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Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Jeydis, your sprites BRILLIANT! You still taking requests? If so, I have two requests:

Request 1:

Could you make a trainer for me?

It's a male. He's got medium, black, spiked-up hair, with thick stubble surrounding his mouth and chin. He wears a black leather jacket, unzipped, with a red t-shirt underneath. He also wears blue jeans, and black sneakers. Could he have the same pose as the male snow ace trainer?

Request 2:

A team shot of my team, using the trainer sprite requested above, and a team lineup in this order:

()=Which sprite I request you to use

Arbok (DP)-Sandslash (DP)-Charizard (HG SS)-Trainer-Torterra (Plat)-Azumaril (DP)-Mr. Mime (DP)

Really sorry if it's too much, take as long as you wish! ;D
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

pyroblade55 said:
can you make a sprite of this

Here you go:

Luckii said:
Jeydis, your sprites BRILLIANT! You still taking requests? If so, I have two requests:

Request 1:

Could you make a trainer for me?

It's a male. He's got medium, black, spiked-up hair, with thick stubble surrounding his mouth and chin. He wears a black leather jacket, unzipped, with a red t-shirt underneath. He also wears blue jeans, and black sneakers. Could he have the same pose as the male snow ace trainer?

Request 2:

A team shot of my team, using the trainer sprite requested above, and a team lineup in this order:

()=Which sprite I request you to use

Arbok (DP)-Sandslash (DP)-Charizard (HG SS)-Trainer-Torterra (Plat)-Azumaril (DP)-Mr. Mime (DP)

Really sorry if it's too much, take as long as you wish! ;D

I couldnt get the stubble right so I ditched it hope thats ok.


Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Hey Jeydis, I used to come here often and noticed your incredible work. Unfortunately I didn't really have some requests, great to see you've still got it. If you're not to busy you think you can make me a trainer sprite of this guy?

There isn't much color in there so some black hair, dark blue shirt if you could not a long sleeve, and some black long shorts (means around ankle length like gold's old ones) and black shoes.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Can you do a team shot for me? plz plz .....plz???? using this sprite :

Pokemon: Charizard, Giratina, Empoleon, Sceptile, Kyogre, Arceus

Thank You >_<
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

could you make me a trainer card with all badges

the trainer sprite i provide

typhlosion, absol-shiny, darkrai, umbreon, drapion, and pidgeot

name shadow

main color black
side color red
next color neon pink

if theres anything u need other than that, pm me and ill give u the info! thx----- shadow000


  • Kevin trainer.bmp
    73.9 KB · Views: 150
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Blue said:
Can you do a team shot for me? plz plz .....plz???? using this sprite :

Pokemon: Charizard, Giratina, Empoleon, Sceptile, Kyogre, Arceus

Thank You >_<
Here you go!


Made this request before the others because it was a quick process. The rest will be made later this week.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

request 1: can you make me a male trainer please can it have black hair, black hoodie (with hood down), tatty blue jeans and black sneakers.

request 2: can you do me a trainer card of the trainer in request 1 with a gengar by his side and in the team i want gengar, salamance , blastoise, alakzam, arcinine and umbreon please. (like the last one on the ones you showed)
also can the name be shadowlord and have all sinnoh and kanto badges
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Please can you make me some stuff? I have 2!

Request 1: Is it possible to make an angel Doredia?

EDIT: Request 2: Can you make me a team pose thing? I want a 14-year old male called Louie Forest with dark brown longish hair, white skin, rectangle glasses, dark brown t-shirt with green leaf in the center, and lime green trousers. Can the Pokemon with him be a Doredia, a shiny Jumpluff, an Erefuun, a shiny Dunsparce, a normal Dunsparce and a Zuruzukin. Thanks!

Can you put it with a code please?
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Could you make me a team pose of a kid with brown hair, a red shirt and black ,pants on the back of a Charizard with his Pokemon which are Swampert, Snorlax, Pikachu, Umbreon and Ditto please? ;D
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Soul of the Pearls and Diamonds said:
Can i have a Latias angel plz?

