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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)


Previously Night's Shadow
Fifi edged away from the fire, knowing any use of her powers near it would certainly make it much, much worse. She laughed incredulously at the sheer absurdity of the chaos all around, putting her head down on folded arms. Casually breaking the fourth wall, she glanced past the cameraman at the screenwriters and mouthed, what the fuck is happening. Some kid got his face stuck in the ceiling, a table was set on fire, and a pair of students that had, as far as Ffion know, just met looked like they were about two seconds and a Careless Whisper away from making out, all in less than a minute.

She was sure she had to be hallucinating from the ridiculous spice level of her chosen dinner.

Jaime (ooc: just moving this along since we’re stuck after my awkward-ass transition)

Once the situation with the choking kid was assuaged, Jaime offered a curt wave to the three and started to head back to his seat. He still had a gyro to finish.

Much to the cat-eared boy’s displeasure, his carefully isolated seating place was now populated by another boy, a bored-looking kid scrolling on his phone and eating some sort of Chinese noodles. At least he was on the other side of the table, Jaime thought. Hopefully he wouldn’t be noticed, or at least not acknowledged. As per the golden rule, Jaime in turn said nothing to the boy, just took his seat and began to eat again.

A wave of heat washed over him as something caught on fire behind him. Jaime didn’t bat an eye; this falafel wrap wouldn’t finish itself. A red eye with a slitted pupil opened on his back, though, as Jaime felt Mau’s desire to watch the chaos. Ah, fire. Reminds me of hell. Lovely.
"Well damn it's getting hot in here, Kim! It's like its on fire in here!"
She casually leaned back, and said "Yo, you guys wanna blow this joint? I'm tired and its so dang hot in here! I just wanna leave at this point; If Principal whats-her-face is done talking, I'm going. I'mma see y'all later!" She gets up, stepping over Riley and walking through the crowd.
"WOAH you two! Y'all need to cool down y'all's heat! Keep it in the dorm," Pamela said loudly, passing two people who looked to be in a pretty romantic situation. Then she pushed open a door and was straight up gone.
@Godjacob @Cryronn the Mudkip @Cmeriwether @MarcelGalliard790


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Samael gritted his teeth as he looked at the person who made a snarky remark to Marcel. “Why I oughta.” Samael spoke as he turned back, obviously annoyed that someone had to comment. That was when a hand landed on Samael’s shoulder.

“Samael. That person isn’t on the scale of Jack or Drevan from Calypso. Don’t let comments affect your thinking my friend, or you’ll end up no better than they were. Especially when it came to their treatment of Alexis.” Marcel spoke to his friend and Samael exhaled at his comment. “I suppose you’re right Marcel. I shouldn’t cling onto little comments, but rather, the bigger picture.”
(@Cmeriwether @Blotch'd )
Principal Donna White

The principal looked around, quite bewildered at the moment- given that as soon as she'd shut her mouth, the entire cafeteria had erupted into near chaos. She looked to her side on the balcony, and raised her eyebrows at a younger man, maybe in his 20's, with messy green hair. He looked up from the laptop on his lap, and rolled his eyes behind his glasses, before snapping his fingers, sending out a wave that worked like a vaccuum, as in barely a few moments, the emotion of the cafeteria was reset to near zero. Like- they ran out of things to say, stuff to do, and such for the next... little bit, or so. With a sigh, Donna continues.

"For all of you who asked questions or raised your hands... repeat the questions and ask away- and to everyone else... please keep quiet- a certain degree of respect is certainly warranted...

(The director of the scene wipes his brow... he was glad they installed the emergency crisis management)

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

"...worry not, I have this."

He assured Asuna... as in a single motion, he focused his sunflower-yellow eyes... and delivered a decisive smack with the back of his hand right into a point of Orion's back... causing him to immediately projectile the caught food out- just as the calming pulse was sent riccocheting around the room... he let out an exhale, and with a whisper, asked...

"Are you all right..? You looked... rather flustered."

He looked back up at Asuna. Then back to Orion. Back. And forth. And-

"Oh I get it now."

The poor Tsugikuni had to REALLY try to stifle his laughter after he mentally put the puzzle pieces together, and placed his head in his hand... already, huh? That was... really funny..!

@Cmeriwether @RhythmThief

Riley Deimi

"Oui! Wait! Pam-el-a! Everything's all calmed now~!"

