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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)

Kim had to admit she was a little distracted as a few, energetic individuals stepped into the cafeteria and helped create a scene. She had begun to wonder if there was anyone at this school who had a more measured and controlled personality, but her attention snapped back to her conversation with Pamala. "Motherly instinct..." Kim mused, honestly her own mother seemed to be quite the opposite from Pamala so perhaps she'd just trust her on her word far as this had been concerned.

"Oh yeah Fifi, she seemed...passionate." Kim said with a sigh, honestly she hoped to not meet Fifi though as she began to talk about how cute Fifi was as she had began to ramble on a bit which Pamala seemed prone to do and Kim seemed to raise an eyebrow. "So you like have a crush on this Fifi girl or something? Sure seem to be buttering her up." Kim mused a bit, not having much context admittedly but seemed a logical conclusion.

Pamela Oswald
Pamela stopped, mid sentence. She was utterly still for probably the first time in her life. Not even her eyes moved. She then jumped back to reality with a start, offering an answer delivered with no emotion whatsoever.

"I just met her, Kim." Her voice was jarring and at odds with her tone just moments ago, but undermined a bit by her red face. "I am inclined to like her physical appearance, but on a psychological level I do not know whether or not we are on equal footing."

Pamela's stance and attitude then changed back to the friendly, happy-go-lucky figure everyone was more familiar with. "We're just pals! Honest! She's kinda cute, not gonna lie...But I gotta keep my options open! And play it cool," she said, shooting finger guns. "Only my first day, after all! Chasing cuties comes later!" Her internal gay panic was only thinly hidden by her expression, which was slowly turning less red, but remaining a dull pink nonetheless.

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Gwen Kendra

"Thats my stop as well!" Gwen shouted, noticing her and Asuna would be sharing the same dorm. "Stay awesome, Carter! And cool surfboard!" She said goodbye while taking her luggage off of the barbell bar and leaping off the hovering surfboard. She created a thicker bubble before landing to break her fall. As she popped it, a slimier substance covered the ground around her. Gwen started to pick up the pace; there wasn't much time 'till dinner. As she walked towards her dorm, she started to feel more calm, more herself, it was strange. Gwen ignored this, finding her dorm number and opening the door.

It seems she was a bit late: her roommates' luggage were already set down on their beds, or packed away. Gwen looked at the unclaimed bed with symptathy, setting her luggage atop of it and taking some clothes out of it. "I'll just unpack later then," Gwen muttered to herself while changing. She changed into a white, knee-length dress with a similarly laced jacket, a long, black skirt with ankle shoes. "I swear to God if there's no pizza, heads will roll," Gwen dreaded the thought as she tied her hair into a ponytail. She gave the bed an affectionate pat before leaving the room.

The walk to the cafeteria wasn't too far away, and she made it just in time. The place was bubbly, as expected, people were conversing, eating, showing off, or all three at the same time. But Gwen had one thing on her mind, slipping through the crowd. Soon, she'll be reunited with her love! At least, she thought...

Unbelievable, there wasn't a single slice left, not even Hawaiian! Gwen's eyes widened in disbelief, her jaw dropping as if in slow motion. Sorrow welled up inside her, a lamentation that couldn't be put into words. Yet she quickly composed herself, donning a mournful expression as she wandered over to the seafood section. Her gaze fixated on the shrimp scampi, wishing to exact vengeance upon the pizza plunderer.

Joshua Reed

There were still a few stragglers, scrambling to make their way towards the dorms, but more towards the cafeteria. Joshua wondered why that was; as far as he knew, dinner started at 5, and it was only 4:50, there was plenty of time left! "Oversleeping was the right choice," He decided, sighing a sigh of relief. Rock music echoed from above the rushing students, the Echo Wings pulsating a dim blue. He landed in front of the dorms, luggage in hand, and no sense of time whatsoever.

"9,9,9,9..." He repeated his dorm number in his mind over and over to make sure he didn't forget it (unlike his orientation map). "Found it!" Josh exclaimed, opening the door. "Hellooooo?" He echoed out, as if someone decided to take a snooze instead of missing out on free food. Josh looked at the time, it was 4:52. "I've got time. Wings need recharging anyways," He shrugged, opening his luggage and beginning to unpack, with ten minutes left to spare before all the food would surely be devoured. Josh started to play loud music to recharge his wings, despite not knowing of the mostly soundproof walls, humming along as he began decorating.

Vibrant posters and string lights took up his cozy corner of the dorm room, with his guitar and compact keyboard resting on the wall. "That's most of it! And it's only..." Josh checked his phone for the time. "5:05!"

5:05!? He can kiss the hotdogs goodbye. Josh scrambled out of the dormitories, accidentally leaving the door open. Once he reached outside, a loud, distorted guitar riff could be heard as his wings propelled him towards the cafeteria, shimmering in an ethereal light. They danced in the wind as he neared his destination.

Joshua landed right outside, running into the cafeteria. He was still wearing what he was wearing before arriving: A graphic tee and denim jacket. His trumpet stayed at his side, dangling from a strap attached to his jeans. He grew excited, seeing so many interesting indiviuals gathered at one space. What he was even more excited about was that the hotdogs remained untouched! Joshua had proven the late bird not only gets some extra snooze time, but still gets the worm. Too bad for the people who wanted pizza, though. He joined the queue, rocking on the balls of his feet, his wings shining brighter with all the people conversing. There's nothing Josh wanted more right now than some hotdogs and a good ol' burger.


Previously Deathstalker62
Carter Whitaker
As the final few were dropped off, the sportster found that he was sharing a dorm with quite a few people, as was evidenced by the large amount of things already present in the sleeping area by the time he got there! Well, how lucky was he? Not only does he get to stay away from his parents for a long time, but now, he also gets paired up to beef up with a group of strangers? Why, it was like his dream as a coach was already up and running, he already has his trainees and everything!

Since he wasn't carrying much with him other than the essentials, Whitaker simply flung his dufflebag from his shoulder and onto the one remaining bed left that appeared undisturbed. And in the one corner of the room where any personal items weren't already spread about? Whitaker simply rubbed his hands together and summoned up a pile of various weights, alongside a couple dumbbell and barbell bars and spinlock collars. It wasn't much, but for the start, it was more than enough!

Alright, that should be just about everything I'll need in here for the moment! Now.. onto the Cafeteria! I'll just follow along the masses!

With a newfound spark of determination to make it to the cafeteria on time, a now glowing Carter left behind a light-blue trail of energy-formed willpower, using his own motivation to sprint, leap, push and slide his way to the dining hall, confident he'll be able to get there before all the best parts were gone.

Yet, when he got there, it appeared a good chunk of students got there before him. Oh well, it didn't matter so long as his favourite food was still there - and lucky for him, it was! Though many of them were gone, the burger stand still stood strong! Whitaker immediately sprinted to the back of the line and summoned a weighted dumbbell within one hand, holding an empty plate in the other. After all, even though he had to wait for the grub, that still doesn't mean he couldn't spend even this moment working on himself!

