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Private/Closed Johto league tournament

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Riley noticed Luke's Umbreon charge in. "Luke wait! We all have to do a coordinated attack!", exclaimed Riley. Then another tentacle came up from behind Umbreon to smack down into Queen's mouth.

"Dragonite, thunder punch it now!", exclaimed Riley. Dragonite flew up and thunder punched the tentacle knocking it down.

"Well shit, it's now or never! Guys cover me!", exclaimed Riley as he ran forward and jumped off the stands and went into a free fall down towards the Queen clutching the antidote in his hand. Then on the corner of his eye, he saw a tentacle swinging right towards him. "Holy...", was all Riley could say before he was carried away be his Dragonite. "Shit! Thanks buddy.", thanked Riley as he petted his Dragonite's head.

As they flew back up Riley saw the others fighting as well. "Guys, we have to do a coordinated push. Anyone have a plan?", asked Riley.
"we gotta attack from the inside even if it means being eaten alive"

Luke nodded

and ran up the monsters arms doging all the tentacles

as Luke ran He tangled all the tentacles in a not

"heres are chance!"

Luke took a gulp and Jumped in the monsters Mouth heading down to the core the heart

"Glad I have this suit on But shit it smells so bad"

Luke hoped people Jumped in to Help
" What the hell was that kid thinking." Drew thought as he saw Luke jump into it's mouth. ' If he dies he dies.'
" Well the things seems pissed off at me." Drew said barley doging more tentacles. He looked at everything that was happing. " I got a real stupid Idea." Drew started running. The queen fallowed him. As he ran up the stares he looked back and saw that the queen was still fallowing him. He grabbed Draon's pokeball and ran all the way to the top of the stadium. The queen did so as well. Drew procceded to jump of off the guard rail into the air as started to fall towards the cement below. The queen did the same thing. " Draon Dragon pulse." Drew said throwing Draon's ball. Draon was released and she hits the things stomach making it fly back into the stadium upside down. Drew almost landed on the concrete right before Draon saved him. " Thanks." Drew said. " NOW RILEY." Drew yelled.
"thunder Punch!"

drago punched the monster parlyzed so it couldn't move

"chari get me outta here"

People though he was dead

Just before the monster hit the ground a orange dragon popped out of it Mouth

and the boy shouted

"missed me?"

the boy was Luke and he was Holding its energy core

"Now riley blow this bitch Up!"
Luke thought he had tricked the Queen but the tentacles quickly untangled themselves.

"That fool, what was he thinking!", Riley exclaimed. Then he saw Drew's diversion. "Good shit Drew! Dragonite go straight down!", commanded Riley. Dragonite flew Riley straight down to the Queen.

Riley jumped onto the Queen's stomach and injected it with the antidote! "Come on. Come on.", exclaimed Riley as he watched as the liquid was going in. The tentacles were starting to surround Riley blocking his escape.
Draon landed on the field. Drew got off of her and immediately fell to the ground. ' never going to do that again." He said. as his injuries and adrenaline made him fall asleep.
( Cortez)
" Thunderbolt." Cortez said. Nidoqueen fired her electricity at the tenticals allowing Riley to escape. " Get out of there boy." Cortez said.
" You don't want to see what its Like in there"

said luke as the boy landed

"very disturbing"

Look turned to riley

"chari free him with steel wing!"

the dragon Like pokemon slashed the tentacles freeing riley so he can escape.
Riley smirked when he realized Cortez saved him. "Well, look who decided to show up.", Riley said as he and Dragonite were flying away from the Queen as it started to dissolve. Then it started to say something.

As long... as my daughter exists... we won't... die.", said the Queen as it dissolved away leaving the now harmless dried up TS-01 liquid everywhere around the destroyed stadium.

"What does it mean?", then Riley looked in shock as he saw Drew on the ground. Riley and Dragonite went down to Drew and he pulled out the second antidote. "Drew, you have to take this.", stated Riley trying to wake him up.
Drew opened his eyes as he heard Riley speak. " I can't." He said.
" yes you can." Tess said. Drew looked and saw her the way he first met her. " It's okay, I'll always be apart of you. Thank you for showing me such kindness." Tears started to pour down her eyes. " But this is the only way for all of you to live in peace." She said. " Good bye."
Tears started to form in Drew's eyes. " goodbye tess." Drew said as he took the antidote from Riley and injected it into is arm.
Drew got up and hugged her as she started to fade into nothingness. " Goodbye." He said right before she fully disappeared.
" Yeah I know." Drew said wiping his tears away. He looked at the people around him seeing his... Friend? His aquatics the one girl he still doesn't know the name of, and his nemesis. " Thanks for being here." He said to all of them. " He then looked around the stadium and saw that it was destroyed. " I don't think they're going to rebuild this anytime soon."
"Yeah.", stated Riley as he looked around. "I guess all we have left to do is battle it out to see who's the best.", Riley said as he started to walk away. Then he stopped and turned to Drew. "Hey, atleast now I can say I saved your ass.", exclaimed Riley smirking.
" Yeah." Drew said as he walked the other way. " See you soon Young Pup." Drew said as he made his way to an exit. He looked around and saw that no one was around. He proceeded to fall to the ground and start crying.
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What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Jonas marched into the stadium. "Was that it?! How dull. You peeps better get ready for me in the next round ahahahaha!"
Ella saw Drew crying and went over to him and touched him on the shoulder. "It's okay...You'll be fine..." She said, softly.
Drew felt a soft touch on his shoulder. He looked and saw that girl there. " Thanks for your concern." He said as he moved to where he could face her. " I don't think we've ever been introduced I'm Drew." He said.
Drew smiled a little bit. " It's nice to finally have a name for you. May the best trainer win... whenever the stadium is fixed again."