Riley called out after her, almost standing up to catch her- as even the effects of Pamela's caffination were muted for a short period of time. Many of the people who were standing reoriented themselves mentally... and sat down. She also saw someone fall from the celing? Probably nothing, but she hoped they were okay.


@Blotch'd @Godjacob
Ah man, it looks like this is it. Family, I love you all! Farewell, cruel worl-

A firm, yet inexplicably precise and calculated strike on Orion's back ended his internal monologue promptly, the unsuccessful gyro assailant now spat out (thankfully) back onto the plate from whence it came. He took deep, relieved breaths, wiping his mouth with a napkin before turning to Tsugikuni to express his gratitude-

or at least he would have, had Tsugi not buried his head in his hands, his body vibrating with the rhythm of a profound cackle.

Yeah, I'm sure the whole thing looked freakin' hilarious to the non-dying... Orion concluded, though it was hard to be angry at someone who just saved your life.

It seemed a lot had gone on in the real world while his life was flashing before his eyes; for example, there was a funky-looking dude with feline features, and a creepy eye-looking thing on his forehead standing behind him, who he discovered actually wanted to help out with the Gyro Incident (as it would be referred to from now onwards).

Orion wanted to ask him if he wanted to sit down and maybe chat a bit with him, Asuna (who he was stealing nervous, tentative glances at) and Tsugi (who was currently turning into The Joker), though the boy left him no chance, opting instead to make his way back with a curt wave. Perhaps they'd cross paths again in the future.

Of course, we could discuss the myriad other changed elements in and around the cafeteria; the fresh new hole in the ceiling and hint of smoke in the air were but a few of such changes. At this point though, Orion couldn't distract himself any longer; he had to deal with... that and now, before the atmosphere between the two got anymore awkward than it already was.

"So-" He began, turning to Asuna, keeping his voice low. The Principal already had to unleash that vacuum-like wave to calm the cohort down, and he wasn't feeling particularly brave enough to see what else she had at her disposal.

"You hiding a Death Note under that dress? Or maybe there was another power you forgot to mention, perhaps? I don't know - 'Sandwich Animation', 'Force Choke' or something of that variety?" He queried, grinning cheekily.
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As all the chaos stopped almost instantly, Dean and Braedyn sighed in relief. No more... absolute dumbassery. Even though they were some of the main sources (alongside a table being set on fire, the Gyro Incident and more). And then Dean's phone rang (which was just a loop of someone screaming). "S-sorry," he said loudly and picked up the phone. "I know where you live," someone said on the phone. Dean immediately hung up. "Nevermind," he said (again loudly), "Just some creepy-ass crackhead trying to scare me." Braedyn sighed. 'Of course,' Braedyn thought to himself. Dean started to slip into a larger crowd so the principal couldn't see him (which failed miserably because he's so f#cking tall compared to everyone else).

"...Dean's cursed," Braedyn said jokingly.
"I'm cursed," Dean said happily.
Kim had debated whether it was wise to stick around, no sooner had the questions left her mouth than everyone in the cafeteria seemed to lose their minds! She seemed to struggle to understand how so many students could have such a lack of control over themselves, had none of them been taught even the basics of decency!?

"H-hey! You can't just le..." Kim had began to say to Pamala as she walked away and she sighed a bit, this whole thing had gone further than she liked but thankfully the Principal seemed to have someone who put some control in the situation, Upon being asked for questions Kim once more raised her hand and cleared her throat before speaking.

"Yes, Principal White, I only ask if we are to have any arranged meetings with our Houses or if that won't be necessary." Kim asked as she made sure to simply her point given the House system which seemed to mainly factor to these in-school tournaments and events.

@Blotch'd @Cryronn the Mudkip

Asuna's face gave a relieved look when the fragment of Gyro Orion had somehow started choking on got knocked out by Tsugikuni. She giggled softly when he started talking normally again. She also heard Tsugikuni laughing in the background.

"If calling you cute was a Death Note," Asuna whispered back, "But in all seriousness, I can hide in the Shadows, other than that, I'm a second degree black belt."

She then looked at the principal, then around the room, and had no questions, so she looked back to Orion.

"You are so Cute, Orion. Also, thank you Tsugi. Orion. The first person to call me hot, even if on accident."

@RhythmThief @Cryronn the Mudkip


Fuyuko had been flirting with Marcel when someone gave a comment as the person left. At that point, a Wave hit the room as Fuyuko blushed immensely. She then raised her hand to ask a Question.