Vincent Alckemye
As the giant of a student got done both filling his plate up at the French Stand and dropping it all down his gullet in one fell swoop, he started to make his way through the crowd and for another corner to sit and ponder about what he wanted to eat, before finding someone looking towards the emptied pizza stand with a gloomy look. And of course, being as kind as he was trying to be, he couldn't just simply let such injustices go. Not while he could do something about it.

Vince, knowing all too well what it was like to miss out on food, felt bad for them and begun making his way toward them. People were actively moving out of his way as the titanic, pot-bellied boy made his way on over to the girl who seemed to be out of sheer luck.. as it stood at the moment, at least. His gut begun twisting and turning as if his organs were re-arranging themselves, his entire belly started tinting itself red and emitted a faint glow..

..before all this movement and glowing had suddenly stopped and steam slid out from his mouth as it head flopped open, a perfectly-cooked pepperoni pizza having been formed from the previous ingredients he dumped into his rounded socket of a maw, placed onto a clean, completely dry plate, as if it had also been equally as freshly formed.

The titanic, vase-shaped student now moved his finger down as he planned to lightly tap the girl on the shoulder and would've wordlessly pushed the plate towards her with his other hand until she had grabbed it before he'd have ended up making his way out of there and sit somewhere less filled with people.. which would've probably been just about anywhere, really. After all, who could, nevermind would, even sit next to someone as gigantic and imposing as him?
@Gold The Dragonite
Well, seemed I pushed a button there...

That had been the first thought when Kim saw this rather sudden 180 in emotion out of Pamala, as she seemed to almost shift into this emotionless robot, denying that she had much more than a physical attraction maybe to Fifi back lacked the time to know her on a deeper level for romance. Needless to say she did not buy it, Kim had not been a romance expert but that kind of deflection had been enough of a tell for even her to guess that.

"Suppose that makes sense..." Kim said, deciding it had been best not to press the issue. Whatever feelings she had for this Fifi had been her business anyway and she figured if she had pushed this, it had the potential to only cause more problems she'd rather avoid. "...well, more power to you. All I can say is if that interest in her evolves at some point or even if you just want to be closer friend, better to try to get to know her better sooner than put it off." Kim said, as for once she tried to be considerate and offer some advice on this front.

While Dean and Braedyn bickered (nobody could tell), Dean spotted the same guy who had carried a bunch of people off to their dorms. "Hey, it's the guy who dropped all those people off to the dorms," he said. Braedyn raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, he does look kinda familiar," he remarked. Dean smiled, patting Braedyn on the back. "I doubt you even came close to noticing him," Dean laughed. Braedyn slapped him in the face, a small "SLAP" appearing close to Dean's cheek before fading away. "I deserved that," Dean said painfully. Braedyn burst into laughter. Dean then approached the guy who carried so many people off to their dorms - and was working out in line. "Hey there," he said, "My name's Dean, and you must be..." Dean pondered for a few seconds before saying "Shit, it's escaped my mind."



Previously Night's Shadow
Jaime scratched his head at the question. “Not much of a limb, really,” he replied with a shrug. He glanced from the sword to the Mediterranean stand nervously. He would hate to lose his chance at a halfway decent falafel gyro when he was so close to the front… “See, there’s the incarnation of a cat demon in my body,” he said conversationally once the sword was sheathed again. Maybe if he kept talking, it would distract her enough that the food would no longer be in danger. “It’s more his power than mine, the smoky shit I mean, he’s also why I look like I’m falling apart at the seams…” Jaime continued to ramble until Melanie had gotten her food, at which point he let out an audible sigh of relief as he made his way to the front for his long-awaited Greek meal. Finally!

As she landed near the cafeteria, she quickly turned back into a human, still staying inconspicuous. It wasn't a long flight, especially because the air was much more open that the ground, which was packed with people going every which way.

"Man, there are so many people in here, reminds me of Manila. I really don't wanna go in here, but I need to eat."

She walked discreetly into the cafeteria and realized that it was packed to the brim with weird students, all eating and talking and having a great time. If only she knew people like that. She quickly sneaked around, finding some Filipino cuisine, making her happy as she got a plate and utensils. She got some rice and lechon and tried to find a friendly face, or a place to sit.

Omar listened to Edric's explanation of Clones as he headed for the Cafeteria which was full of students. On his way, he explained his three abilities.

"My first power is called Cage, and I can maintain five of these at once for no more that around an hour. There are other limitations as well for this power," Omar explained, "My second power is called Wall, which trades offense for Defense, this one was trained by a Dragon Spirit Wielder for three years as we were in the same area, and I was training under his twin sister. My third power is Called Analytics, which allows me to analyze a situation and come up with a counter, but I can't always perform said counter."

Omar then looked ahead at the mess of students, looking to find a way to counter getting through them. His stomach was calling for literally anything at this point.

@| Korutesu | @Abra Kadabra Alakazam! (Edric)


"A cat demon?" Melanie responded, "Never seen that, and I get possessed by Historical Figures."

Jaime was gone as she had left the stand. Melanie was nervous, of course, but somewhat relieved since she was trying to figure out the ins and outs of a cat demon. Then she saw Riley Deimi fly off with an entire tray of Pizza. She blushed, as she saw her try to talk to another girl who seems to be worse off in the shyness category than Melanie. During the time she was walking, another spirit decided to possess her, this time wearing an early 1700's black robe as the spectral outfit.

"This was one of the two that I thought would bore my classmates."

She then looked around the room, to see so many others. That she doesn't know what to do.

Pamela Oswald
"Well, thank ya kindly for your discretion!" Pamela said, winking. The color in her face completely disappeared as she chuckled. "Wonder when that Principal would call? Gettin' kinda stir crazy...Gotta catch some winks...about 40 of em!" She bounced with energy, then suddenly stopped, frowning. "Hey, Kimmy, you good? Hangin' round me too long can cause some heart problems. Cause the caffeine? So I gotta check in sometimes...See if your good. Y'know? It'll be great once I learn to control it but until then...Well, y'know. So how ya feelin'? Sad? Mad? Overly bouncy?"

Pamela seemed to be concerned, but also just seemed to be making small talk at the same time.

Kim raised an eyebrow at the question to her, she supposed she had felt a bit more personable around her, maybe that had been the result of the caffeine. But beyond that she had felt okay enough, least for now. "I suppose I am a bit more energetic than I usually am. Beyond that I seem okay, do you have advice for how I can mitigate the effects till you control it?" Kim asked, figuring that'd be the reasonable course of action to take as hey they all had come here in part to learn to control their powers so she had not blamed her for that.

Course, she figured if push comes to shove she'd get some nose plugs or something if it had gotten extreme.
Riley Deimi

Riley knew not to press someone like Vincent- who very clearly wanted to be left alone, with the apologetic nod and walking away. Still, she though his ability was incredible, as she turned to say something to her new pal Isolde, she watched as-

"UH OH-!"

