Not a problem, it was just a case of how do I make each par visible with all this black lol. I think it turned out ok, its too bad the Red sprite is such a midget...should've used the one for HG actually... why didn't I think about that...Metal Flame said:Thank you! I'll try to tone down the black next time. ^///^;
LukeTheAmpharos said:If it's not too much to ask could I have an Ampharos Chaos, Amphy Angel and Amphy Demon pretty please? Also an Ampharos Cosplay (ethan from Hg/Ss)? Love your work, bye-e!
Twist said:Could I please ask for a Minun chao if it isn't too much trouble? Luz your work.
Jeydis said:Twist said:Could I please ask for a Minun chao if it isn't too much trouble? Luz your work.
Thanks...![]() ... unchao.png
Here you goLouie Forest said:Hello! I only just saw your Mugshots, and loved them! Please may I request a mugshot of the Pokemon trainer (Louie Forest) you made for me? Thanks, love the mugshots! :3
Had this one already made just not posted.Pedro12165 said:[glow=red,2,300]please can i have a blastoise chaos thx[/glow]
Here you go!Stamgalaki said:Here's a request:
Trainer sprite with long blond hair and blue streaks. She is wearing flair jeans and a Shinx T-shirt. I would also like a team pose of the same trainer, with Luxray, Venusaur, Kingdra, Fearow, Arcanine, and Espeon I don't care about pose or shoes, take your pick
Layene Silverlight said:Hi. I know this is a random comment, but I really LOVE your angel and demon Pokemon. They're really neat. I mean it.
That's all I have to say.
Stamgalaki said:Oh my. Thankyousomuchit'swonderfulamazingnessIloveitthankyousomuch!
Pedro12165 said:[glow=red,2,300]hi i've also got another request for you please may i have 2 trainers, one male with black and red shoes , black and white checked bag skateboard new era hat checkered black and red top and denim jeans in a stance that red uses in HG/SS and a female with glasses like Roarks in Platinum erikas dress from HG/SS but blue and purple and instead of flowers hearts and long brown hair in a stance like Dahlia from HG/SS Thank you[/glow]
Sanae Kochiya said:Can I request this:
A sprite of the girl in my profile with a shiny mewtwo next to her!
Your quite welcome sorry if she looks a bit too schoolgirl like.Sanae Kochiya said:Oh my gosh that is so great! THANK YOU SOOO MCUH!!!!
Pedro12165 said:Team Shot with Blastiose Ninetails Jolteon Hitmonlee Victerebell and Dragonite + Trainer card with them pokemon and Kanto Badges
Trainer to be a Squirtle Cosplay Please Thank you!!! ;D
Luckii said:Um, Jaydis, I noticed that my request has been taken off the list. I'm most certainly NOT rushing you, just mentioning it.
Blazi said:Hi Jeydis! I was wondering if I could get a Touhou sprite. Namely Hina Kagiyama. If you want a picture here she is:Just make her smile a little bit more evil. Thanks!![]()
Edit: Could her eyes also be closed and she looks like she's spinning. And the smile not as Derp-ish as the picture. Thanks again!
Blazi said:Thanks Jeydis! It looks really cool. The only isshu I have is with the size of the ribbons, if they were smaller they'd be perfect.
*Shot for bad pun*
Luckii said:HAYO, JAYJAY! I have a request for youuu!
Type: Mugshot
Trainer: ... rainer.png
Base: Will
Thanks in advance!
Here you go!Stamgalaki said:When you get the time, can you make me a mugshot of my trainer?