"I have a Rather Large Takeover Power and will the facilities be large enough to handle such a Power?"

She then looked at Marcel, still blushing. However she had thoughts that hopefully didn't betray her this time.

"A cute prince, flirting with me? I was not expecting a prince to flirt with me."

@MarcelGalliard790 @Cryronn the Mudkip
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Previously QueOne
“Fascinating,” Petra thought to herself as Omar described to her his abilities.
“Three in one, and they’re all fairly useful.”

“I’m…sorry about your father,” she murmured when he got to the bit about his Analytics. Petra’s mother had had quite a few close calls on account of her hemophilia; those memories haunted her to this day. She could never shake the feeling that her mother’s curse was half of what made her special (the other half being her father’s gift of controlling flames). A curse, a gift, unwittingly mixed together—what did that make her exactly?

Petra shook her thoughts off as she noticed Omar suddenly pull away his gaze. Had she shared too long.
“Damn those captivating eyes of his,” she thought as she flicked her own eyes away, a bit flustered.

Suddenly, she was greeted by a very tall, rather eccentric seeming girl who introduced herself as Jack. Petra noticed that the girl had cat-like ears coming out of her head, which seemed to check out with her talk of whiskers and catnip.

“Are you some sort of cat-human hybrid?” Petra asked mildly, with a tilt of her head. Then, unable to resist the idiotic follow up question which appeared in her mind, she blurted out “Do you like salmon?”

@Cmeriwether @Void_Nugget

Omar had been looking a little too long at Petra's eyes after he looked back up.

"Those eyes of hers, they're beautiful."

However he heard something that he didn't expect.

"He's better off where he is now." Omar whispered.

He then heard someone introduce themselves as Jack, and turned around to find a girl, seemingly eccentric, and with cat ears? Were those ears from a power? He did hear stuff about Whiskers and Catnip recently, so this made some sense. When he heard Petra speak, she spoke two questions, one was logical to him, and the other, was somewhat logical to him, he remembered sometimes cats do eat fish. He then looked at Petra's eyes Momentarily, then turned to the girl in front of him.

"Hello, I am Omar Shieldson, does your power.have something to do with cats?

@Banan-chan @Void_Nugget


Previously Shadow_Pup
Jack grinned at there questions, the wave had nullified the calming drowsy effect of the catnip returning her to her full excitable self. She nod "Yeah, my ability allows me to shift into a more complete cat like form, but even when not I have cat like abilities, I'm also pretty much a cat physically and yes I do like salmon" she added with a wide grin "so anyway you to seem to be getting on well" she said with a sly smile.
@Cmeriwether @Banan-chan
If people of his skin tone were able to visibly blush, Orion would likely resemble a tomato.

He was honestly surprised that Asuna was interested in him at all (and was being so forward about it, go figure!), though his joy at being complimented by her peculiarly overtook any feelings of inadequacy or being 'out his league' that he may have had.

For now, anyway.

"Wait, hide in the shadows? As in you can just walk into a shadow and... disappear? That's sick!" He whispered back. He had a similar reaction to her confession of being a second degree black belt, making a mental note to never tick her off. Between these two abilities and being a walking steam engine, gyro assassins would be the least of his worries.

He relaxed into a comfortable rhythm ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) , having no particular questions of his own to ask; Atreus, his father, had made sure he knew everything that was going to go down in the first few days. Orion instead opted to just listen to what others were asking, as they might reveal some useful tidbits of info he could use later.

He was slightly nervous about the mention of a tournament, though; if Tsugi and Asuna were any indication, he knew some others in his cohort were bound to have some insane abilities at their disposal.

I imagine there are some pyromancers, people who can morph into different animals or beasts, maybe even manipulate electricity!

He looked over to the giant he noticed earlier, taking in his form once more. Interestingly he was sat in a very vulnerable, almost child-like position, next to... Gwen, was her name?

Seeing her reminded Orion of just how much had gone down in the last few hours, not just for him, but likely for a lot of his peers who he'd hopefully meet later on.

Right- I've already met people that can zoom like The Flash, fly like Aladdin, and float on bubbles like... I don't know, a Windex ad? I'll need to train hard if I wanna do well in that tournament. It's like Dad always says; "the person makes the power, not the other way around."

With that, he lay back in his chair, tiredness creeping up on him from the emotional roller-coaster that was his first day.

