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Private/Closed Kanto league tournament

"W-What the fuck is wrong with you? First you start punching me and then you fucking give me these!?! What the hell?" Zack yelled. Nion then got on his Dodrio and flew off with Riley. As he did Zack got up and threw the... items out the window at the Dodrio. Zack would have pressure pointed all of Nion if he hadn't thought it was Layla. After what he just did he was expecting her to do something like that.
Then it was just Zack and Layla again.
"Alright alright alright hold on. We're going to pretend nothing just happened. Alright starting... Now," Zack said, as he put his hands behind his head again and closed his eyes. Maybe she was planning to beat the crap out of him, but Nion got to him first.
"Come on... Slap me, punch me, something just get it over with," Zack pleaded, not knowing what to expect.
Layla shook her head when they were all talking about condoms. The maturity level just isn't there. Layla thought Zack's idea of pretending that didn't happen was a good one and focused back on him who was pleading her to hurt him. She finally made up her mind and stood up and stared down at him with evident conflicting emotions. She spoke in a direct and quiet solemn tone. "No matter what I do you won't understand. I'm not going to hurt you. You really hurt me by letting me win, I can't just forgive you for that. You really betrayed my trust ya know? Whatever, just leave me alone for a while yeah?" She turned away from him trying to figure her emotions out.
Zack opened on eye to see if she's was lying, and was planning to actually hit him, but apparently she wasn't going too.
"Hey makes sense to me, I'll give you space, just remember your then one who dragged me in here and started all this." Zack said, walking over to the window.
"But seriously, give Riley a run for his money won't ya?" He asked. Then he climbed out the window, stretched out his arms, and fell out the hotel window.
"Go Torch!" Zack yelled, throwing out his poke ball. Torch, at the last second, caught Zack in the free fall and he rode off towards the arena. Zack had been through way to much tonight, and he honestly just wanted to be alone. He figured no one would be ar the stadium seeing as all the quarter finals were over.
"I've been through to fucking much today to have to talk to anyone else. Torch, take me somewhere no one will be," Zack commanded, as he rode through the chilly night air.
Cade walked up to a council room. He looked around at the fifteen other masks sitting around the table. Cade placed the red orb on the table. " Stage one is complete." The white mask said behind him. As soon as we gather the other artifacts we'll be able to recreate the ancient weapon." he said. Before sitting down. "Then we'll start phase two." He said as he looked at them. He took off his mask. His face was still hidden in the shadows. " Soon we will rise back to our past glory." he said as he ever so slowly edged his face into the light.
Zack finally landed on top of the stadium. He didn't want to sleep in his the hotel, and risk the chance of seeing Riley, Layla or Nion. He really just needed alone time right now, just like the others. He returned Torch and sat down on the giant structure. Zack yawned as he looked up at the night sky.
"Well after yesterday I thought nothing could get crazier, but I was proven wrong today. I just hope it doesn't get worse tomorrow," Zack told no one, as he looked around from above. He saw the hotel, the steak joint, buffet, training area, pretty much everything. Zack was intending on flying down to sleep on a bench to sleep, but he was already to tired, and he crashed on the roof of the stadium.

Suddenly three camera crews rushed up the hotel stairs. One group went off to Layla's room, one to Drew's, and one to Riley's. The one at Layla's room knocked obnoxiously, and asked a lot of questions.
"What is your relationship with Zack Hunter?" "How do you feel about beating him?" "How are you going to do in tomorrow's match?" Were a few questions that got through. They hadn't even confirmed if Layla was in her room or not, but they asked anyway.
On Riley's end, it was just as hectic.
"What are your thoughts on beating a lunatic while poisoned?" "Were there after affects? Will you live?" "How do you feel about facing the only girl in the competition?" A few asked, not knowing if Riley was even in his room.
The last one, at Drew's room, banged just as annoyingly as the others.
"How do you feel about facing off against the powerful Cortez?" "This guy seems fishy... Do you know anything about him?" "What do think your odds are at winning against this man?" Some of the reporters asked, again not even sure Drew was in his room.
