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Hiatus ahoy!

Ok everyone! Tomorrow till somewhere in January, (I don't know the details) I will not be active on Pokecharms. The reason so is because I am spending time with my father somewhere and currently cannot use gadgets in that area. As much as I'd love to bring this laptop to there, I can't.
Maybe I'll online a bit sometimes, but thats a maybe.
Anyways, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Tomorrow I leave for the Bahamas for a scuba trip! I really really hope I get to hug another tiger shark. Preferably not at 2am this time. And because everyone else I've talked to seems to think my aspirations are insane, I'll tell you all what I told them. I promise I will come back with all my body parts attached. I need them for videogames and taking enthusiastic walks after all. Also, I'm not bringing any electronics so I'll see you lovely people in a week! ^_^
I won't be active from June 20th to June 30th due to a Bahamas trip. I will be on a sailboat with a few other boy scouts and I will be sailing for about a week. The other days will mainly be travel. I won't really be active due to me not bringing any electronics (because I fear I will drop them in the ocean or something along those lines :p) I leave in a little over a week but this is just so you guys understand