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Ask to Join Halo: Stranded [Contains Violence]

(Discussion/OOC/Character Thread: https://pokecharms.com/threads/halo-roleplay.15705/)
Everything you need to know for the Roleplay is in the Discussion Thread.
Captain Anderson looked out of the viewport of the UNSC Winter's Wrath at the deactivated Phoenix-Class colony ship. When he had first looked at it, his eyes had bulged when he saw the name printed on the side, in large letters. It was the UNSC Chaeronea, a ship that disappeared back in 2531 near the end of the Harvest Campaign. The Phoenix-Class ships weren't initially made for combat, but during that time, many of them underwent modifications so they could combat the Covenant. "But, why now? Why did it only start broadcasting it's distress beacon now?" Anderson inquired, to the tech to his right. "Best guess? The Chaeronea was damaged and lacked sufficient power to call out for help. Crew probably set a timer for when sufficient power was restored so the timer would immediately send out a distress beacon. I suspect damaged occurred from Harvest broke something and the timer was delayed." The tech replied, though it was a wild guess at best. It was one that made sense, though. Captain Anderson walked over to an intercom on the bridge, contacting a team of SPARTAN IVs. They were the only non-essential crew who weren't in cryo-stasis. "Lieutenant Ryder? Get your team over to the Chaeronea ASAP. I want a sweep of the area."

Ryder's team arrived aboard the UNSC Chaeronea approximately thirty minutes ago. "Look these skeletons. We sure they went into cryo?" One of the other SPARTANs on the four-man team asked. "Of course. We saw some of them earlier, remember? They most likely died before they could initiate their slip-space jump." Ryder replied, then continued. "See over there? Machinery explosion, probably. Best guess is they died and the others were too busy rushing to the cryo pods to clean up the bodies." Before the Lieutenant could say anything else, they came across to the bridge. Again, a few skeletal remains. Nothing they hadn't seen already. Ryder motioned to one of the other SPARTANs, their tech expert, whom then proceeded to the main terminal. "Most major systems are down. Cryo pod releases would work, but we should haul them aboard the Winter's Wrath and pry them open. Oxygen levels are damn near non-existent here." The tech reported, a she read through the terminal. "Some of the pods are occupied, but life signs have declined. There are still almost one hundred on board, though. Including several-" He was cut off, as an explosion rocked the wreckage of The Chaeronea a bit, enough to make one of the SPARTANs stumble.

"Captain Anderson? What's going on?" Anderson heard the Lieutenant over his intercom. "We're under attack. Remnants of Jul 'Mdama's Covenant. Several large vessels, we're suffering heavy damages. They took out your transport, you're on your own over there." Anderson replied. "Affirmative, sir. We'll see if we can power up the Chaeronea's weapons." Ryder replied, then the comm cut off. Cursing as the Winter's Wrath took another hit, one of the ensigns called out. "Captain, out shields are down! They're tearing in to our hull!" Anderson swore once more, as he proceeded to his terminal. "The Winter's Wrath is doomed, there's no maybes about it. However, I can at least try and save the members of her crew that are still in cryo. We're ejecting all Cryo-Stasis pods to the planet below. Ensign, I want a trajectory so they can land on-planet."

Ryder's team was still on the bridge. "Damn it! I can't get the guns-" The tech was, once again, cut off as they received another transmission. "This is Ca___in A_d__son. The ___ter's Wr__h is g____ down. If y_ can find s__e way on __ the ground, take it." There was more, but it was nothing but garble and static. Ruder swore. "Anything in the hangar?" "Nothing we can get to. We may be able to launch the pods, though. At least try to save some of the people aboard the Chaeronea." "Do it." As Ryder gave the order, the tech obliged, and started hammering away on the console.