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Riley was shaken awake when a group of reporters came knocking at Layla's door. 'Wait, why am I here?!' Riley realized he must've fallen asleep out side of Layla's room after the whole incident. Riley looked up and watched as the reporters kept knocking Layla's door and repeatedly asking questions. They must've been so desperate to get Layla that didn't even bother waking Riley up. "Can you guys stop that?" Riley stood up and glared at the reporters. Immediately all eyes were on him. "Riley, do you have any information on the relationship between contestants Zack and Layla?" Riley managed to hear that question over all the others. Riley saw that Zack and Layla had kissed a bit earlier. He had no idea about what happened before then so it was only natural to assume that they were a couple now. "No, they're only good friends." Riley knew that it was kept to keep their personal lives out of the media and would probably be better if they just left. One of the reporters asked Riley what he was doing at Layla's door. "I'm trying to keep her from talking to you fools. Besides she is not even in her room so I suggest you all go before you get reported for trying to force your way inside someone's hotel room." Riley lied again, hoping they would believe him.
The reporters were a bit suspicious about Riley, but in the end wanted to keep there jobs.
"Fine, but you still have to answer one more question," one reporter said.
"Are you going to kill Layla too?" The same one asked, sticking his microphone near his mouth. No matter what Riley answered, they knew it would be good. Riley had a bad record on nearly killing his opponents, with the exception of Nion, who managed to escape Riley's murderous hands. All the reporters looked at Riley greedily awaiting an answer.
That question rubbed Riley the wrong way. Riley glared coldly at the reporter. "Seriously, what type of ridiculous question is that? Why would I try to purposely kill someone, especially if it is someone I know? Man, you're all just ridiculous! Am I planning on killing someone... Of course not! Now can you please take your idiotic questions somewhere else and leave Zack and Layla alone?!" Riley told the reporters. He wondered what the reports would be if the reporters found out Zack and Layla were actually together in the room. Riley figured Zack and Layla were so busy doing something together that they didn't even hear the commotion outside.
Nion was just sleeping on his horrible bed in his cell with his prisoner clothing until there was a loud explosion. " Please say that was my damb stomach" Nion said getting up looking at fire everywhere. "Of course I just couldent get a break please kill me" Nion screamed. A group of 6 they had shotguns. One came in the cell. " GET ON THE FLOOR" The man in the cell screamed clearly terrified about what nion could do. " Ok ok I'm cool" Nion said pretending to crouch on the floor before jumping on the man and biting him in the neck. The others came in screaming they all tried to get nions grip off the man till one knocked nion out. Nion woke up in the back of a truck or something he looked straight the doors at the back of the van that were open they pointed off the cliff that nion had fell down the day before. Before nion could react to what was happening a little recording started playing. " Hello there you want out right well your not getting out your going to die either way you can wait for the car to explode and die slowly in pain or you can jump and die fast and no painful death or survive but very painful and it will chandge your life you have 1 minute to make your choice." The voice said. " Ok I have an obvious choice" Nion said before jumping out of the van. He knew he was gonna die a quick and not painful death. He knew there was no chloe this time to save him well he wish there was. " Well shit" Nion said falling. " CHLOE SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY WORTHLESS LIFE PLEASE" Nion screamed.
Drew walked to his room with a bottle of water in his hands. He saw reporters banging on his door talking to the door. " Nope." He said as he quickly scurried away. He went to a training ground and let out a breath. ' From what I saw the man paid careful notice to the trainers he fought against and found a hole in their defense. He had to do something different if he wanted to win this.
The reporters were hoping for a bit of a better answer, but we're happy with the mistake he made.
"Oh, so are you saying that Layla and Zack are in this room? I mean, why else would you say, leave Layla AND Zack alone? Hmm?" The reporters eagerly asked. They may have said that was there last question, but now they needed to know what was going on behind that door.

