Name : "Goro-Goro" or Otoko Kemono
Age : 17
Appearance : A towering beast of a man, standing at 6'1 and plenty of muscle to go around. He's tan and dark in both (short) hair and (black) eyes. Typically wears a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boots, not one to care for appearance.
Personality : Otoko is a delinquent, one that managed to intimidate even students from the year above. He's beat up an entire gang by himself, and does the same to any unlucky sap who so much as talks to him, unless he spares you. Then you owe him.
Or so are the rumors.
Really, Otoko is just really bad at reading the room. He's affable, if boisterous, and perfectly willing to befriend anyone, regardless of their past. Unfortunately, Otoko just doesn't know his own streagth, and combined with his general loudness, he can be just a
smidge intimidating. His reputation at fighting is impressive, and while he's no slouch at it, having engaged in quite a few (mostly due to misunderstandings), he focuses more on raw power than finesse, as he's rather clumsy and lacks coordination. It does work out often, however.
EXS Ability :
Animal Aura
Otoko can essentially double his body's...everything. Advanced streagth, reaction speed, hearing, smell, regeneration, you name it. That's not all, however, as he also gained a nifty, totally not stealthy red aura around himself. While it's mostly decorative starting off, Otoko will find he can manipulate it to form into animal-like shapes, such as claws, a tail, scales, spines, etc. With more practice, he can even have full body changes, mishmashes of animals, and other ways to mold his power.
However, it doesn't do much to his intellect, he still lacks finesse and focuses on raw power, and is far from invincible. He's clearly suited for close combat, and can easily sustain injuries in fights, and while his boost lessens it somewhat, it still takes time for wounds to heal.
Also the power boost is always double, though Otoko can technically increase it by growing stronger outside the Hollow Night
Costume : If his general being didn't shove the delinquent aesthetic at ya, this sure will. Jotaro I mean Otoko retains his T-shirt, but his pants become ripped and baggy, flaring at the ends, almost covering his metal studded boots. Otoko also get's a
fabulous overcoat that clearly for decoration as it only hangs from his shoulders, and that's about it. He also gets a cool not-jojo inspired cap

Backstory/fun facts (if any):
Really enjoys working out, though he's yet to be take up a sport, probably due to his clumsiness (and intimidation).
Was bullied in his younger years, sparking his need to grow stronger as a way to fight back. He ended up enjoying it more as a hobby, however, and gave up on that front, resulting in his forgive and forget mentality
Rather protective of his family, especially his younger brother.