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Open Kanto Journeys

With Brief who was still in the cave after losing track of his friends he was currently in his mining gear doing some excavating inside Mt. Moon. "Well guys we did some great work here we didn't find must only a couple of Moon Stones this Dome Fossil and this werid looking stone that looks kind of like the stone I saw Ry and Darrius wearing" Brief said to his pokemon who was helping him mine. "Guess we should met them at Cerulean City, return guys and thanks for the help" he returns his pokemon and processes to go exit the cave as he was walking he noticed the exit was block off. "Thats werid why is the exit block off as to think about this whole area looks like a intense battle just took place hey whats that?" said Brief as he noticed a faint light he starts walking towards it the light was coming from a Magmar that was hurt pretty badly. The injuryed Magmar notices Brief coming toward it and fired a weak Flamethrower at him. " Woah...its ok I'm not trying to hurt you where is your trainer did he or she abandon you?" the pokemon weakly nodded. "Your trainer must be crazy to do something like that tell you what I would be earned to have you on my team hey if we are lucky we can show your trainer how strong you truly are" said Brief with a smile Magmar flames started to heat up a little with refounded determination Brief throws a pokeball an catches the Magma. "Well now we have to heal you right up" Brief turns to leave ".......I totally forgot that the exit it was block well I have the perfect guy for this job Heavy use Iron Head!" the large iron snake roars as his attack easily clearing the boulders Brief returns his Steelix and processes to met up with his friends to see if they know anything about the battle at took place at Mt. Moon and Magmar's trainer.

(OOC just in case the Magmar that my character founded was one of the Zion grunts pokemon I will write it having a grudge against you guys it has the idea you guys are to blame for it getting abandoned.)
Once out of the cave, Dhalin left the group in search of Cerulean City. After a few minutes, he found himself on the main road and walking towards the Pokemon Center. Apollo and the gang were resting inside their Poke Balls, out of harms way. Dhalin thumbed the top of Apollo's Luxury Ball, so deep in thought that he ran into the Pokemon Center's door. He shook his head to clear it and headed inside, being greeted by the sight of the boys from Mt. Moon. He casually walked by them and over to the front desk. Dhalin handed Nurse Joy his Poke Balls, and she handed him something as well. "The Unova Gym Leader Burgh sent this here," she told him, "And he would like for you to make a phone call to him." Dhalin thanked her and tucked the package under his arm, walking over to the phones. He dialed Uncle Burgh's number, and it rang a few times before he was greeted by Leavany's smiling face. "Lea-" she cried. "Hi, Leavanny." Dhalin said to her, "Is Uncle Burgh there?" She disappeared for a few seconds before returning with the Gym Leader. "Hello there, Dhalin," He said. Dhalin replied with a similar greeting then started the formalities. "How have you been?" "How's everyone doing?" How's the Gym doing?" Things like that. Then he finally got to ask, "Uncle Burgh, what's in the package you sent me?" Burgh told him to open it and find out, which Dhalin proceeded to do. Inside were a white leather sleeve fitted with Dhalin's Keystone, as well as a black leather sleeve to go on Apollo's arm, which was fitted with his Heracronite. "Thanks, Uncle Burgh!" Dhalin cried out, not minding if people heard him. "That's no problem, Dhalin," he replied, "Just don't over exert Apollo or yourself. You know what happens." Burgh ended the call, and Dhalin returned to the counter to retrieve his Pokemon.
Robby walked up to the counter to retrieve his pokemon as well. "Now you can use mega evolution too?" He said to Dhalin. "It seems everyone can use mega evolution these days, maybe that's why Team Zion hates it" Robby said, thinking out loud. He again look down at his key stone remembering the day he first got it. "Anyway guys why should get a move on! The gym is waiting for us!" Robby exclaimed.
Ry stretched his arms. "I guess it's a good time to get my second badge." He reviewed his team in his head. It would be a two om two. She would have her Gyrados, and a Starmie. His best bet would be Grace and Jet. He stood up promptly. "Okay, so anyone else headed to the gym?" He asked te group.
Brief walks into the pokemon center hands Nurse Joy his pokemon when he spots two young trainers one talking what looks like the bug type gym leader from his home region and the other one is at the counter besides him he turns to spoke to the trainer at the counter. "Hey there what is your name the names Brief to met you are you here with some friends?" Brief lazily askes the trainer he hears Ry from behind. "Hey Ry I have some questions about Mt.Moon"
"Oh hello Breif, the name is Robby." Robby said as he went over to the PC."Oh Ry, I would also like to challenge the gym. I want as much experience I can get!" Robby exclaimed excited. Think to himself I'll probably use Greninja and Gallade against the gym leader.
"Oh you do thats great please tell me what happened?" said Brief to the newly introduced Robby as he follows him to the PC to hear more about what happened.
"Well, I don't know much but apparently this evil team called Zion is after keystones, they are pretty weird. My old teacher Lysandre told me about them but I didn't think they were that much of a threat." Robby explained to Breif. "Anyway, what is this gym leader like? All I know is that she specializes in water types." Robby asked
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"Team Zion are after Key Stones huh thats sounds bad oh yes I found this Old Amber while I was mining" said Brief reaches into his bag abd pulled out the orange colored fossil. "As for the gym leader i have no idea im also new to Kanto sorry"
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"Oh Wow an Old Amber!" Robby said, "Those are really rare. It also seems we are going in blind for the gym match then." Robby then got on to the pc and called someone. "Hello professor, I've arrived in Kanto safely and have even meet some new friends." Robby said. "Marvelous! I wish you luck on your journey!" Professor Sycamore said. "Oh and one more thing professor, how's Aegislash?" Robby asked. "Aegislash is doing very well, I think he will be able to join you on your journey soon." Sycamore replied in a calm voice. "Alright thank you, goodbye professor." Robby said a happily. Robby then hung up the phone. "Alright guys let's go to the gym!" Robby exclaimed.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
For the record, because I've been receiving a LOT of requests lately, all from this thread, and now that I look at this thread I see some things that I do not like.