Meanwhile, Torch had gotten out of his pokeball, probably due to slipping off Zack's belt and off the stadium. The impact on the ground had released Torch. The charizard let out a ground shaking roar as it was allowed to flap it's wings. Torch, thinking he was sent out to roam free, flew over to the hotel. As he circled the building, Torch noticed a group of people, and Riley, in a hallway talking. Riley didn't look happy. Torch was much smarter than an average Charizard, probably due to being on several adventures for years, and picked up quickly from a few days ago that people with cameras were bad news. He also knew Riley was a friend, and he didn't look happy. Torch wasn't going to jump to conclusions, but decided to fly down to the window. He was facing Riley, so the reporters didn't notice the giant orange dragon. But Riley probably did. Torch looked at Riley, concerned for his safety, and was willing to... 'torch' these people if he gave the signal.
Riley's mouth opened in complete shock before gritting his as he realized his mistake. 'Damn these reporters.' Riley was impressed but also angered by how quickly the reporter figured it out. However, the reporter didn't have any other reason to suspect that Zack and Layla were in the room other than Riley's word. He hoped for Zack and Layla's sake that one of them threw out the condoms because he had the slight feeling that these reporters could break in the room at any moment. If the reporters saw the condoms, they would no doubt make the wrong connection which would screw up Zack and Layla's lives forever once the information spread.

Riley really wanted to get rid of the reporters right then and there. As Riley tried too figure out what to say, he saw Torch right outside the window, who looked ready to burn the reporters to ashes. Riley wouldn't mind if that happened other than the fact that it would be a complete murder. Riley made eye contact with and subtly shook his head as if trying to tell Torch not too attack. Thankfully the reporters hadn't noticed Torch or else they would've definitely freaked out. 'Wait a second, why is Torch out there when Zack and Layla are in the room...' Riley realized that something wasn't right. However, he had to get the rid of the reporters before he could go inside. "No, they're not in the room." Riley said with a serious face. "I only said that so you wouldn't go searching the hotel and start bugging them with your ridiculous questions!" Riley exclaimed, hoping the reporters would finally back off.
"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind if we were to take a look inside?" one asked, as a few took pictures and recorded the scene. One of them went to reach for the door, and stsryed to open it. Thanks to Riley leaving the room earlier, the door was no longer locked. The reporter that opened the door barely got s glimpse of Layla before Torch blew his fuse. The charizard charged through the glass, and skillfully sweeped the group of reporters onto the ground. Then he grabbed Riley with an arm, and burst out the other window. All of which was done before the reporters could see anything. Torch tossed Riley onto his back, and flew at high speed of from towards where his master was sleeping. They arrived there quickly, and Torch dropped Riley off on the roof carefully, next to a sleeping Zack. Torch didn't really have any reason for Riley to be there, but decided it was better than where he just was. Torch let out a happy, but thundering roar that echoes through the night.
Riley couldn't believe what just happened. Other than the fact that Riley would've ripped off the reporter's arm that opened the door, Torch had basically just turned all the attention towards on itself and rescued Riley from that tough situation. Riley looked at the Pokemon and couldn't help but feel glad that the Charizard really cared about Zack and his friends. However, it would be blatantly obvious to the reporters that the Charizard was Zack's due to the red bandana on its horn after they saw the video footage. If the hotel found out Torch broke through the windows, Zack would be kicked and would probably be forced to pay for the windows. Even worse, Layla was now left all alone to fend off the hungry reporters. Riley did not want to leave her alone in that situation, especially after what had just happened between her and Zack. 'Wait, why did Zack leave her alone?' Riley looked down at Zack's resting body. One of them was going to have tell him what exactly was going on. Before that, Riley had to go make sure the reporters would leave Layla alone. "Torch, you got to take me back. I can handle myself and I also don't think Zack would want Layla too have to deal with a group of crazy reporters. The least I can do is get them kicked out of there and maybe I can also delete whatever footage they got of you with Jolteon." Riley told Torch, hoping it would understand. Riley didn't want to leave Zack alone but it would be best to keep Layla and Zack from being together in the public eye for now. He made a mental note that he would come back for Zack after he made sure the reporters were done messing with Layla.
