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Open Kanto Journeys

"True, but I'm not going to use him." Said Ry with a smirk. "Just north of here is a huge forrest of bug type pokemon, and i might catch one to use." Ry did love battling but meeting new pokemon was also tons of fun, and battling with new Pokémon is even better. Her then remenbered his pokemon in Sinnoh. "I need to call my mom real quick," said Ry Rushing over to the video telephone next to the counter. he dialed home and was immediacy greeted by his lucario, Aura, staring right at him.
"Lu-lucario!" He said happily, calling the other pokemon to see their master. Aura backed away to reveal his mother, and her budew, along with Voltage, his Luxray, Star, his Staraptor.
"Hi mom, hi guys!" Ry said smiling at his pokemon. "i made it to kanto and already made some friends."
"That's great honey!" Shouted his mom.
Darrius walks up to the nurse at the Pokemon Center, and hands her the three Pokeballs that contain his Pokemon.
"Please take care of my partners." He said politely. The nurse nodded, healed them, then passed them back to him
"We hope you excel!" she said with a bright smile. Darrius nodded his thanks, and rejoined Ava and Ry..
"I'd like to use that when you're done Ry. I need to call Professor Krane and see if he won't send me a few more of my Pokemon."
"Who's that?" Asked Ry's mother."
"Just a friend i am traveling with, mom," said Ry. "Okay, bye Mom, bye everyone!"
Ry smiled and waved at his friends and ended the call. He turned to face Darrius. "Its all yours." He said smiling. He then walked outside. And took a deep breath.
Darrius steps up to the videophone, and dials a number. A Young man with short blue hair answers it.
"Ah, Darrius. I see you made it to Kanto. Was the flight okay?"
"Yes it was fine Aidan. Where's the professor?"
"He's out at the moment. What do you need?"
"I need Sol. Can you send her to me?"
"On the double. Give me one moment." The young man disappeared from view for a moment, then came back with a Luxury Ball in hand.
"She seemed very excited to be coming to see you."
"Good. Send her on over. Tell the Professor when he comes back that Professor Oak wasn't in, and that i plan on staying in Kanto for a while."
"Will do. Enjoy yourself!" the videophone clicked off after the Luxury Ball appeared underneath. Darrius happily grabbed the ball, and headed outside to rejoin his companions.
Ava went over to a bench where she sat down and started to pull things out of her bag. She was a making a healing mash. She needed a few things so she walked down to the poke mart and bought 5 Lum berries. She walked back to the pokecenter and sat down. She combined 2 Petcha Berries, 5 Lum berries, 3 cherri berries and 1 Oran berry to make a nice mash. She then tipped the contents into a jar. She handed her 3 pokeballs and Eevee to nurse Joy, "Please take care of them" Ava said. After a minute or two nurse joy came out with Ava's Pokemon. "Great! I'm ready to go!" She said to the ofhers
"So are we ready to head to Vidridain Forrest now?" Asked Ry excitedly ad Darrrius walked out of the pokemon center. "I'm gonna catch me a creepy bug type!" He raid wiggling his fingers with a goofy grin on his face.
"Oh yeah, Darius are you gonna challenge the gyms of Kanto to enter the Pokemon Leauge?"
"That's my plan. I made it to the Top 16 in the Hoenn Pokemon League tournament a few years ago. Wonder if I can't battle it out to the top here in Kanto. With my partners help, there's nothing I can't do." he tosses the luxury ball into the air, and a shiny absol bursts out.
"Sol!" it cries. Darrius kneels down and pets it.
"Hey girl, how've you been?" He croons as she nuzzles him affectionately. Both Ava and Ry can see a mega stone harnessed around the Absol's chest.
"So that's the pokemon you mentioned earlier." said Ry smiling. Ry bent over and smiled. "Nice to meet you Sol."
Ry jumped to his feet. "Well come on, what are you waiting for. We gotta get to Viridan Forrest before it gets too dark."
When they reached Viridan Forrest, Ry laughed. He then started to climb a large tree.
"Hey look there's a Weedle!" Ry shouted from one of the higher branches. CRACK! The branch Ry was on snapped and Ry started to fall back down towards the ground.
"Gangway!" Shouted Ry as he fell towards the ground.
"Reaper! Catch him!" Darrius shouts, tossing Scizor's Pokeball into the air. Reaper bursts forth and jets forward, catching Ry before he hits the ground, then sets him down gently.
"Phew, that was a close one. You alright Ry?" Darrius asks as he returns Reaper to her Pokeball.
Ry smiled. "I caught em," he said. "Go Sting!" Said Ry releasing his new pokeball. A small weedle appeared next to Ry.
"Thanks for the help Darrius." Ry said, the he turned to face the new weedle. "Welcome buddy to the family. The name's Ry."
"We-we," shouted Sting.
Darrius chuckles a little.
"You're one crafty son of a gun Ry. I'll give you that much." he glances around the forest.