She reached out an arm and caught the fainted girl, looking around rapidly in concern.

"...well this is unfortunate-"

She checked the girl's pulse and breathing first, realizing that she wasn't in medical danger (as she'd done a comprehensive first-aid training when she worked as a lifeguard back home). She realized the girl probably should just... rest... and so took her to a seat in the corner, sitting her unconscious body down, and putting a couple of her slices down on the girl's platter.

"Get well soon, I-I suppose... ah... sorry if its my fault you passed out..."

She lamented... before looking to find a table of her own, holding her stacked tray like a trophy as she tried to get her spirits back up, walking like a goofball through the people both with their food and not, many already sat and talking amongst themselves. Until she passed by a duo of girls- one of which was quite a bit more stoic, while the other one was practically bouncing out of her own freaking skin. Pamela and Kim, she would likely find out their names to be.

"OOOO! Howdy neighbors! I think I saw you guys were next door to my dorm when I was climbing down the tree! How are you two~? I'm Riley Deimi, it's nice t'meetcha!!!"

@Blotch'd @Godjacob

Nera Vasquez

Eating food, the works... and then someone just plops down a corpse right next to her-

Wait. No. She's just passed out.

Equally concerning, but all right. Her enchiladas weren't going to wait for her to finish them, so she may as well not question it until the girl wakes up.

Isolde, she remembered. From earlier, with the White Haired Girl and the Keg-Shaped Boy.


@Blotch'd (Riley sat down Isolde's body nearby Nera- specifically because she'd seen the girl earlier and thought she'd be a fine watch)

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Tsugikuni looked between the two as they deliberated, his expression shifting as he explored the emotions on their faces- and the three fully entered the lunchroom. When Asuna extended the offer to join them, he made a chuckle, and quickly joked-

"Really, I should be extending the invitation to you- after all, you did crash our conversation. I kid, of course, I'd be glad to join you both- a good chance to expend my... web of companions, so to speak."

Tsugikuni joined them as they walked down to where all the different food options were... he saw a distinct lack of sushi or anything similar- probably too expensive for the school to procure, he thought, though perhaps it would appear some day later. He could only hope. Still, his area was big on Mediterranean food, so he decided he would go with that.

"What do you two think you'll be getting in terms of dinner tonight? I'm going for a gyro, so if we all have different ideas, perhaps we can meet up at a specific table to talk more while we eat, no?"

@RhythmThief @Cmeriwether
"Well, the moment you aren't near me the high wears off. So if I just took breaks from ya every once in a while it should be fine, yeah?" Pamela smiles, but her voice seems toned down, like she had said this hundreds of times already. Then she hears a voice, calling across the crowd.

With so much energy it was putting her to shame. Pamela felt like she was staring at a long lost sister or something- why? Oh well.

Well, Pamela wasn't one who liked being put to shame. She jumped out of her chair, vigorously shaking the shorter gal's hand. "HOWDY! I'm Pamela Oswald and this here's Kim Tacohashbrowns! Take a seat and tell us a lil' bout yourself!" She gestured to the largely open table.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Godjacob

She was awake. The moment Riley left, she sprung to life. Phew! Good thing she had taken acting classes in prat-falls. So useful!
Oops. No, apparently it wasn't. The chilling girl from before was in front of her. This was worse and better, in different ways. The girl was staring down at her food.

This was already a plus. Isolde might have the time to escape. But for some reason...she actually thought she would be better off staying. She did not want to go through the crowd. Plus, her eye didn't detect evil intent. So instead of running, Isolde just sat there. With Pizza. She lightly nibbled on it, watching the opposing character to see if her intentions changed.

@Cryronn the Mudkip
I see, in that case we'll manage this accordingly. If you are to be more dormmate, I'll be sure to take timely spaces from you to ensure no issues." Kim said, matter of fatly as she seemed the type to not let anything like this get her down. If she had to transfer dorms because of something like this, her family likely would've seen this as an admission of weakness and she aimed to prove the opposite. However, the mood shifted when a new face hit the scene and hearing her speak caused Kim's eyes to widen ever so slightly.

Oh god don't tell me there's two of them!?

Kim watched as another girl who seemed to be so filled with enthusiasm, it caused others to faint, greeted them and approached their table. Kim had to try and just put on a friendly face all the same as this girl introduced herself to them as Reilly Demi as she merely nodded along to those words.

"Bubbly faces all around it seems. But the name is Takahashi, don't let her get it twisted" Kim said as she introduced herself with the formal grace that she seemed to maintain though she offered her own correction to things as Pamala "amusingly" seemed to mispronounce her last name again.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Blotch'd
Orion laughed loudly at Tsugi's joke, implying that Asuna was actually the one who crashed their conversation. Even so, he found himself reflexively squeezing Asuna's shoulder tighter. He knew, of course, that Tsugi meant no harm by it whatsoever; Orion only wanted to make sure Asuna felt secure... and it also gave him a great excuse to prolong the physical contact.

Walking into the Cafeteria, though, Orion was taken aback at the pure amount of stuff going on at the same time. The sheer multitude of food stands, conversations all over the place, and other antics made everything seem a bit... overwhelming for him.

Catching sight of a 10-foot giant in the corner, he wondered how they managed to fit inside as well as they did. And was that Carter? Dude even pumps iron while waiting for food?! Geez. Despite his senses overloading very quickly, Orion took a deep breath and forced composure.

In response to Tsugi's question, Orion took a pained glance around the space. The options were vast, to say the least; French, Mexican, Chinese (which had already ran out of food, dang it!), Thai...

Even PBJ?! Glad to see our tuition's going towards worthwhile causes! He ruminated jokingly.

"I'm feeling kinda overloaded, sensory-wise." He admitted to his two companions. "I've never been much of a picky eater- I'll eat dang near anything you give me! A gyro does sound like it would slap though..."

He furrowed his brows in thought before turning to Asuna, smiling softly.

"Whaddya say? I have a feeling you got good taste buds, so I'll have whatever you're having."

Asuna blushed as she felt Orion hold on tighter. She felt a wave of assurance of as this happened. She then gave a small laugh herself. As she walked along, the Clamoring of students was heard, from people running in behind them, to a girl with a sword, to a ten foot tall man. She looked in wonder of all the stands around, as she saw stands such as Mexican, French, Chinese, that one said Sold out, Mediterranean, which had the girl with the sword leaving the stand, and even normal lunch food, which she did not expect, there was a Stand for Some Japanese food, not anything on the sushi, from what Tsugikuni said. She had a lot of traditional Japanese food while she was in Kyoto. She then gave Orion a Look of Worry after he admitted that he seemed a bit overloaded. It then went away after his soft smile. She then gave a massive smile towards Orion.

"I understand, I just really had to talk to Orion." Asuna responded to Tsugikuni, her face still visibly red, but had lessened, then turned to Orion, "I was thinking something from my rest of the year home, like Fajitas, as I Have yet to have anything like that, as I came straight here from Kyoto, that was a long week from The jet lag. I'm fine now."