Though Torch was smarter than the average charizard, it didn't mean it was a genius. From what it understood, Riley wanted him to go back, destroy cameras, and bring Layla back. So Torch, thinking he had the right idea, nodded to Riley and flew off faster than a bullet towards the hotel. Torch hovered next to the broken window, and fired a dragon pulse at the reporters equipment. It then flew around the building to Layla's window, and broke into the room. He scooped up Layla with his head, and tossed her onto his back. Then he happily flew back to the stadium roof, and dropped Layla next to Riley. Torch again let out a terrifying roar that could be heard from viridian city. Torch stomped on the roof a bit, and layed down on the cement, watching his master's friends.
Layla stood in her room with her mind running a mile a minute desperately trying to collect her thoughts and help her understand how she even feels about everything that has happened. She felt she had really been too hard on Zack but a lot of crap came at her all at once and she got really overwhelmed and she hoped everyone that saw her act violent would understand that. Layla was really starting to calm down when she heard a commotion just outside her door. She pieced together that it was some kind of camera crew and Riley she thought. Guess he's just outside my room, neat. She didn't want to just leave Riley to face them alone and she was about to go out there when she heard him say she wasn't in her room. Riley you brilliant bastard. Layla quietly moved back to her bed and made a note to thank Riley for defending her from the paparazzi later. She couldn't really make out much of what they were saying but she did hear a lot about her and Zack. She sat on her bed and reflected on what he said. I didn't know he felt that way. Still, really wish he would have just battled me like a man. As she kept thinking about the day she heard her door open a little bit and at the same time what sounded like a ton of glass shattering and dozens of screams and just general panic in the hallway. Layla had no idea what just happened but she moved away from the opening in the door because she really didn't want to talk to an angry paparazzi. It didn't sound like Riley was there anymore but the reporters were still freaking out. They started to calm down and it sounded like they were about to come in when she heard the flapping of wings and more screams from the hall. Why can we not go thirty minutes without something ridicu- Layla's thought process was thrown off when a charizard burst into her room and scooped her onto it's back and took off. "What's the big idea?" She had no choice but to hold on for dear life. She had absolutely no idea what was going on when she saw they were approaching the stadium, she knew she was probably going to get in trouble for a lot of this stuff because it was right at her room and that didn't make her happy. She was starting to let her mind wander again when the Charizard dropped her on the roof of the stadium. Her landing wasn't graceful but not as pathetic as before. She looked around in confusion wondering why it brought her here and then she saw the sleeping Zack. "I would think he knows he has a hotel room, but to each their own I guess." She turned with a sigh and finally noticed Riley. She backed up a bit from surprise. "Whoa! You're here too? Don't tell me, that Charizard got you too? Do you have any idea what's going on?"
A Fearrel swooped in and caught Nion it brought him to McNiel. McNiel put on his best grandfarther face and looked at the man. "Are you alright." he said.

Drew fell down in the grass area that he trained at sweet dripped from his body as he laid down and looked at the sky.
Nion saw that he had been saved by McNiel. "Wtf is it with you and your family saving me first its Chloe saving me off a cliff Drew who saved me from a voltorb whos was about to blow me up and you save me from falling off a cliff again and all three of you save me mentaly like are you the family I never had" Nion said. " Drews well Drews awesome Chloes just nice and adorable And you your the person that understands people like damb all I have to say for the rest of the people I ment are savadge ruthless people and well one of them is a girl and shes just confused about our actions so tell me why would you people who are nice give a damb about me?" Nion said to McNiel.
McNiel just smiled. " Well Drew and Chloe have a good head on their shoulders. He said as he looked at him. as for me. He punched Nion in the stomach. " I don't like seeing an investment go to waste. Next time I tell you to do something do it to the letter not storm the fucking stadium." he said. " The Masqueraders will have use for a person like you." He said.
