Do you give your Pokemon names? Some of us do, some of us don't. Some of us like to give our Pokemon funny names, or silly names, while others name them after Characters or 'things'. Do you just name your team, or do you think of a name for every Pokemon you catch? Here's where you can share your nicknames and how you go about choosing them.
So then, I myself name Pokemon that I use competitively (aka my main team and the substitutes). I also tend to name the team I play through the game with. Other than that, I don't name much else. I like to separate my team from the rest and the easiest way to do that is to personalise them with special names ♥
Manectric ~ Thunderdog
Sceptile ~ Amaranthus
Weavile ~ Empire
Dragonite ~ Zodiac
Vaporeon ~ Atlanta
Miltank ~ Cravendale
Murkrow ~ Theia
Flygon ~ Apollo
Scizor ~ Paragus
Gliscor ~ Clang
Floatzel ~ Lutra
Most of mine are named after stuff that I either feel suits them, or relates to them in some way. An example would be Zodiac the Dragonite. As a Dragon, he needed a magical sort of name, or something to do with Mythology. I went with Zodiac, because I thought it was a nice blend of the two. I often look at Mythology for name ideas. Some of my names are sillyish, such as 'Clang' for Gliscor. I happened to see a clip from Hack# where he has an Iron Grunty or something. It kept saying 'Clang' all the time which made me laugh and thus I had to name the Pokemon I was training at the time after it XD
I just feel that nicknaming Pokemon makes them more personal. I actually did start a Nuzlocke challenge on Leaf Green but had to stop after I almost lost my Charmander to Brock. He just held on with 1HP. I'd named him Kevin, which was just me being silly, but I got stupidly attached to little Kevin and Ratus the Ratatta and the near death experience put an end to my challenge. I just can't take it :V
So yus, share your nicknames. And even if you don't name your Pokemon, you could always tell us why
So then, I myself name Pokemon that I use competitively (aka my main team and the substitutes). I also tend to name the team I play through the game with. Other than that, I don't name much else. I like to separate my team from the rest and the easiest way to do that is to personalise them with special names ♥
Manectric ~ Thunderdog
Sceptile ~ Amaranthus
Weavile ~ Empire
Dragonite ~ Zodiac
Vaporeon ~ Atlanta
Miltank ~ Cravendale
Murkrow ~ Theia
Flygon ~ Apollo
Scizor ~ Paragus
Gliscor ~ Clang
Floatzel ~ Lutra
Most of mine are named after stuff that I either feel suits them, or relates to them in some way. An example would be Zodiac the Dragonite. As a Dragon, he needed a magical sort of name, or something to do with Mythology. I went with Zodiac, because I thought it was a nice blend of the two. I often look at Mythology for name ideas. Some of my names are sillyish, such as 'Clang' for Gliscor. I happened to see a clip from Hack# where he has an Iron Grunty or something. It kept saying 'Clang' all the time which made me laugh and thus I had to name the Pokemon I was training at the time after it XD
I just feel that nicknaming Pokemon makes them more personal. I actually did start a Nuzlocke challenge on Leaf Green but had to stop after I almost lost my Charmander to Brock. He just held on with 1HP. I'd named him Kevin, which was just me being silly, but I got stupidly attached to little Kevin and Ratus the Ratatta and the near death experience put an end to my challenge. I just can't take it :V
So yus, share your nicknames. And even if you don't name your Pokemon, you could always tell us why

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