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Open Just my Version of a Romantic Superpower High School (Discussion)

This is interesting, I might have a character for this.

Name: Ariana Meghan Silver

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Angel/Human

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 160

Appearance: She generally wears dresses, has silver hair and baby blue eyes, due to what kind of Angel her mother was. She is not thin nor fat, but is very curvy, not toned or anything like that.

Abilities and powers: She has wings, which allow her to fly, can sense the emotions of anyone who she intently focuses on, and can heal others, not herself.

Personality: she is very bubbly, and somewhat affectionate, overall a sweet and caring girl.

Important traits: She is very easily identifiable due to her wings being silver in color, and she has a scar from the right side of her chest all the way down to her left hip, it was from an encounter with a pissed off warlock. Don't ask about it either, she will tell the character when she believes it is the right time.

Way of entry: Transfer Exam, passed with a 76%.

Crush: definitely not Chris, since she can sense the fact that he loves Allie. Possibly Porco?

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Magic Resistance: A mild resistance to some magic, no matter what they are or where it came from. He can stop anything that affects his ability to function like a human and he has mild resistance to magical damage, but it doesn't stop him from feeling pain or being manipulated completely.

I am adding this to my character. Hope that this is alright.
hmm, this seems interesting, lets get a twisted villain in here along with an evil group that will threaten everyone eh?

Name: Ani Humeri
Age: 16?
Gender: Female
Species: Human? Appears to be human… yes.
Height: 5’4 – 5’5
Affiliation(s): Nemesis Core, Black Eden
Appearance: Ani is a very attractive young teenage girl of medium height and a small-ish frame. She has long blonde hair, styled into pigtails ending in large curls that hang to the middle of her thighs, with smaller locks framing her face. Her eyes are a sapphire blue.
Clothing: Ani wears a richly adorned backless white, violet, and purple Lolita-styled dress with matching boots (the platforms resembling skulls with fangs), fingerless gloves that ends half way up her forearms, and a small sing purse. She accentuates with a large violet colored hair bow and a large violet bow at the small of her back on her dress, with the centers being fanged skulls, a collar, and earrings, all with the same fanged skull designs on them. She is also frequently seen with a matching violet and purple colored parasol.
Abilities and Powers:
  • Superhuman/Supernatural Physical Prowess and Senses – Despite her medium sized height and small-ish frame, Ani possesses immeasurable strength, speed, durability, reflexes, endurance, and senses. Able to handle herself exceptionally well in combat and battles.
  • Regeneration – Ani is able to regenerate from any wound or injury regardless of severity, including lost limbs nearly instantly. Regenerating organs takes a bit longer depending on the complexity of the organ lost.
  • Replication – Ani is able to make replicas of herself to attack her enemies or act as distractions, physically they are exact perfect copies and possess all of her abilities but are much less powerful. Instead they rely on their vast numbers.
Personality: Ani has a childlike, jovial, and happy-go-lucky demeanor; always smiling, and acting very friendly and even polite with everyone. Ani is a free spirit and will do whatever she wants according to her whims. Her often bubbly behavior and nonchalance towards anyone that stands in her way often puts her at odds with others. She easily becomes bored and will look elsewhere for things to entertain her. In spite of all this, those who pay close attention will notice that she appears to be hiding something… something sinister and ominous.
Way of Application (Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Cheated/hacked the system by Nemesis Core, entering the school as a transfer student.
Important Traits: High ranking member of Nemesis Core and Black Eden. Sometimes can be considered, insane, sadistic, insanely sadistic, and/or sadistically insane
Crush: Try it… see what happens…. Thunder Quack
Other: Her parasol is much, much more than it seems… it indestructible in addition to other things. Hardcore Villain but you can’t tell by looking at her.

At its heart Nemesis Core as an organization is a group of individuals obsessed with creating the perfect world, to bring the “Super” genes under control and be able to replicate and manipulate it to their will. They possess technology beyond anything currently in existence, and technology specialized in combating individuals with powers in the form of straight up temporary nullifying their powers or greatly reducing their effectiveness.