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
At that Instant, Construction workers rushed in to fixed the giant craters and damage done to the stadium. Several hours of constant work later, they had finished work.
It was starting to get late now and Riley wanted to relax a bit before tomorrow's matches. He had ate dinner and took a shower before he went to bed. "Today was so long. I better get some rest for tomorrow.", Riley said to himself as he layed down on his bed. And after a few minutes he fell asleep.
Luke washed The blood away and finally got a nice rest
in seconds he was asleep

Jimmy who was Lukes best friend was sleeping next door

tomorrow we will get the finalist..
Drew sat down in one of the stadiums seats before the opening ceremony. He was ready to take on Ella. Though he wasn't in the best shape at the moment with the emotional and physical; pain he endured yesterday. but he knew he had to suffer threw it. this was his chance to win it all

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Mystic ran towards Levi. "Mystic use ice shard!" Several pieces of ice fired towards Levi. At the same time, the shock of the earthquake sent Mystic flying.
Yannick made his way to the stadium. He sat down and watched the battle. "Next up is my turn. This will be fun!" he mumbled. "So it is true my next enemy has gone insane." A young man walked by him. "You think I'm insane? Let me tell you something! I will crush you until you'll go insane!" Yannick stood up and was face to face with the guy. "What's your name then? After all someone has to tell the doctor after I crushed you." Yannick said. "Steven is the name. And if you think your eyes scare people you are wrong so take out these fake lenses and prepare for defeat." The guy said while walking away.
Riley was sitting down and having while the battle was going on. "So weak.", Riley thought to himself. "At this rate we might as well give me the win.", he murmured aa a group of people came up behind him. One
Of them knocked Riley's food on the ground. "Hey, what was that for?", exclaimed Riley as he turned around. Before he could turn fully around, he was pushed to the ground. "That's it, I'm done playing. You will....", was all Riley could say as one of stepped on his stomach.

"What were you trying to say?", said the third one. "Get up punk.", said another. A crowd was starting to form around them. "No way. It's Big D!", said one. "He has no idea what he's doing. That kid killed a Graveler.", said another. "Shut up you fools!", yelled Big D's partner as they pulled Riley up, each holding one of his arms. Big D walked up to him.

He was African American and was around the same size as Riley. Had an afro with a yellow short sleeve shirt and short pants on with earbuds hanging out his pocket. "Listen here kid, we own this part of Goldenrod, so don't think you can come in here and show us off.", said and then punched Riley in the stomach region. "Why are you calling me a kid, we're probably the same age...", said Riley as he was punched again. The small crowd around them said, "ooohhhh!", in sync. "Just because some of the others scared to fight you doesn't make me scared.", said Big D. Riley smirked. "Well, they do have a reason to fear me.", Riley said. Big punched Riley hard in the side of his face. "What did you say?!", exclaimed Big D as the crowd was growing restless.

"I said... fuck you!", exclaimed Riley as the crowd yelled. "That's it! You're dead!", yelled Big D as he swung his fists right at Riley. Right before he made contact with Riley, someone stopped him.

(OOC: Someone please bring a character to stop Big D.)
Yannick was bored by the match so he walked around. He saw some people standing in a circle around something. “Whats that fuzz about?“ Yannick entered the circle. “Oh its you little punk! Finally getting what you deserve he?“ Yannick laughed at Riley. “And who might you be you small fry?“ The who beat up Rikey asked. “None of your buisness you runt! Now get away from my prey or you will be the next one I'll hunt down.“ Yannick replied cold looking at Big D. “Ok that does it loudmouth hold this kid down I will get the other one to cry.“ Big D was enraged and attacked Yannick. “Big mistake now feel my wrath!“ Yannick replied grabbed Big D's arm and threw him against the next wall. This continued until Big D was all beaten up and unable to stand.Yannick scared the other people that held Riley down away. “Listen up punk! The only person that will destroy you is me! I hope I made that clear for you! Now get out of my field of vision before I beat the crap outta you!“ After that speech Yannick left to his room. He lost conciousness and after waking up a few hours later his voice and his eyes went back to normal and so did his personality.
Riley saw Yannick fall unconscious after he told Riley to go. Riley laughed. "That's what you get for talking to me like that!", said Riley taunting him. Then he stopped. "Well you did save me from those fools, so I guess I should repay the debt.", said Riley as held up Yannick putting his arm around his shoulder and carried him off.

Once Riley dropped Yannick off at the medical station, he decided to wait for Yannick until he was clear to go back.

Little did Riley know that when Yannick would come back, he would be completely different.
( Cortez)
Cortez walked around the stadium. The battle was too uninteresting for him to care about. hell it seemed like the contestants stopped battling entirely. He stopped at the Medical station seeing the young brute there. He pulled out a flash drive that was in his pocket. It contained every despicable action Cortez was involved with. He knew that prison was the only option he had left. He might as well have this brute be the one to "cut his head off." He quickly slams it into the brute's chest. " Do the right thing." He said as he walked away.
( Drew)
Drew watched as the Sneezle went down. He wondered what her next move might be.
"What the hell? He just hands me this and walks away.", thought Riley. "Whatever is in here has to be important.," Riley thought as he looked at the flash drive. "Where are you Yannick? As soon as he's done, I'm going to see what's in here.", Riley murmured to himself.
"What the hell how did I end up here?" Yannick left the doctors room. "And why are you here?" he asked as he saw Riley sitting in the lobby. "Never mind. What do you have there?" he looked at Rileys hand.
"Well straight to the point aren't you? Cortez came out of no where and gave this to me. Whatever is in here has to be important.", Riley said showing Yannick the flash drive. "I'll check it out later. Anyways, what happened to you? You went unconscious after trying to say you can beat me, which isn't true.", stated Riley.
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