Here you go!

New requests added. Requests are gonna take a while this week as im swamped with work.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

New request added, ill try to get one done tonight.

But as of now requests are closed until I clear some of these up.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Silent Angel said:
Hey Jeydis, I used to come here often and noticed your incredible work. Unfortunately I didn't really have some requests, great to see you've still got it. If you're not to busy you think you can make me a trainer sprite of this guy?

There isn't much color in there so some black hair, dark blue shirt if you could not a long sleeve, and some black long shorts (means around ankle length like gold's old ones) and black shoes.

At long last I think its done.

Sorry about the wait, very little time these days.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

It's awesome, thanks Jeydis 8) I'll be sure to credit you whenever I use it.
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

hitmonlee200 said:
request 1: can you make me a male trainer please can it have black hair, black hoodie (with hood down), tatty blue jeans and black sneakers.

request 2: can you do me a trainer card of the trainer in request 1 with a gengar by his side and in the team i want gengar, salamance , blastoise, alakzam, arcinine and umbreon please. (like the last one on the ones you showed)
also can the name be shadowlord and have all sinnoh and kanto badges
There all done. It had been a while since I had done a trainer card.



Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Could I have a lucario cosplayer based on lyra from hg/ss please and thanks!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

hitmonlee200 said:
perfect i love it
:D i shall be swaping my old trainer card
Good to hear, I suggest your signature space though, its too detailed a peice to go into your avatar area.

lucarioqueen said:
Could I have a lucario cosplayer based on lyra from hg/ss please and thanks!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

if you dont mind, can i have a team shot with the pokemon and trainer on my trainer card
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Louie Forest said:
Please can you make me some stuff? I have 2!

Request 1: Is it possible to make an angel Doredia?

EDIT: Request 2: Can you make me a team pose thing? I want a 14-year old male called Louie Forest with dark brown longish hair, white skin, rectangle glasses, dark brown t-shirt with green leaf in the center, and lime green trousers. Can the Pokemon with him be a Doredia, a shiny Jumpluff, an Erefuun, a shiny Dunsparce, a normal Dunsparce and a Zuruzukin. Thanks!

Can you put it with a code please?


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... aangel.png


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... forest.png


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... amshot.png
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Wow, thanks! Just a few more changes I need:

Can you make the t-shirt a lighter brown? Still dark but not black! Can you also turn the shorts into trousers, take away Erufuun, the Dunsparces and Zuruzukin and replace them with Zoroark and a male Kenhorou.

Thanks for listening! You are a legend at spriting!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Louie Forest said:
Wow, thanks! Just a few more changes I need:

Can you make the t-shirt a lighter brown? Still dark but not black! Can you also turn the shorts into trousers, take away Erufuun, the Dunsparces and Zuruzukin and replace them with Zoroark and a male Kenhorou.

Thanks for listening! You are a legend at spriting!
Sorry about that here are the modified versions.

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... amshot.png

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... rest-1.png
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Uhm, if it isn't too much trouble, may I request a sprite? And a team pose or Trainer Card? (perferably the latter)

I want the sprite to be based off Silver(rival) from HG/SS, male, with a black vest with white shirt, similar to the girl sprites in B/W, black pants, and white sneakers. For his team: Desukan, Emboar, Zoroark, Scizor, Honchkrow, and Wargle.

If it's not too much trouble. /shy

EDIT:: Can you put the codes up as well? I thank you greatly.

EDIT(again):: Yanakki instead of Honchkrow please.
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

:p Gee thanks its awesome! Well worth the wait :p


Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Could I have the web address if its not too much to ask?
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

WOW your chaos are so darn CUTE! Can I please have a team pose with the SS hero and these pokemon:
Dragonite (Shiny)

Please and Thank you in advance.