The pods from the UNSC Chaeronea and the UNSC Winter's Wrath launched. A lot of the pods from the Chaeronea failed to launch, because of faulty systems. Some of the cryo-stasis pods from both ships were destroyed by Covenant plasma-fire as they descended. In the end, only five pods from The Chaeronea survived, but numerous more from The Winter's Wrath survived.
Cleo felt the rumble of mechanical bit and pieces as he awoke inside the pod he felt the impact as it crashed into the plant he didn't know how to react as the pod opened up he stepped out onto the fertile ground
Carmila's pod slammed into the ground after it breached the atmosphere. The Spartan buried deep into the ground from the angle she came in at and almost immediately her cryo pod started to work on its defrost stage.

Elanor got out of her pod and swore immediately as she found that broken glass from the pod had cut into her leg.
Alya's pod slammed into the ground after a while after it breasted the Atmosphere. the Spartan was buried deep in the ground, even thought she wasn't wake she could still feel it hit as the cryo pod defrost her.

Kia gasped as she felt her ODST POD Land as well... She was throw out when the pod hit a rock and the door was blasted open and she was throw out on the ground "crap..." she said looking around.
As Ethan Cash's pod defrosted him, he woke up with a jolt. He lifted one arm and rubbed his hand on the glass, clearing the frost still on it. "Wherever I am, this is not the Winter's Wrath. Feels like it right now, though." He grumbled, as he put his feet to the pod door and managed to kick it open. He saw another pod next to his. A girl was on the ground, whom he thought he recognized. Kia, was it? He shrugged, looking around at their surroundings. "Well, fu-"

Meanwhile, Christina-018 was defrosting mid-descent. Before she even entered the planet's atmosphere, she was awake and defrosted. Although the SPARTAN-II was definitely surprised by this, she simply sighed and looked above her, managing to see one of the pods from another UNSC Ship get shot down. Plasma blasts. That meant Covenant. After a quick check on the terminal mounted inside her pod, she realized she had been in cryogenic stasis for damn-near thirty years. But Humanity was clearly still there, so that was good. No info on the planet she was descending too. Christina sighed, as the pod finally landed on the ground. The SPARTAN-II kicked out her pod hatch, and looked around. She quickly realized there were no other pods nearby.
Kia stood up and she Groaned "Alya? " she said looking around and she sighed " Ethan?" she said looking at him "Man that fall was such fun..." she said jumping around and she sighed " Wheres Alya..." she said looking around and started to walk around grabbing her shotgun.

Alya-098 woke up after her pod defrosted and she stepped out of her pod and she groaned " Hmmm " she said looking around and she saw Christian's pot and she smiled " Alya here" she said thought coms and she started to talk to her " Hey look to your left" she chuckled
Carmila woke up to find herself deep in the jungle and almost all the way buried under the ground. She checked her statics and sighed, bashing her way out before she clawed out of the pod and got a hold of her surroundings.

Elanor found herself away from everyone and her leg quickly bleeding. The medic sighed and ripped her shirt at its bottom, wrapping it around her leg.
"Yeah. Fun's one. Way. You. Could." Ethan groaned, as he was trying to pull his Shotgun out of it's compartment in his pod. Finally, he succeeded and finished his sentence. "Ugh. Put it. According to my terminal, we lost several pods. Any idea on who our confirmed fatalities are?" As he asked that, he pulled out the rest of his weapons with far less of a struggle.

Christina was startled to find someone talking to her. The voice was human, and non-threatening or demanding, meaning she was probably UNSC. Therefore, she didn't try to get her weapons from her pod, and instead, just turned. Thankfully, it was another SPARTAN. How'd she get here? I could've sworn... She mentally shrugged, and instead decided to be thankful for a friendly face-plate. "Dunno how I missed you. I can tell you're a SPARTAN. Service code?"
Carmila kept walking. The Spartan having collected her weapons and started to climb to a high vantage point. She narrowed her eyes and growled, seeing the streams of smoke far in the distance from downed Pelicans and the such.

Elanor whimpered as she pulled herself farther away. The medic grabbing a close by stick and using it to help herself move.
Kia rubbed her arms and she sighed "But it sucks...i lost my helmet and my Sniper rifle" she said looking at him "So Spartan what?" she asked him before she began to walk around, felling like she need to more before something picked her off.

