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Private/Closed Journey through Alola RP

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Riolu moved so fast it Roten wasn't able to dodge. The powerful Quick Attack sent Roten flying back a bit. 'Robby's just as strong as ever, but that won't stop us' Landon though to himself with the look of determination. "Now Roten use Leafage!" Landon called out, Roten immediately nodded in response and shot a Leafage attack heading towards Riolu.
"Leafage? What's that?" Robby asked as he saw the new move. "Riolu draw Roten in, then Counter!" Robby exclaimed as he made a fist. Riolu let Roten come in close, then swiftly turned around, ready to hit it with a powerful Counter.
I have confidence I can win this, Riolu as more experience than Roten, but it sure is strong. Robby thought to himself as he confidently smiled.
"Go Roten use Peck!" Landon called out. Roten stopped the Leafage attack and began charging at Riolu using Peck. 'Robby's planning to use Counter when we get close' Landon thought to himself 'Hopefully our attack can hit first'
"Do a left side ways dodge! Then follow through with the Counter!" Robby yelled as he threw out his hand with determination
"BWA!" Riolu yelled as he hopped to the side then rolled under the peck, then it threw a punch directly at Roten, with extreme force. "GO!" Robby yelled as Riolu threw the Counter.
"Roten!" Landon called as the attack hit, sending Roten flying back, "Roten are you okay!" Landon looked at Roten, it was breathing heavily it could still battle but not for much longer, "Roten return for now!" Landon said as he re-called Roten. Landon pulled out a Sportball and threw it, "Swift! Let's go!" Swift burst out of the ball with excitement, "Eev!" It cried in joy. "Use Quick Attack!" Swift began sprinting at Riolu using Quick Attack.
"Ah Swift, we've been waiting!" Robby yelled with a determined smile. "Riolu Swords Dance and Quick Attack Combo once more!" Robby yelled as he made a fist.
"Bwa!" Riolu cried as swords surrounded it, sharply raising its attack again, Riolu then shot straight at Swift head on with Quick Attack.
We are in a really good position right now, Riolu's attack is raised four stages and it's about as fire up as me! Robby thought to himself as he confidently smiled.
Landon smiled, "Now use Iron Tail," Swift stopped charging at Riolu and swung an Iron Tail straight at it. 'With the speed Riolu's going at it will have a hard time avoiding this' Landon thought to himself.
"Take the Iron Tail, then Counter it, send all the damage right back it!" Robby yelled with a fiery passion.
The Iron Tail smacked Riolu, causing it to stumble back a bit, then Riolu swiftly jumped right in front of Swift, ready to hit it with its Counter.
They shouldn't be able to dodge this, being so close. This should also do major damage. Robby thought to himself as he analyzed the scene.
Riolu moved so quickly Swift wasn't able to move and was sent flying back. "SWIFT!" Landon called, Landon shot a look at Swift it wasn't gonna give up anytime soon, "Okay use Swift!" Landon called, Swift shot a Swift attack at Riolu. 'Swift is a special attack so Riolu isn't able to use Counter' Landon thought to himself smiling.
The Swift hit Riolu dead on, sending it back a bit. "Riolu you can do! I believe in you!" Robby yelled Riolu as it slowly got up.
"Bwa!" Riolu said as it got up with determination and a will to win. "Alright let's do this! Use Quick Attack to get close then use Force Palm!" Robby exclaimed.
Riolu shot right up to Swift, then immediately shot both Palms directly at Swift with incredible force.
'Here we go' Landon thought to himself as he smiled. "Now Swift! Iron Tail!" Landon called out with determination and making a fist. "Eev!" Swift responded as it used Iron Tail to counter Riolu's Force Palm, "GO!!"
'Riolu, with everything we got! Use the force from the Force Palm to grab the Iron Tail and throw Swift up in the air!" Robby yelled as he threw out his palm.
"BWA!!" Riolu yelled as it grit its teeth and threw Eevee up in the air. "Let's finish this! Riolu jump above Swift and Force Palm full power!!" Robby exclaimed.
Riolu jumped above Swift and then shot a Force Palm directly at it, hoping to send it flying back to the ground.
Swift landed on the platform unable to battle, "Swift, return you did great," Landon said as he re-called Swift back to the Sportball. Landon pulled out a Pokeball, "It's down to you! Roten!" he cried as he threw the Pokeball, Roten burst out of the Pokeball ready for battle, "Use Leafage!" Landon called. Roten began shooting lime green glowing leaves towards Riolu.
Leafage hits Riolu, doing lots of damage, but Riolu hangs on with will power. "Riolu hang in there! You can do it! Finish it with Quick Attack maximum power!" Robby yelled as he made a fist.
"BWAAAA!!!!!" Riolu yelled as he sped straight toward Roten with Quick Attack, creating a wind, because it was so fast. "With all you've got Riolu, do it!!!" Robby yelled as he held his hat from being blown off by the gust created by the Quick Attack.
"Peck let's go!" Landon called out Roten flew over Riolu just barely and launched a Peck attack at it. 'Sorry Robby but we don't just give up that easily' Landon thought to himself as he smiled with confidence as Roten dove a Riolu, "Now GO!"
Robby slowly breathed in and said, "I gotta hand it to you Landon, you've definitely grown stronger, but me and Riolu have been working together for a while now." Robby said as he smiled at Landon. "Wait, wait, now! Riolu jump back and kick Roten, then use Force Palm!" Robby yelled with a determined fist.
Time seemed to slow down for Riolu, just as Roten was about to strike it, Riolu jumped back a few inches then shot a kick right at Roten, with a Force Palm ready to strike straight after.
"ROTEN!" Landon cried as he saw Riolu's Force Palm land, he watched as Roten fell down re rushed over and grabbed Roten. "You did great Roten take a nice long rest." he said as he re-called Roten, "You've definitely gotten a whole lot stronger from when I last battled you in Kanto."