Riley thought that as Torch was getting ready too take off, that was his opportunity to get on its back. As he stood up, Torch just flew off, leaving Riley just standing there in disbelief. "What the hell?!" Riley exclaimed, not knowing what Torch was going to do next. He hoped that Torch hadn't misinterpreted what he had said. For the reporters' sake, he hoped Torch didn't go off too kill them. Riley took this moment too sit down and think about everything that had happened that day. He had woken up, unable to move. Then some assassin tried to kill him and Layla after someone tried too shoot them. Then during the battle with Nion, he was affected by something that Nion made. Afterwards, Nion and his gang invaded the stadium, killing dozens of innocent bystanders as well as taking Riley hostage for a brief moment. Then after that, Nion and him rushed to Layla's room to disarm the bomb only to find them kissing. Well from what Riley could see, it was Zack kissing her. Then Nion burst in the room, ruining their moment. Next thing he knew, Riley was just taken by a Charizard after trying to fend off some reporters. Now he just sat on top of the stadium, with a sleeping Zack, watching the stars in the sky. "Damn, it takes all of this just for me too become a champion." Riley murmured too himself, still looking at the night sky.

Riley was suddenly jolted from his thoughts as he saw Layla suddenly land on the stadium roof somewhere near him. "Holy shit! Layla, are you alright? What are you doing here?" Riley looked too Torch as he asked the last question. "Torch, I said for you to take me there, not for you too bring her here!" Riley told Torch, but he understood what why it did. This Pokemon really cared for its trainer. It probably hated too see Zack all alone in such a bad mood. Riley looked back at Layla who seemed to be alright. "Yeah, Torch got me too. I was trying to get those reporters away from your room but they wouldn't go. I guess when that one reporter opened the door, Torch didn't want it too go any further. I think he took us here so we could be with Zack. It thinks we're his friends and he doesn't want Zack too be lonely." Riley told Layla as he rubbed his hair. "Speaking of Zack, did you guys have a fight or something? I thought he was in your room and I was suprised to see him laying here." Riley asked.
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Nion laughed as he got punched in the stomach. " Wtf are the Masqueraders your not the real McNiel are you cause I know he wouldent do this like wtf even are the Masqueraders a gang or some shit am I becoming part of the swat police force trust me theres something I can do that no one else can do show up to work with a smile sorry for how I'm acting I'm still recovering" Nion said giggling.
Oh no." He said. " I am the real McNiel." He said. He opened a bag and took out the white mask. " Look familiar." He said before helping the man into his automobile. " You'll learn about them soon enough." He said as he put on his mask. Cade walked towards them. " Welcome to the group." He said.
"What the actual fuck just happened" Nion asked himself. "Your a criminal and your a policeman wow" Nion said confused. "So I say your grandson is awesome and a good person I said Chloe is nice and adorable and I said you were the type of person who understanded me and I now know your a criminal whos also a cop" Nion said with a long pause. "Please can I be your son but not your son like you know when you treat someone like your son but there not your son you just treat them like your son cause dear god your the most awesome old man I ever met dear god" Nion said laughing a bit before stopping. " So since your the grand father of chloe and drew tell me do they know about this cause theres no way that your a criminal and drew well I don't know about drew cause I haven't seen his true colors but still idk about drew but how he acts he wouldent hurt anything he just wants to win the tournament. And I know chloe how she acts she wouldent hurt a fly so tell me how are they related to you in any way?" Nion asked McNiel with a serious face.
" They're my daughters children." He said with a smile on his face. " And no they don't know anything about this and I don't want them to." He said with a smile on his face. " Alright I'll be your dad on one condition you have to fallow my orders. No more running into a stadium and shooting it up." He said. " I think we have a good future ahead of us."
" So if your gonna let me in the group does that meen I'm going to have to be iniciated or whatever and also since I work for you now should I stay away from Drew a Chloe since I might give it up that I'm working for you or something" Nion said. Nion hoped that there wasent an iniciation because sometimes they can be painful he also hoped he could still talk to drew and chloe he still wanted to know more about drew and he wanted to get to know chloe alot more seeming that she was a very interesting person. " And do I need to wear one of those mask because I just will roll with the clown style if I can. And also I got a weapon plant that we could use but I need a flamethrower with a smile painted on it and a revolver and a machine gun also shotgun trust me ill be the best person who works for you oh and what should I call you now is it ok if I call you dad?" Nion asked.