They gather genetic samples from individuals in the worse way possible. To prevent resistance and future issues, they abduct an individual(s) of interest “extract” whatever they want, and “disposes” of them. To combat other super powered beings, Nemesis Core utilizes artificially created agents that infiltrate, gather data, and “collect” the samples. These agents are extremely powerful and are very good at what they do, their are super powered being themselves. They are created from cutting edge genetic engineering/splicing technologies utilizing perfected genetic samples collected from other super powered beings along with their own unique technologies.

The agents of Nemesis Core made this way belong to their military division known as Black Eden.
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Sorry for double post but I was wondering if I could submit a 2nd char to go with Ani.

Name: King Requiem
Age: 16?
Gender: Male
Species: Human? Appears to be human… yes.

Height: 5’10 (178 cm)

Weight: ~130 lbs. (59kg)

Affiliation(s): Nemesis Core, Black Eden
Appearance: King is by definition of the word: a pretty boy, he is very feminine and flamboyant in his actions. He has long light blonde hair that appears almost white that he styles to cover over his left eye while smaller locks frame the other side of his face, and the rest of his hair is held back with a hair band into a bun that hangs just above the nape of his neck. His eyes are a silvery grey color that seems to faintly glow. From a distance he is easily mistaken for a girl.

Clothing: King typically wears a white, high-collared body suit, the texture being similar to leather, with silvery wave-like trim around ankles. The leg openings flair outwards so they cover the entirety of his shoes. He also wears a matching jacket with flared sleeves that covers most of his hands with the exception of his fingers a black studded belt. A silver fanged skull design is on the back of the jacket along with the same silvery wave-like trim around the sleeve endings.
Abilities and Powers:

  • Pyrokinetic – King is able to create and control a special pink and white flame that looks like melted wax. He is immune to the fire and flames of his own and others.
  • Dark Energy – King can control a strange dark energy that seems to destroy things on contact on a molecular level. The damage is not instant or even significant at first but prolonged exposure to the energy can rapidly turn deadly. Destruction happens at an exponential rate. The dark energy looks like black ink. He is able to translocate with this power as well.
  • Requiem – Less of a power than an ability. He is able to utilize this ability 3 times every 24 hours. King can revert the actions and will power to zero, completely nullifying and preventing anything from have ever happened, this includes eventualities and supposed actions as they will have had never occurred( primary power of the Stand: Golden Experience Requiem for reference).

Personality: King is cunning, sarcastic, self-righteous, and tends to not take things too seriously. A trickster that does not seem to hold any allegiances outside of Black Eden members, not even Nemesis Core. Confident in his power, he is a master manipulator of people and tends to get bored quickly with them if they fail to interest him. He talks with a playful but condescending demeanor often irritating the person who he’s talking to. Even when things get bad he stays calm and can even come off as blasé.
Way of Application (Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Cheated/hacked the system by Nemesis Core as a transfer student.
Important Traits: Likes to hide his true strength, and flaunt his superiority of his halfhearted effort, which is usually more than enough for people who challenge him.
Crush: Ani, a bit, it’s more like a mixture of admiration and fear. Thunder Quack
Other: Ironically, he is Ani Humeri’s handler/keeper/partner in the Black Eden to make sure she stays on task and focused on the mission at hand.


Previously EeviumZ
I feel like Nemesis Core would take quite an interest in several of the chars in this RP, so that'll be fun as a sort of side-story. Allie might be of particular interest - seeing as she is a genetic mishap with heightened power and little control over herself. Your characters are super creative too, I like it~
I feel like Nemesis Core would take quite an interest in several of the chars in this RP, so that'll be fun as a sort of side-story. Allie might be of particular interest - seeing as she is a genetic mishap with heightened power and little control over herself. Your characters are super creative too, I like it~
Thank you :D

Oh yes, Nemesis Core is going to be a huge pain to deal with once Ani and (if accepted) King shows their true colors, hopefully Nemesis Core, and by extension Black Eden, will become one of the primary threats, and they may even deploy more agents in the future. Nemesis core really isn't too picky about who they abduct and "process" but they do have a hit list that they want Ani and King to fill

My characters are all mostly inspired by anime and videogames, i just like putting my own spin and combinations to them.
Eli could potentially unlock a larger world for nemesis

I'm very interested to see how the characters will interact

Nemesis Core has been around for quite a long while, collecting various powers and perfecting them, and the agents of Black Eden are powerful and varied because of it.

They've got a good track record of leaving no loose ends wherever they deploy their agents