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Private/Closed Journey in the Gitatla Region!

(OOC: wouldn't at least one of those Water Guns have hit?)Frodo dodged deftly. How a Honedge could ever hope to get him in the trees, he didn't know. "Quick Attack!" He heard from below. But of course, being a new trainer, Carol had made a mistake. You can't use Normal type moves on a Ghost type. Meanwhile, Alex the Eevee kept licking Shura's face.
Frodo was hit. "Froakie!!" He screamed and retaliated with Water Gun, powered up by Torrent. "Frodo!" Carol shouted. The Froakie climbed higher in the tree, taunting the Honedge below him. Meanwhile, Mack got curious as to what Alex was finding so interesting. So again, unbeknownst to Carol, Mack popped out and ran over to Alex, and thus, Shura.
"Hehe stop it Eevee!" Shura said whilst laughing as the Eevee continued to lick her face. "Wow you're so cute I just can't handle it!" Shura said whilst hugging Eevee. Buizel and Pikachu went up to the Eevee and said, "Bui-Bui," "Pika!" They both waved at Eevee to say hi.
(It was hit enough times to probably faint it.)
Frodo kept teasing the Honedge, leaping from tree to tree, searching for something… Ah! There! A Leppa berry! The Froakie swung off a branch, caught a Leppa berry, nearly choked, and almost fell. Luckily, Frodo landed in the next tree and gagged the berry down. "Froaaa…" he choked out, coughing. Carol watched with bated breath. Alex the socialite ran over to the other Pokemon and introduced herself. Mack took over the duty of licking Shura's face.
(well anyway)
"Honedge return, Froakie I choose you." Flame said. "Froakie use Bubble."
Froakie- Level 7
Moves: Pound, Growl, Bubble
Fletchling- Level 6
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack
Honedge- Level 5
Moves: Tackle, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter
"Dodge!" Carol commanded. But Frodo was knocked out of the tree by the other Froskie and fainted. Carol recalled him. "Good job, Frodo. Alright, then, go, Pichu!" Carol yelled. The Pichu landed on the ground, a malicious glint in its eye. "Pi-chu!" It said, releasing a Thundershock. Without prompt, it went after Flame's Froakie and aimed to Thundershock it. "Pichu!!!" Carol shrieked.
"Thunder-whatever it is! Oh wait, dodge first!" Carol called, slightly unhelpfully as Pichu did those things. "Ok, Charm!" Pichu found that she liked battling, and Charmed the Fletchling. Alex walked back to Carol and sat down next to her, careful not to step on her feet. Mack wandered a short distance away, flopped down and groaned.
"Alright, Pichu! Again!" Carol said, triumphantly. Pichu obeyed, aiming a ThunderShock. "Piiiii-chuuuuuu!!!" Meanwhile, Mack got even more bored and bumped into Carol, trying to knock her over. Carol looked at him, aghast. "Return!" She hissed at him and Alex.
Kite decided to grab some berries first, as he had already came prepared with some medicine. He took a Poké Ball out, as Pyravi came out of it. She was asleep, as Mudkip giggled at her. She woke up soon after to the giggle though, as Kite said, "Hmm... Pyravi, I'm kinda wondering, would you like to help get some berries from the trees up there?"
Pyravi replied as she nodded at him, "Py." She flew up to the trees, as she grabbed some with her beak and threw them down to Kite! Kite managed to catch most of them, as Mudkip had caught the rest in his tiny paws. He had some varieties of berries, including some that looked unusual, as he saw Mudkip eating an oran berry.

Pyravi flew down and smiled, as she placed her berries in Mudkip's arms and some in the bag. She sat on Kite's shoulder, as she noticed that the Poké Ball was still moving in a rapid motion.

Sewaddle sat next to Kite, as he had used string shot to grab a berry for himself. A sitrus berry came down to him, as it was encased in a thick layer of bug string. He held it in his arms, as he used his mouth to get the string off of his berry.
Pichu, unfortunately was hit. She fell out of the tree, screaming bloody murder. Carol recalled her. "Pichu, return! Go, Alex!" Carol commanded. "Uh… let's see… uh, Swift!" She stuttered. Alex nodded. "Vee!" She said, spewing a stream of stars from her mouth. (OOC: please note that Swift cannot miss.)
"Alex, dodge! Then, use Swift!" Carol shouted. The Eevee was not able to dodge, but took the hit. She fired off another Swift. "That's the spirit!" Carol cheered. Meanwhile, Mack was bored again. He popped out, ran off, and ran into someone… Mack barked at Kite.
"Dodge! Then Swift once more!" Carol yelled. Alex had other plans. Instead of dodging, she Swifted the Bubble, and Quick Attacked. "Alex! What are you doing?!" Carol exclaimed, confused by her Pokemon's motives. "Ee- eevee!" Alex grunted.
Confuse?! Alex thought. Why would Bubble ever confuse? Even so, Alex decided to play along. She started turning in circles and randomly springing around. "What are you doing?!" Carol shrieked. Alex grimaced. Now her trainer was not going to be happy. "Swift!" She heard. Alright then. Swift it is.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

I've been asked by this thread's creator to warn AshGreninja here that if he does not start actually following the rules and not posting one-liners only (Paragraphs, please!), they will be ejected from this thread - something that I would be more than happy to reinforce. Given his previous misconducts in the RP boards, that would also lead for permanent revoking of their ability to RP here at all.

This is your last warning, AshGreninja. Shape up, or action will be taken.
Kite watched Carol and Flame battle each other, as he noticed Sewaddle tugging on his leg. He calmly said to him while he picked him up, "Hey, you alright? Need something Sewaddle?"
Sewaddle replied while he curled into a leafy ball, "Sewaddle..." Kite placed him down, as he scooted behind his leg.

