at this moment, but this enraged him more, "NO, YOU NO LONGER DESERVE A SAY IN WHAT YOU CALL HIM, HIS NAME IS ZORO, NOW ADRESS HIM AS SUCH, CALL HIM ZORO!!" More ice began to swirl around him in the fashion of a tornado, as the room progressively got colder, he also told the cruel teacher, "AND THE ONLY REASON WHY THE PERIOD IS ALMOST OVER AND WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING IS BECAUSE YOU WERE SO LATE, AND DON'T GIVE ME EXCUSES, GIVE ME IMPROVEMENT!" Large balls of ice surrounded him as his eyes began to glow, his thoughts became inconsequential but one thought remained constant, make her pay.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Whatever. This is getting out of hand. ZORO, tell your friend that he’s not gonna have a fun time,” Ms. Ricic yelled loudly, even though this meant Abyss would’ve probably heard it anyways. The lava began turning into crystals by the ice. Ms. Ricic punched the ground, which turned the gym to shake. All the ice and crystals were shattered. “Class dismissed. Hopefully next time we can do dodgeball or whatever,” she said with a grunt as she walked through another portal and disappeared. A bunch of ooos and ahhhs appeared. Mostly by super strengthers who wanted to be as strong as Ms. Ricic. Austin and his gang began to head towards Abyss and pushing him. “You IDIOT! How dare you speak like that to HER!” Austin said as he was about to punch Abyss as hard as he could. Zoro’s eyes turned light red and he teleported and stopped the punch. He started levitating and brought Austin to the air. “Let me go, freak!” Zoro flew at the top of the gym, and let him go. Then, he shot hot fire at Austin and teleported to him and his gang. Zoro started to grow incredibley large. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again!” he shouted in an incredibley booming voice. He turned around and faced his friends. Then, he turned back to normal and fainted.


Previously Swirled
Abyss took out the last of his rage on Austin by summoning a large ice ball and hitting him on the back of his head, mostly for fun and being a nuisance to both him and Zoro. The boy also felt very tired and a little guilty, why did that make him so angry? He turned to Aburey and told her shamefully," I'm sorry for getting so angry, usually I can keep my composure, but, it just felt right to let my rage go." He picked up Zoro and walked him to the nurse, hoping no one would be annoying to the point where he had to freeze over the school.
“It’s okay- I got.. pissed. I just know how to hide it,” she replied in a tone that was rather soft, outstretching her hands and showing him the angry red marks in her hands, souvenirs from her nails digging into them.
Aubrey watched as everything unfurled, feeling utterly useless. She didn’t want to get involved, but..
She told herself to not follow Abyss to see if Zoro was okay, because she wanted to avoid him for now. She didn’t want to end up like Austin- on the ground and writhing in pain.
She turned to Parker, looking flustered.
“So.. that was something.” She offered lightly.


Previously Swirled
Abyss took him too the nurse and when she asked him what happened, he lied to her, "We were running in gym and after he was done, he passed out cause of exhaustion." Yeah, he told a lie, but haven't we all at some point? It's not like the cryokenisis user was altering the events completely, just telling a little white lie so that his friend would be spared the trouble. Imagine passing out for who knows how long, and when you finally wake up, you are greeted with a talk and punishment, that would suck right? Which is why Abyss decided to skip that all and just have him rest easy and wake up to nothing bad, on the topic of bad things, how badly would he be treated cause he stuck up for his friend? Dodgeball was out of the question, but the eyes worst he could be facing if his teacher was believed to be reasonable would be detention, but even then how bad can that be? He just hoped that he was doing the right thing.
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Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"something, is one way to put it..." Parker kind of just sat stunned through the whole thing. He wasn't willing to get in trouble, even if he wanted to speak up. He knew it wasn't his place. Parker turned back to Aubrey with a smile on his face, hoping to cheer her up. "Dodgeball, huh? I think I'll do okay, but I don't know anybody so I'll probably get picked last... In any case, I hope we end up on the same team!"


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Um... I came to check on you... and if you mean how you look? You look great. Also within that wheel chair huh? Need a little push?" Kyle said said/asked. He was highly sure they were going to be super late. So this was the least he could do for interrupting her.
“No, I’m perfectly fine, I can do this.. myself!” She grunted, clearly struggling with the wheelchair, trying to get it to move. She eventually gave up with an exhausted sigh and crossed her arms. She looked at Kyle and thought hard. Just then, her face became bright red and she looked away, fuming, “Yes, I need help.” She said quickly. She NEVER needed help with anything, and if she wanted to continue to be at this school, as much as she hated asking for help, she decided to let him help just this once.


Previously Swirled
Abyss saw Kyle and another girl in a wheelchair and only guessed that they were going to gym, "Don't bother, gym has passed already, I'm only here cause I'm making sure that Zoro is okay." He hated talking to the half ghoul so he decided to keep It short and sweet, especially cause he was next on his hit list, Austin and his group of idiots didn't concern him cause he could always just freeze them, Kyle was someone whom he actually considered a good use of a fight, so that was good for him. He then looked at Zoro, Hope you're okay buddy.