Alya sighed and she looked at them " Spartan Alya-098" she said and she started to walk near her " Whats yours Spartan!" she said and she smiled " Also My Rank is Captain...whats yours " she said with a smile and she chuckled a little.
Christina's helmeted face stared back at the SPARTAN. "Christina-018. I'm also a Captain. So, according to my terminal, I've been asleep for damn near thirty years in this thing." She began, as she walked back to her pod and took out her weapons. Her sniper rifle, magnum, and combat knife. She magnetized the magnum to her side and put her knife in a sheathe on her breast-plate. She held her sniper in one hand and had half of it resting on her shoulder. "Is there anything important I should know about what's happened since? Did we manage to eliminate any of the Prophets?"

Cash put the rest of his weapons in their places as he slid on his helmet. He then followed his fellow ODST. "Now what? Do we just look for other survivors?"
Alya smiled at her and she grabbed her Battle rifle and she put it on her back and she smiled at her and she smiled happily " Hey should we go looking for the others" she said and she looked around " I hope everyone is ok" she said and she smiled at little " i wonder where everyone is at" she whispered.

Kia sighed and she nodded "would be the best probably the best idea" she said.
Traccus smirked as he walked upon the planet. The gravity hammer magnetized to his back as he asmired the world. He heard noises infront of him and tilted his head, walking forward as he saw a wounded creature laying on the ground, partially trapped underneath a rock. Taking his hammer he raised it above his head, putting the creature out of his misery.
Fleetmaster Sol 'Vorumee sat in his chair, watching the UNSC ship explode with mild disinterest. He turned to one of the Sangheili operating a terminal. "Send a team of Unggoy led by a Jiralhanae on to the remains of that old, ruined ship. I want it scavenged for anything useful. Send a team to the remains of the one we just destroyed as well. They may yet hold secrets for us." He commanded, flicking his hand. Then, he motioned for an Unggoy to come to him. "Send a message to Traccus. Ask the Jiralhanae if he needs reinforcements." The grunt gave an affirmative nod, and rushed off to do as 'Vorumee ordered.

"You lead the way, Kia." Cash said, with a motion of his hand. "I have no idea where the hell we're going. You woke up before me. Did ya' see any pods?"

Supreme Commander Dekan 'Kalim dashed past a tree, in pursuit of a Kig-Yar scout. His team had taken care of the others, but he couldn't allow this one to report their position. Luckily, opportunity prevented itself as the Kig-Yar slipped on a tree branch. The Supreme Commander capitalized, and swung forth his activated Energy Sword, impaling the Kig-Yar as it lay on the ground. He twisted the blade for good measure, before deactivating it and magnetizing it to his leg.

"Well, let's go, then." Christina replied, tilting her head for her companion to lead the way. "We're bound to find someone eventually."
Jerikia walked onto the bridge and he had his hands behide his back and he looked at his shipmaster "Sol..They called me to the bridge...what do you wish for me to do " he said looking at the UNSC Ship being blown up to pieces " Hmm thats good " he said with a smile and he chuckled " This would be a good time to show my skills to the humans and there Pitiful spartans" he smiled at them.

Kia nodded and she smiled at him " Ok lets get going " she said as she walked, she knew she would be ok for now.

Alya sighed as she walked with her " So where are you from ..." she asked as she walked with her.
'Vorumee looked back as Jerikia entered the bridge. "Do you see that other ship, Jerikia? The one that we didn't destroy?" He inquired, pointing to The Chaeronea. "According to our intelligence, the pods that were released from it were done manually. That means there are staff aboard. I've already assembled a small team, and I am putting you in command. Your objectives are to eliminate all enemy personnel aboard and secure any useful intelligence or salvage. Understood?"

Meanwhile, on The Chaeronea, Ryder's squad prepared their weapons, and took cover behind random objects on the bridge. The four-man team trained their weapons on the door, ready for anything that came through.

