Geodude flew through the air and crashed into the ground.He was defeated.
"That's it he wasn't going to lose this time." Forest thought to himself angrily.
"Go Onix, start off with Iron Tail!" Shouted Forrest tossing out his final pokemon. The giant rock snake took the field and let loose a loud roar. Then his tail became a silver white color and he raised it above Chim's head. Then it dropped, straight towards the smaller Pokémon.
"That's it he wasn't going to lose this time." Forest thought to himself angrily.
"Go Onix, start off with Iron Tail!" Shouted Forrest tossing out his final pokemon. The giant rock snake took the field and let loose a loud roar. Then his tail became a silver white color and he raised it above Chim's head. Then it dropped, straight towards the smaller Pokémon.