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Open Kanto Journeys

Darrius leans back in his seat, looking at the egg closely.
"It's been so long since I've personally seen a Pokemon Egg." he muses, flashing back to his childhood.
"Darrius, I want you to take this egg." his father said to him, passing him the blue egg wrapped in a white blanket
"What's in the egg dad?" the young version of Darrius asked.
"That's something you'll have to find out son."
End Flashback//
Ry leaned back his chair, and checked his Pokegear. "Okay guys, our next stop would be Cerulean Ctiy." He said. He quickly reviewed the path to get there. They had to pass through Mt. Moon, and that was it. He stood up, "We should hit the road, while it's still early." He said.
Darrius recalls his Pokemon as well, before pursuing the speedy trainer. He also notices Jay out of his peripherals, and hustles to catch up to Ry.
"So, there's something I should fill you in on. We're being followed by, as crazy is this is going to sound, a cyborg trainer by the name of Jay. For whatever reason, he doesn't like either of us, probably because of how strong our Pokemon are."
Brief was returning from his morning training an sees Ry and Darrius leaving. "Hey guys you on your way to Mt. Moon I will come too I got to go see if I can mine something rare out of the mountain" Brief excitedly spoke.
"Yeah leaving early is the best option" Levi wrapped the egg in a thick blanket then put in into the large pocket of his backpack. "Yeah...thats secure" Levi nodded before walking with the others. "So Mt. Moon, you guys ever been there before?"
"I never been there but Master Byron told me that Mt.Moon is known for being one of the few places where wild Clefairycan be found and for its frequent meteor falls. The shards of meteorites that fall here become Moon Stones, which is why its name is Mt. Moon" stated Brief.
"Not really," Ry said walking. "This is my first time in Kanto." He walked towards the entrance to Mt. Moon, ready to go. "Wait," he thought to himself, "It might be dark in there." he tossed out Fuego's pokeball, and the Infernape appeared. "Bud, can you light our way."
"Infer!" Shouted Fuego nodding.

(OOC i gotcha ya BIC)
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Darrius recalls Sol to her Pokeball, and calls out Fenrir, his Arcanine.
"Use Will-O-Wisp to give us a little extra light pal." He says, scratching the big dog behind it's ears.
"Niine!" Fenrir responds, before allowing several small flames float from his mouth, illuminating the area directly around him and his trainer.
"Okay, let's go," Ry said walked ahead into the cave. Zubat circled above their heads, squeaking and squealing. Fuego lead the way, looking around, with a child like fascination.
"Reflecting Cave, what's like that?" Ry asked walking. Small rock pokemon peaked out over rocks, looking at the passing travelers. They looked extremely afraid.
"Reflecting Cave. It's actually quite a beautiful place. You can see your reflection in the rocks along the walls, thus the name. It's a bit brighter though. Not really something I can describe well. Definitely something you have to see for yourself."
"Well maybe i will one day," said Ry looking around. He would explore every region. He looked around. "I think something's wrong." He said quietly looking around.
"Fuego Flamethrower Tornado." Ry says Fuego fired a blast of fire around Jay, which incircled him, trapping him. "It's not him, it's something else" he said calmly. He turned and ran off into the darkness. "Follow me!" Fuego stopped the flames and followed his master into the darkness.
"I know Mt. Moon, ive been here during my research!" Levi yells as he runs with Ry. "Theres something up with the cave, it seems.....different" Cronus popped out of his pokeball on his own. "Blaas!" he cried ready for anything coming there way. "You remember this place buddy? You were just a Squirtle last time we were here."
"Cut right up ahead!" Levi yelled as he ran. No...someones been changing the natural habitat of the cave, where are all the Geodudes that roam this area? Levi had an icy feeling arise from this realization. "Wait stop!" Levi yelled as he pressed his back up against the wall. "Listen..." he whispered, voices could be heard in the distance.
"Back down Cronus...." Levi said carefully to his partner. C'mon buddy....dont let that happen again.. he pleaded. Cronus eventually walked away with Levi. "What do you see?" he asked Ry as he stayed low to floor whispering in hopes that they'd assume that two wild pokemon were fighting.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
OOC: By request of the RP owner, recent posts by @Jay&Swift22 and those interacting with him have been removed, and his access to this RP removed.
Ry looked down. The grunts were working, hunting for items of some sorts, while the two men stood there. A grunt ran towards Dennis.

"Have you found anything?" Dennis asked the grunt. They needed to find some Mega Stones. It's what the leader had demanded. Before the grunt could respond, the device in his hand beeped. "There are some Mega Stones and some Keystones around." He said looking around.