Mudkip giggled at him while he continued to eat the oran berry, as Pyravi flew down to him and fluttered her wings to try to calm him. She noticed the Poké Ball on Kite's belt buckle that continued to wiggle in a rapid motion, as Kite tried to get it to stop being so angered at Sewaddle.
Shura was overwhelmed as she was recovering from the Eevee licking her face she was then greeted by a shiny Furfrou jumping on her. The Furfrou was so big it knocked her over, and Furfrou continued to lick her face. "It's nice to meet you to Furfrou," She laughed. Shura sat up and took a look at Furfrou. "Wow, you're a totally different colour to normal Furfrou," Shura said. "You're a very special Furfrou aren't you," Shura said softly whilst stroking Mack.
"Larvaitar, use Iron Tail!!!" Gavin commanded. A irony tail appeared on Larvitar's tail, and somehow missed attacking the Charmander and Larvaitar was falling, and was hurt badly. "Larvaitar, are you okay?" Gavin asked Larvatiar.

Larvaitar answered, "Larva, lavr!" (I'm okay, and I want revenge!)

"Good, now use Fire Punch directly towards the Larvaitar!" Rochfire commanded, as the Charmander went up in the air, and used Fire Punch, and Larvaitar fainted. It felt like a fiery meteor hit Larvaitar, as it felt pain.

"You did great. Now return.."

Gavin put Larvaitar in his pokeball, and sent out Piplup for another KO, which what he was looking for.
Carol was getting done. "I think this battle has gone on long enough." She said, recalling Alex. Then, looking over, she noticed Mack had bowled someone over and was licking their face off. "Mack! Hey! Stop it!" She commanded. Mack sighed as. resignedly trudged by to Carol. Carol looked sheepishly at Shura. "Sorry," she apologized. "Mack," she glared at him while speaking in a threatening tone. "Return." Meanwhile, Alex heaved a sigh of relief in her Pokeball. Carol headed back to the Pokemon Center and healed and rested up.
Shura caught up to the trainer that owned the Eevee and the Furfrou. "Hiya, I'm okay they were just being playful," Shura chuckled. "Sorry, I Haven't introduced myself. I'm Shura, these are my friends, Buizel, Pikachu and Nidoran," They all cheered to say hello.
"Hi, Shura!" Carol said, reaching out to shake said person's hand. "I'm Carol! It's nice to meet you. Where you headed? I'm off to the gym."
(OOC: sorry for the short post!)
"I'm just on a journey I'm not sure if I should challenge gyms, i'm not that great at battling anyway." Shura said. "that's crazy how you have a shiny Furfrou already, how did you find it?"
"I guess it lived around here, because Frodo, my Froakie, seemed to recognize it. He was moving in the bushes and I went after him." Carol said, wincing internally how bad that sounded. Mack's Pokeball wiggled and he came out and tackled Carol. "Ack! Dog, stop it!" She said, laughing and shoving him off. "Go over there!" Carol got up, shaking her head. "I'm sorry. My Pokemon are kind of crazy. I'm actually going to train some more. Wanna come with me?"
"Yeah sure that would be fun," Shura said delightfully. Shura turned to all her Pokemon. "What do you think guys?" They all cheered. "So where about's is the gym here in Flarebelle?" Shura asked. Shura Nidoran and Buizel to their Pokeballs and Pikachu climbed up on to her shoulder.
Carol shrugged. "I'm not sure. After this, I'm planning just to wander. What about you?" She said. Then, a Caterpie appeared! "There! A Pokemon!"
"Hmmmm I'm not sure," Shura stood there and pondered in thought. She turned back to Carol but before she could answer, Carol had already ran off in pursuit of a wild Pokemon. "Wait for me," she manically she whilst attempting to keep up with her.
(Carol didn't do that.)
Carol sent out Harper. "Alright! Harper, flop on its face!" She ordered. "Karp!" Harper said, springing onto the Caterpie and smacking it repeatedly. Caterpie did not like that. It String Shotted Harper but was squished under the Magikarp. "Ok! We got 'em!" Carol said as she threw a Pokeball.
Shura finally caught up with Carol. Shura while heavily panting, "What was so important...that you...ditched me like that," She said pausing to catch her breath. She looked up and saw A Magikarp on top of a Caterpie. "What am I witnessing here?" She asked. "Are you seeing this Pikachu?" "Pika-Pi," Pikachu said while nodding. Shura then decided to spectate because she was very interested about what is going to happen next.
(Um, Carol didn't run off…)
Carol was very confused, as she hadn't moved. "What do you mean?" She said as she caught the Caterpie. She retrieved Harper and scanned the Pokeball with her Pokedex. "Caterpie, huh?" She muttered to herself, before letting the poor bug go. "You go free," she told it.
(Thought she did... XD)
Shura then looked back and forth between the Caterpie and Carol for a minute. "Wh-why-wha..?" Shura was trying to process why Carol had released the Caterpie after all of that. "Why did you do that after all that effort to get it?" She exclaimed.
Carol shrugged. "It seemed like it wanted to be free. Besides, I have a full team. Five Pokemon, right?" She said. "I'm sure it would be happier in the wild, instead of fighting against fire types, ya know? I'm going to town. Maybe get a bite to eat?" With that, Carol starts to walk back, pausing to ask, "Shura, you coming?"
"uuh yeah," Shura then started to walk beside Carol. Shura started to think "It's impressive that you managed to use Magikarp that way" Shura said. "You must be pretty experienced then if you've got 5 Pokemon already." Shura said.
Carol laughed. "I'm not very experienced." She said. "It's my Pokemon who do all the work. What about you? You look kind of familiar. Did you get your starter today too?"