Once the Principal was done talking, and dismissed all the students back to the dorms, he planned to bid Asuna 'See you later!' and follow Tsugi back to their place, whenever The Joker in question was ready to depart.
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Previously Deathstalker62
Vincent's jaws opened wide as he was about to take a chunk out of the whole tire of a pizza he just made before looking toward Gwen. Though she didn't quite say it, Vincent.. kind of understood what she was about to say. Passing a few glances between his gigantic pizza and Gwen, he proceeded to tear it into small enough pieces and would have had then held the torn pieces towards her with both hands, willing to even part with the whole thing if necessary. Really, eating was the last problem he'd ever have and with all these ingredients just being passed down to him, sharing really was just his priority right now.

Then, she asked him something that he did genuinely feel like answering. His power. Really, whatever else was going on at the moment, he could care less about right now. His eyes lit up with a little bit of excitement as he, a good while after giving the girl the opportunity to grab what she could, would have pulled both hands back again and dumping what rest remained, if there even were pieces remaining, down his gullet again. Only this time, with proper chewing, though no notable swallowing. Probably in part to his lack of a throat.

" Vince call it 'Potbelly' ! Can make stuff with stuff! Also keep stuff inside! Take dough and turn to bread! "

With what broken sentences he could speak, Vince provided a first-hand example of what he meant - quite literally, as his head clapped open again and a mass of dough would come out briefly, his left hand grabbing it as he would have planned to present it to Gwen to prove it really was nothing but just a mix of flour, water and salt. Then he had planned to throw it back in again, his stomach briefly lighting up red before, moments after, a whoel loaf of fully baked bread just popped back out again from lid opening up again and releasing steam. Not too hot to the touch, but just warm enough to be crisp, as proven by Vincent's hands once again moving in and just yoinking it out of the air.

" That how Vince work! Pretty girl want bread, too? "
@Gold The Dragonite


Previously Shadow_Pup
Grayson was sat by the entrance sleeping in his chair being relatively oblivious to the chaos, content that no-one had bothered him. When the wave went out Grayson felt it and opened his eyes slightly, "what was that" he said quietly to himself as he glanced around, notice how people seemed a lot must of happened while he was sleeping. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small steel ball that he started to roll around his palm, before transforming his body into steel for a moment and then back to normal as he sat there, contemplating going back to his dorm.

She had blushed a bit as well, as she then nodded. Asuna had seen Orion's nervousness, and had her own from her Martial arts tournaments, despite being a second degree black belt. When people had questions, she listened to them as well. She did not have any herself, and saw Orion get into a comfortable rhythm. She calmed herself down, still slightly blushing.

"Who knows what we'll face in terms of powers, but I will be cheering you on, Orion as best as I can. Also, I understood that Death Note reference."

Asuna had been giving a bit of a stare at Orion. Her thought were a bit surprising for her, it had been a while since the last time she's had those thoughts.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was going to flirt before a wave came over the room and now the room was silent…until it wasn’t. But he still had his sights on Fuyuko. ‘She could be my princess. I know father wouldn’t mind, mother would be happy that I found someone. But there’s something else about her. Something powerful about her, is she draconian? I can’t tell, it’s kind of a blur right now. But all that matters is she’s cute.’ Marcel thought to himself while he waited for the whole shebang to continue on.
(@Cmeriwether )


Previously QueOne
Petra felt her face go warm at Jack’s comment. Even she could tell what the girl was implying with the observation that she and Omar “seemed to be getting on well.”

“S’pose so,” Petra replied with a small laugh, not quite looking at Jack or Omar with hopes that neither would notice her face. It was true, after all. She was enjoying the boy’s company; she never really attracted much attention, and when she did, it was usually distaste or fear for her inadvertently setting something on fire. This was nice for a change.

@Cmeriwether @Void_Nugget

Omar's face turned a bit red at the words "seemed to getting along well". Usually if he got involved in something, it would end in people looking like a zoo.

"It seems like that." Omar whispered.

He then saw Petra out of the corner of his eye, however trying to keep out of Jack's sight. Her power was one not to trifle with, from what he had seen.


He then remembered about his pendant. He put it back in his shirt for now as he then thought about his day, especially meeting Petra, ever so pretty, cute, if seemingly a bit shy.