Permission to have the ability to mega evolve - which also includes ownership of key/mega stones - needs to be asked and received BEFORE you establish your characters as capable of using mega evolutions OR having any of the stones required for it. Mega Evolution SHOULD be quite rare and only in the hands of trainers who have well and truly earned it. And here we have mega evolutions all willy-nilly, which is - quite frankly - sort of defeating the purpose.

I'd like to ask all of you to ease up on the mega evolutions. This is getting quite out of control.
For the record, because I've been receiving a LOT of requests lately, all from this thread, and now that I look at this thread I see some things that I do not like.

Permission to have the ability to mega evolve - which also includes ownership of key/mega stones - needs to be asked and received BEFORE you establish your characters as capable of using mega evolutions OR having any of the stones required for it. Mega Evolution SHOULD be quite rare and only in the hands of trainers who have well and truly earned it. And here we have mega evolutions all willy-nilly, which is - quite frankly - sort of defeating the purpose.

I'd like to ask all of you to ease up on the mega evolutions. This is getting quite out of control.

Okay folks I'm shutting his thread down. I'm making a reboot of it, from the point were are at now, but less Mega Evolution. Only three will be permitted. Ry, Darrius, and a character that i've had approved, but haven't shared. The discussion for the reboot is, https://pokecharms.com/threads/kanto-journeys-discussion-and-sign-ups.15367/#post-374749
Let's all just chill with the Megas for a while. The story isn't about Mega Evoltuons, but traveling the Kanto region. I'd prefer to keep it that way.
in:Johto,Ecruateak City
Appearance:Brown Hair,
He wears a cap, black and red, wears a red shirt, with a white pokeball in the middle. He wears a black shorts. Blue eyes and white skin.
Pokemons on hand:Feraligator,Typhlosion,Lapras and Alakazam
He wants to capture all the Pokémon.
Sometimes funny, but always takes the battle seriously. He treats his pokemons affectionately, so they are good at battle. He has a lot of respect for everyone who does good.
in:Johto,Ecruateak City
Appearance:Brown Hair,
He wears a cap, black and red, wears a red shirt, with a white pokeball in the middle. He wears a black shorts. Blue eyes and white skin.
Pokemons on hand:Feraligator,Typhlosion,Lapras and Alakazam
He wants to capture all the Pokémon.
Sometimes funny, but always takes the battle seriously. He treats his pokemons affectionately, so they are good at battle. He has a lot of respect for everyone who does good.

