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I am making story, and I need your characters!


Previously m1h4jl0


Yo, guys, sup, how was your day? Anyways, I wanna ask you something. A few days ago, I was doing completely random stuff on this site, and somehow, I ended up reading Written Works. And, I saw there really great ones. Now, I kept searching random stuff, when I found a few threads on Creative Discussion, where people were asked to make characters for the story. I really liked that idea, so I decided to make something similar! If you are interested keep reading!


The story is placed on imagine world called Solandis. It is a world full of magical and mythical creatures like fairies and dragons, and not so mythical creatures like animals and of course humans. The world lived in peace, under the protection of god Omnia, until evil came. They were lead by Nullus (god's brother). There was a great war going between two sides, and at the end, gods were fighting each other until they both fainted and gone missing. From that day, darkness covered the world and people started living in fear. But, there are always heroes that are gonna change the destiny of the world. And that heroes are you!

More Explanation:

So yeah, this is basically what should happen, of course, there will be changes. So main characters are gonna hear for the prophecy that if they gather all 7 life stones they can revive their god. As it always goes, evil guys hear for that too, so evil king sends his best generals to find stones, so they can revive their god. And that's how the story starts! This are all stones: Cyan (Diamond), Green (Emerald), Red (Ruby), Blue (Sapphire), Purple (Amethyst), Black (Obsidian) and White (Quartz).

Characters needed:

