Similar to the General Gaming Discussion Thread, this topic is intended to cover the multitude of various comic book related discussions that might struggle to keep a topic to themselves going here.
Please note that this is for western comics only. Manga discussion is more suited to its own topic.
First of all, for anyone vaguely interested in the Ultimate Marvel universe, it might be worth having a look around your local comic book store for some back issues for Ultimate Spider-Man. This week sees the climax of the Ultimate Death of Spider-Man storyline and the beginning of the end of this 'season', as it were, of the Ultimate Universe. The comic line relaunches this August and September with a new look and a whole set of new on-goings, including a new person behind a brand new Spider-Man costume. It's not a reboot, or a reset, but it will be a good jumping on point for new readers, and give the line a well needed kick up the arse as well.
Insert here my standard response that you should still give thought to picking up the line from the very beginning and set about picking up the first bunch of Ultimate Spider-Man volumes and at least the first Ultimates series.
On top of that, there's the obvious bigger relaunch this summer. But it's increasingly turning into such a massive clusterfuck that it's hard to believe anyone will profit from this venture.
DC relaunches its entire line this August, with fifty-two new #1s in all of its on-goings. While it initially seemed that they were simply abandoning all the canon up to this point and going into full reboot mode, that is not the case. Instead, everything that happened before, still happened. It just happened in a different time frame - within the past 5 years, between the setting of Nu!Action Comics #1, where Superman is revealed as the DC Universe's first super hero, and the 'modern' setting of books like Justice League #1, where everyone is already established as a super hero.
This means that stuff like The Killing Joke still happened, and Barbara Gordon did get paralysed as a result, but is now not paralysed and is Batgirl again. Somehow.
Batman Inc not only still happened, but the rest of the Batman Inc series will continue next year, completely disregarding everything happening this summer.
And Superman did everything he's done in the past 70 odd years, just in the space of 5. And is suddenly not married toMary Jane Lois Lane any more.
In other words, it's basically Quesada's One More Day clusterfuck of a retcon, and is probably going to fail just as hard. It's not about resetting everything back to day one to make it easier for new readers to get into, it's about seeming that way, while making an even bigger mess of their canon and overwhelming new readers anyway with the sheer volume of new titles and confusing continuity status.
And what appeal is there to existing readers when their favourite characters and stories have been messed around with so much just for a cheap editorial gimmick.
If this entire thing isn't reset as a J.R. style dream sequence within a couple of years, I'll eat my hat.
Please note that this is for western comics only. Manga discussion is more suited to its own topic.
First of all, for anyone vaguely interested in the Ultimate Marvel universe, it might be worth having a look around your local comic book store for some back issues for Ultimate Spider-Man. This week sees the climax of the Ultimate Death of Spider-Man storyline and the beginning of the end of this 'season', as it were, of the Ultimate Universe. The comic line relaunches this August and September with a new look and a whole set of new on-goings, including a new person behind a brand new Spider-Man costume. It's not a reboot, or a reset, but it will be a good jumping on point for new readers, and give the line a well needed kick up the arse as well.
Insert here my standard response that you should still give thought to picking up the line from the very beginning and set about picking up the first bunch of Ultimate Spider-Man volumes and at least the first Ultimates series.
On top of that, there's the obvious bigger relaunch this summer. But it's increasingly turning into such a massive clusterfuck that it's hard to believe anyone will profit from this venture.
DC relaunches its entire line this August, with fifty-two new #1s in all of its on-goings. While it initially seemed that they were simply abandoning all the canon up to this point and going into full reboot mode, that is not the case. Instead, everything that happened before, still happened. It just happened in a different time frame - within the past 5 years, between the setting of Nu!Action Comics #1, where Superman is revealed as the DC Universe's first super hero, and the 'modern' setting of books like Justice League #1, where everyone is already established as a super hero.
This means that stuff like The Killing Joke still happened, and Barbara Gordon did get paralysed as a result, but is now not paralysed and is Batgirl again. Somehow.
Batman Inc not only still happened, but the rest of the Batman Inc series will continue next year, completely disregarding everything happening this summer.
And Superman did everything he's done in the past 70 odd years, just in the space of 5. And is suddenly not married to
In other words, it's basically Quesada's One More Day clusterfuck of a retcon, and is probably going to fail just as hard. It's not about resetting everything back to day one to make it easier for new readers to get into, it's about seeming that way, while making an even bigger mess of their canon and overwhelming new readers anyway with the sheer volume of new titles and confusing continuity status.
And what appeal is there to existing readers when their favourite characters and stories have been messed around with so much just for a cheap editorial gimmick.
If this entire thing isn't reset as a J.R. style dream sequence within a couple of years, I'll eat my hat.