Asuna would be looking at Orion as they walked.

@RhythmThief @Cryronn the Mudkip
Riley Deimi

It was like the girl had reunited with a part of herself long lost to time and space, her deep lavender eyes sparkling as she was aggressively given a handshake by the world's most caffeinated girl, shaking with just as much intensity, if not more given her power (and now close proximity to Pamela).

"HEY!!! Yeah, sure, I'd love to join you guys, I was just looking for a place to sit- you guys seem like a good crowd! Nice to meetcha, Pamela and Kim!" Riley joyfully joined them at their table, her tied-back white hair almost barely contained with how consistently fast she'd been moving. With a dorky grin, she ate a chunk of one of the slices of pizza, which was gone in barely two seconds as her jaw appeared to move like a blur, and she swallowed just as fast..!

"Ohhh man, I gotta eat so much because of my power! Otherwise I'd look anorexic!" She commented, finishing off the slice within 10 seconds after finishing her statement, stretching herself out and fixing her fluffy hair.

@Godjacob @Blotch'd

Nera Vasquez

Nera looked at the girl as she near immediately gained consciousness again. She paused and placed a hand on her cheek, slightly smiling as she saw her eat her own slice nervously. She decided to make some small talk.

"...glad to see you're all right. I'm Nera- I think we might be dorm-mates, I think I saw you a sec when I was entering the dorm? Whatever the case... I hope we can get along anyways."


She looked back down and stopped talking, as to give Isolde some more space.


Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

"All right- sounds like you'll be getting Mexican then, Asuna. How about me and Orion meet back up with you at that little table over there?" Tsugikuni pointed out a currently empty table. After a simple deliberation, they split up for the time being, as he and Orion went to go and smash some Gyros. As they were split from Asuna, Tsugikuni casually commented-

"You and Asuna seem rather close already."

"...that's good. You should know your allies early... and keep them close... after all, you never know when you'll need to rely on someone... due to unfortunate... ah... loss of sensation."

His voice became ominous for a moment, as he simply stared down at his tray... his hands tensing for a moment before he then lifted his tray... and headed silently to the table.

@Cmeriwether @RhythmThief

"Ahh. That sounds like a lot to manage. At least you had training, I had to figure out mine by myself, with some guidance from my family. Also, that crowd might be a problem."

He looked at the horde of students, all vying for the cafeteria. He needed to find a way inside, so he attempted to shove past a few.

"Sorry, excuse me, pardon me, gotta squeeze through."

To no avail, it seemed. No matter how hard he pushed, it seemed impenetrable, like the Great Wall of China, but only made of people leaving and entering the cafeteria. With every passing second, his hunger grew and desperation struck.

"Ok, I'm starving, and we need to find a way inside."

@Cmeriwether @| Korutesu |


The tension was suffocating inside that cafeteria. There was so much noise and activity that it was about as loud as a concert here. It was unbearable, but food distracted her from the mounting pressure.

"Why are there so many people?" She muttered to herself in a hushed tone.

But she noticed something at the front of the cafeteria's entrance, beyond all the crowds. It was that kid, again, desperately trying to get into the cafeteria. As she found a spare table to place her food on, something in her soul was drawing her to him. She never believed in love at first sight, could this be it?

Of course not, where she came from she didn't have a human friend. But that boy wasn't like the others. She had to face the fact that this was going to be different.
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...Dang, she seems kinda smiley now, huh? Orion observed, his own smile getting teethier. Asuna had one of the most infectious smiles he'd ever come across thus far, perhaps rivaled only by Troy, his younger brother.

Not to mention... has she been looking this way a lot? She does seem a bit redder than before too. Perhaps she's smitten by my dashing, debonair good looks? Ha, as if! I'm grateful that Dad got these threads for me, but I'm no Adonis, that's for sure. I wonder, though, the only thing that's changed is...

Stealing a sideways glance at Tsugi, he came to a... disappointing conclusion. His heart sank.

...ah. No, that- that makes much more sense. He's a cool, stylish guy. Not to mention they share the same nationality. Of course she'd be interested in him. What was I even thinking? She probably only wanted to talk to me to make sure I was alright after that whole surfboard debacle...

He sighed grimly, and tried his best not to look deflated as the trio made plans to split up and reconvene at a designated table. He took note of Asuna mentioning a "rest of the year home", "Kyoto", and "jetlag", deducing that she might frequent two places each year. Separated parents, maybe? Not that it mattered any right now.

While at the Mediterranean food stand, Orion let out a dry chuckle at Tsugi's comment about his relationship with Asuna.

"Yeah, I guess we just have, uh... similar personalities? Though I'm sure the two of you'll be getting much closer...." He replied, muttering that last part under his breath, almost missing the unsettling sequence of words that left Tsugi's mouth next.

...Loss of sensation? Orion repeated in his head. The atmosphere grew tense and ominous, plagued by words unspoken. The duo stopped in their tracks.


As much as Orion wanted to probe and find out what Tsugi was really trying to say, his body froze. He felt a coolness- no, a sharp, icy chill that infiltrated his body and froze his nerves completely. It was totally unlike what he'd seen of his relaxed companion thus far. Orion knew something was definitely up here, but he took Tsugi's silence as a sign that now wasn't the time.

The two continued, equally silent, to their chosen table, Orion's mind racing and heart pacing.
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When Orion went off to the Mediterranean stand with Tsugikuni, she had some time to think.

"I wasn't expecting him to do that," Asuna's thought's were running, "It was calming, his hand on my shoulder, I'm slightly shy. You are so cute, Orion, and you don't know it."

She then looked back to see Tsugikuni and Orion, she couldn't tell what Tsugikuni had said to him, but she could read Orion's reactions, just a little, what he said seemed to worry Asuna more. Her own heart was seemingly running at a mile a minute, and has been since Orion's hand was on her shoulder, as she got the materials to make two Fajitas. As she walked, she thought more.

"It's only been one day, and I'm having these thoughts, Something's up with me, but what?"

Eventually, she arrived at the table, she smiled, and set her stuff down, taking a seat.


As Omar heard Edric, an Elbow smacked Omar in the face. His Wall power activated, allowing him to take any more elbows, or feet, or even a tail.

"Edric, Jasper!" Omar responded, "Follow me, but be very careful as you probably don't have a Wall or other defense or endurance boosting power." Omar said as he got smacked by another Elbow.

Omar got smacked by a third Elbow as he tried to get through.

"This makes my adventures with Fifi, Pamela, and Dean seem boring." Omar told Edric and Jasper, "Coming Through, out of the Way, Incoming! Please let us get Through!"

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @| Korutesu |
Pamela Oswald
Pamela smiled wide, glancing down at her phone as she asked it what anorexic meant. "Ah! I see! And....Just how much pizza do you think you can eat? Maybe you wanna make it a bet? Hmm?" Pamela glanced at Kim, realizing that by the end of tonight she might have a killer headache. Pamela made a mental note to get her hands on some Aspirin just in case.
"I bet you can't eat more than 16 slices!" That was quite the amount. The average large pizza had 8 slices, so Riley would have to eat 2 large pizza's, which was the general intake of 4 adults. "You win, I owe you 20 bucks."

