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Ask to Join Fantasy High School

"Oh, yeah I'm peachy. Everyone thinks I'm insane, I have food all over me, I shut down the schools power, and I knocked out the DJ with a perfectly aimed log of wood using a tornado. Just fine," Zack said as Manuel found him outside on his bench. And now the one thing that was going good for me, being alone, is gone. Zack thought, staring up at the star-filled night sky.


Previously Manu456Alola
Well, that’s one way to put it.

“Alright, look. Even if that happened, it doesn’t mean that everything’s gonna be bad. I’ve gone through this as well. It was bad at first, but you just have to keep going, find a way around things. You’re the only one who can decide if you stay down...

...or get up and never give up.” Manuel replied, looking at the night sky as well.

Wow, I was the one who said that?


Previously Swirled
As Violet waited for the truth or dare game to continue, she realized that she had to use the bathroom and as such slipped away without anyone noticing. She went to the bathroom and hrard voices, she tried using her powers of light to see them but not only were they well hidden in the shadows, but they somehow were able to stop her light from revealing their location. They then released sleeping gas in the air and as an angel who utilized air magic, it immediately put her to sleep and as such they took her away to an unknown location, unoticed.
Aubrey shot up from her spot against the wall. She’s dozed off, but not fallen asleep, but a series of events she’d pictured awoke her abruptly.
But Violet was actually gone.
The girl staggered to her feet, a horrified look in her eyes.
“We- we need to-! I- She was just- she-“ she managed past her dry throat, which felt like it was constricted by glass.
She was looking around frantically.
People were beginning to stare.
Unable to word it, she dashed off, sprinting through the halls to no avail.
She didn’t know Violet that well. They weren’t friends. But Abyss was fond of her and Abyss was her friend. Sort of. Plus it’d be a horrible move on her part to ignore it.
Gone. Gone gone gone she’s-
where did they take her why can’t i-
put your senses out listen for them can’t hear them can’t hear them you-
worthless worthless worthless
couldn’t save him two years ago
couldn’t save her now
weak weak weak weak weak weak-

She felt the burning familiarity of tears as the liquid prickled at her eyes, and she tried to blink them away, yanking her sleeve down past her forearm as she searched.
No use.


Previously Swirled
Abyss ran off after Aubrey as he knew something was wrong, people ju st don't run off like that. He caught up to her and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?" He then wondered, Lemme try and read her mind, through observing. Once the boy decided to do that, his mind was opened and said in a faint voice, almost as it he were to break into tears, "You lost someone, didn't you?"
Aubrey looked up with tears in her eyes, and she’d done a subpar job of keeping them at bay, but none had fallen until he spoke, in a soft voice, asking if she’d lost someone.
And that was what shattered her.
She was on wall as she crumpled to the ground, leaning against the wall, pulling her knees close to herself as she just started.. crying. Crying was a rare occurrence for Aubrey, and this was a sight. In the midst of her cries she was attempting to gasp for breath, but she was also trying to hide her face because she hated crying, and she hated the attention crying got her, the stares and the whispers and-
“I couldn’t save-“ she hiccuped, “I couldn’t save Andrew and I dozed off and V-Violet, she- she- she’s- they t-took-“ she whispered, her words slurring together, her speaking way too quickly, past the tears.
She felt her cheeks burning in humiliation, heated by the tears streaming down her slightly freckles face.
She should’ve never come..
"Pfft. Don't bother with those inspirational quotes. They never work... Look dude,I'm just gonna head back to my dorm. I'll see you tomorrow I guess. I just need some alone time," Zack said before getting up and bulleting down the hall to his old room, making papers fly and flutter around as he ran by. Within seconds he was back at the room he was first assigned to. He quickly packed up his things and moved down the hall to a more proper dorm room where he'd been assigned via text from the principal. He unpacked his stuff and scanned the room.
"Looks like by bunking bro hasn't moved in quite yet... Good," Zack thought as he plopped down on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Right in the middle of the game Aubrey dashed off, and Abyss followed her. I probably need to go after them, it seemed like something was wrong...

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go for a bit okay?" Parker stood up and walked to the exit of the room, breaking into a sprint once he was out oft he doorway. After running around for a while he finally found them. Is... Is Aubrey crying? He couldn't make out what they were saying, but it sounded like they were having a serious conversation. Should I go up to them? I want to help Aubrey, but this probably isn't my place to interfere.


