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Ask to Join If Pokemon Was Realistic

Name: Bezard
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Partner: Tyrogue
Friends: ---
Personality: Cunning, Pretentious, Eccentric
Appearance: Always wears a Bidoof costume

(OOC: you already approved me in a private message, i'm just posting this here for convenience.
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"So," Ben began as they headed upstairs. "What do you wanna do? I got a Wii U and Xbox 360, or if you wanna hang out, that's fine." He took a bag of chips from the pantry and joined back with Ajax and Silvania.
Name: Aaron Jams
Pokemon: Lillipup
Gender: Male
Friends: Looks up to Ben and Silvania (only saw them on the first day of school), but is too shy to say anything
Personality: Gets along best with Pokemon, wants to become a Top Coordinator one day, kind of a stalker..., shy but kind, funny once you get to know him

Aaron walked by Ben's house with his Lillipup. He looked up into a window, and saw Ben, Silvania, and another student named Ajax. He wanted to join them. He liked Minecraft. But he wasn't very good at talking. Bruce had made sure he knew that. Bruce was his older brother. He picked on Aaron a lot. Aaron sighed, and kept walking with Lillipup. At least he had Lillipup...
Then, Lillipup started running towards Ben's house. Aaron yelled at him to stop, but Lillipup kept going. He leapt into the door with a thud. He then started barking wildly, and pawing at the door.
As Ben and his friends were playing Minecraft, he heard a thud at the door. Confused, he wnet to the door and opened to find a Lillipup shaking his head and panting at Ben's feet. "Hey, buddy," Ben said. "Who do you belong to?" The Lillipup nodded over at a kid standing on the sidewalk. "Hey!" Ben called. "My friends and I are playing Minecraft upstairs. You wanna join us?"
"Uh, um, yeah, I mean- if you really want me to," Aaron looked down, turning red. He had seen Bruce play video games with his buddies a few times. They were usually smelly and loud, and had a few brown bottles lying around. He never quite understood what their deal was. It was the same bottles his dad drank from every night, ever since his mom had left. Sally, his oldest sister, who was so much nicer than Bruce, had always told Aaron that his mom was just taking a vacation. Someday he wanted to vacation with her. She was on a long vacation.
Then, Aaron looked up, embarrassed that he had gotten lost in thought, and walked in.
"Alright, then, come on!" Ben beckoned to him, running back into his room to see Ajax and Silvania still playing. "Alright, guys," he said, grabbing a controller. "It's my turn."
She turned around from her spot. "Aww, darn. Can you finish my treehouse for me?" She asked, pointing at the vertically split screen. On the left side several wood blocks seemed to be forming a little home in a jungle tree.
'Sure!" Ben said. He was about to start building, but his mom's voice rang through the air. "Benny! Dinner's ready! Come bring your friends downstairs!" Ben looked at his friends. "Well," he said excitedly. "Let's go eat!"
Aaron followed too. He inhaled, and smelled a sweet aroma. He looked in the oven, and saw a cake baking. On the table there sat a steaming dish full of enchiladas. Aaron loved enchiladas. His grandmother on his mom's side had been Hispanic, and made great enchiladas. Now, ever since Mom went on vacation, Aaron hadn't seen his grandmother.
The Mimikyu scampered down the street as it was being chased by several children and their pokemon accompanying them. It quickly outran them, some either giving up, or becoming baffled as the pokemon dove behind a bush and hid away from the crowd. He whimpered behind the bush as he didnt want to come out from his hiding spot, or he would be found again, and even caught this time maybe.

(Im on ben's yard, by the way.)
Aaron looked outside. A Mimikyu had dove into a bush. He asked to be excused for a moment, then walked outside.
He creapt out, "Hey Mimikyu, You can come out, I'm not going to hurt you."
The mimikyu slowly backed away, but then he slowly moved towards the human, as it didnt seem to want to chase it or capture it. It walked over at a regular pace and looked up at the tall figure, examining them. Someone wanted to finally pick him, after all this work for this raggedy costume. The mimikyu happily jumped into the boy's arms and made a sound similar to a laugh.
(I asked him in our OOC chat, and I got a message from the OOC chat, but It wouldn't load no matter how many times I did it, which means it must have been deleted or not post right or something. Idek what happened ;v; )
(Ah, well. Just make sure you get my permission first. If I don't answer in the next day, try sending it again.)

Ben turned around and spotted the boy with a Lillipup talking to a Mimikyu. After a few minutes, the Mimikyu jumped into the kid's arms.
"Come on," Ben called to the boy. "Let's eat. Bring that Mimikyu too. I might have some food."
Winter went back home after looking around the nahboorhood several tears falling she hated it here she had no friends her mother hated her to no end and all she wanted was to go home back to unova as her ralts walked beside her a spariow jumped out and used fury cutter on her as she screamed in pain rose seeing this growled and used thunder wave on the bird as it squawked and flew away winter fell to the ground holding her face crying in pain her face having scratches all over it many of them looked as if they where going to leave scars
After a long day of work(aka kindergarten) giro returns to his home and runs up to his room and sends out his totodile. His father gave it to him before he left, and he treasured the pokemon. Giro didn't have a Or of friends and it wasn't just because he was new, it's because he's mute, and can't talk.
The mimikyu perked its head up at the sound of food. It had been a while since he really had anything good. He looked down at the boy's lilipup. Never seen one of thsoe before.. he thought for a moment. He happily sat in the boy's arms as he gazed around him, Houses lined the street, a couple trees here and there. It was a nice place, now that he got a chance to look at it without being chased.
Everyone made their way to the dining room, and the aroma of Mexican food filled the air. Ben inhaled deeply. Ah, he loved Taco Tuesday. His mom beckoned everyone to a seat. "Eat up!" Ben said cheerily, digging into his own plate.