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Ask to Join Fantasy High School


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro eventually got bored off playing Smash and turned his TV and console off. Eventually, him and Oma fell alseep. The next day Zoro woke up and felt like something was supposed to him. After PE ended, he finally realized. "Today we have the dance!" he thought worriedly. He went to his room and called Oma so she can come over. "What's the problem?" she asked in Zoro's room. "Dress me up, or whatever," he told her. This gave Oma a huge grin. After she was done with Zoro, she went to her own room and changed.

Finally, the two reached the dance and Zoro went over to his friends, with Oma following. Zoro was wearing a nice tuxsuit, three eye sunglasses, and had freshly combed hair. He also polished his dark horns. Meanwhile, Oma was wearing a medium sized purple dress and heels, though they were making her uncomfortable. She had washed her hair and ironed it, so it was fresh. "Hey guys. Like my sunglasses?" Zoro asked.


Previously Swirled
"Nice, wish I got some." He then saw Oma and was rendered speechless. Instead, Abyss began to blush and thought with panic, This is very embarrassing, just say something normal. After panicking for a while, he told Oma, "You look... beautiful." Violet seemed content when he said this but also a little embarrassed for him.
Aubrey stifled a laugh, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide the helpless laughter that tried to escape her. It didn’t really work, and she ended up just giggling into her hand.
As previously mentioned, she hated her laugh, not to mention that she felt bad for laughing, so she was apologizing profusely throughout her laughter, whilst trying to stop.
“Sorry-! Sorry, sorry- Ihatemylaugh imsorry-“ she breathed, her laughter dying.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Yeah basically! Usually I say 'It's yo boi bringing it live... SNOOP DOG!'" Kyle shouted as he walked over to the group. He looked at Abyss who was in a better mood then yesterday. Though he was looking for Zack and Mallory wondering if they would come. "Yo Mr.Emo have you gone soft?" Kyle said smiling.


Previously Swirled
Abyss wanted to point the middle finger, but that would be kind of bad, so he simply told Kyle, "Shut up, cringelord." He felt bad for changing so much but he felt even worse that he couldn't act causal, What am I doing, but I think that whatever I'm feeling, it's right. Violet simply looked at Abyss and thought, he is going to need all the help he can get.
"Anyway, I'm going to challenge some dope to a snack eating competition!" Said the cousins at the same time. They glared at each other, and ran to the snack booth. "Snack eating competition!" Yelled a student, and a huge crowd gathered around the two, who had stacked their plates with chips, pretzels, cheese crackers, and really everything. "Okay! Get ready, because my Bro's going to do the countdown soon." Said a girl.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle shrugged at his comment. "Whatever helps you get girls kid." Kyle said smiling. Still looking for the other 2 familiar faces Kyle just sat down in a corner like a normal dude. Taking it as manly as he could because people pointed and laughed. "...."


Previously Swirled
"I hate you." Abyss muttered to Kyle under his breath. He then sat down and waited for the dance to happen and thinking about how now not everyone hates him, which is an improvement. He then figured, why not talk to Oma, normally this time. He then went over and said, "Hey, how are you?" He mentally applauded himself, Good, you're being normal, that's great, now just keep being normal even though she is the most beautiful demon I've ever seen.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Oma blushed and giggled. "Oh Abyss. You say the weirdest things, sometimes," she told him. (oh my god i cringed writing that) Zoro reeled in Abyss with his shoulder and laughed. "Bro, do you have a crush on my sister?" he whispered teasingly. "You're acting not emo for once. Which is a weird thing to see, well besides when you're with me." Oma looked at Abyss weirdly. "Fine, duh," she told him, not understanding why he's so close to her brother. Zoro let go and laughed.


Previously Swirled
"Oh... that's great." Abyss then pulled Zoro aside and whispered in his ear, "Firstly, I might, Secondly, describe having a crush, and Thirdly how do I act normal around your sister?" He started to mentally doubt himself as Violet looked at Abyss and knew that he definitely needed some help.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"I didn't say you were normal. Just not... sadistic? Violent? Sorry. Also having a crush is like, liking someone more than friends? It doesn't matter. But in case you do like her, I'm fine with it is all I'm gonna say. As long as you don't force her to like you or something weird like that," Zoro whispered back. He started walking away with both his hands in the air. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Also, take care of my baby sis," he shouted before running away before Oma killed him. "Ugh, he's so annoying sometimes," Oma told Abyss.


