Join the journey of average Japanese high school student Orokana Akuma, as she navigates the tricky scenarios of High School, including a hurricane romance with the lovable, dumb jock with the incredibly long name, Ano yakkaina yagi kyūban (Yes, that's right, TWO middle names!)You could be a Disney Channel screen writer. I can just see a Cryptid High TV show, breaking the air and raking in millions.
However, while crushing hard on Ano yakkaina yagi kyūban, her childhood friend's Inu ka osuushi ka and Oi Korehananida, who both also crush on her for some reason despite the fact that Orokana has no character development until season 2, mix up trouble and try to expose Ano yakkaina yagi kyūban cheating dirty ways.
And please, translate EVERY. SINGLE. NAME. Japanese to english.
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