@Godjacob @Cryronn the Mudkip

Isolde Barley
Isolde seemed a tad perturbed. Why was the person...being so...respective of her? She didn't even say anything, and yet Nera seemed to already guess her shyness? Even Isolde couldn't assign a double meaning to this. Looking down, Isolde didn't reply....right away that is. After analyzing Nera's statement from every angle, she still couldn't assign it a malign intent that made coherent sense...and her eye didn't detect anything. So, still looking at her plate, Isolde murmured...


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Already being there with whom he considered a brother, Marcel. He rested easy, but hated the fact that things were so chaotic. “Great, there goes company.” Samael spoke as he rolled his eye and Marcel lightly slugged him on the arm.

Ouch. What? Did I say something wrong? You know how I am dude.” Samael spoke slightly annoyed but didn’t care, he had his company and that was all that mattered.

Marcel smiled to his brother in arms. His cape wrapped around him, hiding his attire underneath. He wanted to keep the prince part of him a secret for as long as he could. “Well, if you look at it this way, it could never be as bad as those times in which we had to stop Jack.” Marcel spoke and took a look around at all the new people. He enjoyed this, new company, new faces, new…everything really. He had a soft smile appear on his face during this as he ate some pizza. While Samael scoffed and rolled his eye while finishing his enchiladas.
Certainly Kim was seeing double as these two girls seemed eerily similar; they could be soul mates or long lost twins and Kim would've believed it. Given the excessive energy and that aroma in the air between them, Kim decided to produce a pair of paper plugs to her nose for the time being, least while these two had been together.

"W-well by all means, the more the merrier." Kim said, with the expected enthusiasm of being the one in the middle of these two energizer bunnies disguised as people. Kim's eyes again widened as she seemed to wolf down that pizza as it seemed a side effect of this girl's power was she had to be a bit of a mad eater.

"Well, sure you'd be the envy of other students. Can eat a lot and burn it off lightning quick." Kim mused back, taking a bite of her piece of chicken as she tried to adjust to the continued craziness around her.

Tried being the key word. Not helped by the fact Pamala decided to make a pizza eating bet between the pair which only caused the Takahashi disciple to sweat drop a bit.

"I am not sure the school would want you two trying to rush eat all of the food..." Kim mused to Pamala before she resumed her meal.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Blotch'd
Frederick looked back at Fuyuko when she asked him about his family, this made shim show a warm smile while Thomas seemed to calm down and look at Frederick. "Yeah, I only have my parents, but no siblings; I'm an only child." Frederick said, it looked like he was about to say something else, but the moment he thought about it, he quickly dismissed it. Before he could say anything else, he heard his stomach rumble which made him look down and blush lightly.

"You wanna continue this talk down at the cafeteria? Getting kinda hungry." Frederick asked before turning his head to Thomas who immediately shook his head. "Y'all know me and the boys don't need any grub in us, but thanks anyway." Thomas said while Frederick nodded. "Then you think maybe you can rest for a bit? I feel like we might draw a bit of attention with you out." Frederick suggested before Thomas thought and nodded.

"You got it, boss. You know where we are if you need us." Thomas said before he suddenly and quickly sank in to a puddle of jet black ink which quickly evaporated the moment Thomas sank in to it, Frederick then turned his head to Fukuyo. "Shall we?"

"Sure," Fuyuko responded to the last question, then responded to her own, "I have 10 half brothers, 8 are alive, and a half sister, the sister's actually here. My mother died when I was young, and my dad raised twelve of us by himself, there was a divorce around when Melanie and I were born, but she died shortly after Melanie was born. Two of my half brothers died when I was young as well."

Fuyuko had walked with Frederick, her powers keeping themselves in check as she walked.

"I wonder what will there be to eat?" Fuyuko asked, "I'm hoping for something with Venison, or squirrel, what about you?"

Fuyuko was smiling herself, as she really never had the ability to talk to people after people tended to Bully Melanie. Especially after what happened with the bullies that tried to fight her. She hoped that things would change for her sister, and herself, and today maybe the start. Currently, she was walking with Freddie to the Cafeteria. She then saw the door, which had students trying to pile in the door. She hoped they're okay.

"Look, Freddie, the Cafeteria!" Fuyuko's stomach roared, much like her power, she blushed a bit in embarrassment.

@Red Gallade


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked over at the newcomers, he could barely make them out due to the immense amount of people around. “Seems we’ve got new company Samael.” Marcel spoke as he tried to look at the girl with the ethereal wings. They were much cooler than his when he made them out of Brimsoul to not fully expose them.

“You want to go and say hi?” Marcel asked as Samael shrugged. The two began to slowly walk maneuvering around people to try and greet the newcomers, this would be the first interaction Marcel would have at Karma High.

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
"Okay! C'mon Edric, Follow Omar!" Jasper told Edric before he went behind Omar as they tried to get past the crowd of people. They knew that if they didn't get to the cafeteria in time, they wouldn't be able to get dinner. He kept walking, trying to dodge the other students' elbows and hit as little people as possible. Now, he could see the light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe they'd be able to reach the cafeteria.

"We're almost there! I can see the end of the crowd! Let's go!"
Frederick showed a more saddened expression when Fuyuko explained about her family along with how a few of her members perished... he couldn't help but reach out to her shoulder to comfort her only for the sadness to evaporate the moment he heard Fuyuko's belly growl louder than his. Things were silent between the two before Frederick put his hand to his mouth and struggled to hold back a laugh, though the snickering she began to hear from him was a sign that it was only a matter of time until he failed.

"L-Let's...-" The moment he tried to speak was the moment he finally let out a chuckle. "Let's go on in and get seated." He managed to say within laughter as he proceeded on ahead and tried to make his way through the crowd, he didn't want to draw attention by using his powers. Though he was in a hurry to get through and find an empty table, he constantly looked back to make sure that Fuyuko was within sight.

When he made it through, he went over to find where they order food while he waited for Fuyuko to get through so they could eat together, one hand rested in his coat pocket while his other hand adjusted his glasses.

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Gwen Kendra

Gwen stood solemnly by the seafood section, her gaze fixed on the array of dishes. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder, prompting her to turn around, her curiosity piqued.

As she looked up, she found herself staring higher than anticipated, struggling to comprehend the figure before her. Uncertain of who or what she was encountering, she cautiously spoke up. "Can I help you?" Before she could finish her sentence, the enigmatic figure extended a pepporoni pizza towards her, gesturing for Gwen to take it. Pity in the form of a perfect pizza, who was she to deny such an offer? "Good to know that there's ten foot mind readers here," She slowly took the pizza from him. "Thanks, I guess."

But before she could thank the incredibly generous benefactor, he seemed to have shuffled away to a secluded corner. Gwen followed suit, taking a seat near him. "So, do you always give your food to overly melodramatic strangers? Thanks again," She asked, observing the vibrant atmosphere around her while relishing her pizza.