@Banan-chan @Void_Nugget


Melanie had been watching everything unfold, from A boy their age flirting with their sister, to a boy ready to punch a girl who passed by and made a slightly rude comment on their flirting. Melanie certainly hoped this wouldn't be a repeat thing, if she knew anything about Fuyuko, it's that she would annihilate Bullies, especially ones after Melanie herself. She then looked to see what remained of a table that caught on fire, a short girl talking with a really tall girl and a boy. It seemed that something the really tall girl said flustered the both of the others, from Melanie's point of view. She then saw Riley try to go after the girl who made the rude comment towards Fuyuko. Melanie was Slightly tinged, well as best as her skin tone would allow. A relaxation wave hit the room as the principal asked for questions. Melanie had none, so she watched Riley a bit.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked all around to his fellow classmates, before locking eyes with Melanie. She seemed to have been watching them the whole time. So Marcel pointed to Fuyuko and then back to her, as a way of asking from across the room if Fuyuko was her sister. ‘Well I’ll be. Seems they might be siblings.’ Marcel thought to himself as he left a hand on the table, as an offer for Fuyuko.

Samael shot a look over to Melanie and then back up to the front, he didn’t like when people looked at him so randomly, they either had a reason, or they didn’t. ‘So many annoyances. I’m only here to help my bro in arms.’ Samael thought to himself as he continued to look at the front.
(@Cmeriwether )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Upon noticing the reactions to her question Jack beemed even wider, "oh I see, your getting along very well" she put her hands up in a mock surrender "well don't let me get in the way of a special moment, see you two around" she said as she turned from the table and looked around the room, and returned to where she had originally put her food down, she long since finished her coffee and she grabbed one of the sweet items she chosen earlier and ate it while continue to consider joining another conversation, "so many choices" she muttered.

Having looked around for a bit then spotting a group of people (Marcel, Fuyuko and Samael and anyone I forgot), he decided to introduce himself and stood up before strolling over, returning his steel balls to his pocket. He reached the table and brushed his hair over his shoulder, "well aren't you a fine group of good looking people" he said with a devious grin, before blowing a kiss in the groups general direction "nice to meet you all, the names Grayson" he stated with a twinkle in his eye as his smiled before taking a seat near Samael.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether

Fuyuko had seen Marcel look at Melanie, and pointed at Her then at Fuyuko herself.

"She's my half-sister, I don't know what's up with her. She's the one with the sword that my family had to meet with British Government officials for."

Fuyuko then turned to see a guy, who introduced himself as Grayson.

Melanie was given an odd look by the other boy there. However the one that was flirting his head off with her half-sister did some pointing at her then at Fuyuko. Melanie nodded towards Marcel.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Oh she’s your sister!” Marcel whispered in surprised as he left his hand on the table. “Maybe she’s been watching us do our thing this whole time? I kinda get the looking out for each other bit.” Marcel spoke as he looked to Melanie and then back to Fuyuko offering his hand on the table for her to hold, but not directly saying it.

Samael was surprised when the long haired individual sat next to him, but that surprise didn’t last long. “And why sit next to the son of the revered Blaze Maelstrom?” Samael spoke looking with his one eye and his eyepatch glared down the new guy.
(@Cmeriwether @Void_Nugget )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Grayson turned to look at Samael, "Don't think on it hon, I just sat here because I wanted to sit down, I'm not fussed who your daddy is" he said as he, "and beside you don't look nearly scary enough to warrant such worry" he stated bluntly before turning his attention to Marcel and Fuyuko "I see you two spent no time at all get nice and close" he said with his mischievous grin and a little wink at the pair as he pulled out his steel ball to fiddle with as he watched them, "well aren't you guys going to introduce yourselves, it's very rude not to you know" he added bluntly.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether

Fuyuko turned away from her sister to realize that someone spoke up. She then heard something somewhat alarming from what the other boy and the now Introduced Grayson. Spirit energy started wisping out of Fuyuko's midsection, hips and whisker tattoos.

"Fuyuko Redtail," Fuyuko responded, blushed a bit, but still on alarm.

Melanie turned back around, alarm bells were ringing in her head. When she looked over, Fuyuko's Spirit energy was leaking out again, this time her pupils looked more like a Dragon's. Melanie then had this thought.

"Fuyuko is on high alert from the tone of voice used by the new person who approached. She might be having a flashback to the fight that she had over me last year. I'll need to try and let the boy next to her about that."

Melanie mouthed to Marcel.

"You need to do something."