Previously Swirled
Abyss sat down and tried to comfort the crying girl, "It's alright, we'll save her, even if I get kidnapped, I can see this lust mean a lot to you, I can help okay." He knew that he was comforting her because he also went through a state of depression similar to th is before lashing out against everyone, to be honest he still does that now, but this was important and as such he cared.
The girl pulled her arms closer to herself, as though to hide something, attempting to get her breathing regulated.
God. You really are just a pathetic little weakling, aren’t you?
Don’t take his help, trying to help people only hurts people.
Stop crying you worthless piece of s-

She frantically wiped at her face with her sleeve, but when the fabric slid down a bit she didn’t seem to want it to, and quickly adjusted it.
“No- no, it’s- I’m fine-.. it doesn’t matter.. we just- n-need to focus on Violet.. I-I’m just.. being a.. a weakling, yeah?” She murmured, trying to crack a dry smile past the tears, but that just made her duck her face into her knees and quickened them.
She hadn’t noticed Parker yet, although she would really appreciate the comfort coming from him, considering he was probably her closest friend at this point, but she didn’t vocalize that, because one, she was crying, two, she hadn’t noticed him yet, and three, it would be.. humiliating.


Previously Swirled
"Remember how I called you weak," Abyss said, unknowingly about to go on a motivational tangent, "Prove me wrong, get up, wipe your tears, throw away the past, and find Violet and in all truth, ask for help, cause I would be glad to provid help, so it's time to stop crying and to start trying, are you with me?" He then began to think to himself, Well that was unexpected of me. He wanted to see some development in her, to get rid of her insecurities, let old problems die, and make a new path.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel sighed. “That was useless.” He muttered. When he heard something from nearby.
Crying? But who?
Manuel went back inside, then stopped and hid in a corner. He peeked, only to see Aubrey crying, Abyss comforting her, and Parker watching.
Something REAL bad must’ve happened.
Old problems don’t die when you don’t let them..
She tugged at her sleeve again. She hadn’t let them die.
She wiped at them again. He didn’t understand, but even then he was trying to help, which was.. comforting.
“I- yeah, I- okay, sure, whatever- I just-“ she sniffles briefly. “I didn’t expect you to get all philosophical with me,” she mumbled dryly. Her eyes were vaguely red, her face streaked with tears, but she reluctantly stood, finally seeing Parker and cracking a half smile.
“Crisis averted,” she murmured, mockingly cheerful.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Should I talk to her? I feel like I need to... I want to even... But I also don't know if she wants me too. Parker was conflicted. This was obviously a big deal. I know I would have liked someone to talk to back then, but I don't know how Aubrey feels. Parker took a few steps forward.

"Aubrey, I... I saw you crying. Is there something wrong? Can I help you?"


Previously Swirled
"Well it happens, now we should Violet, and maybe bring over that guy to." He was pointing to Parker when hw said this, but he only now realized he existed and thoight he was a new kid. Wait... Is this guy knew I don't remember seeing him, he's probably new. He cracked his knuckles and neck and asked Aubrey, "So, got any way to find Violet?" Meanwhile the aforementioned angel was crying out of sheer fear, Please, someone find me.
The girl scratched her the back of her neck awkwardly, going back to wipe her face again with her sleeve, smiling weakly.
“I, uh.. well, yeah, stuff is.. stuff is wrong. I was refusing to get out of the past, like an idiot, as usual, and Violet.. Violet being.. she was kidnapped.” She murmured rather hoarsely. And then she turned to Abyss and felt her stomach drop again.
“Well, I.. no..? I don’t.. I don’t know, if I knew I would’ve followed her.. but I couldn’t, so I started- well. Here we are,” she mumbled, gesturing to the scenario.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Aubrey..." Parker walked forward another couple steps, and then another couple more. He was still more than half the hallway away from her. He stood still for a second before running up to the girl and grabbing her arm, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry I was just standing there, I'm really stupid..." Parker let go of her, but still held onto one of her shoulders. "I don't know what's wrong, but I'm here for you. I've gone through hard things too, but I didn't have anybody. There was nothing I could have done, but I still felt like it was my fault. You have me though, you don't have to feel like that. I'm here for you, okay?" Parker released his grip on the girl and took a step back. "So what was this thing about Violet?"


Previously Swirled
Violet seemed very upset at this point, "Please, don't leave me here, let me out!!" She tried to summoning a wind tornado but every half witted attempt was sucked up by a vacuum, and even if she tried to explode with light, it would be negated. Abyss hoped they could find their lost friend without risking any one else's freedom.
The girl winced as he grabbed her arm, as though she were scared- or guilty, even, of something, but she accepted the hug, and her breathing went regular.
That was interesting.
His thoughts were open now. Maybe the touch disregarded the Skyfire?
Her stomach twisted; he really was worried. She opened her mouth to interject when he called himself stupid, until he cut her off in a rant about being there for her. She smiled warmly, although she felt her cheeks heat up slightly. It was nice to have someone. And then he released her, prompting about Violet.
“Well-“ she turned around to face the door. “I know someone took her.. but I couldn’t read them.. they must have had Skyfire..” she murmured. And yet, in that spur of moment, a blinding light flashed through her head. Violet was trying to signal them, but it was rejected- but light traveled so quickly Aubrey had been able to sense the power building up in her and got the message- seeing Violet for just a second.
“I- I got something, she- she’s.. it’s like she’s in a cellar, almost,” she murmured. “Follow me..?”
"Wait. If someone's kidnapped, then we're in big trouble." Said Pisces. "Yeah. For once I agree with Pisces. We need to save her." Valerie sighed. "And I believe Aubery. She hears all, knows all, and Violet didn't have any Skyfire. At least I thought." He said, shrugging.