Main Character [1/1] - Michael Shroudy @MihajloJedi
Name: Michael Shroudy
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: He is 6'1" tall. He has black hair with bit of blue on edges. His eyes are green. He has almost unnoticeable scar on his left eyebrow.
Personality: He is very kind, polite, brave, friendly and funny. All things a knight needs to be.
Weapons: He has one sword called Blazeguard. That sword has special powers that Michael is about to discover later in story!
Special Powers: Will be discovered later in story.
Pet: None, maybe will gain one after!
Backstory: He was raised in small village in not very rich family. His father died in war, and his mother was taking care of him and his younger brother. Their village was under raids almost every month. Michael got beaten up because he tried to protect his families belongings. He was mad all the time, and he knew that once his time will come!
Other: N/A
Best Friend [1/1] - Kevin Claw @Killerbunny
Name: Kevin Claw
Age: 17
Gender: Boy
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Werewolf
Appearance: At his human appearance he has casual clothing and a few piercings. And in his wolf form he is as big as an adult wolf with mostly black fur (though there are a few grey spots o him).
Personality: A typical troublemaker. And he will find a way to win any argument. And get anything done his way. Without sounding childish.
Special powers: except for turning wolf mode when he wants, there's no other special power.
Pet: ...he is the pet XD
Backstory (so i don't have much for a backstory but this is what i got so far): He was abandoned at a young age and only knew his first name, not his last name. He remembered that his parents had told him they never wanted to see him again. He didn't know why but he felt betrayed and wandered the streets, occassionally going into a forest when he knew the full moon was coming so he wouldn't hurt anyone. Eventually he meets (@MihajloJedi's OC) and they become friends i guess?
Other: N/A
Girlfriend [1/1] - Gul Shagar @Pokéboy098
Name: Gul Shagar
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: She is a desert warrior and bandit, who attacks random travelers. She is about 5’ 1” and is very thin.
Personality: She is arrogant and headstrong, and she would rather just go attack the king fight away. She is pretty naturally violent, and therefore is only calm when she is around her crush, who she is in love with and is not as violent as her.
Weapons: She likes to duel wield orcish swords, which are shown in the attached image. Her left handed sword is enchanted with a power that burns anything it touches. The right handed sword is completely normal.
Special Powers: She is very fast.
Backstory: Gul was an orphan in a desert encampment. She was found by a band of marauding mercenaries and was raised by them from a young age as a killing machine. She was very respected among the group, and as they were about to burn down a village, she developed a crush on one of the people upon sight. She managed to convince the others that there was a better target further down the road, and then she abandoned the band during the night running back to the village, where she met her crush.
Brother [1/1] - Bruno Shroudy @j o n a h
Name: Bruno Shroudy
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: Bruno is a rather tall boy with dirty brown hair which almost appears black like his brother's. He wears heavy war clothes equipped for climbing and long traveling. He has dark beige skin and a bottle of Turnip's poison fastened on his belt.
Personality: Bruno likes to have fun most of the time, but is very much battle ready when needed. He always seems to want to do something and barely ever rest. He rarely talks to his brother and doesn't have much experience with people.
Weapons: Bow, Arrows, Match Pack
Special Powers: (has the ability to wield the twin blade of "Blazeguard" entitled Ironguard, a large steel sword which has yet to be discovered by Bruno)
Pet: A blue dart frog named, Turnip who will shoot poison out of his mouth when Bruno is in danger.
Backstory: (same as Michael's except he never got beat up :/)
Other: N/A
Twins, Friends [2/2] - Heaven Kiefer @OtisRolePlays
Name: Heaven Kiefer
Age (15-19): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human/Elf
Personality: She is a very sweet, but quite shy, person. But she is quick to help others, and she often stutters when she speaks. Heaven likes to stay inside, where it is more peaceful, but her sister usually convinces her to come outside. Her twin sister, Nevaeh, helps her out and gives her a bit more courage throughout her life. She repays Nevaeh by giving her more compassion to help her along the way.
Appearance: Heaven has long, very light brown hair, and bright blue eyes. She has tanned skin, because she and her sister go outside in the sun quite a lot. She loves wearing short clothes, like shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and the list goes on.
Weapons: She has a long golden staff with a small ruby on top of it, and Heaven can control light with it and use it as a weapon. But most of the time she simply uses it as a weapon.
Special Powers: She can talk to animals
Pet: A male, large white Cockatoo, who communicates with Heaven a lot. The Cockatoo’s name is Halo.
Backstory: Her father was an Elf, while her mother was a human. When Nevaeh and Heaven were born, their father had to leave. Heaven didn’t do anything to change his mind, but she knew that her father didn’t really want to leave. When he left, their mother had to take care of them. When they were older, they discovered that they had some powers. They both went outside, and that is when they met the main character.
Other: N/A
Nevaeh Kiefer @OtisRolePlays
Name: Nevaeh Kiefer
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human/Elf
Personality: Far more outgoing and cheerful than her sister, at least when she is not busy being too prideful. She is very protective of her sister, and friends. Nevaeh might judge others, but she would never judge her sister because of their close relationship. She is a very patient person, and is a good person to talk with about your problems.
Appearance: Nevaeh has dark green eyes, and slightly short brown hair which is similar to her sister’s hair. She has tanned skin, and she loves to wear casual clothes that are longer, and by that I mean she likes to wear long-sleeved shirts, jeans, and hoodies.
Weapons: A long silver sword with a bright golden handle. A ruby is present on the handle. Nevaeh has good experience using swords, and the sword can catch on fire when the ruby is pressed like a button, allowing the sword to burn it’s enemies.
Special Powers: She can summon fire in her hands and shoot it out of her palms as well.
Pet: A purely white female cat who has bright emerald eyes. The cat’s name is Cloud, and she is as adventurous as Nevaeh.
Backstory: Her father was an Elf, while her mother was a human. When Nevaeh and Heaven were born, their father had to leave. Nevaeh certainly didn’t want him to, but it was no use. When he left, their mother had to take care of them. When they were older, they discovered that they had some powers. They both went outside, and that is when they met the main character.
Other: N/A
Strong One, Friend [1/1] - Akrunako Kajasayak @PrincessPika
Name: Akrunako Kajasayak.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bi.
Species: Tengu.
Appearance: Somewhat tall, very pale skin, short brown-ish red hair and red-ish eyes; wears a white top, a silver pleated knee-length skirt with a black floral pattern on, dark grey knee-length socks and black shoes with white laces and small red bow on. Also has a black hair-bow and large-ish crow wings.
Personality: Somewhat introverted and quiet; if anyone were to talk to her she would likely brush them off, unless they are in need of help, where she would help them, which is the only real chance at making friends with her. She is quite loyal and somewhat trusting of those who she does call her friends, though still not quite talkative.
Weapons: An engraved gold-plated staff with a bent ring-shaped tip that she uses to attack at close range.
Special Powers: Only flight.
Pet: An almost fully-grown female black cat with navy blue eyes called Nekodako; Akrunako found her while she was wandering and she followed Akrunako around for a while, so she decided to make her her pet after realising that it was quite tame.
Backstory: Akrunako lived on a mountain, like most other Tengu. Eventually she started to train her combat skills, however, after she failed to beat the strongest Tengu that was teaching her combat, she decided to leave her home and thus wandered off, partly in search of fights which she found somewhat frequently.
Other: Supposed to fill the strong friend role
Smart One, Friend [1/1] - Adrian Snow @Red Gallade
Name: Adrian Snow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Elf
Appearance: Extremely Pale skin, Smooth long White hair tied into a ponytail, Sky Blue eyes and a body build most would call slightly better than average. His attire consists of a Black noble like jacket that reaches his knees with Gold linings along the edges, Black pants and Brown leather boots. When travelling, he wears a Brown cape with White fur along the edges.
Personality: Adrian comes off as an arrogant at first, but is really someone who just wants to learn as much as he can about the secrets of magic and the world. He reacts to others depending on their intelligence compared to his and doesn't tolerate conversing with 'idiots.' However, he's no stranger to friendship and would gladly try and make friends with someone so long as they don't get in the way of his research which he slowly gained an ambition for. When faced with bad guys, he tends to put on a terrifyingly morbid persona that could make professional murders seem like spoiled brats compared to him, adopting a terrifying smile, this is however his way on giving bad guys 'a taste of their own medicine'... despite how often it 'works.'
Weapons: His main weapon is a sword that some tend to argue if it's a longsword or an estoc. It's appearance is a full silver with several regal like designs along the hilt and guard while the blade itself is long and thin, however slightly thicker than an estoc's blade. He has shown exceptional skills when wielding it with grace. On the pommel of the weapon's hilt, there is a light blue gem on it, Adrian can also use the sword as a staff to amplify his own magic, although he rarely does this unless all else fails.
Special Powers: He is extremely adaptive and only needs to see an attack once in order to learn how to counter it. His magic mainly consists of vast Cyromancy. (Power over Ice)
Pet: A fluffy looking Owl with White feathers, a few Gray patches on the edges of her feathers and Baby blue eyes. Her name is Snowflake, an owl that Adrian raised since she was an egg and became smart enough to understand and follow Adrian's orders without question, she tends to fetch things for him and the two actually share a close relationship... much to Adrian's embarrassment.
Backstory: Born in a relatively wealthy family of mages, Adrian grew up learning as much as he could about magic. He spent most of his childhood absorbing as much information as he could from his family's vast collection of books. However, by the time hit 12, he had already read every book his family had and learned a lot of things... but his appetite for knowledge was nowhere near sated. He decided to take up sword training for 3 years and already became a promising swordsman, but sometime shortly after his training, he discovered that he had inherited his grandfather's magical affinity over ice. Overjoyed by this, Adrian decided to set out with his trusty Owl and travel the world to learn everything he could about how to use magic, and then some.
Other: N/A
Kind One, Friend [1/1] - Skylar Cosmos @Jodie.xox
Name: Skylar Cosmos
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: Skylar has blonde hair with pale highlights, blub eyes and fair skin. She fashions a white crop top with a pink stripy and transparent top over it. She wears denim shorts with slightly transparent black tights and bandages around her knees and elbows. She wears trainers.
Personality: She’s a kind girl who will always think of others and help them out. Maybe she could be manipulated because of it.. but it depends what kind of person would want to do that.
Weapons: A wooden bow of her own making that she can have her Pygmy Dragon set fire to and shoot flaming arrows. She always has a small sword like weapon which can be enflamed or retracted into a handle to fit in her pocket.
Special Powers: She can understand any animal or creature.
Pet: A Pygmy Dragon about the size of a fully grown cat with pale orange-pink scales, it makes squeaking noises mostly, but it can breathe fire and fly. Its name is Jewel.
Backstory: Skylar’s parents had always taught her that the world was a cruel place. They always spoke of the evil that reigned and took over, but she never believed it. She knew the God had a chance to reign again, and that some ounce of good was still around. Once she was old enough, she decided to go look for that good and help her world go back to the good days.