Christina took a deep breathe and sighed, trying to remember. "Arcadia." She replied, briefly.
Jerikia sighed and he nodded " Better have one Lekgole or two since they fight in pairs come in and help me sometimes...ok lets go team" he said as he turned around and he went to the ships and he saw his group of men . four grunts , Three Elites and two Jackels. "Hmm i can work with this" he said and his team got in the ship.

Alya nodded "Oh Cool..." she said and she yawned "is that your home...town or where you were trained to be a spartan...i'm from ...Jackson" she said smiling.
"Born on Arcadia. Trained on Reach, like a lot of the other IIs." Christina-018 replied.

Meanwhile, Dekan was on his way back to his men. They had managed to come across the remains of their ship's bridge. They set up camp there, and operate there until rescue comes. If it comes. Dekan was starting to lose hope.
"Yeah same here....i was just told my home on earth was this place called Jackson" Alya said and she sighed " So what do you think is happening now" she said.

Jerikia sighed as his slammed into the ship, he sighed " Well lets get this over with " he said and he walked over to the door and he opened it and he told the grunts and two Elite to go forward and take out the men. while the jackels sniped in the back.
Cleo saw some other Spartans he thought that he knew them but he couldn't tell he walked over to them and called out "identity yourself" he couldn't tell if he was joking or not
Traccus received the message and chuckled lowly. The jiralhanae magnetized his weapon and crossed his arms, "I am fine. Have you ever wished to have a pet? I've think I've found a pretty interesting one. It seems one of the humans was seperated from its pack mates. It has a bad leg too".
'Vorumee chuckled at the Jiralhanae's comment. He had to admit, he liked this one. "As tempting as it sounds, I doubt the human would be very obedient. Bring her aboard for interrogation. She may yet prove valuable." The Fleetmaster ordered.

The four SPARTAN IVs went weapons hot the moment the doors to the bridge opened. They mowed down the grunts and Sangheili at the front, one of the SPARTAN's shields failing. A blast from one of the Jackals finished him off. They sprayed blindly from their cover, until almost all their weapons were empty. The only one who had any ammo left was the tech, who was on her last mag. "Blaze of glory, boss?" The tech asked, looking to Ryder. Ryder gave a glance to the other SPARTAN, who nodded back, and then Ryder gave a nod of confirmation. "Now!" The three IV's leaped from their cover. Ryder and the other SPARTAN charged the Jackals, while the tech went for the one whom she assumed was their commanding officer. She fired several shots from her Magnum, before charging Jerikia. Meanwhile, one of the other SPARTANs was shot down before he even reached the Jackal snipers. Ryder, however, was tangling with them right then. Unfortunately, the third Sangheili whom they had not killed impaled him in the back with his Energy Sword. That only left the tech, who was now attempting to tangle with Jerikia.

Cash looked around. "So, Kia, did you see where any of the pods may have landed? As much fun as trekking around this God-forsaken planet sounds, I'd like to at least have a vague idea about where the hell we're going."
"Understood sir," Traccus smirked and walked forward, grinning darkly when the human infront of him tripled backwards and scrambled away. He smiled and lumbered after her, pulling her up as she swung wildly. The jiralhanae smirked and threw her over his shoulder and started back toward the convant.

Elanor whimpered as she struggled uselessly, tears starting to stop her eyes as she shuffled around.
Jerikia saw the tech running to him , he sighed " What are you a joke?" he chuckled when he saw her running at him, he smirked and he stood their waiting " cmon human" he said then he ran forward with his energy sword and he slashed at her chest and pushed her away quickly and fired his plasma Rifle.

Kia shrugged and she looked down " Maybe their somewhere around here.." she said smiling.
Traccus returned to the covenant base with the struggling prisoner over his shoulder. He wanted the command center and through Elanor onto the floor infront of his leader, chuckling as she curled into a ball, "there is the human".
The slash left a deep gash on the tech's chest, and she felt blood starting to drip, and her shields flared. Sighing, she emptied the rest of her mag at the Sangheili, unsheathed her combat knife, and threw it at him, before finally falling on to her stomach, dead.