Joshua Reed

With his food secured, Josh glanced around at the bustling crowd, the glow of his Echo Wings intensified amidst the lively conversations. Careful not to overcharge them, he hovered slightly off the ground, the wings emanating a soft melody from when he had unpacked earlier. "Now, where to sit?" He muttered to himself.

From his elevated vantage point, Josh surveyed the cafeteria, marveling at the multitude of students. He found himself a relatively empty table, sitting down and enjoying his food, humming along to the Echo Wings absent-mindedly.

When Fuyuko heard him try to hold his laugh back, she started giggling a bit as she walked with him, making sure he doesn't end up out of sight. She passed a person who was taking a lot of as the person led two others through their end. When Fuyuko caught up to Freddie, she then looked over to see two people over a bit further away.

"Freddie, they seem lonely," Fuyuko was genuinely concerned, due to her past, and pointed out towards two newcomers, both having red hair, "When we get our food, why don't we sit with them?"

@Red Gallade


Omar looked on to see the path to the end of the Cafeteria, as Jasper called out to Edric. He then needed to focus, as he looked through the elbows, his Analytics power kicked in, allowing him to see how he was going to counter the incoming elbows, well ten elbows came at him, only seven missed. He shrugged off three of them as his Wall power was still active. After the elbows, he reached the end of the crowd, seeing where dinner would be.

"Just a little further, Edric, Jasper, make sure none of you get knocked out." Omar called out from the other side.

As Omar looked on to see all sorts of stands, and all sorts of students, from a dark skinned girl with odd whisker tattoos, to a boy in a long coat, to a red-haired, red eyed individual, to even a girl around Fifi's height with a sword carrying a tray of Gyros finding a table. He saw the Chinese stand said it was out. He was thinking that his dinner was something along the lines of Breakfast food.

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @| Korutesu |


As she was walking down to find a table, she saw the entire student body. Which sent her to a relatively empty table, she saw Fuyuko from the corner of her eye, but was about to be talked to, so she didn't bother her sister. She then saw two red haired figures, one wearing a cloak, both most likely much taller than her. She then saw a boy about her height with Fuyuko, which made Fuyuko look a bit bigger than she actually was.

"If I remember right, my sister can eat a ton, so I hope she doesn't embarrass anyone."

He was slowly getting frustrated, especially because he was getting smacked by all kinds of limbs in all directions. He could barely hear his companions, similarly dealing with the crowds.

"I have no idea who those people are, but maybe at some point, you should introduce them to us! Well after we escape from this mess!"

He quickly attempted to grab something behind him, whipping out a book. He threw it aside, accidentally hitting somebody in the crowd. He cringed as he got hit with an elbow.

"Whoops, sorry mate! That definitely was not what I wanted! I wanted one of those riot shield thingies." He muttered as he got hit in the back. He was trying his patient.

He tried again, whipping out a riot shield. He then held it in front of him and shoved it, pushing through the crowd.

"Sorry, whoops, pardon me, coming through!" He said as he plowed through the crowd, popping out the other end. "Woah, this place is nifty, no wonder there were so many people. Now I better get out of here before somebody hits me for shoving them with that shield." He placed the shield down before heading to the stands.

Maria looked on from the sidelines, hoping to interact with this mysterious boy later.

@Cmeriwether @| Korutesu |
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Riley Deimi

"Oooh, 16 slices??? You're giving me a lowball number-" she paused to inhale a slice like she was doing her best impression of Kirby- though even as she moved her jaw quickly to grind the slice to dust, her entire body moved just as fast... as she had yet to figure out how to only change the speed of certain parts of her body. "-but uhhh, not tonight~ another day though? They're just legit out of pizza, haha..."

Riley scratched the back of her head apologetically towards Pamela, her purple eyes turning to meet Kim's. "I suppose you're right..! I'm not about to play humble- it was definitely a genetic lottery I pulled... I remember girls in middle school commenting on how I kept my figure slender... like guys!!! You only say I'm slender because it seems like I shouldn't be! I've definitely got a tummy going on..."

Riley exhaled and rubbed the back of her head, almost ranting a little, but she seemed to rather quickly calm down... as the sound of flapping wings began to fill her ears.

@Blotch'd @Godjacob

Nera Vasquez


Nera mused aloud, like she was familiar with the name- but not closely, like she'd only heard it in a distant dream or memory, her eyes gazing far off into the distance, as she ate with a casual degree of put-togetherness... it was obvious the girl was rather suburban- which was true, given she grew up in a very Hispanic-dominated neighborhood right outside a major trade city. Still, she made a short nod.

"...that's a unique name... I like it."

She poked at her food for a few moments, seemingly a bit at a loss for things to say. Normally she would have a shorthand, blunt comment to offer Isolde about her lack of speech... but she couldn't bring herself too... she supposed she had a bit of empathy- given she knew Isolde's sensitivity more intimately than most would... the power of mind reading, she supposed.


Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Before Tsugikuni sat down to meet back up with Asuna, who had already sensed his sudden grim tone, he turned to Orion and... made a shorthand smile. It was genuine, but there was an undercurrent of... apologeticness.

"Sorry about the tonal swing... I was thinking about something else for a moment there, and didn't mean to make you worry." His bright yellow eyes hid behind them an internal sigh, a deflating motion...

Just simple, harmless lies for now. I didn't mean to let that one slip... just... lie... for now. I just need a bit more time. A bit more trust. Then I'll tell you, Orion. I'm sorry.

"We return with our food, Asuna...!" Tsugikuni spoke casually, his original respectable demeanor returning in full swing, and he... left a wide space open as he sat down, where Orion could break the distance between him and Asuna. He knew the two probably had some catching up to do, so he evaded getting in their way by any regard.

@RhythmThief @Cmeriwether

Principal Donna White

As everyone began to settle, eating talking, and generally getting a bearing on their situation- the clock struck 5 in the evening, and everyone was essentially seated, the conversations quieting, or silencing, as the lights dimmed, and what appeared to be a large stage area with curtains opened up, right above the food court stalls, which had all essentially began to shut down by now. Within the stage area was a woman, one with deep orange hair, bright green eyes that peered out behind glasses, and a deep gray suit... and of course, how could you forget her two enormous wings, which she used to flap in place to gain presence, as the crowd was hushed, of course, by her mere presence.

"Hello students! Our new Freshmen! Welcome to Karma High School- your new home for hopefully the next 3 years! My name is Donna White, though of course, to you, I am Principal White. It's always such a joy and pleasure to see your faces gazing back at me- one class after another, there are so many characters and interesting folks that gain acceptance into our amazing academy!"

Donna looked out at everyone for a few moments, smiling passively as they all gained their footing back after she began talking. She descended to the ground, her feet touching down as she continued.