" No." McNiel said as he looked at the man. "The masks are for the higher ups. those that deserve them." He said. " You'll work as my underling and keep as a spy to look into my grand children." He said. "And if you want you can call me dad." he said as he gently put his hand on his shoulder.
" So you want me to spy your grandchildren like idk what you meen by that do you want me to talk to them or just be a creep and hide in a bush and spy on them because I'm very much going after just talking to them cause if I get caught spying on them they'll never trust me and the publics already on me but there currently on the Layla and Zack being together case so the public forgot about me and where are you taking me?" Nion asked.
Layla smiled at Riley as he explained what happened in the hallway. "So that's what was happening in the hallway. Oh, by the way thanks for kinda taking the bullet for me with those reporters. You didn't have to do that." Out of the two it seemed like she could trust Riley a little more at this point, but she had calmed down enough to know she was going to still hang out with Zack. She turned to the Charizard and if nothing else she found a bit of humor in the dragons actions. "Thanks for the assist big guy." She turned back to Riley with a sigh when he predictably asked what happened with Zack. She looked at him with exhaustion figuring he was going to find out any way. "Well as you might know if you watched the battle, Zack was holding back and he... Let, me..win." She had trouble forcing those words out and controlling her temper. "Even after we had a conversation with him promising to go all out against me. So that, rustled my jimmies to say the least." She looked at the ground reflecting on the horrible things she said to him and the slap in the face. "He gave me some bullshit reason for why he did it, then he pressed his button on the death device Nion planted. He miraculously survived that. She paused deciding to skip over the part she cried and she wasn't sure if he saw it so she wasn't going to say anything about the kiss either. "So uh. Then I slapped him he pushed me onto my bed and then he escaped through the window."

She shivered a little being so high up only wearing a T-shirt at night but she tried to hide it. Layla saw Zack was still sleeping and figured she might as well reconnect with Riley before waking him up. She brushed some of her wind tossed hair to the side and looked toward Riley. "So how are you feeling about the match tomorrow? I don't think I need to ask you to go all out right? You really want the win still don't ya?" She asked getting a little excited. She didn't want to beat him, she wanted to see him at 100% and see how well she could match up. She just wanted a great battle.
"It was no problem really. Those reporters were getting on my nerve anyway, so I figured I might as well try too get them away from your room." Riley said as he continued too listen too Layla. He listened closely and was disappointed and angered when he heard that Zack hadn't been going all out against Layla. As a trainer actually fighting to be the best, he found it completely disrespectful that Zack hadn't went all out. Riley did know that wasn't why Layla was offended by Zack. He had promised her a real battle, but instead he held back because he didn't want her too think she couldn't win. It was a kind thought but it wasn't what Layla wanted. Riley continued too listen, not wanting too interrupt her.

"Wait what?! He actually tried to kill himself?" Riley didn't know what too think anymore. He hadn't known that Zack was so mentally unstable. When Zack realized what he had done was wrong and how it made Layla feel, it must've really hurt him inside. But that still wasn't a good enough reason too end his life. Riley was going to ask Layla if Zack gave her any explanation but decided against it because he thought it might be too personal. Riley chuckled a bit when Layla said that she had slapped Zack. "Good, hopefully that knocked some sense into him." Riley figured that she wanted too skip over the kiss because she still didn't feel comfortable about it and he decided not to ask about it again.

Riley looked at Layla when she started to talk about their match tomorrow. Riley was suprised that she had already began thinking about the next match. Maybe she did have some competitiveness in her. Riley on the other hand, had forgotten that he would be facing Layla next. "Oh yeah, I actually forgot I would be facing you." Riley admitted as he rubbed some of his hair that had been moved by the wind. Thankfully he had a hair style which wasn't easily ruined by the wind. Rilley thought about what too say for a quick second before realizing there wasn't really much too say. "Yeah, I'm not going to hold anything back against you. I think you earned the chance too face a future champion going all out. Besides, I think that if I do hold back, then I'd lose against you. Even though Zack held back, I know that at some parts, he was actually trying and you just suprised him. So yeah, I promise that I won't hold back. However, I also need you too promise me something. When you battle me tomorrow, I want you too come in there believing you and your team can win." Riley told Layla. He knew that Layla was quick too believe that she wasn't meant to go any further than where she already was and Riley wanted too change that. "Just promise me that, okay?"