Previously Swirled
"Admittedly yeah, he can be somewhat annoying," Abyss agreed before going on a more positive note, "But mostly he is nice." He then decided to continue to conversation, "So, do you plan on dancing?" He knew that he wasn't going to try and get her to like him back weirdly, but if possible, he would get her to like him in the best way possible.
There was a table where people were placing bets. It seemed Pisces mostly had male supporters and Valerie had mostly female supporters. The dude who was doing the countdown.... "3! 2! 1!" He yelled and they began tearing open their bags and chowing down. The cheering began.
Zack couldn’t believe how fast the day went by. Before he knew it, it was Dance time. Not only did he not have anyone to go with, but he also realized speed clones wouldn’t work thanks to the stupid school security. In misery of knowing he had to go, he did his hair and sprayed himself with stuff he thought smelt good. There was no way he was getting in a suit, so wore his regular attire.
“Hopefully this will do...” Zack hoped, before rushing to the dance room. It was just getting started, so at least he hadn’t missed much. He was pretty sure he saw some familiar faces, but was unsure. Either way he was already feeling embarrassed for even trying to look good.
“Uuugh. This is going to be the worst,” Zack muttered as he kind of stood near the corner snack bar awkwardly.
The battle was done. Pisces stood tall, while Valerie was on the ground curled up. "And the winner is Pisces!" The boy yelled. The girls sighed and the boys cheered. "Ugh.... Help me Austin..." Moaned Valerie. Pisces smirked, and let out a war cry. "Yo! Dat was Icelandic!" He said.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Well someone decided to show up." Kyle said. He lifted his head up his hat that said I ain't dancing showed. Then got up and shoved some people who were laughing out of his way.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel sat in his dorm, thinking a bit about the dance. He knew that he wouldn’t end up dancing with someone, so he wore his regular attire, except for a nice little comb over and a small hint of cologne to show that he DID care about the dance. He sighed, looking at the door.

“It’s showtime.” He said to himself, and walked out confidently. He headed for the dance room, the light in the halls reflected on his glasses. There were still people in the halls, so maybe he wasn’t too late. He wasn’t in a hurry, though.


Previously Swirled
Abyss walked into the room, but unlike usual, he had nothing to say, he just went to the corner and stared at the dance floor, waiting for a hot mess to happen. Violet came in shortly after but didn't want to dance just yet as no one else was, also she was looking for Zoro to hang out with, cause she didn't really know him that well, and he seemed like a nice person, leaving both of them in the middle of doing nothing.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle got up from his corner and into the room. The same as he thought it would be, decorations everywhere. "Welp this isn't for me..." Kyle said. He moved to a new corner, turned on his phone, then plugged in his earbuds and started listening to music.
The next day, or rather, evening, out of nowhere, a pissed-looking Mallory actually showed up to the dance wearing a beautiful, green and silver ball gown with black gloves and her hair all done up. It was actually a long story of how she got there.

That morning, a knock was heard at Mallory’s dorm room door. She sat up from bed and went to go answer it. Outside her door stood a kind-looking woman. “Hello, Miss Tucker, my name is Alicia, I’m one of the counselors here at the school.”

“And..?” Mallory asked rather rudely.

“If I may,” Alicia began, “It’s my understanding that you don’t have a very good relationship with your peers. I’m here because I want to help you fix that.”

Mallory let out an annoyed sigh, “I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong person.” And she began to shut her door, only for it to be stopped by the woman.

“Miss Tucker, if you will please hear me out.” Alicia said firmly. She then let herself into Mal’s room and they began a long conversation.

“All I ask is that you go to this dance, Mallory. I promise, it will improve your confidence and your attitude, might I add.” Alicia tried to convince her.

“And all I’m trying to say is that I. Do not. Do. Dances. How much more clear do I have to be?!” The brunette raised her voice.

“Mallory!” Alicia got on to her. “If you don’t do this, the school board and I will have no choice but to expel you. And for someone with such raw power, I don’t think you can afford to not cooperate.”