That is the new link for the sign ups. We had to do a reboot due to people causing problems. Just fill out the same information and put it on this new thread. Make sure you read all the rules first.
Robby was minding his own business as he enjoyed a peaceful stroll through Malie City in the Alola Region. Ever since he had won the Alolan League he had to stay close just in case any challengers challenged him. He always was recognized wherever he went which was a bit annoying, but he just brushed it off because the people were fans of his after all so he tried to be as kind as possible to each and everyone of them.

"I wonder how everyone's been doing, it's been over a while since I've seen them. I wish I could see everyone again." Robby said quietly to himself as he placed his hands behind his head and continued to walk through Malie City, occasionally waving at people he knew or that knew him. It indeed had been a very long time since he had seen Ry and the others, two years in fact. The only exceptions were Landon who he had traveled with last year though this region and Aaron whom he occasionally sees because he is from Alola.

All the sudden, out of nowhere, Robby suddenly began to fall through a portal that had appeared under him! "AHHHH, what is this?!" Robby frantically asked as he continued to fall. "HAHA, it is I MOAR and I have obtained the power of a god! Have fun being sent to your past and having to relive everything up until now!" The evil Moar exclaimed as he laughed maniacally. "Wait what? Moar? That Poser who pretended to be Champion of Johto!?" Robby asked as his vision began to fade and he felt his consciousness slipping.

Robby rubbed his head as he opened his eyes, "Ow, what was that some kind of dream?" Robby asked aloud as he stood up and looked around, it was currently night and his setting had drastically had changed. "Wait, where am I? This isn't Malie City, this is..." Robby looked behind him to see a cave entrance and in front of him was a Pokemon Center, at the moment, he knew exactly where he was... "Mount Moon?!?!" Robby yelled, his voice echoed through the night. "No.. That wasn't a dream, Moar has sent me to the past!" Robby yelled again, looking into the Pokemon Center and seeing a horrifying site... His past self!!!
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Casys was walking towards the Castelia Gym after his lunch break, reminiscing about his time with Ry, Levi, and the others. After the 5 years since he had last seen them, Casys had become one of the most powerful trainers in Unova.

Casys checked his watch and realized that he was going to be late for his next match. "Crap," he muttered, running down a dark alley to get there quicker. He was about to walk back into the light when he got pushed to the ground by a wrench, in the back of the head. "Ugh!" Casys exclaimed, falling like a sack of Miltanks. He rolled over to see a figure standing over him.
"Hello Casys."
A mechanical voice came from the figure.
"Who...are...you?" Casys asked, groaning from the pain. The figure laughed. It wasn't a real laugh though. It was more like the sound a car engine makes on a cold winter day. "Does this answer your question?" The figure pulled back his hood, revealing a knock-off Power Ranger helmet. "No," Casys said. "It can't be!" The Power Ranger laughed again.
"It is true. After I lost to you and Misty aboard the S.S. Anne, I left Kanto. I traveled to the Sinnoh Region and captured the Mythical Pokémon Jirachi. I used its wishes to give myself infinite power. I've used it to corrupt countless timelines. Alternate versions of your own, those of a boy named Marco Luxford and his adventures with his friends (who are quite similar to your own). Even one where there were no Pokémon, but people had powers and magic and were, in a sense, Outcasts. And now I've come to corrupt your timeline. First Moar dealt with Robby in Alola. Now I shall deal with you. For as you see Casys-"

The Power Ranger's hands began to glow with a black energy. Casys stared, his expression a mixture of horrified and mystified.

"All shall see. THE LIGHT!"

"NOOOOO!" Casys screamed a Light used his power to desintegrate him.