Evil King [1/1] - Deathark @MihajloJedi
Name: Deathark
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: He is 5'10" tall. He has black hair and grey eyes. Over his left eye he has scar. He is wearing royal clothes most of the except when he goes to battle,then he is wearing his black armor, made from mix of iron and obsidian.
Personality: You know that there are a lot of movie characters, that act like they are bad, but they still have a little of good inside of them. Well Deathark ain't one of them. He is pure evil, almost as Nullus. He is also very intelligent and wise.
Weapons: Sword called Lifetaker.
Special Powers: With sword, he can summon demonic creatures called Sisachs.
Backstory: He had pretty rough childhood. He had no parents, and he grown up in forest with no one who he can trust. That is one of the reasons Nullus took him as his apprentice when he was 17. They almost conquered whole world together, but after Nullus and Omnia destroyed each other, Deathark conquered rest of the world by himself and his great army of evil.
Other: N/A
Evil Generals [3/3] - Theromino Kama @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Theromino Kama
Age: 17
Gender: Guy, I mean Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: Sickly pale, tall and thin person with Cyan eyes and light Brown hair. He wears black leather shirt, brown pants and leather shoes. He has a scar that begins on the left on his neck and ends on right knee.
Personality: Thero is a sadist, sometimes psycho guy that wants only a return of Nullus. He listen to orders but he don't blind follow orders.
Weapons: Yadunaro,a Giant, Black Scythe with Ruby, Amethyst, Gold and Silver elements on Handle and Blade, it gives special power to his user.
Special Powers: His weapon, Yadunaro was earlier wield by Tsumi. Even if human can't use even 1/3 of weapon power, it's still dangerous. After loading energy for a 35 minutes- 1 hour, He can use cut of darkness, that drains a light and send a random curse to a hit living being
Backstory: Theromino Kama was born in the little village, He was happy until the people that served 'Good god, Omnia' attacked them and killed everyone. Theromino lost everything, He stole a Magical weapon from Tsumi's Shrine and escaped from the world. 8 years passed and young Theromino learned how to use his new weapon. He joined to (Evil King char. Name) and thanks to his strength became a one of Evil Generals. Still he know that if He met Tsumi then he may lost his strength, as will of the True owner is greater than mortal and Tsumi can use full power of his weapon.
Other: He had a Little brother that he thinks that died in the attack.
Fredrigo Hloree @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Fredrigo Hloree
Age: 47
Gender: He was male, when he was still alive.
Sexuality: =|...
Species: Lich, Skeleton... He was an elf, when He was alive.
Appearance: a 5'8" tall skeleton, in the black robe, on each of his bone fingers are golden rings with rubins, saphires, emeralds and diamonds. He wears a magical control necklace, as it is used to force on him loyalty to Evil King.
Personality: as a skeleton, He is emotionless. Smart tactician that will do everything for his master.
Weapons: Black book of Necromancy 'False Life'
Special Powers: Fredrigo is a powerfull necromancer, that almost everyday creates a undeads to aid Evil King's army. He can do it all time and he needs to rest, He also needs a 'materials' to create new soldiers. Undeads aren't very strong opponents, but they are usually in big group. He can also cast some spells in fight. He is immortal, when someone kills him, He returns after a week. Only Divine beings can destroy him forever. But, he still can be beaten and inprisoned for eternity or something.
Backstory: Fredrigo was created by Nullus himself, as he needed someone that could be a 'right hand' to his apprentice, Deathark. Undead only hears to Nullus, so god gived him a necklace to force Loyalty to Deathark. Right now, as an Evil King's General, Fredrigo wants to resurrect his true and only master
Nabina Spiney @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Nabina Spiney
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Elf
Appearance: She usually wears black armor. She is slim and tall person. She has black hair and blue eyes.
Personality: Nabina is demanding for her soldiers, holding discipline in the army general. She know how to take advantage in battle. There is only 3 people she is nice to (Maybe for now) Nullus, Deathark and Theromino (She has crush on Kama). For the rest, she is cold and mean woman.
Weapons (less than 3): Elf White Longbow, Black Longsword (Alezimari)
Special Powers: She shot from her Bow with unimaginable precision, she is quite fast (and you need to remember that she has armor) Her sword have power that he can summon one fire elemental per day (Its her special Line of defense). Fire Elementar is unable to be hurt by weapon. But, magic user can beat him, with some problems, but can.
Backstory: Nabina was a young girl that made some 'mistakes in the past'. She had to leave her town with her family and after a month, she lost her parents. She met on her way Deathark and Theromino and she decided to join them. Deathark gave Nabina, her longsword and Theromino trained her (Yes, He is younger than her, but still a bit stronger) and thanks to this training and after some missions, She became the third general. She has a feeling to Theromino and she likes only him and Deathark. (Crush and someone like Father replacement...)