Cutting back to the night of the dance, Mallory crossed her arms and looked around the ballroom with a sour expression, muttering, “I hope you’re right, lady.”


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Out of nowhere Austin and his group followers appeared. "Looks like you're gonna be spending the night in the corner kid." Austin said. Kyle didn't bother to up it would encourage him to this more. After Austin said that his group started laughing as if it was the best joke of their lives. "Hello kid do you hear me or are to tired to pay attention?" Austin asked with a smirk.
Everything was going fine. No one was talking to Zack, he didn't have to dance, nothing. Until his one slip up.
"God I am thirsty," Zack mumbled to himself as he walked a few steps to his right where all the food & drinks were. He grabbed a cup, and began pouring in some water from one of those giant cases of liquid. Suddenly, a seemingly drunk senior accidentally stumbled backwards and shoved Zack forwards, causing the entire box to topple over and flood out onto the dance floor.
"AAAHHH!" Zack yelped collapsing over the table causing it to flip over and a bunch of food to splatter onto him.

The DJ cut the music and all eyes immediately went to Zack, as the senior pretended to blend in with the crowd. Zack stood up, looking ridiculous. O-Oh no...


Previously Swirled
"I came to listen to you make an absolute fool of yourself, since everyone else is tired of hearing your life story," Abyss said as one of Austin's group members shouted back, "No one asked for your opinion!" Abyss held up the middle finger to Austin's group, "And no one asked you to be here, but we all can't have what we asked for huh?" He put his finger down and gave a signal to Kyle indicating, Make a good comeback.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro was walking around a bit, mostly eating, and then danced a tiny bit. To be honest, the dance was boring for him. He yawned and saw Kyle near the corner. Zoro was going to say "hi" because he saw him in the hospital, but the Austin and his gang appeared. Zoro walked over a placed a hand on Austin's shoulder. "What did I tell you in gym?" he asked with a creepy smile. Meanwhile, Oma was walking around and saw Abyss staring at the floor. "Hey, is something wrong?" she asked him.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker casually stepped into the ballroom, and immediately saw someone crash into the food table. I knew I should have just skipped...
He actually almost did skip the dance, while he was getting ready he had a rather large panic attack and may or may not have accidentally set his super expensive suit on fire. The next best thing he had to wear was a casual button up and slacks, he did put a tie on though.

Ugh, where's Aubrey? I probably look like an absolute fool standing here by myself.


Previously Swirled
Abyss struggled to remain casual as he heard Oma's voice and finally told her, "Just bored, there is nothing here for me." Violet seemed pretty bummed but found Zoro and perked up again, so she asked him, "Hi, do you remeber me? If not than that's okay." The cryokinesis user had no idea where this converation was going, but hoped it was good.
Aubrey heard the crash and, being the curious little thing she was, went over to investigate.
Shit, she heard a senior think, it’s totally fault that kid crashed. If I just.. back up... slowly..
She glanced at the table to see someone she recognized, and immediately rushed to his aid, because she knew how it felt to be humiliated.
“Hey- are you okay-?” She asked quietly, helping him up, turning around to fiercely glare at the large group that was staring. The music was reluctantly put back on.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel leaned against a wall, doing nothing in particular. “Man, this dance is boring.” He thought to himself. And he was right, at least until he heard a loud crash. He turned in the direction of the sound, seeing Zack standing next to Aubrey, surrounded by food. Manuel knew what had happened, at least sort of.

Manuel ran over to Zack and Aubrey, making his way through the crowd. He finally made it next to them. “You guys okay?” He asked.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle stood up but kept his face well hidden. Then without a moment he did some kind sky upper Mario style. Like he was going for the mystery box. As soon as it was over the whole ghoul group let out an 'OOOOHHHHHHHHH' which was right but something came after that. "YOU JUST GOT ONE SHOT BY OUR DARKSIDE" The whole group said. He looked up to see Austin staggering backwards as if he was trying to run. Kyle let a small smile crawl on to his face.
Then... CRASH! A table broken and food everywhere (in that area). Kyle walked over to find out what happen but when he saw he assumed someone went crunk (Crazy + Drunk).