Light made a fist and stared at the pile of ash that used to be Casys. "Now to target another. His eyes began to glow with a bright blue energy. "How about...Levi!" Light put his palm out in front of him and a portal opened up. The Power Ranger stepped through, never to be seen in that timeline again.
Brief was inside Stark Mountian currently on the hunt for a rare stone called the Magma Stone. "Man, where could be I really hope Buck didn't send me on another random hunt" Brief said walking throught one of the many tunnels of the mountain. As he continued to walk memories of his adventures with his old pals. "Its really been two years huh I wouldn't mind seeing them again" Brief said to himself as he entered into the mountain's underground charmber.

On the other side of the chamber was glowing red stone embedded in stone as he begun to walk towards the stone. When his body was no longer abled to move "Whats happening c-can't m-move" Brief struggling against the unknown force holding him, "Fool you can't fight my Alakazam's power" spoke the figure in the shadows, "Who are you!?!" Shouted Brief, "Oh you don't remember me" out from the shadows step Moar. "Moar whats going on?" As he asked that question a portal opened up behind him, "Oh nothing much just testing out my godly power by sending back in time. Goodbye Brief Alakazam use, Psycho Boost" the powerful attacked blasted Brief into the portal.

"I will get you back for this I swear" the last thing Brief said throught the portal as black out. Brief was woken up by Robby's screaming, "Robby stop screaming...wait Robby!?" Brief shot up, "Please don't tell me are actually in the past" Brief signed with a defeated look on his, "Curse you Moar!!"
Robby abruptly stopped screaming when a familiar voice spoke to him, Robby spun around, "Brief?! Is that you?!" Robby yelled, he was extremely surprised to see him.

After taking a deep breath, Robby managed to calm down a bit, "So, Moar got you too?" Robby asked as he plopped to the ground, he felt exhausted, probably because of the time travel thing. "Wait, did you come from two years in the future like me?" Robby asked Brief.
"What is all that noise outside?" The past Robby asked as he walked toward the window, he still had a lot of energy from the battle that had happened within Mt. Moon.
[I was in the rebooted version]
Name: Landon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Born in: Twinleaf Town(Sinnoh)
Appearance: Dirty-blonde hair, blue jeans, red jacket, black sneakers, Ula'Ula Z-Ring(Black Z-Ring)
Pokemon on hand: Empoleon(Mizu)
Ambitions: None really
Personality: Easy-Going, loves Pokemon, horrid sense of direction.
Extra: A Sinnoh Frontier Brain

{Also not Cannon}

"Mizu Aqua Jet!" Landon ordered, an Empoleon jetted across the field towards a trainer's Alakazam. The attack collided causing lots of damage, knocking the Alakazam out. "Alakazam is unable to battle, Empoleon wins which means the victory goes to Landon!" a girl declared, she wore blue overalls, a red shirt, a white hat, and had brown hair tied into two pig tails. The trainer recalled their Alakazam and left without saying a word. "Good job Mizu, return," Landon commented as he returned his Empoleon to its Pokeball. "Not bad," the girl commented as she walked over to Landon. "I guess, and thanks for refereeing Lyra," Landon replied as he wrapped his arm around her. "No worries, now let's eat," Lyra replied as she grabbed her bag. "I never thought I'd get to this point," Landon commented as he looked arpuns his surroundings.

Landon and Lyra sat down by some trees near Lake Verity as they ate lunch, "So have you heard from anyone lately?" Lyra asked as she bit into a sandwich. "No, but I can't blame them, everyone's busy, Robby's the Champion of Alola, Casys is the Castelia City Gym Leader, Ry is researching Legendary Pokemon, and Brief is probably find some treasures," Landon replied. "Levi's the Champion of Kanto," Lyra added, "And you're a Frontier Brain." Landon thought about what everyone was doing, he wished he could just go visit them but it was hard to find time to travel, "Sometimes I wish I could travel again," Landon muttered. "You always can," Lyra assured him. "Yeah but I just wanna see everyone again," Landon replied as he stared at the lake. As Landon and Lyra were ready to head back, there was a huge eruption coming from the lake, the trainer Landon had just battled was standing on the lake alongside his Alakazam. "Hello, Landon," the trainer spoke as he gave a twisted and evil grin. "Moar," Landon said stunned at what he was witnessing. "Did you forget about poor old me?" Moar spoke again as he lifted his hand, "Alakazam Psycho Boost!!!" Alakazam's eyes turned red as it shot a powerful blast of psychic energy at Landon, causing his vision to go white.

