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Open Just my Version of a Romantic Superpower High School (Discussion)

I feel like I might have a hard time in one of those fights thanks to my timezone. If Leonardo tried to fight, you'd all be posting counters while I'm asleep unless you were cool with waiting for a while.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
at the very moment a group of students are fighting, in an arena, after that the plan was to finish the tour for the new students and go to a costume party


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Also, something I forgot about Eli sword is its made of a material I made up and I want to get it approved before It comes into play so nothing gets confused

undestrucktium: completely indestructible and unchangeable, can be anything at all, can't be affected by magic

Elis sword is not otherwise enchanted or anything, just a normal katana(that will be around forever)
What if Asta broke it on accident ;-;

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
ok, Undestrucktium is the last remnant of a dead universe, that is, everything else is gone, destroyed. the last object of a dying universe becomes immortal, eternal. the object remains as it was, if it was magic it will remain magic, if it is not it will remain that way. It is not able to be destroyed or altered, ever, by any means, even by other undestrucktium. the fact universes are hard to destroy make unubstrucktium very rare and valubale, especially because even a stray atom existing from its original universe can ruin it. once made nothing can change it, not force, magic, or even time energy/travel.

as for the knowledge of it, the material itself is decently well know, though it would not be rare to find someone who does not know what it is, and very very few know how its made

Eli's specific piece is a simple katana is a simple piece, no magic or tech, just pure metal and a bit of cloth

You like it?


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
ok, Undestrucktium is the last remnant of a dead universe, that is, everything else is gone, destroyed. the last object of a dying universe becomes immortal, eternal. the object remains as it was, if it was magic it will remain magic, if it is not it will remain that way. It is not able to be destroyed or altered, ever, by any means, even by other undestrucktium. the fact universes are hard to destroy make unubstrucktium very rare and valubale, especially because even a stray atom existing from its original universe can ruin it. once made nothing can change it, not force, magic, or even time energy/travel.

as for the knowledge of it, the material itself is decently well know, though it would not be rare to find someone who does not know what it is, and very very few know how its made

Eli's specific piece is a simple katana is a simple piece, no magic or tech, just pure metal and a bit of cloth

You like it?
I like the idea, the name needs work though. Does the damage of this item increase or decrease due to being immortal? If 2 different Undestrucktium items clash what would happen though?

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
While I will try to be open, I really do like that name, the origanal name was Unubstrucktium. generally it would go up, sometimes more than others depending on what it is, if two of them clashed neither would break or be even scratched, you would just be pushing them back and forth(or if there's enough force behind it, an explosion could acore, but the undestrucktium would be fine still)

@EeviumZ it literally fried ice drills at you


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
I’m kinda just waiting for something to trigger Allie’s exhaustion. Like a very powerful attack.
I thought of a few ideas
1. She could trigger her exhaustion by wasting stamina
2. Side affects (effects?) from Roy's self destruct kick in
3. Someone knocks the sense into her and them carries her until she wakes up (my previous idea. But 1 of the bystanders or group leaders do it)
4. Eli or Leo commits copy power and fires back at you but weaker cause they cant copy her rage mode
5. Raven says "B***** LASAGNA" and snacks the sheet out of Allie
6. I ship Allie and Chris already so something on those lines could happen xd


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Hi sorry for the inactivity. I’m doing stuff this week and I don’t really have the time to post. It will prolly take a while for me to post.


Previously EeviumZ
1) True. Because she has no sentience at this point.
2) Eh, I think that would have affected her before if it was going to do anything. It activated her, but it won't shut her down.
3) Probably.
4) Ice can't really harm her much though. That's kinda why I haven't responded yet.
5) Raven isn't powerful enough to take her out. She probably could if she tried, but she's being too cocky to even bother.
6) Maybe. I ship Allie and Chris too, to be honest.

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