Stone Guardians [7/7] - Kalas @MihajloJedi
Name: Kalas
Age: 1200
Species: Dragon
Appearance: He is dragon with red-black scales and eyes red like burning fire, 30 feet high. He has a lot of scars all around his body, because of his many battles.
Special Powers: He spits fire and flies.
Stone: Red
Other: nothing
Aria @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Aria
Age: Unknown
Species: Wind Spirit
Appearance: Short, Human-like beign, Green hair, White eyes. She has 2 Blue Fairy wings.
Special Powers: She can fly, 360 ft teleport and Powerfull wind magic user.
Stone: Green
Other: Created by Omnia, She calls herself "Tsumi's little sister". Many forgot, how she was helping gods.
Tsumi @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Tsumi
Age: Unknown
Species: Chaos Spirit
Appearance: Human-like looking being, He is tall, has black hair, Blue, deep eyes and three black angel-like wings, 2 on the left and 1 on the right.
Special Powers: He can fly, 360 ft teleport, user of the Shadow magic.
Stone: Black
Other: One of the few things created by Nullus and 'raised' by Omnia. Many livingbeings forget about, how He helped gods.
Alba @OtisRolePlays
Name: Alba
Age: 160
Species: Dragon
Appearance: A huge, completely white dragon with long curved gray horns. It has glowing blue eyes, and at the end of it’s long tail is a huge blade-like tip.
Special Powers: It changes it’s scale color slowly to confuse others on what true color it is. It mostly uses it tail to attack, but sometimes it uses it’s talons to fight if needed.
Stone: White
Other: N/A
Izayoi @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Izayoi
Age: 367
Species: ???
Appearance: tall guy with a Silver Eyes and Purple hair, He is wearing black Noble suit and he has Three horns on his head (Left one is black, right one is white and the middle one is golden). He has also black, demonic wings.
Special Powers: User of a void magic, he can fly and has a big resistance.
Stone: Purple
Other: Izayoi last thing that he remember is that he was found one day by Tsumi. Aria took him and took care of him, a little boy who don't know, who he is. Tsumi thought as He can be a spirit child. But he never saw one and death of the Gods didn't seemed to has his effect on Izayoi.
Something bad happend and Izayoi started to Hate Mortals and Other Guardians (Even if Aria still loves him like a son)
Ronan @PrincessPika
Name: Ronan
Age: 1540
Species: Selkie
Appearance: In human form, pale skin with some freckles, short grey hair and grey-ish blue eyes eyes; with a long light grey dress with a darker grey 'trim' and a blue-ish grey necklace.
Special Powers: Can turn into a grey seal with grey-ish blue eyes and water powers.
Stone: Cyan.
Other: N/A.
Eli @Eliiiscool
Age : 5,687
Species: Human
Appearance: medium light brown hair, left eye is brown, right eye is grey due to a scar that runs over the eye, the scar runs from a little above the eye, over the eyeball, and a little below it. has a dark green jacket about 5'10 and does not look threatening, while he looks no older than 16, anyone who looks in his eyes can see the old man within
Special Powers:used to have powers, but passed them on to the next hero of the multiverse. has an undestrucktium(A material indestructible and unchangeable by any means in and out of the multiverse[I can tell how its made if you need to know]) Katana that he is very skilled with, to the point he needs no shield.
Stone: Purple
Other:was left alone in a world that hated him at a young age and started to travel the multiverse a few years later, looking for revenge, after he had it, he gave himself one last task in one last universe(Being a guardian[probably became one at age 50,000 or when ever the good deityfell{Whichever works for you}]) has an interdimensional ship but it is hidden and he has no intentions to travel(Unless you want him to guard the stone on the ship)