Ry ducked and opened his bag tho reveal the Sceptilite and Key stone were glowing. "Crud," he mumbled softly.
"Find me the Key Stones!" Dennis comanded. The grunts scattered across the crater.

Ry had had enough. What was Dennis doing here? "Go Grace!" He whispered releasing Grace from her pokeball. he apeared in a flash of light. Ry hopped on and returned Fuego to his Pokeball. He took off on Grace and soared above Dennis, nearly scraping against the cave roof with his head. "Hey Dennis, come and get it!" Ry taunted.

Dennis scowled when he saw Ry. He sent out Pideot, and jumped on. "Get back here!" Dennis shouted.
Dhalin casually walked through the cave, his Heracross and partner, Apollo, at his side. The Cerulean Gym Leader defeated them, so they returned to Mt. Moon to do some training. Other than the occasional Zubat, they two didn't run into any trouble. "I hear there are some pretty strong Pokemon that live in this mountain, Apollo." Dhalin said to him as they walked. "Her-" the Pokemon replied. They continued walking for some time, coming across the occasional Zubat but nothing particularly powerful. Finally, the duo came across a group of people and Pokemon. Dhalin instantly got a bad vibe from one of them, whom he assumed was Dennis as another person said the name while speaking to him. "Apollo, move back a bit," Dhalin said to him. Trainer and Pokemon hid behind one of the bigger rocks, curious about how the situation would unfold.
Darrius recalled Fenrir, and released Havoc from his Pokeball.
"Show those grunts down there who's boss Havoc! Hyper Beam!"
"Graaaaohr!" the blue dragon cries, then fires the purplish-black beam into the crater.
"Okay guess we're doing this now!" Levi yelled as Darrius sent out Havoc, Cronus charged forward. "Use Hydro Cannon!" The Hyper Beam and Hydro Cannon swirled around each other before causing a large explosion. The echo from the loud attac inside a closed in cave made Levi's ears ring. "Those guys wont be getting anywhere NEAR those mega stones as long as I can help it!" Levi and Cronus bith charged forward in the direction Ry went. "Darrius lets move!"
"That's it, Go Fearow!" Shouted Dennis tossing out Fearow's pokeball. "Drill Peck!'
Fearow charged at Grace. "Counter with Aura Sphere!" Ry shouted. Grace fired a ball of blue energy right at Fearow causing an explosion.
Fergus smirks at the sight of the Salamence in flight above the crater.
"So we meet again eh Darrius? Go Weavile, use Fake Out!" The Weavile bursts from it's Pokeball, and leaps up and smacks Salamence right in the face, causing Darrius to drop into the crater. Thinking quickly, Darrius tucks himself in, and rolls as soon as he hits the ground so he doesn't severely injure himself.
Grace soared downward towards the ground, and Ry jumped off. He rushed to his fallen friend. "You okay?" He asked. Then a blast of water struck Ry knocking him away. Ry crashed into the dirt. Dennis took a step forward, with his Gyrados by his side. "I've gotten way stronger." He said, "I can beat any of you."
"Yes Ry, i'm fine." Darrius says, as Salamence swoops in and uses Protect to shield the two trainers from another incoming attack.
"What are you doing here Fergus?" Darrius shouted to the Weavile's Trainer.
"Simple." He replied. "I'm here with Team Zion to destroy all Mega Evolution. and who better to start with than the guy who stole my Absol from me!" he shouts.
"Not true! You abandoned her and you attacked her! Its your fault she bonded with me and not you!" Darrius shouts back. It's clear this Trainer irritates Darrius, which is something that hasn't been seen from him.
"Hydro Beam!" Levi yelled. Cronus shot a Hydro Cannon while Orion fired a Hyper Beam, the attacks swirled and melded into a cannon of water shrouded in bright white light, it roared at Fergus from the side. Caught em' with his shields down. Levi smiled as the unnaturally powerful attack tore up the area as it sped forward.
Fergus jumps off to the side, away from the beam. However, his Weavile isn't able to react in time, and is smacked hard with the blast, knocking it out.
"Dennis, we should leave. Let the grunts handle them. We should preserve ourselves." he says as he recalls the fainted Weavile.
Levi cringed as the beam hit. Er......perhaps a normal Hyper Beam would have been enough hehe. He laughed to himself before his serious demeanor returned. "You guys ready for a fight?" Levi yelled behind him at his friends sealed inside the Protect.
Dennis smiled menacingly. "I bid you all ado," he said, as Fearow swooped down so that the two admin, could get on. "Shall we?" Dennis said cruelly. Then out of nowhere grunts surrounded them all.

Ry stood up and growled. He sent out his Pokemon. Fuego, Sting, and Jet all took their stances by their trainer. Grace swooped down and landed just above his head. "I'm ready." He said through clenched teeth.