"Landon you did great as well," Hala said as he walked forward, "That was an amazing battle that even Tapu Koko would be proud of especially for your Rowlet's first battle."

"Thank you Hala," Landon thanked as he walked over to the sidelines.

"I declare the winner of the first round: Robby!" Hala called out holding Robby's hand high in the air, "Now would the next two trainers please join me up here, Ry and Kukui!" Kukui walked up not to long after being called.

"I hope you're ready Ry, Go Rockruff!" Kukui called as he tossed a Pokeball, a dog-like Pokemon burst out of the Pokeball in excitement.

"That's my cue!" Rotom flew over and took a quick picture of Rockruff, "Rockruff: The Puppy Pokemon, Rock Type: It’s considered to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, but its disposition grows rougher as it grows up." Rotom flew over gesturing Rockruff along with it's size.
Ry took the stage. "Okay then, let's go Kukui!" He shouted
"Okay so if you are going with Rockruff, then I'll send out Pa-" But he was stopped by a flash of light at Munchy appeared. "Do you want to battle?" Ry asked Munchy. He gave a nod and Ry shouted. "I'm gonna beat him with Munchy!" Both trainer and Pokemon raised their arms in the air, as if entering a wrestling match.
"Thank you Riolu, you did great." Robby said as he went and picked up an exhausted Riolu with a smile. 'Thank you Hala, and especially you Landon, you guys were really strong." Robby said as he reached out to shake Landon's hand. Hearing the next battle, "Woah, Ry has to face the Professor?" Robby asked, very surprised. "Wow, I've never seen a Rockruff! I think I would also like to catch one!" Robby exclaimed as he went to sit down.
"Go Rockruff! Tackle!" Kukui called out, Rockruff immediately began charging at Munchy using Tackle, 'Now to see what Ry has up his sleeve' Kukui thought to himself as Rockruff kept charging.
"Ice Punch!" Ry shouted. Munchy matched the rockruff's charge with his first outward to strik te Rockruff. His fist glowed with a light blue energy.
"If this hits, it'll be super effective," Ry thought to himself.
The Ice Punch hit Rockruff sending it back a bit, "Nicely done," Kukui commented in amazement, "Now Rockruff, use Sand Attack!" Rockruff barked in response. Rockruff rubbed it's tail and shot sand straight at Munchy.
Hanna watched the battle from the sidelines. The last one was really exciting and she hoped this one would be just as exciting. "She picked up her new friend Fomantis so it could watch the battle.