@MarcelGalliard790 @Void_Nugget


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel noted Melanie’s wording and then looked to Fuyuko and then back to Grayson. ‘I need to tell him she isn’t interested, but how? Hmmm.’ Marcel thought to himself as he looked to her then back to Grayson. Bingo! Marcel softly grabbed one of Fuyuko’s hands and spoke softly to her. “It’s alright. I won’t let him potentially harm you, alright? Just take some deep breaths, I’m right here.” Marcel then looked to Grayson and his sharp teeth were shown. “She’s clearly not interested, and she’s scared by you, so apologize.” Marcel spoke sharply as Samael nodded.

We don’t appreciate people who try and scare a female. After all the last person who did, let’s just say he ended up regretting hurting her.” Samael smiled to marcel and then back to Grayson with a serious expression. “And we didn’t kill him if that’s what your thinking. We roughed him up a bit, that’s all.” Samael commented as he looked to the long haired individual
(@Void_Nugget @Cmeriwether )


Previously Shadow_Pup
"Violence?, is that all you oafs understand, I wasn't threatening the girl, I was imply that she and this gentleman had gotten very well acquainted in the short time it's been since everyone got to this school" he stated starting to get annoyed by Samael in particular, "and I said before, you don't scare me, servant boy" he said making an inference about Samael and Marcel's connection before turning to Fuyuko and Marcel, addressing Fuyuko in particular, "and to you hon, I was not hitting on you or threatening you, I promise, I much prefer men, though I have dated the occasional woman" he said trailing off before snapping back "as I was saying, I apologise for any misunderstandings I may have caused" he said bowing his head slightly.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Oh it is alright my friend. I just. I didn’t want to come off as rude, is all.” Marcel spoke humbly as he looked at Grayson. “My apologies but the girl we protected was in a less than ideal relationship for her, she was used by her boyfriend as a punching bag, which is why my friend here got defensive.” Marcel calmly explained to Grayson as he looked to Fuyuko and then back to Grayson.
(@Void_Nugget @Cmeriwether )

The Alarm level went back to normal, as the spirit energy dissipated. Fuyuko responded to explain.

"I had a bad past with bullies and my half-sister, and a tone of voice started setting some alarm bells off." Fuyuko responded, "It was probably a misunderstanding from all of us. I am also trying to get closer to people, but my past isn't the most helpful thing in that direction. I got internally spooked."

Melanie figured it was best to help expedite the explanation by going over.

When she got there, she then looked st the group. A spectral outfit of a revolutionary War General formed over Melanie as she arrived.

"H-hi, Melanie Redtail," Melanie responded, taking, "I'm the sister, and to explain her past, Bullies tried ways to pick on me, multiple times, eventually ending up in a Confrontation that sent multiple people to the Hospital, also I mouthed some words because I know what happens if she gets any further that what happened here. It wasn't because she was angry, it was her worries that almost set her off. I really don't want to see what happens when Fuyuko's like that. It's not pretty when it fully takes over, one of the worst possible things to fight her and Slaughtered two bears when she was younger."

Fuyuko looked up to see Melanie, possessed by The Revolutionary.

@Void_Nugget @MarcelGalliard790


Previously Shadow_Pup
Grayson listened intently, "my, my, you all seem like very interesting people" he stated before, he glanced down and noticed he had transformed his hand into the material of the table, Fuyuko aura must have alerted him more than he realised, he shook himself slightly and his hand returned to normal. He then turned to the newcomer "nice to meet you Melanie, I once again apologise is I caused any issues" he said with a reassuring smile as he continued to roll the steel ball in his hand as he sat there.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Samael knew it was time to unveil his past a bit so he cleared his throat and his accent changed, a Russian accent was now present. “I am the son of the number 1 hero of Russia. Blaze Maelstrom, Vladislav Petrikov. I had a less than fortunate encounter with Marcel at a young age due to him not controlling his true demon, Zalthereon that costed me my eye. But my father was quick to cauterize the wound.” Samael pointed to his eyepatch and then cleared his throat.

“Years later, and one year before coming here to Karma, me and Marcel conveniently ended up at Calypso Power Academy in Vermont. We would battle as the finalists of our school’s first tournament and then he would explain the truth of the day in which he tore my eye out, since then, we’ve relied on each other, but still had our rivalry. But then, the month of February comes around, I’m walking with Marcel and our friends to class and I see Jack Frostweaver, who was a popular kid me and Marcel knocked down a few pegs after the schools tournament. He was getting rough with a girl named Alexis Vespertine, who was a blood dragoness. I gave him a warning, next time we saw him getting rough with her, we would step in.”