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Zack was slowly inching off the side of the roof. How the wind was able to push him like that, Zack didn't know, probably because he was asleep but that was besides the very point. He luckily woke up when his head started getting uncomfortable from bending over the edge. Zack at first was annoyed being awoken, but then saw what a predicament he was in.
"HOLY MOTHER OF ARCEUS!" Zack yelled, scrambling to get away from the ledge. He breathed heavily as he attempted to understand what was happening. Then he noticed Torch laying down, and Riley and Layla talking.
"What the fuck?! I just wanted to be alone for Christ sake! Is that to much to fucking ask for!?" Zack complained, gritting his teeth at all his bad luck. Then he looked at Torch, with disapproval.
"I swear to Arceus if them being up here is your fault," Zack warned, not needing to say the punishment. Then he got up and got reoriented, and faced his former friends.
"Why are you guys up- you know what, I don't care, Torch, bring them back to the hotel. I can't tolerate being near anyone anymore," Zack ordered his pokemon, as it began to get up and waddle over to Riley and Layla.
Layla smiled and giggled when he Riley applauded her for slapping Zack. She was trying to watch his expression to see if he knew about the kiss but she couldn't tell for certain so she hoped he didn't. She was a little surprised when he told her he forgot he was facing her. She felt a little foolish, she had been stressing over fighting him ever since she beat Zack and he didn't even care enough to remember. Layla smiled glad to be talking with him as she took a couple steps closer and looked him in the eye."You may have forgotten out match but I'll make sure you remember me." She giggled as she got out of his face and listened to the rest he had to say. She got the answer she expected out of him, but she was still glad to hear it. She shrugged off his comment about her and Zack's match. "Yeah, maybe." She had mixed feelings about him promising her. Mainly because the last promise of the same nature was easily broken. She was caught off guard when he asked her to promise him something. It was an interesting request, one she really didn't expect. It also showed her that she might actually need to have a little more faith in herself and her team. She looked back at Riley with a warm confident smile, she was feeling pretty fired up. She was surprised someone she met a few days ago cared so much about her state of mind. She knew he was right, she owed her team a good amount of faith after everything they've done. Layla nodded toward Riley with a confident smirk, a rare expression for her. "I promise to take you down. Watch out Riley, helping me like this might just be your undoing!" She chuckled playfully, she was going to give this confidence thing a try.

Layla whipped around when Zack screamed and got away from the edge. She probably should have kept a better eye on him. She caught a few words Zack said so it was clear to her he wasn't happy to see them. He walked up to them and immediately decided he didn't want to talk to them and ordered his Charizard to take them back.
"Well hello to you neighbor. Geez Zack, sorry your Charizard brought us here. We just want to make sure you're gonna be okay." She paused for a bit trying to figure out if she meant what she was about to say. "Also.. I'm sorry for, kinda.. freaking out at you. I suppose I can see why you did what you did, which I guess was nice. But... you know, I'll just stop talking about that. I'm sorry Zack, are we cool?" She gazed toward Zack with an emotionally exhausted look.
Zack didn't understand why Layla would be apologizing to him, after everything he did, he deserved all that he got coming to him.
"Well I didn't send him out, he must have... I actually have no idea how Torch does half the things he does... But yes. We're fine. Now on the giant orange lizard with wings. Same for you Riley, get on." Zack said impatiently, and not very forgiving like. Zack did forgive Layla, but with his tone, it didn't sound like it. He really didn't want them around right now, he only wanted to be alone.
Layla didn't want to push the conversation but it sounded like he was still very upset. After pressing his own button Layla wasn't sure he should be left alone. Layla shifted uncomfortably on the rooftop and she looked back at Riley showing her concern and looking back towards Zack. She took a few steps toward Zack much more concerned about his well being than if he forgave her. "How about you come back with us? Rest in your room ya know? We can all go back together, how about it?" She thought she knew his answer but she just couldn't leave him out here on a good conscience.