Landon slowly opened his eyes to find himself lying on the floor of a gym, "Are you okay?" a boy asked as he loomed over Landon. "Who are you... and where am I?" Landon asked tiredly as he got up. "You're in the Pewter City Gym, I'm Forest, and we were in the middle of a battle before you passed out," the boy answered.
"Yeah I'm from two years in the future the same as you" said Brief getting up off the ground rubbing his sore head, "when I get my hand on that little-" he was cut off as he notices past Robby looking at them from the Pokemon Center's window. "Oh great past you is staring at us" Brief said rubbing the sides of his head trying to ease his growing headache.
"Yeah that little bas-" Robby said before he looked back at his past self, "Holy crap! That's freaky, I look so different!" Robby yelled as he stumbled back a few feet.
"Woah! That guy looks just like me!" Past Robby exclaimed as he also stumbled back a few feet, "He looks cooler and more handsome though..." Past Robby said as he walked closer to the window. "Hey Brief, you wanna go outside and meet this dude?" Past Robby asked Past Brief.
I'm a new trainer here in Kanto I'm Jamison I,m 10 And a girl I was born in Unova, Newvema town. I have pale white skin a brown hair pixe cut. and I what to become a Pokémon master I am kind of girly kind of boyish but I love Pokémon espetily oshawott

I arrived at professor oaks lab and he gave me a option of three pokemon " bulbasur the seed pokemon,charamander the lizard pokemon and squitle the tiny turtle pokemon" I pointed at squitle and picked up the pokeball "I choose you squitle" then my rival anti-derp pick bulbasur "this one will for shure beat squitle" " now Jamison lets battle" squitle used takle bulbasur used pound this happened 2 times till takle was a crit and it knoked out bulbasur "no no no I piked the rong pokemon" said anti-derp.
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Name: Kaleb Storm
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Born in: Akala Island
Pokémon on hand: Pangoro, Charizard, Torterra
Ambitions: to be the best trainer he can
Personality: Friendly, but loud and rash

Kaleb appeared out of nowhere after being sent back in time.

"What just happened?" he asked himself. Pangoro shrugged. He went up to the two trainers he saw, who just happened to be Brief and Robby.

"Any idea where this is? I just got sent here through some type of portal or something," he said.
Name: Noah
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Born in: Kanto
Appearance: young trainer
Pokemon on hand: alolan vulpix
Ambitions: willing to stop at nothing to become the master.
Personality: shy.

Noah was just walking down route 6 when all of a sudden, he was stopped by a trainer.


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Robby turned around, "Just putting in your bio like that... Who the heck do you think you are? Discussion tabs are a thing for reason." Robby said with a sigh before standing up from behind the window, his past self had already seen him so hiding was no longer an option.

Past Robby ran out of the Pokemon Center, "Whoa, are you me?!" He exclaimed in awe.

"Yeah, I am." Current Robby said, lazily.

"Wow, I look a lot cooler in the future. Hey! I have an idea, let's battle and so who's better! It'll be a perfect test of strength." Past Robby said as he drew a Pokeball and threw it out, a Charizard emerged from the Pokeball and was ready to battle.

Current Robby sighed again, "I guess I have to do this." He said, drawing his Pokeball, "Let's do this, old friend!" Current Robby yelled as a Lucario appeared in front of him.

"Ha, I must be dumb in the future to use a Lucario on a Charizard. Go, Flamethrower!" Past Robby said with a smirk, the Pokemon obeyed and Charizard attacked like that.

Current Robby didn't even order anything before Lucario blocked the attack with a Flash Cannon, "Aura Sphere." Robby stated simply. Lucario nodded and jumped into the air and shot the incredibly powerful sphere at the Charizard and knocked it out in one shot.

Past Robby store in awe as his Charizard was defeated in one blow, "Holy... How strong am I in the future, or how weak am I now?" Past Robby asked.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I am the current champion of Alola in the present day." Current Robby stated, "But Moar... He transported Brief and I to the past."