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Uhhh, yeah, I think? You were in my room and I saw you in the hospital. Nice to see you again," Zoro told Violet. Oma sighed and responded,"Yeah, me too. Hey, do you wanna dance?" She smiled at Abyss. (short post I'm just gonna respond to cosmic till I understand what's happening)


Previously Swirled
Abyss, while realizing how great this would be, replied, "No, I don't dance, but thanks for offering." Violet was happy that she was remembered but wanted to know more about him, "Do you wanna dance right now?" (My post was short cause there wasn't a lot to write in conversations.)
Pisces and Valerie saw Parker. "Whassup my man. This is my cousin, Valerie." He said. "Oh, hey." She said, bummed out by her losing the competition. "Anyway, Aubery's helping Zack, one of my fellow pyromaniacs." He said. "Just if you were wondering." He said. "Yo, Duz dis chum have a date?" Asked Valerie. "No. He's the friend Aubery talked about." He said. "Oh."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Oma frowned and sat down in front of him. She began using sobbing and fake crying so Abyss could do what she said. Zoro shrugged and said,"Sure. But I'm not bad." He grabbed Violet's arm and started dancing really good. (OOC: *smacks lips* GreaAT quAlitY poSt FOlkS)
Aubrey slowly backed up, insisting to herself that Manuel could handle it and that she was just in the way, so she ducked her head and went to go find her group again, convinced that Parker had bailed. However, when she turned around, her group was.. right there. Parker included.
Her face was a little red, and she looked a little flustered, her hair a bit messy, but she smiled regardless.
“Oh-! Hi, I- I thought you weren’t coming. Hey, Pisces, hey, Valerie,” she greeted breathlessly, her eyes seemingly glittering (CRINGE).


Previously Swirled
Abyss at this moment, simply complied as he couldn't stand up to Oma's tactics, "Fine, I'll do it just this once." He seemed to be in a mixture of pleasure and reluctance, also beginning to blush as he wasn't planning on this, Violet seemed pleased with Zoro dancing with her and as such also began dancing with him, seeming almost better and dragging in a small crowd.
Zack was so stunned he completely forgot he could have just disappeared at any moment. Suddenly, Manuel and a girl he remembered from a few classes ago came to his aid, helping him up.
"I-I-I..." Zack tried to say. He was too focused locking eyes with every single person who was staring and whispering about him. In panic and fear Zack's eyes lit a blaze, as well as his hair and the rest of him followed. Finally remembering his own abilities, he raced out of the room, so fast he accidentally let off a burst of electricity that caused a power outage.
The room went dark, the music cut yet again, and all that anyone was able to see was a trail of fire left by Zack.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Oma grabbed his arm furociously (cringe) and began dancing violently. Then the lights turned off and both Oma and Zoro stopped dancing. The male demon left the room and rushed towards the fire, using magic to bring lights from his eyes. He started running faster and faster the longer he ran and eventually found Zack before collapsing. Oma just shrugged and sat down on a chair nearby.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Oh, hey Pisces..." Parker still wasn't completely comfortable with the amount of people who talked to him like they were friends when he didn't really know them. "Nice to meet you Valerie..." Parker looked down and away, trying to avoid conversation. He knew it probably wasn't good to try not to talk to people, but his social skills were lacking to say the least.

Seeing Aubrey was definitely a surprise, but you could call it a pleasant one. Saying she looked pretty would be an understatement. The purple dress looked amazing on her, and her hair and makeup really made her look like a princess. "O-Oh, hey Aubrey... I just showed up a little bit late haha... My suit kind of got set on fire..."
Aubrey stared at him for a moment, raising her brow.
“Your suit just.. magically caught on fire? And this has nothing to do with the fact that you happen to be able to literally create fire?” She asked slowly, a small smile on her face. And then the power cut off.
Aubrey wasn’t a fan of the dark. Not because oooh, monsters, but because anyone could be thinking anything and she wouldn’t know who.
Instinctively, she took a tiny step closer to her group, and it seemed like she was holding her breathe.


Previously Swirled
Abyss blanked out for a moment though it Oma's violent dance style made him like her even more, but he wondered what else she was like. Violet seemed nonchalant about the fire and drew in an even bigger crowd than before, people cheering for her to continue dancing. She actually seemed a little embarrassed but wanted Zoro to see this and decided to dance with her.