Other Characters [3/?] - Allie Silverstone @EeviumZ
Name: Allie Silverstone
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Fairy
Allie has long blue hair with a silver streak near her forehead. She has pale skin and light blue eyes. She wears a white shin-length dress, and occasionally a blue cape. She has wings resembling snowflakes, that allow her to fly. She stands at a height of about 5’6.
Allie is sweet and caring, but can be rather cold to people she doesn’t know. She often makes rash decisions. She can be immature at times, and is offended easily. She loses control of her power when angered.
Weapons: None
Special Powers:
- Creation and manipulation of ice.
- Flight.
Pet: None
Allie is one of the few remaining ice fairies. She was banished from her birthplace after her power began to spiral out of control. She then fled to Solandis, hoping to restart her life there.
Homelio Kama @Clite of Dragonbow
Name: Homelio Kama
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: He looks like a bit smaller version of his brother with Ruby eyes and without scar.
Personality: Friendly kid, that is an orphan now. Always tries to help others. Even, if He isn't strong. He still wants to be helpful, even if Omnia's people destroyed his village. He never hated them like his brother do.
Weapons (less than 3): 'Sullin' a book of magic.
Special Powers: Homelio found a magic book in destroyed house in his village after attack. He learn some magic from it and even if he isn't strong and still he has a lot to learn, then still made by him portals can take you to any visited by him place and he can create a sword of magic light for self-defense.
Pet: a little white Cat called Snowy
Backstory: Homelio survived the attack at the village. He was alone and traveled for many days to reach a city, He lives now. He is Known as an orphan and young, wizard in training. He is very good and friendly person,but his only friend right now is his cat, Snowy.
Other: I don't need to say that he is Theromino's younger brother.
Peter Capruacor @Philucifer