"Of course, Karma runs on a 4-House system, as many of you know from the School's informational pamphlet you received with your acceptance letter- that had the map, by the way. The Chimera, the Gryphon, the Pegasus, and the Siren each specialize in a different aspect of power control. Now worry not! Your house won't effect your core classes, nor your dorms! It will, however, impact elective options, and many of our larger school events, like the House Training Course and the Autumn Karma Tournament will involve our houses in some way! After your core classes tomorrow, you'll have a chance to meet your house heads and instructors! Before I go on... I'll be taking questions very quickly! It also saves me the time going over it later, should I have had that topic on my radar already~"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel and Samael were talking about how chaotic the new environment is, but right as Samael was about to comment, the principal appeared introducing them to the school. Samael got a slight bit excited as he heard about the tournament. But Marcel had locked eyes with the girl whom noticed them. He couldn’t help but slightly wave.

(@Cmeriwether @Cryronn the Mudkip )


Previously Deathstalker62
Whitaker was just getting his meal from the burger stand, which involved two different burgers, one almost entirely made of meat and the other with a balance between both greens and meat, notably leaving the pickles in because why anyone would ever wuss out from eating these little funky slices was beyond him, still very much working out with his other arm. He was just about to turn around when someone went up and approached him. A brown-haired kid, revealing himself to be a guy named Dean. Cool.

" Wassup', dude? Name's Carter. I'm a Dorm 7 student, nice to meet'cha. "

Carter, so far, didn't hold much of an impression of this dude. He'd seen this Dean dude already a bit when he had just entered the Cafeteria a while ago, but of course, catching himself the remaining remainders of these tasty burgers was a priority of utmost importance to him, as it should be to anyone, really! He was about to keep talking, when he noticed the lights starting to dim. He guessed something was about to happen, casting away the dumbbell and grabbing a burger from his tray now.

" Let's talk later, bro. Somethin's coming up. "

And then, Whitaker simply proceeded to take a large bite from his food as the principal spoke up and delivered her speech, those wings being a bit of a surprise to him. Sure would've been nice if he were able to manifest something like that, would make it way easier to fly about than to just stand around on a flying surfboard like an idiot. His ears were open, his attention was taken, and his jaws were kept busy with chowing down on his precious burger.


The large, pot-shaped student quietly lowered himself to the floor as he put his legs close to his chest, crossing his arms over his and resting them atop his knees. Not a very comfortable position admittedly, but it was one that took up the least amount of space, so.. there's that. As big ol' Vincent pondered and thought about just what he should be eating himself, the girl whom he had gifted a pizza to earlier came up to him and.. thanked him? That was a new one. Usually, the people he gave gifts to either ran off or just didn't talk entirely.

" ..Vincent see pretty girl look sad at pizza place. Vincent know what it is like. Wanted to make you feel better. "

The giant spoke the very top of what came up in his mind, not a single forethought to his words as they left his flattened twin halves of a mouth, which clapped open with each letter pronounced. His speaking capabilities may not be the best, but that's really because he never was much of a talker.. or a thinker, for that matter. To him, he always spoke whatever was on his mind, never once filtering himself and never really being witty enough of picking up on social cues that told him not to say something aloud - or at all, for that matter. Right now though, his mind was on something else. Not that he needed much filtering anyway, he was too kind-hearted to be much of a jerk to anyone.

His belly begun churning and turning again, promptly glowing red for a few moments once more as it radiated heat, as if Vincent had swallowed a whole oven and it had just turned on. Then, his head raised once again and released steam from its opening as another whole pizza, now as big as the opening itself, popped out, already cooled down enough to be grabbed by the dough with his bare hands without being burned. The big guy took the dish topped with ingredients taken from the mexican stand and held it in one hand with all fingers spread across the bottom, ready to eat but glancing towards Gwen once more, his attention too much grasped by his meal to really hear what else was going on right now in the Cafeteria.

" You okay now? "

@Gold The Dragonite
Deep in contemplation, Orion sprang up jerkily at Tsugi's aplogy. He sighed and smiled back.

"Don't worry about it dude. What's an ominous implication or two between friends, eh?" He replied breezily, knowing he'd likely still be up at night thinking about what that whole thing could've meant. Orion had always been like this, unable to leave a puzzle or mystery unsolved. Sometimes it drove him to find solutions, other times it just made him restless.

Now arriving at their table where Asuna was already sat, Orion was about to steer to the left and leave a wide space open as he sat down, where Tsugi could break the distance between him and Asuna, only for Tsugi to... do the exact same thing.

What is he.... ah, he must not know how she feels about him. Orion concluded. But the signs are all there, dude! How haven't you noticed? Well, it would look awkward if I left that space empty so I guess I'll play along.

He entered the space Tsugi had so graciously left for him, putting his tray down first before resting his hand on Tsugi's shoulder as he descended onto the seat, using him as support. While this was completely unnecessary, he thought the physical contact would help display solidarity and trust between the two of them, knowing well that Tsugi was the type to pick up on small things like this.

Looking at Asuna, he planned to play it cool with a small, chill smile, only for his body to betray him completely and beam, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

What the hell is wrong with me?! He began. She clearly likes someone else, so... why can't I just leave it there? Why can't I get this girl I just met out of my head?

As all this was happening, the Principal, Donna White, appeared on stage, looking as you'd expect; glorious and majestic, her frame crowned by two massive wings. Orion was impressed, intimidated, and hypnotized all at once... when he wasn't stuffing his face full of gyro, that is.

Houses? Right, right, Dad gave me the run-down earlier. Told me that I was likely to be in the Pegasus one, which is cool. I guess that's the house for people with mobility or transport related powers, maybe?

He glanced at Tsugi.

He'll probably be in the... Gryphon, maybe? I get the vibe of an unbreakable, resolute steel wall from that name. And, finally..

He now glanced at Asuna.

She'll be wherever the hot people are.
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Asuna had her Fajita tray in hand as she got back to the table. She then took a seat next to Orion. She then smiled, and whispered to Orion.

"By the way, I think you're cute."

Asuna was beaming herself, her face still a little red, but unsure of the reaction, watching Orion as she worked on assembling her Fajitas while the Principal spoke. Two thoughts ran through Asuna's head at this point.

"Why are you so cute, Orion?"


"What house will I end up in?"

She then started eating her fajitas, but slowly and happily.

@RhythmThief @Cryronn the Mudkip


After Omar got out, he had to dodge a book that Edric threw from literally nowhere, which smacked another random student. He then found Edric, with a riot shield? Where did he find that? How did he find that? Those were the questions that ran through his mind.

"Edric, where did you find a riot shield?" Omar asked, "I've seen a couple from living in Harrisburg, but a riot shield does not sound like something the school would have on hand."

He then went to get something to eat, as such he got some sausage, biscuits and eggs. Then the principal showed up, with wings. Those wings reminded him of his old friend, Damon Felix, the Dragon Spirit Wielder that helped train his Wall power. She explained all the various things and had some guesses as to where he would be assigned.

