Well I just recently got into pokemon again, and I now want to complete my D/P pokedex.
Seen: 357 Obtained: 260
...Long way to go...
Seen: 357 Obtained: 260
...Long way to go...
Friend Code
...Waiting List...
- (None)
- (None)
- (None)
- (None)
- (None)
- (None)
Pokemon I want.
*Any Genders, and any Evolutions.*
- Baltoy
- Barboach
- Burmy
- Cacnea
- Chinchou
- Delibird
- Glameow
- Lileep
- Luvdisc
- Makuhita
- Shuckle
- Shuppet
- Spiritomb
Note: Bolded pokemon are first priority.
Legendaries I want
*All Legit*
- All 3 Regi's
- Celebi
- Darkrai
- Deoxys
- Groudon
- Ho-oh
- Kyogre
- Latios
- Rayquaza
- Deoxys (
Items I Want
- TMs 2,3,5,9,10,12,15-17,20,21,and 23
- Razor Claw
- Razor Fang
- Metal Coat (x1)
- Rare Candy (Any Ammount)
- Master Ball (Any Ammount)
- Power Weigh
- Power Band
- Full Insence
- Kings Rock (x2)
Pokemon I'm offering.
- All Starters
- Eevee
- Gible
- Dratini
- Lickitung
- Heracross
- Larvitar
- Aerodacty
- Kabuto
- Yanma
- Porygon
- Lapras
- Scyther
- Bagon
- Ralts
- Tyrouge
- Absol
- Gligar
- Riolu
- Miltank
- Skorupi
- Houndour
- Kangaskhan
- Snorunt
- Anorith
- Pinsir
- Tropius
- Kecleon
- Beldum
- Sheildon
- Cranidos
- Smeargle
- Sableye
- Seviper
- Tauros
- Nosepass
- Nincada
- Misdreavus
- Swablu
- Spinarak
- Zangoose
Note: Most of these I breed, please be patient.
Egg Move Pokemon!(NEW)
- Gligar; Cross Poison, Night Slash
- Riolu; Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut
- Pichu; Volt Tackle
- Torchic; Crush Claw, Night Slash (Coming soon, 50%)
Note: I just started Egg Moves...don't have too much.
Closed for now...
Note: For Shinies, I'm only taking Legendaries or EV trained pokemon. Also, the "Shinies" section will only be up if I currently have shinies to trade.
Closed for now...
Note: For Shinies, I'm only taking Legendaries or EV trained pokemon. Also, the "Shinies" section will only be up if I currently have shinies to trade.
Random Eggs!
To get a Random Egg, just ask.
During the Giveaway, there will be some Rare Pokemon, some common, and two Phiones a week. As soon as I get my egg moves section up, I might include 2 or 3 egg move pokemon a week also.
To get a Random Egg, just ask.
During the Giveaway, there will be some Rare Pokemon, some common, and two Phiones a week. As soon as I get my egg moves section up, I might include 2 or 3 egg move pokemon a week also.
If anyone wants to trade post offers and friend codes. I also have AIM so feel free to IM me if you can.
AIM = GxRamos95
Coming Soon...
- Ev Services
- Shiny Requests
-Egg Move Pokemon
- Shiny Requests