"So, we're just winging it and hoping we find someone? Great." Cash replied, sarcastically.
Carmila moved through the forest. She kept her eyes peeled until she decided she got to an appropriate spot, shelter being the first thing she built after trying her broken coms.

Elanor looked up at the sangheili that sat in his commanding chair. She pushed away from him only to find that the brute was trapping her in.
Jerikia groaned and he held his arm where the knife had hit " Hmm You fought well soldier" he said taking off her helmet and closing her eyes, he then stood up and he smiled "Ok i have to do this sole" he said walking in the ship " Shipmaster i need reinforcements " he said thru his coms as he walked thur the hallway he was in.

Kia groaned "stop being mean....i just don't know where they are at " she said with a pout

Alya looked down at her feet " So Spartan ...we need to friend the others" she said.
On his way back to his men, Dekan stopped. He cursed himself. Apparently, he took a wrong turn. He saw a Brute, taking what appeared to be a teleportation pad. The Supreme Commander could only guess that it was a direct path to the Covenant's capital ship above the planet. However, what interested Dekan the most, was what the Jiralhanae was carrying. A human, UNSC judging from the garb. She didn't look skinny, so he must have been a survivor from the battle overhead. Quickly, the Sangheili made up his mind. Dekan activated his Adaptive Camouflage and followed the Brute through the teleportation pad. He stalked them all the way to the bridge. Dekan grabbed the hilts of both of his Energy Swords. He had to wait for the right moment.

'Vorumee addressed Jerikia's request, first. "Affirmative. Sending a squad of five Sangheili to your position. You, Unggoy, organize them." Then, the Fleetmaster turned to the Jiralhanae. "So, this is the Human." He stood from his chair and approached, putting his hand on her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Tell me, filth, who else is alive, and where are they?"

Cash shrugged his shoulders. "Hold up a sec. I'm going to try comms, maybe we can get someone." He put a hand to the side of his helmet, where his communicator was. "This is Gunnery Sergeant Ethan Cash, does any UNSC presence respond?"

"I repeat, does any UNSC presence respond?" Christina's interest piqued upon hearing the comm from a friendly, seemingly human, voice. "You getting this comm, too, Alya?"
Elanor glared as she tried to pull her chin from his hold, spitting at him in the process. As pressed back onto her bed leg and whimpers softly, biting into her lip to keep the noise hidden, "rot in hell".

Traccus laughed and stepped back a little bit as he smirked and rolled his shoulders, "guess you were right though maybe it just needs to be trainees".

As he said this he slammed his fists togther making the human flinch.
Sol 'Vorumee staggered back as the human spit on him. "If you will not speak, human, then you will die by my hand." He wiped the spit from his face, and activated his red-bladed energy sword.

Dekan knew this was the time. The Jiralhanae had his hands off the Human, and 'Vorumee was about to strike. As the Sangheili Fleetmaster raised his arm to strike her down, Dekan activated one his his Energy Swords, and stabbed it through the Brute's left leg. He then took it out, activating his second, and slammed them both in to Sol's sword as his cloak deactivated. He pushed the Fleetmaster's sword to the side, then Dekan used his cloak and wrapped it around Sol's face, disorienting him. Quickly, before the other aliens in the room snapped out of their daze, he grabbed the human, slung her over his shoulder, and made a dash back for the teleportation pad.
Traccus snarled in pain and immediately went o grab the human but was stopped. He saw the fleeing elite and roared, charging after him to the best of his abilities.

Elanor screamed, grasping onto Dekan tightly. She pressed herself against him, crying into his shoulder as she was carried.
Sol 'Vorumee bellowed with rage at the Sangheili who so easily freed his prisoner. "Kill the heretic! Kill the prisoner!" He shouted. Most of the bridge crew applied, save for a few Sangheili whom he ordered to stay behind. The Covenant soldiers followed Traccus's lead.