“But then, lo and behold, not even an hour later, he’s being rough with her, beating her up with ice powers, so Judas and Sampson covered Drevan, Nix and Lucien covered Lance, and me and Marcel beat up Jack for using Alexis as a means for his own ends.” Samael commented as his obsidian scythes on his back partially glowed orange on the cracks for a little bit.

“After that I became an assassin, The Burning Skull. Then wouldn’t you know it, Jack tried to expose me, but this time, his plan won. Headmaster Andreus Whitmore pulled me into his office and gave me a lecture. But he made a big mistake calling my father. As he approved of my side career, saying that was how he started his career as a hero, was as an assassin.” Samael commented as his scythes stopped glowing and the heat died down from them. “But that is my story, the story of Samael Nikolai Petrikov.”
(@Void_Nugget @Cmeriwether )

Fuyuko was quite surprised by the revelation of the boy with Marcel's history.

"The popular girls were very harsh on Melanie, most of them tried to push her around." Fuyuko responded.

"They would berate me, push my buttons, and just try to cause general issues, one time, I got possessed by a spirit known as 'the Actor' and they tried to hurt me, badly. All I know about that time was that a spirit called 'The Emperor' kicked 'The Actor' out of possession and turned the tables on those two. The three that they sent after that were the ones that set off Fuyuko after I came home to bruises all over the place and a black eye. A fight occurred and the three ended up in the hospital, no one died, thankfully. To say Fuyuko was pissed, was like saying that I get possessed by Historical Figures." Melanie confessed.

Fuyuko looked at Melanie, and realized that The Revolutionary possessed her again. Between him, The Draque and The Emperor, they were the most confident of Melanie's spirits. She then drew her Sword and placed it on the table.

"It was shortly after the second Bully incident I received this. Please let me handle the blade as it is over four hundred years old."

An old sword, with a guard was in front of Marcel, Samael, Grayson, and Fuyuko. On the blade had engravings, that had traces on gold on them, a Turks head was on each end of the wire handle, and the Pommel and Guard had Oak leaves and Acorns on it.

"Marcel," Fuyuko whispered, blushing a bit, "This sword is why we met with British Government officials. The Spirit 'The Draque' possessed Melanie and reacted to the sword."

@MarcelGalliard790 @Void_Nugget
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Grayson continued to listen as Samael spoke, "such an in depth tale, how lovely" he said as he watched Melanie place a sword on the table and the first thing Grayson noticed was the gold, he hadn't transformed onto gold in a long time and he felt the urge to reach out and touched the blade to feel the material's, "well I never really knew my parents, they died when I was very young. I ended up with this wack job who through rigorous tests and experiments activated my latent powers. I did of course end up with a regular and loving family after the scientist abandoned me, deeming me no longer useful" he stated having reached out and gently touching the sword as he body changed into pure gold he pulled his hand away "I did love the feeling of gold, it has been a while" he said with a smile, "I must sat the sword is lovely" he said deciding to remain in this golden form for the time being.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether

Perched up in a tree, she could see everything from up here, including all the students entering and leaving. As she pruned her wings, she reflected on all the people she had met, especially Edric.

The air was clear and nice, fellow birds were singing, and there were barely any clouds in the sky. She bathed in the ambience of it all, especially not having to talk to anyone. This was her peace, her safe space.

“If only I could eavesdrop on somebody right now.” She chirped to herself.

Then she noticed a group of students talking to one another. She didn’t really like conversations, but she decided she’d listen in. She flew closer, making sure she just seemed like an ordinary pigeon. One of the students stood out like a golden beacon, but she decided to lay low.



Man, this was boring.

He had found a nice park table away from the chaos of the cafeteria, but now he had nothing to do and nobody to talk to. He definitely did not think this through, and now he had some regrets. It was a nice day outside, but he really didn’t care for ambience.

“Man, my hindsight is the opposite of 20/20. Gosh darn it.”

As he ate a Swedish Fish, he decided to make the most out of his bad situation. He needed something to kill his boredom. He decided to attempt to pull something from his pocket dimension he’d never tried before, a fidget toy.

So he reached behind him, and attempted to pull something out. He struggled a bit before pulling out a Lego box. It featured a blue moth-like creature who Edric had seen before relating to Ben 10 stuff.