'Very very bad.' Thought Pisces. 'Too bad I didn't get to know her better before she was taken.... She seemed fun.' He sighed in his mind. 'O. Aubery can't hear me anymo.' He thought.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel came out of his corner. “Count me in. I’m not gonna stay here with my arms closed.” He said, accommodating his glasses. He felt a bit confident.
So Violet was kidnapped. Poor girl. Manuel thought.

“So, any possible places where Violet could be?” He said.


Previously Swirled
At this point, Violet was tired of just being tied to a chair and thought, Someone please save me, cause I may go insane, what did I do to deserve this, I am literally the nicest, most innocent girl in this school and this happens to me, why me of all people? I honestly did nothing wrong and wait what is this thing? She looked down and saw a Skyfire necklace on her, must have been to prevent mind readers from finding her location. She ripped it off and decided to tell anyone, I need anyone who can to help me. Abyss was getting worried for his friend, but he knew that Violet could hold out.
Aubrey had led them outside the school, where a gentle breeze from earlier had escalated into a mess of wind, sprawling hair that had once been groomed like sand to the wind.
Violet’s thoughts had disappeared for a moment, and then rushed back in a flurry of desperation. Aubrey did her best to send out her capabilities, trying to see the area through Violet’s eyes.
She was tied to a chair, in a dim, dank room, shadows everywhere and a certain dampness to the stale air.
Frustration deeper into Aubrey’s veins. She was.. sort of their only hope, wasn’t she? God, that sounded so cliche.
She was the only one who could read Violet and get any clues as to where she was. And it wasn’t working.
“I.. I don’t- she’s in a basement, but I..”
Pieces sighed. "Well, follow her trail of thought. It has to lead somewhere." He said. Valerie nodded. It seems she wiped off that smug grin. She was ready to be serious, and not be a big butt to everyone.


Previously Swirled
Violet started to attempt to break free when one of her captors told her, "Oh no, I won't have you escaping any time soon, in fact, you should get a little comfortable." She then started to feel like giving up control of her body but not before telling Aubrey, I am sorry that I failed, Please rescue me, and find someone for..... She never finished her sentence as she was knocked out, losing both consciousness and will of thought.
Violet was speaking directly to her.
Aubrey paused, listening in, trying so.. desperately... to think of something- anything.
And then it hit her. They couldn’t have made the getaway so quickly and already have her captive unless the basement was in the near proximity of the school.
There wasn’t much, as the school had to be secluded due to the fact that teens with superpowers could go horrifically bad..
The confinement room.
There was a large, concrete ‘building’ underground, formerly used to confine students that had gone berserk, to keep the other students safe from the havoc of the troubled individual, but it hasn’t been used in a while, supposedly.
Aubrey had heard rumors of it lingering in the other student’s minds- if it wasn’t real, they were lost.
The girl, without a word to her peers, started trekking out on the grassy field surrounding the school, directioning herself based on what she’d heard from others.
I heard that if you go out to the front of the school and take a left towards the forest- there’s a room called the-
Take a left.. she kept looking, eyes darting around for any kind of door in the ground.. then, right by the old Wisteria tree, there’s a-
The tree was in sight. Aubrey quickened her pace, and then-
More like a trapdoor, a large metal one at that. Aubrey grabbed the handle and tugged, surprised at its weight, and after a moment of struggling, she’d heaved it open, revealing a very long staircase that led into shadows, ominously awaiting them.


Previously Swirled
Violet felt her mind going, being replaced by pure hatred, but she felt no hatred towards anyone, in fact, all she felt was affection and happiness towards everyone, and as such she used that constant to repel whatever was trying to take her over, stood up, and rapidly searched for an exit.
Abyss followed Aubrey as he felt that she was on to something, but as he got closer to her location, he got a splitting headache from something.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel followed Aubrey, seeming that she knew something he didn't. After a while, she opened a large trapdoor, leading to a really dark basement. "So she's here..." He muttered, staring at the staircase, which led into the shadows, into the unknown. He had a feeling of dread looming over him, a feeling that told him something bad was going to happen.