"Fo! Fomantis!" It exclaimed as it saw the action.

She remembered going to the Pokemon school when she was 8 and everyone always underestimated her because she didn't have a Pokemon. She wanted one but she couldn't because she was only 8. Her grip on Fomantis tightened, she'd show them just how tough she was.
"Munchlax!" Cried Munch as the sand covered his eyes. "Counter with Metronome!" Ry shouted. Munchy stuck his fingers out and began to wag them. His eyes glows red and he burst into flames and charged Rockruff with a Flare Blitz. "Munchlax!" he shouted.
Kukui watched as Munchlax began charging at Rockruff with Flare Blitz, "Now Rockruff Tackle!" Kukui called, Rockruff began charging at Munchy with Tackle. The two attacks collided creating a large cloud of smoke, when the smoke cleared Rockruff laid unable to battle, "Rockruff, return," Kukui said as he re-called Rockruff, "Go Pikipek!" Kukui threw the Pokeball and a woodpecker looking Pokemon burst out.

"A Pikipek, never seen that Pokemon before," Landon said as he looked with curiosity at the new Pokemon, then turned to Rotom, "Rotom!"

"I'm on it!" Rotom flew over and took a quick picture of the Pikipek, then flew back showing the data of the Pokemon, "Pikipek: The Woodpecker Pokemon, Normal and Flying Type: It can peck at a rate of 16 times a second to drill holes in trees. It uses the holes for food storage and for nesting." Rotom flew over and gestured the Pokemon's beak.

"Pikipeck use Bullet Seed!" Kukui called, Pikipeck began shooting a Bullet Seed attack from it's mouth at Munchy.
"Munchy!" Shouted Ry as the hits connected, knocking out Munchy. He was already hurt from the recoil. Ry switch Munchy with Burn. The Litten took the field. "Use ember!" Ry shouted. Burn fired a small flame towards the airborne Pikipeck.
"Hey Rotom what's Litten's Pokedex entry?" Landon asked as Ry sent out Burn, "You already have it's picture so you should have it's data."

"You got it!" Rotom's screen changed to Litten's Data, "Litten: The Fire Cat Pokemon, Fire Type: It doesn’t allow its emotions to be easily seen. Earning its trust takes time. It prefers solitude."

"Now Pikipeck dodge and use Peck!" Kukui called, Pikipeck dove underneath the Ember and began charging at Burn while using Peck.
"Use Scratch!" Ry shouted. Burn jumped up to avoid the Pikipeck's attack and pounced down on him, with his claws at ready.
"I bet Ry will probably win." Robby said as he watched the battle. "Oh, and what about you, Hanna? Will you also battle?" Robby asked as he turned toward Hanna. "I'm interested to see how that little Fomantis battles, it look quite capable." Robby said as he sat back and put his hands behind his head. Robby then turned to Landon, "Do you know when we will start heading toward our first trial? I can't wait to try a Z-Move." Robby said as he envisioned the moment he used a Z-Move.
"I will battle, I just don't know who" Hanna said. She turned to watch the battle again. Kukui was a better battler than she thought.
"We'll be heading out once the ceremony is over, we'll need to learn about where the first Trial Site is," Landon replied as he turned back towards the battle. 'Ry doesn't look like he's changed a bit, he's still as strong as ever,' Landon thought to himself.

The two moves collided but Pikipeck flew down towards the ground unable to battle, "Pikipeck, return," Kukui said as he re-called Pikipeck, "Congratulations Ry, you showed an excellent array of moves with the power of a full force Blast Burn!"

"Landies and gentlemen may I have your attention please!" Hala called out to the crowd, everyone turned to face the Kahuna, Landon, and Robby walked up onto the platform along with Ry to face everybody, "Ladies and gentlemen, the reason we have gathered you all here today is to honor these three trainers as they begin their Island Challenge! Kukui will now present all three trainers with the Island Challenge Amulet!" Professor Kukui walked over and presented the trainers with the amulets, "Trainers may your Island Challenge be filled with great memories and great adventures."