"I wonder if there are any strong trainers like us around here. I'd hate to shatter some little kid's dream using my Pokemon."
"Well maybe catch a weaker pokemon, to use while in this region. That's what i'm gonna do, catch some new pokemon to add to my team." Said Ry.
Ry sat down on a log and started to talk to sting. He held out an array of berries.
"Okay sting, I gotta know your favorite type of berry. Pick which one you like," said Ry. The small weedle looked around for a bit, but then bit into a rawst berry. "Is that our favorite?" Ry asked. Sting nodded. Ry took out a small notebook. "Favorite kind is rawst. Likes bitter flavors." He mumbled as he wrote.
Ry turned to Darrius, "Stong bonds come before high levels, don't you think?"
"I suppose you make a point. I'll hunt around in the forest for some Pokemon then." Heads into the forest, and after scavenging a few items, comes across a Pikachu.
"Hey, awesome! I wonder what Raichu here in Kanto look like. Go Sol, use False Swipe!" Absol attacks the Pikachu, but then recoils.
"Sparks from Pikachu's Static ability." Darrius mumbles, before taking out an empty nest ball from his bag.
"Nest ball! Go!" he throws it at the Pikachu, who is still reeling from Sol's attack. It gets sucked into the Pokeball, which drops into the grass, wiggles a bit, then the light goes from red to white, indicating that he captured it.
"Hey! I got it." Darrius says jovially as he kneels down to pick up the ball.
Ry walked throught the forrest, with Sting close at his heels. Suddenly Sting stops right in his tracks.
"What's wrong bud?" Ry asks.
"We-we!" Sting shouts frantically. Ry turns to see a horde of Beedrill coming his way. So he did what any good trainer would do in that situation. Run the opposite way. Ry pushed his way through the brush, with Sting on his shoulder. He ran past Darrius holding a nest ball.
"Look out Darrius!" shouted Ry as the Beedrill aimed a Poison Sting attack for the two trainers.
Ry grabbed Sting. "Use string shot on that tree!' White thread burst out of Stings mouth and Ry flew up with sting as if it was a grappling hook. Ry stood with Sting on his shoulder, and tossed out Splashy. The water and fighting type appeared over the Beedrill horde.
"Hydro Whirlwind!" Ry shouted. Knowing this combo quiet well, Splashy used Hydro Pump on the ground and used it to keep him up, while twisting and spinning to hit as many Beedrill as he could.
Most of the Beedrill fall to the ground, KO'd. The others flee in fear of the strength of our two Pokemon.
"Well, glad that's finished. If the Beedrill are coming out, it must be close to night time. We should probably head back to Viridian City and crash for the night. We can set out early in the morning, and hopefully, make it to Pewter City by noon or so."
"I guess so," said Ry disappointedly. He really wanted to make it through tonight, but it was too late to go through safely. As he started the trek back towards Viridian, he said, "if you and you pokemon don't mind. I'll be happy to make dinner for all of us."
He did kind of owe everyone for the Beedrill thing. Cooking dinner was the least he could do.
"If you don't mind cooking, I'll gladly accept." While he was capable of cooking for himself, he figured he'd let his new companion cook for him, to get an idea of his skills in areas outside of Pokemon.
"Do you make your Pokemon food yourself? I remember you mentioning something about your mother being a Breeder, or did i mishear?"
"Yeah, she's a breeder. She taught all kinds of stuff to me. I can cook up food for anyone's pokemon, specially for that pokemon. All you need to do is know their type and there favorite flavor of food. then just mix together the right amounts of the right berries and viola, a good meal. My Pokemon usually help me." Ry said with a proud smile on his face. "But let's hurry back to Viridian so i can show you myself."
Then Ry ran off ahead.
When they reached Viridian city, Ry rushed inside the Pokémon center. He quickly healed his team and asked nurse joy if there was any spare rooms him and Darrius could stay in tonight. There was and so with that settled, Ry went to the kitchen.
"Let's go everyone!" Shouted Ry and releasing his team. "Splashy fill this pot with water please, and Fuego, please get it cooking if you don't mind. Grace get the berries and Jet cut em up please, but not as small as last time please. Sting, you can help me blend." Ry gave his orders to his team and they happily obliged. After a few minutes of set-up, Ry shouted, "What flavors do your Pokemon prefer Darrius?"
"Sol and Fenrir likes sweet, Reaper likes sour, and Havoc likes Spicy." he says, as he draws his four Pokemon from the Pokeballs. They all stretch out and get comfortable in various places around the Pokemon Center, with Darrius standing nearby, watching them.
"Okay so, Grace toss 6 pecha berries in two bowls, 5 Cheri berries in the third, and 3 aspear berries in the fourth." Said Ry. Grace did so and within 15 minutes all three trainer's food was done and set on the table. Nearby, everyone's pokemon had a big bowl of poke food, with a poffin for dessert. The trainers had soup with small sandwiches as a side.
"Foods up guys," said Ry with a large small on his face.