His eyes flashed blue, illuminating a bit the darkness. Still, it wasn't enough. He could barely detect technology from there. Maybe there was more inside. He put his left foot on the first step.
"Shall we head inside?" He asked the group.
Last edited:


Previously Swirled
Violet finally found the light that was coming from Manuel's eyes, and as such she ran to it, little did she know that a presence was behind her, looming in the shadows. Abyss saw a person running towards them and didn't know until he heard her voice, "It's okay guys, it's me." Violet reassured them, seeming as happy as ever. The presence shifted targets for its influence and put Abyss on his influence. The headache the boy had felt gotten worse, until he collapsed and heard a voice, Embrace me, don't fight it, I feel your suffering, give in, and I will make you so much happier
Aubrey’s head was throbbing, but she managed a smile as Violet came out from the dark. They- she- found her. A surge of pride went through the girl, suddenly replaced with sickness. She felt queasy in the rank air, and it felt like she was inhaling air that made her lightheaded and bloated and nauseous. She watched as Abyss doubled over and collapsed, unable to trust herself to speak in fear that if she opened her mouth she’d be sick.
Give in... I will make you so much happier than these peasants ever could...
Someone- something- was speaking to Abyss, and it knew that Aubrey could read it.
Speaking past the lump in her throat, Aubrey started shaking him, trying to get him to snap back, to not give in.
“Abyss- ABYSS- fight it, it’s a trap and you- you know it, you’re better than this and you know it, fight it,” she spoke hurriedly, her voice somewhat hushed. Coming in here was a mistake. Something they couldn’t deal with was here awaiting them.
And then a blindingly painful pressure was on her head in a split second, and she crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
(I would knock your characters out, too, to progress this, but I think that’d be autoing so,, better not,,,,)
"There you are!" Said Pisces, sighing in relief. "Are you okay?" Both of the cousins asked, and then looked at each other. They smiled, and looked back. "Ugh.... I was just thinking about how little I got to know you." He said. Valerie nodded, thinking the same.

"Wait.... Bait!?" Siad Pisces.


Previously Swirled
Abyss felt the shaking, but wanted to hear what this presence had to offer him, And what could you possibly give me that I want, The boy asked skeptically, as if he was making a deal with the devil, ll will be given to you, if you want, money, fame, power. Violet seemed happy with these claims but wanted to know if her friend was okay, "Is he okay?" His body then started to convulse, Come on, the precense told him, We'd both know that this is what you want, you've been wronged, avenge yourself, make people pay, no matter what the cost. At this, the boy could no longer resist, he let himself listen to this precense inside of him, and as if on cue, his body was still.
"Hey!"Pisces said, seeing that he stopped moving. "Abyss!" He yelled. "Oh no.... Could something be shifting his mind?" Asked Valerie, looking at Abyss. "Violet! What's going on?" Pisces asked. "..."


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel's eyes stopped glowing as Violet came out. Maybe she had managed to escape by herself.
He smiled a bit.
Until he heard what Aubrey had just said. "This was a trap." He muttered, when suddenly he started to feel pain, as if something was crushing his skull. His eyes flashed blue repeatedly, and he fell to the ground, unconscious, cold...

...Almost lifeless.


Previously Swirled
Abyss emerged, silent throughout, Violet seeming worried, "Are... you okay?" The boy remained a cold, expressionless face before he charged a large ice ball and fired it at her stomach. It blew the angel back, not only was she hurt both physically and emotionally, before asking, "Why, and also OW!!" His face remained cold but he adopted an evil smirk as he materialized a blade made of ice surrounding his arm.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle stood there like what happen. He made a face sorta like this .-. (real period in use). Then he just scratched his head.
"What the-" Pisces said. He ran in front of Abyss and summoned a ball of flames. His eyes were firey. "What happened.... No...." Said Valerie, and she backed up. "His mind has been warped!" She said.


Previously Swirled
Abyss dodged the attack and countered with a sweep kick, sending Pisces to Violet's location, and then he turned to Valerie, saying in a voice different from his, "Well, in a lame man's terms, yes, now if you'll excuse me, I've got bodies to bury." He walked over to Violet and was preparing for a finishing strike one either of the two. Violet got up and made her own blade of light and the two began to duel.
Valerie looked over at the dueling friends. "Corruption....." She said, a bit of horror in her voice. Pisces got back up. "No graves will be dug on my watch." He said, his voice more firey and scary. "They don't call me wrath of fire for nothing." He said, his whole body turning into a blazing creature. It lashed out with a blast of flames, straight at the Dark Abyss.


Previously Swirled
The possessed boy had trouble with the coordinated attacks, he managed to push back Violet, but managed to get hit by Pisces powerful attack. Seeming more cynical than before, he lashed out at Violet again, already weakened and now disarmed, "What's wrong, got no more angelic powers?" Despite getting angry, she knew that the regular Abyss had to be in there somewhere. Against a literal wall, she called Pisces over and told him, "I have an idea, let's see how much wrath your fire has."