Character sheet

Age (15-19):
Weapons (less than 3):
Special Powers:
Pet (if any):

Evil Character Sheet:

Weapons (less than 3):
Special Powers:

Guardian Character Sheet:

Age (100-countless):
Special Powers:
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I like to keep my characters for myself in case i want to make a story for them myself. But i can come up with something. In any case, i would either want my character to be the best friend (unless the protagonist is the bigger troublemaker of the two. I like my troublemakers xD). Otherwise i can make a villain for you
I'll make the best friend first because i have an easier way of doing so.

Name: Kevin Claw(you can change this name if you want. I'm not good with names. On the other hand, i don't think he should have a last name because of the background i'm picturing him to have)
Age: 17
Gender: Boy
Sexuality: pansexual (i make all my characters pansexual. If you don't know what it is, it's basically that they don't care about gender at all. They see a hot person and could date them if they feel like it(this includes genderfluids and transgenders and stuff))
Species: Werewolf (but i picture him being able to turn wolf when he wants except when it's a full moon. Then he goes full on wolf mode. Which means he can't think like a human in that state. He might still recognize the people he likes though)
Appearance: At his human appearance he has casual clothing (a hoodie and torn jeans i guess?) and a few piercings (snake-bites and earrings). And in his wolf form he is as big as an adult wolf with mostly black fur (though there are a few grey spots o him)
Personality: A typical troublemaker. And he will find a way to win any argument. And get anything done his way. Without sounding childish.
Special powers: except for turning wolf mode when he wants (except during full moon), there's no other special power.
Pet: ...he is the pet xD
Backstory (so i don't have much for a backstory but this is what i got so far): He was abandoned at a young age and only knew his first name, not his last name. He remembered that his parents had told him they never wanted to see him again. He didn't know why but he felt betrayed and wandered the streets, occassionally going into a forest when he knew the full moon was coming so he wouldn't hurt anyone. Eventually he meets (@m1h4jl0's OC) and they become friends i guess?
Other: Maybe he can unknowingly have one of the pieces? He's a troublemaker after all so it shouldn't surprise anyone if he's taken one of them. And that could also be what start setting things in motion
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I’m taking girlfriend because I wanted to try a new type of character.