Dekan rushed as plasma blasts were fired at the human and himself. He quickly dashed around a corner, to see the teleportation pad in sight. He leaped through, but he did not stop. He ran further, in to the trees. He knew that his men were not far from their location. He set the human down, gently, against one of the trees. He sat next to her, but readied his carbine rifle in his hands.
Jerikia sighed and he waited for his men to come to his aid, he didn't need that meany just a few he would be about to survive on this ship. "oh ok there they are" he watched the pod slam on the ship and the group of elites poured out and he smiled and he went to them and he started to go around the ship and attack it.

Alya nodded "yeah i can hear that" she said with a smile and she looked around "Hmm where at thought "she said.
Elanor quieted her sniffled and curled into a ball, protecting her leg and head as she clenched her eyes shut in fear of being hurt.

Traccus burst through the teleporter with another roar, searching around for the traitor and human. He demagnetized his hammer, slamming it into the the ground as he looked at his reinforcements, "some of you secure the pad and another tell the shipmaster that I'll be bringing him that human back".
With a sigh, the Supreme Commander looked at the now sniffling human at his side. "Can you move? Our camp is not too far from here. And, it would be best to head out now, before the Brute catches our scent." Dekan warned, as he began to stand up.

"Well, why don't we ask?" Christina replied, as she put her hand to the side of her helmet now. "Come in, Gunnery Sergeant. This is Sierra-018 (common name for SPARTAN-IIs were "Sierra." Chief was referred to as "Sierra-117" back in Halo 3). I'm with Sierra-098. Can you give us coordinates to your location?"

Ethan smiled, and turned his face to Kia. "Looks like friendlies responded after all. In truth, I didn't think that would work." He then put his hand up to the side of his helmet. "I read, Sierra-018. Sending coordinates now."
"My leg is bad but I can move," Elanor took deep breaths, calming herself and evening her breaths so that she was no longer crying.

Traccus snarled and swung his head around, searching for any signs of where his prisoner and elite went. He roared, bashing his chest with his fists before moving forward, "spread out and find them"!
"Then it would be best to move now. We'll see what we can do for your leg once we're back at our base." Dekan then extended a hand to help Elanor onto her feet.

"Well, Alya, looks like we got our coordinates. Objective marker's been put onto my HUD now. Follow me." Christina nodded to the north, and began walking in that direction.
Elanor took his hand and stood on her feet. She checked the bandage before nodding to him and giving him a thankful smile, "lead the way".

The medic looked to the sky when she heard a closer and louder roar from then the last time she heard it, "the brute is gaining ground".
Cpl. Dancer groaned as he opened his eyes. Everything hurt. Everything. He could barely remember what happened. He was laying face down in the dirt and grit. He put his arms beneath him and pushed himself up. "Gah!" He cried as his right arm jolted in pain and he fell back onto the ground. "Shit... my arm..." He turned onto his good side and looked at his arm. It was bent at an odd angle halfway down his Forearm. He'd broken it in the landing. He sat himself up with difficulty to see the crash site. His Orbital Insertion Pod. It was ripped apart, definitely not salvageable. "Damn." He was lucky to survive. He then tried to move his legs. His right leg felt fine, other then the gash down it, but his left leg... He could see the bone of his Tibia had snapped in half, and the lower half was jutting out of his leg like a spike. His eyes widened as he viewed the injury, and felt oddly calm. What was more surprising was the lack of blood. It didn't seem that he'd at all lost very much of it. He looked to his right to find his Helmet, somehow undamaged. He grabbed it with his good arm and pulled it over his Head. Activating his Communication device, he immediately called for help. "Come in, come in... this is Corporal Dennis Dancer, any UNSC personnel please respond. I'm stranded and badly wounded. I repeat, I'm stranded and badly wounded. Any UNSC Personnel please respond!" He made sure to activate his personal Beacon, which any UNSC tracking Unit should be able to pick up... if the Beacon isn't broken. He groaned as leaned back onto the ground, still aching all over. 'How the hell am I still alive?'