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Hall of Eggery

Heh, I saw someone with one of Magpie's eggs! Not sure what it was, but the egg was purple.

Anyways, hatched that Shinx I've been trying to find AND hatched my Moltres, thanks to getting in the top 10 of the "Users Online" list twice in one hour. Bout' time. Also found a Moon Stone... that makes two now. And on top of all of that, I've also finally caught up in evolving most of my Pokemon I've had for a while now. I'll finally be able to allow myself to get a few more eggs soon! Can't wait...

*goes to click the two rows of people to click*


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Okay, breeding Snorunt. As if there aren't enough already. Still, it's just so I know what to do when my Porygon hatches :3
Not sure how many people know, but there are some very special prettiful "CLONE" pokemon in existence. They're veeery cool. I don't know much about them, but I have witnessed a clone charizard; check him out on Pokii's user page. What I'm curious about is whether the eggs look any different or if they're along the lines of a shiny occurrence.


Well, yesterday I released all of my Pokemon and eggs. So, I am no longer available on GPX+.

Congrats to those of you who managed to grab my Pokemon and eggs. Especially my rares, my Suicune and my Level 100 Roserade named Fleur.

To those who have me on my friend list, remove me, please. (I changed my user name to Azuform. So, the same must have been reflected in all of your pal pads.)


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Dubious Disc Get!

Now I just need enough points for an Up-Grade. I think I did this in the wrong order. >>

ETA 21/06/09:

Attention duelists: The Doomduck has evolved into it's true form! I also realised, far too late, that my Ralts is /male/, and thus I can't evolve it into a Gardevoir. Ah well, here starts a breeding chain.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Alright, just hugged everyone. Got a measly 200 points out of hugging nearly 30 people's whole parties. God this looting system sucks.

Also, whore my eggs! I really want Porygon hatched and breeding :p
I know about those already.

(For anyone who cares now:)
The current Novelty list is: Zergoose, Dracowymsy, Charmander Clone, Charmeleon Clone, Charizard Clone, Bulbasaur Clone, Ivysaur Clone, Venusaur Clone, Squirtle Clone, Wartortle Clone, Blastoise Clone, Crystal Onix, Crystal Steelix, Easter Buneary, Easter Lopunny, Shadow Lugia, Primal Dialga and Missingno.

That I remember anyway. X3
I have decided that I need a Golbat the way I need oxygen to live.

Don't ask me why.

Totally got a Pidgey, eeeee! For some reason I don't feel like evolving it before 50, though. Also, anyone else notice that the maturity required to level up is the same at level 1 as it is at level 99? At least I think so.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Okay, got a female Ralts! Which was easier than I expected. I'll stick the other one in my box when it hatches. Or maybe chuck it in the Shelter? Dunno.
Okay, got a female Ralts! Which was easier than I expected. I'll stick the other one in my box when it hatches. Or maybe chuck it in the Shelter? Dunno.
Hatch them both and stick them in DE's Ralts army.

Anybody got a Darkrai? The event was today, only for people who haven't had any previous legend eggs. I'm giving up on it and going to bed coz I'm SUPER tired. Anybody who got it is lucky...
Okay, this makes no sense. If Darkrai is only available to people who HAVE NOT GOTTEN AN EVENT YET, why do I have one? I had a Heatran, hatched it, and released it. Does it mean I can't have one in my Party/Pc/Daycare, or what?

But I have a Darkrai. WHOO!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Okay, this makes no sense. If Darkrai is only available to people who HAVE NOT GOTTEN AN EVENT YET, why do I have one? I had a Heatran, hatched it, and released it. Does it mean I can't have one in my Party/Pc/Daycare, or what?

But I have a Darkrai. WHOO!
Ha, coincidental. I had a Heatran as well, and for those who were in chat that day, Sho and I released out Heatran around the same time.

And yet I has a Darkrai as well, even though I already had a legendary. Though I'm too lazy to get the link and stuffs, but you can check out my GPX profile or page or whatever for the proof.

Also, I'mma going to release my Darkrai as soon as it hatches. So if you want a Darkrai, you may have the chance of getting it when I release it. XD
I am pretty sure at this point that everyone else in the world but me got a Darkrai egg. At least that's what it feels like randomly clicking through the Who's Online list. Waah waah my life is so hard.

On the plus side, I don't actually like most legendaries. If I got one, I'd probably stick it in a box and let it rot. Dodged a bullet that wasn't even fired at me, whew!


Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
You can't stick an egg in the box. XD

Also, there are many other people out there besides those on the online list. Remember that there are people out there not on the list that don't have a Darkrai. :3
I wouldn't try to stick an egg in a box! My obsessive need to hatch 'em wouldn't let me.

Oh, I know, I'm being silly. There were a whole bunch, but it couldn't have been over half of just the tiny sample I was clicking. Just wanted my moment of jealousy. Now then, time to continue on my quest for repels Doing Something Useful. I am excited by the prospect.

And Crobat. Need me some Crobat.
@Sho and Shiny; It's because you released your Heatrans. Wymsy updated the thread telling about how she didn't have a way knowing if you had a legendary/novelty pokemon that you just release, so that's how both of you got a Darkrai.

Anyways, just nabbed me the whole entire Hoenn starters, I expect them to hatch soon ^^, then off to stalk the shelter for the Kanto starters :3

K; I am quite possibly the only Charmsian that doesn't have a Porygon right now D:< And I have the items sitting expectantly in my inventory just waiting to be used.

Here's hoping I can walk away from this event with a Deoxys at least :/
I don't have one either RX XD

Currently breeding Beldum and Nosepass if anyone cares. And if you look through my boxes and see something you'd like me to breed, I'll go for it ^^
Hax, I'm gonna start breeding porygon soon, mmkay?

Also, Wymsy runs a script to give out the eggs. So maybe the script only gives it to people who don't have a legendary in their PC/Party/Daycare, as Shiny mentioned earlier. (I think Shiny mentioned it..)
Well, I blocked myself from Darkrai yesterday because I dislike it a lot and the other three event Pokemon are some of my favorite legendaries. I'm going to be very mad at myself if I don't get any of the other three, though.

Also, yay Slakoth :)