All four of his Pokemon tentatively walk up and sniff the food, before starting to eat it. Sol, however, appears to abstain.
"Don't take it personally. I have to feed her from my hand or she won't eat." Darrius takes a handful of the Pokemon food in one hand, with his sandwich in the other, and puts it out to Sol, who eats it immediately.
"Sol here is a rescue. Her last trainer was very abusive, or so I would guess. It took me ages to get her to trust me. This was one of the ways i got her to do it." He pets the side of her head gently, then gives her another handful of food, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"I can understand that. No harm done. Jet was released as a Treecko because he thought he was too weak. In the wild he evolved into a Grovyle, where he played tricks on passing trainers. He seemed to like playing tricks on me and followed me on my journey playing pranks until we became good friends and he joined the family." Ry mentioned smiling. "How's the food Jet?"
"I can tell she trusts you completely, and that's the best part of Pokémon training." Ry reached out and scratched the back of Grace's head. "Who else do you have back home? You saw mine on the phone earlier today." Ry was curious about this trainer. He had a lot of skill in battle and with the Pokémon he had with him at the moment. It was good to have a strong friend and rival.
"I've got tons of Pokemon, more than I can count. Professor Krane sends me all over the world to help him with his research." Darrius replies as Sol finishes her food, and lays down with her head in his lap.
"Dragonite, Ninetales, Floatzel, Luxray, Skarmory, Lucario, just to name a few." Darrius finishes his sandwich and gently rubs Sol's head.
"I don't train any one type of Pokemon. I've always been about diversity."
"I only have these five and three at home. I'm not really a catching kind of guy. But still you have some strong Pokémon species." Ry commented.
"Fighting types are kind of drawn to me, considering I have 3 out of 8 total Pokémon that gave the fighting type." Ry said before taking a huge bite from his sandwich.
Darrius nods.
"Pokemon are wonderful creatures aren't they?" he asks as he takes a spoonful of his soup.
"I can't imagine what my life would be without them, especially Havoc over there." he says, gesturing to the sleeping Salamence.
"But some are a little more than the average Pokémon. When I was six I met a rare Pokémon." Said Ry. Then he rolled up his left sleeve revealing a small scar on his shoulder. "He saved my life and inspired me to train Pokémon. I don't know his name." Then Ry was quiet. He touched the scar on his shoulder, closed his eyes and remembered that. It was a late night, in Veilstone City. Ry's father got a call about a group of Team Galactic rejects causing problems. His father, who was a police officer rushed to the scene. Ry snuck along and secretly followed his dad inside. Then all he could remember was an explosion and being carried out on the Pokemon's back.
Ry opened his eyes and said, "Pokemon, all pokemon, can touch your life if you let them." Ry got up, excused himself and headed off to bed for the night.
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Darrius watches him go, curious about what just happened. Sol picks her head up, watching Ry go as well.
"Sol..." Darrius looks down at her.
"You think he's been few quite a bit huh? I'd wager the same." he rubs her head gently, lulling her back to sleep, before leaning back on the couch. His other 3 Pokemon drew near, and in a huddle, the 5 of them fell asleep in the sitting area of the Pokemon Center.
The next morning Ry, slowly got out of bed and stretched. He looked at the clock above the dresser. It was already 8:45. "Ugh, I slept in," he mumbled. He took a quick shower and threw on his clothes. He grabbed his poke balls and his pack and headed out the door of his room.
Sitting out in the common area, Darrius is brushing Sol's fur with a comb. it's clear she enjoys this thoroughly, as she has a big smile on her face.
"Ah, Good morning Ry. Nice to see you're awake." he sees a hot plate of eggs with a few sausage links sitting for him.
"Yes, breakfast. Eat up my friend, it's a bit of a trek through Viridian Forest."
Name: jack
Age: 13
Gender: male
Appearance:tall and pale jack where blues shorts and shoes and has a red and green jumper
Pokemon on hand:axew,chimchar
Ambitions:to be the very best that no one ever was
Personality:shy and quite stays in the background

Jack was getting ready to head though Viridian forest to see his mum who was in Viridian city he was get ready when he saw ry he walked over to him and said "hey are going through Viridian forest to?" He asked him
"Yeah, headed towards Pewter. You can come if you'd like. The name' s Ry." Said Ry towards the new arrival.

Then Ry sat down and started digging in. When he cleaned his plate clean, his pokegear started to ring. He picked it up and frowned. He put it in his pocket, and walked over towards the video telephone. He made the call and was immediately greeted by Crasher Wake, from the Sinnoh region. Words were exchanged and Splashy's poke ball was set on the Pokémon transporter. "Good luck buddy," he said and then sent him to Crasher Wake. Ry ended the call and sat back i his chair.
"There was a fire up near Hearthome city, and Crasher Wake needed his fire chief's help to put it out." Ry explained, "Splashy helps the Sinnoh Fire Department when they need him. Splashy loves fighting fires so I let him go." Ry then took a long sip of water. "Are we ready to go then?" He asked Darrius.