"Thank you Professor Kukui!" Landon said as he received the amulet, Landon held the amulet in his hands, 'This is our first step to winning the Alola League' Landon thought to himself.
"Wow, thanks Professor! It will be an honor taking on the island challenge." Robby said as he twisted the amulet around in his hands, and showed it to Riolu, who was fully recovered. "Alright guys let's head out to the first trial sight right away!" Robby said as he walked down from the platform.
We will win the league this time. Robby thought to himself, making a fist, with a serious look on his face.
"Let's go!" Ry shouted raising a fist. He dashed off the platform and stopped. "Anyone know which way are are suppose to go?" He asked his friends. Pax gave a sigh and shot Ry a disappointed look.
"Hang on Robby we don't even know where the first Trial is!" Landon called out as he attached the amulet to his bag and stepped off the platform.

"Well that's not a problem!" Kukui called at them as he walked over, "The first Trial is in Verdant Cavern." Kukui handed Rotom a chip which it put in one of it's inputs revealing a map, "Each RotomDex is programmed with a map of the Alola Region, I just forgot to put it in when I had the chance."

"Well Rotom where do we go?" Landon asked as he faced Rotom, 'Man our first Trial this is going to be so cool'

"We can take a Pokemon Taxi to the exit closest to Verdant Cavern but from there we'll need to walk!" Rotom replied showing a pathway on the map.

"Then let's get going!" Landon cheered as he made a fist in the air, and began running to Hau'oli City, "Come on guys don't be so slow!"
"Oh yeah! let's go!" Robby yelled as he bolted after Landon. Robby sprinted down to the Hau'oli CIty he asked, "What kind of Pokemon will be facing during this trial? Hopefully something strong!" Robby then remembered back to his first ever gym match against Viola, and thought Man that was a long time ago.
"Well, whatever it is, me and my team will be it!" Robby exclaimed as he broke out of thought.
Landon continued running through Hau'oli City until he came across the Pokemon Taxi Landon ran over to the man and his Tauros, "Hello sir! Could you take us too, uh, Rotom!" Rotom flew over and pulled up a map.

"We'd like to get a ride in your Pokemon Taxi to the Route 2 Gate please!" Rotom asked, immediately after taking pictures of Tauros.

"Yeah sure, just hop on!" The man said gesturing everyone to climb in the carriage, Landon climbed inside the carriage with everyone else. The driver told Tauros where we wanted to go and Tauros began walking at a moderate pace.
"This region is like a breathe of fresh air, the weather is awesome, and it's just beautiful here!" Robby said as he stretched. "Yeah Mr. Taxi driver sir, do you know anything about the first trial?" Robby asked the driver as he rubbed Riolu on the head. "I hope it's a super strong Pokemon that drops a Z-Ring!" Robby said as he made a fist, imagining the moment. Immediately remembering back to the festival, "Wait, didn't we leave that girl named Hana behind?" Robby asked as he looked at his friends.
After she had gotten her Island Challenge Amulet she walked around looking for the others. She couldn't find them, they must of left without her. She jaw clenched, she would show them in the Alola League just how tough she was. And she took off running towards the first trial.
"Well I can't tell you much about the Trial, mostly because I've never taken it, but I can tell you about the Trial Captain," The driver said keeping his eyes on the road, "His name is Ilima, he's a normal type Pokemon trainer, and her Trial is nothing to laugh at, and sadly you can't get a Z-Ring from the Trial but you will receive something called a Z-Crystal."

Landon smiled as he took in the view of Hau'oli City. "Well we may not get a Z-Ring yet but we can at least get a Z-Crystal!" Landon said as they continued onward to Route 2, "And boy you said it Robby Alola is like a breathe of fresh air." Landon shot up quickly, "Robby you're right... We forgot Hana!"
As she raced through the forest, thoughts clouded her head. If she met the others then maybe she'd continue on. If not that was fine, she could go alone...

Well... Not completely alone. She brought out Steenee and Fomantis and had an idea. She knew that you got a normal Z-Ring from the island challenge and she knew the dance. She got Steenee and Fomantis to start practising. They practised for about an hour until they finally had it perfected. As soon as she got the z-ring she could show the other the move! Kukui had given her a bracelet just before she had left to get Steenee.
She looked down at it and smiled, she couldn't wait!
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