Name: Gul Shagar
Age (15-19): 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: She is a desert warrior and bandit, who attacks random travelers. She is about 5’ 1” and is very thin.
Personality: She is arrogant and headstrong, and she would rather just go attack the king fight away. She is pretty naturally violent, and therefore is only calm when she is around her crush, who she is in love with and is not as violent as her.
Weapons (less than 3): She likes to duel wield orcish swords, which are shown in the attached image. Her left handed sword is enchanted with a power that burns anything it touches. The right handed sword is completely normal.
Special Powers: She is very fast.
Backstory: Gul was an orphan in a desert encampment. She was found by a band of marauding mercenaries and was raised by them from a young age as a killing machine. She was very respected among the group, and as they were about to burn down a village, she developed a crush on one of the people upon sight. She managed to convince the others that there was a better target further down the road, and then she abandoned the band during the night running back to the village, where she met her crush.


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Previously m1h4jl0
Well I don't think orc can be gf to human, so you change just that part. And they are not gf and bf yet, that will happen later in story, but character is really awesome!!!


Previously m1h4jl0
Name: Michael Shroudy
Age (15-19): 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: He is 6'1" tall. He has black hair with bit of blue on edges. His eyes are green. He has almost unnoticeable scar on his left eyebrow.
Personality: He is very kind, polite, brave, friendly and funny. All things a knight needs to be.
Weapons (less than 3): He has one sword called Blazeguard. That sword has special powers that Michael is about to discover later in story!
Special Powers: Will be discovered later in story.
Pet (if any): None, maybe will gain one after!
Backstory: He was raised in small village in not very rich family. His father died in war, and his mother was taking care of him and his younger brother. Their village was under raids almost every month. Michael got beaten up because he tried to protect his families belongings. He was mad all the time, and he knew that once his time will come!
Other: N/A
Kind One, Friend

Name: Skylar Cosmos
Age (15-19): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: Skylar has blonde hair with pale highlights, blub eyes and fair skin. She fashions a white crop top with a pink stripy and transparent top over it. She wears denim shorts with slightly transparent black tights and bandages around her knees and elbows. She wears trainers.
Personality: She’s a kind girl who will always think of others and help them out. Maybe she could be manipulated because of it.. but it depends what kind of person would want to do that.
Weapons (less than 3): A wooden bow of her own making that she can have her Pygmy Dragon set fire to and shoot flaming arrows. She always has a small sword like weapon which can be enflamed or retracted into a handle to fit in her pocket.
Special Powers: She can understand any animal or creature.
Pet: A Pygmy Dragon about the size of a fully grown cat with pale orange-pink scales, it makes squeaking noises mostly, but it can breathe fire and fly. Its name is Jewel.
Backstory: Skylar’s parents had always taught her that the world was a cruel place. They always spoke of the evil that reigned and took over, but she never believed it. She knew the God had a chance to reign again, and that some ounce of good was still around. Once she was old enough, she decided to go look for that good and help her world go back to the good days.

Also, Pokeboy posted a bio up there, not sure if you saw it or not! ^^
Name: Adrian Snow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Elf
Appearance: Extremely Pale skin, Smooth long White hair tied into a ponytail, Sky Blue eyes and a body build most would call slightly better than average. His attire consists of a Black noble like jacket that reaches his knees with Gold linings along the edges, Black pants and Brown leather boots. When travelling, he wears a Brown cape with White fur along the edges.
Personality: Adrian comes off as an arrogant at first, but is really someone who just wants to learn as much as he can about the secrets of magic and the world. He reacts to others depending on their intelligence compared to his and doesn't tolerate conversing with 'idiots.' However, he's no stranger to friendship and would gladly try and make friends with someone so long as they don't get in the way of his research which he slowly gained an ambition for. When faced with bad guys, he tends to put on a terrifyingly morbid persona that could make professional murders seem like spoiled brats compared to him, adopting a terrifying smile, this is however his way on giving bad guys 'a taste of their own medicine'... despite how often it 'works.'
Weapons: His main weapon is a sword that some tend to argue if it's a longsword or an estoc. It's appearance is a full silver with several regal like designs along the hilt and guard while the blade itself is long and thin, however slightly thicker than an estoc's blade. He has shown exceptional skills when wielding it with grace. On the pommel of the weapon's hilt, there is a light blue gem on it, Adrian can also use the sword as a staff to amplify his own magic, although he rarely does this unless all else fails.
Special Powers: He is extremely adaptive and only needs to see an attack once in order to learn how to counter it. His magic mainly consists of vast Cyromancy. (Power over Ice)
Pet: A fluffy looking Owl with White feathers, a few Gray patches on the edges of her feathers and Baby blue eyes. Her name is Snowflake, an owl that Adrian raised since she was an egg and became smart enough to understand and follow Adrian's orders without question, she tends to fetch things for him and the two actually share a close relationship... much to Adrian's embarrassment.
Backstory: Born in a relatively wealthy family of mages, Adrian grew up learning as much as he could about magic. He spent most of his childhood absorbing as much information as he could from his family's vast collection of books. However, by the time hit 12, he had already read every book his family had and learned a lot of things... but his appetite for knowledge was nowhere near sated. He decided to take up sword training for 3 years and already became a promising swordsman, but sometime shortly after his training, he discovered that he had inherited his grandfather's magical affinity over ice. Overjoyed by this, Adrian decided to set out with his trusty Owl and travel the world to learn everything he could about how to use magic, and then some.
Other: This char was made to fill the Smart Friend Role.