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @| Korutesu |
"Aww. Okay then- and what tummy!? You about as thick as a stick-" Pamela was interrupted by the Principal. For once, Pamela listened to someone with all of her attention. This Principal sounded pretty interesting, after all, and Pamela supposed she needed to know this. After she was done speaking, Pamela said,

"Houses!? What is this, Hogwarts or something? 'Cuz I didn't really like that series. Harry was an idiot- ANYWAY! Cool! Wowie! Autumn House Tournament! I usually ain't allowed to participate in sports because...Things get pretty nuts real fast, but hey! Yeah! I bet my housemates are pretty cool. How 'bout you, Kimmy? Pixie Stick? I hope I'm in Siren because Sirens are hot and they attract people real easy."

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Godjacob

Isolde nodded, hearing some odd tone in Nera's voice as she complimented her name. Her eye detected a hint of a negative intent before it vanished like a flame in a windstorm. Odd...I have to be careful around her..But at least she isn't making eye contact. That would probably make me nervous...Actually, she's making me nervous in general... Isolde's cheeks flushed with her nervous energy. What is she thinking? If only my eye read minds...

@Cryronn the Mudkip

"Was just lying around, I guess. In the words of Mickey Mouse, it's a surprise tool that will help us later. You would not believe how much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I've watched, the consequences of having younger siblings. Maybe I'll meet those Fifi, Pamela, Dean people later, See y'all later alligators." He commented happily as the group split off.

He didn't know why he lied about his other power, but soon he would have a good reason why as he heard flapping wings.

"Woah." He stated as he looked up at the principal, who kinda had a resemblance to an angel, with her wings.

Principal White, whose name he now knew, was giving her speech about the houses and Karma High, reminding him of those houses from those Harry Potter books that Jade had an obsession with when she was younger. He honestly had no idea what house he'd be sorted in, as his powers were a bit off the walls, but he could manage whatever challenges came his way.

"If I were to pick a house on name alone, probably Chimera. I don't know the criteria and I think hybrids are cool." He thought to himself as the principal kept speaking in a direct tone.

"I might save my secondary power for the tournament, or any villains for that matter. In fact, do supervillains even exist?" He continued brainstorming as he heard about the Autumn Karma Tournament. It was lucky that he'd hidden his other power, Pocket Dimension from Omar, but he had no idea if Jasper knew about it. That debacle would have to wait, however, as he was starving.

"Ugh, too many questions, not enough food." He muttered hungrily as he headed over to the stands and got as much delicious grilled meat and iced tea as possible, but struggled a bit to find a seat. He saw an empty table with somebody in almost all black sitting on it.

"Hey, if you don't mind, I'll just sit here." He asked politely, not attempting to disturb the person sitting there.


He was back. She had no idea how he'd find her this quickly after she fled, but she wasn't just gonna let a guy have to roam around because she was selfish. She would just have to bear it. Besides he wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." She squeaked out, as Edric slid into the seat in front of her, seeming content with life. She had heard the principal's announcement, not really happy about having to potentially fight someone. Hopefully, her housemates would not be like any of her schoolmates, no matter what house she was in. She was most interested in the Siren House, as they were like mermaids.

"Hey, what's your name? I never met you before, and I'd like to socialize more." He introduced himself again, apparently.

What? That was, she'd just met him behind the dorms, what was he talking about? She was puzzled, to say the least.

"Uh, I'm Maria, sorry for ditching you back there Edric, I'm not used to people..." She replied, still in a hushed tone.

"Where? Well, I apologize for ditching you, apparently. But I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you like ever, and never told you my name." Edric looked very confused, the same as her, but that didn't make any sense. How did he not remember...

"Ugh, we finally got here, you can't believe the horde of people, if only we had a riot shield or something. Hey dude, I met a talking flamingo, you should have seen it. Anyways, who is she?" Two identical clones of Edric walked up to the table and started chatting with the Edric who was seated.

"Oh! I get it now, you're like Ditto!" She exclaimed loudly before covering her own mouth. That was so so so stupid, why did she do that? How her chances with him as a friend were ruined...

"What's a Ditto? And are you like a mind reader? Because the only person who knows our name is that talking flamingo from earlier, and whoever he met on the way here." One of the clones asked, pointing to the one in the seat.

"Oh, um, Ditto was an alien from a cartoon who can duplicate himself. That's what I meant, you can clone yourself, right?" Maria corrected herself, attempting to recover from that embarrassing situation. "My power is Animorph, allowing me to morph into animals. So yeah I was that flamingo, sorry about that."

"Yeah, that's about it. Also, that's so cool, you could turn into dinosaurs and stuff."

"Wait, wasn't Ditto like that small mole guy from that show Zach watches? Ben 10 or something like that. Anyways, we probably need to fuse back together, I'm exhausted from prepping our dorm." One of the clones stated as they fused back into one Edric.

"Whoops, sorry gotta get my heads on straight, if you know what I mean."

Wow. He knew Ben 10, huh? This was more interesting than she thought, someone with common interests as little old her. She needed to know more, but she first ate a bite of lechon and rice. It was nice for him to explain the clone situation, now all she had to do was small talk. Shouldn't be too hard right?
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Frederick smiled when Fuyuko approached him as he continued to look around for where they order food, when he found it, he was just about to make his way over until he heard Fuyuko she mention two other guys and asked if they could join them, Frederick didn't seem too bothered by the idea, so he merely shrugged. "I suppose a couple more people wouldn't hurt." He said, unable to hide the faint nervousness in his voice.

He decided to turn his attention back to the stands and looked around at the many different food options. "Hmmm, what shall I have...? Maybe..." Frederick pondered as he checked out what was available and/or what looked good to eat, he nodded as he went to go and get himself a burger, one with more meat and cheese than vegetables in it.

She then looked over to the two red haired boys and pointed them out, who waved to her. As she looked on she saw Freddie pull over with a hamburger. She was trying not to just eat all three of her bowls of Venison Stew at once. She then saw that Freddie was a bit nervous.

"You good?" Fuyuko whispered into his ear when he got back, "It seemed you were slightly nervous a little earlier."

She then took initiative on this interaction. As she looked on at the two, her wings popped out and gave a flap. She steadied her tray as that happened. As she was about to speak, the principal appeared. She listened to the announcements of the events, such as the Autumn Karma Tournament. Fuyuko was worried for most of the student body because of her Takeover ability. She was also worried for Melanie, because her Spirit Seeker's "The Emperor."

@Red Gallade @MarcelGalliard790


She had been eating, and listening to the Principal's announcements, when she heard something about a tournament.

"Not good. The Emperor is Extremely scary, and harder to control than most, and Fuyuko has the Dragon Spirit, and it's Spirit Dragon Takeover. I'll try not to use The Emperor, unless I have to, I see quite a bit of people that The Draque could fight safely. However, most of my other Spirits are more support or have small, switch in abilities, except The White Death. He is going to have a lot of use during this tournament. Otherwise, a house Challenge, this seems interesting, I wonder what house I'm in?"

Melanie ate her food while listening, thinking and trying not to stare at Riley Deimi.