Riley hadn't realized that the promise might be working towards his downfall. He was glad to see that Layla had a smirk on her face. It showed that she now had the confidence she needed to win. "That's good too hear. However, you're going to need that same type of attitude tomorrow if you want to stand any chance of beating me." Riley stated before he heard Zack scream something. He turned just in time to see that Zack had nearly fallen off the roof. He listened as Zack got up and expressed his dismay of them being there. "Zack, Torch actually worries about you. He saw you sad and alone and figured that bringing us here was the best thing to do." Riley said, wanting too justify a reason why Torch brought them there. However, Zack really wanted them to go as he ordered Torch too send them back. Riley glanced over at Layla, who looked concerned, before looking back at Zack. "Yeah, you should come with us Zack. I don't think staying out here all alone and depressed is the best thing for you. If you don't want to be near us, atleast just stay in your hotel room." Riley told Zack, hoping he would listen to reason.
"No. My last strings have been pulled, and I'm done. Now for the last time. On. The. Dragon." Zack ordered, really wanting them to leave and pointing to Torch, who didn't look like he wanted them to go. Then Zack turned, and started walking further down the roof. As he did, when he thought things couldn't be worse, it began raining.
"Are you fucking with me?! I'm literally a fucking bad luck charm!" Zack said, ticked off. Then he tossed out Speedster.
"Don't let them follow me," Zack commanded. Speedster didn't know what was going on, but he followed orders. He got in a defensive stance as bolts of electricity surges from its fur.
They got the answer she expected but she wasn't ready to just leave him here. She considered raising her voice at Zack but figured that would only make things worse. Her eyes widened when he exploded at the rain claiming he was a bad luck charm. Layla stood in surprise and slight frustration when he sent out his Jolteon to keep them from following him. "Why are you pushing away the people who want to help you?" She went to follow him but Jolteon maneuvered in front of her and blocked her but it didn't look like it wanted to shock her. She figured if she can just defeat the Jolteon quickly she can follow him. She went to get a pokeball out of her bag when she realized she didn't have her bag. Charizard gave her no time to grab anything and she didn't have her backpack on so now she doesn't have any of her Pokemon. She grimaced slightly as her focus went from Zack to the Jolteon. Doing all this on top of a roof when it's raining just seemed like a recipe for disaster. She waited for the Jolteon to take his eyes off her for a second and then she just made a break for it and passed it on the right and tried to run after Zack. She was bracing for the Jolteons quick recovery, not relishing the idea of getting shocked while it was raining.
"My question is do you think there hiding something cause this Is your family were talking about here and if I become there freind why do you think I could find something that could help us advance from your grand children by the way don think just saying this so can get away from them cause I want to know them better alot better I hardly know shit about them."Nion said.
Speedster wasn't willing to shock Layla, even though he was given specific orders. Layla finally caught up to Zack.
"WHAT?! First you want me away from you, and now you won't leave me alone, make up your mind!" Zack shouted as he stopped walking. He went from annoyed, to ticked, to completely pissed off. Where all this anger and rage was coming from, Zack wasn't sure, but he didn't care. He'd been through way to much from the time he'd meet Riley and Layla, and wanted nothing to do with them anymore.
Layla was surprised when she caught up with Zack having not been shocked at all. She was caught off guard by Zack's sudden explosion. She stopped and stared at the enraged trainer. She kept her eyes focused on him but softened her expression, looking him up and down with concern. She took a careful step forward extending her arms at her sides in a passive manner. "Zack I'm sorry if I so deeply offended you. I really am, but I just can't leave you in this state of mind." She wasn't sure if he was even listening to her but she was trying to think of anything else that could be causing this outburst. "If you just tell us what's bothering you we can help!" She suddenly recalled what he said when he pushed her onto her bed and she had to carefully decide how she was going to bring it up. "Before you, said something about your mother's... um well, does this have anything to do with that?" She instantly regretting saying anything, she probably should have just left like he wanted her to but she didn't want this to be her last encounter with him.