Previously m1h4jl0
Sounds great
I will write kinda introduction work in two days, but first part is coming out when we get all characters, except Guardians


Previously funguy
Name: Bruno Shroudy
Age (15-19): 15-(???, depends on how long the story goes)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Appearance: Bruno is a rather tall boy with dirty brown hair which almost appears black like his brother's. He wears heavy war clothes equipped for climbing and long traveling. He has dark beige skin and a bottle of Turnip's poison fastened on his belt.
Personality: Bruno likes to have fun most of the time, but is very much battle ready when needed. He always seems to want to do something and barely ever rest. He rarely talks to his brother and doesn't have much experience with people.
Weapons (less than 3): Bow, Arrows, Match Pack (to set arrows aflame)
Special Powers: (has the ability to wield the twin blade of "Blazeguard" entitled Ironguard, a large steel sword which has yet to be discovered by Bruno)
Pet (if any): A blue dart frog named, Turnip who will shoot poison out of his mouth when Bruno is in danger.
Backstory: (same as Michael's except he never got beat up :/)
Other: N/A
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Previously m1h4jl0
So @Pokéboy098 will you try to change your BIO or no. I am not rushing or forcing you.

BTW, I made few new things, such as Evil and Guardian Character Sheets

And if you have any ideas for god's names please tell me


Previously PrincessPika~chan
I'm wondering, are there any restrictions to what creatures the characters can be for this story? I just want to check for this character I'm working on before I post them.


Previously m1h4jl0
@Pokéboy098 , it is good that she is now human, but main character and her are not yet bf and gf, that will happen in story. But you can put that she had crush on him, I don't mind that.


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Ahh, okay then.

Name: Akrunako Kajasayak.
Age (15-19): 19.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bi.
Species: Tengu (a Japanese yokai that's quite similar to goblins, sometimes like anthropomorphic crows like this one).
Appearance: Somewhat tall, very pale skin, short brown-ish red hair and red-ish eyes; wears a white top, a silver pleated knee-length skirt with a black floral pattern on, dark grey knee-length socks and black shoes with white laces and small red bow on. Also has a black hair-bow and large-ish crow wings.
Personality: Somewhat introverted and quiet; if anyone were to talk to her she would likely brush them off, unless they are in need of help, where she would help them, which is the only real chance at making friends with her. She is quite loyal and somewhat trusting of those who she does call her friends, though still not quite talkative.
Weapons: An engraved gold-plated staff with a bent ring-shaped tip that she uses to attack at close range.
Special Powers: Only flight.
Pet: An almost fully-grown female black cat with navy blue eyes called Nekodako; Akrunako found her while she was wandering and she followed Akrunako around for a while, so she decided to make her her pet after realising that it was quite tame.
Backstory(I'm not really the best at these so you can change a couple things about it if you want): Akrunako lived on a mountain, like most other Tengu. Eventually she started to train her combat skills, however, after she failed to beat the strongest Tengu that was teaching her combat, she decided to leave her home and thus wandered off, partly in search of fights which she found somewhat frequently.
Other: Supposed to fill the strong friend role.