“Big Chill, I think you were. Wasn’t what I was going for, but might as well.”

He then decided to build it here, no like anything important was currently going on. Edric just laid back, opened his phone and played some chill music.
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Dean had walked to a small group of people when he saw one of them turn into gold. He was... not surprised, but intrigued. He'd stayed quiet for a while, but now he got bored. He jumped out of a nearby air conditioner (he was surprised it had a chip) and started talking to the group.

"'Sup?" he said, hopeful to make friends. He then noticed one of the people had an eyepatch. "Are you a mercenary?" he asked the guy with the eyepatch, "J-just curious." He smiled like he'd just pulled the best prank (which he did earlier).

@Void_Nugget @Cmeriwether @MarcelGalliard790

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair

Gwen took the 'scraps' of pizza from Vincent, and right after, he showed his power in action again. She smiled, seeing him so excited to show off his power, like a child wanting to show off their macaroni art. Not like she would know. "Chuck E Cheese must be dying to hire you," Gwen joked, as she saw Vince devour his pizza, recycling it into plain ol' dough, and finally baked bread. "Well, they're already dead, but you get it."

She let out a weak laugh, shaking her head at his offer. "No thanks, I think I've eaten enough. All yours, buddy." Some sort of pulse went through the whole cafeteria, seemingly bringing peace to this complete mess. The principal asked again for any questions. Her head more clearer now, Gwen did remember a question she had earlier. She raised her hand until Principal White had noticed her.

"How much of our academic life will be focused on power control?" Gwen had to speak up, being sat at the back of the cafeteria. The mention of a house training course and school tournaments piqued her interest.

@DevVoid @Cryronn the Mudkip


Josh watched as the madness slowly unfolded, thanks to the green haired guy. It looked to just be a Q&A, so Josh left, assuming most of the lady with the pretty wings' speech was over. As he stepped outside, rock music that was a bit too loud could be heard as his wings turned from an obnoxiously bright white to a lighter blue. He started to get bored, looking around. Josh saw someone on a bench outside, with a box of Lego. He recognized the figure near instantly, rushing over.

"Oh my god, is that Big Chill? I haven't seen this in forever!" He marveled over the box in the boy's hands. "Swampfire's still better if you ask me, but it's Ultimate Form is so..." Josh let out a joyful sigh, reminiscing the amount of time he spent sitting in front of the TV, watching cartoons. "Fire so cold it burns," He remembered the infamously cheesy line, genuinely getting giddy over the memories. "I mean, it's stupid. Fire isn't even cold, but it's still such a cool line~"

He quickly returned back to his senses after the nostalgia trip. Josh looked back towards the Lego box, and its owner right in front of him. How the hell did he forget there was a guy sitting right in front of him!? Josh cleared his throat before speaking up. "Sorry about that, I just haven't seen Ben 10 in a while," He nervously laughed it off. "Hey, um, do you mind if I can see what it looks like after you build it? Or if you need any help..?" Josh's voice trailed off, unsure if he was being too direct or not after all... that.

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam!

“Oh, it’s fine, you’re not the first person to geek out about Ben 10 in front of me. I really need to rewatch it by myself sometime, maybe I’ll learn a thing or two.”

Edric was happy to see somebody new here, even if it was unexpected. He wasn’t planning to clone himself for this, as he wanted to make new friends. As he opened the box, he decided to make his move.

“You can stick around and help out, I guess. I was getting kinda lonely before you showed up. I’ll definitely show it to you when I’m done. Man, you and Maria would really get along.” He split himself again into two clones, having one of them be standing up.

“Why am I here?” The clone standing up asked.

“You need to go pigeon hunting. If you fail within 2 hours, just head back to the dorms.”

“Ah, got it.” He then casually walked off, as the Edric on the bench started building the Big Chill figure.

“So what’s your name and favorite alien? Just curious.” He asked his new companion, hoping to start a fruitful conversation.

@Gold The Dragonite

As Grayson touched the sword, albeit Gently, she watched to make sure he didn't damage the sword.

"The sword is over Four Hundred years old." Melanie responded.

Melanie was then spooked by a boy a good bit taller than her. As she turned around, her shyness kicked in. Fuyuko gave the boy an Odd look, more so after he asked if Samael was a mercenary.

"Hello there," Fuyuko responded, "I'm Fuyuko Redtail, and you spooked my sister. Marcel, you should introduce yourself."

Fuyuko looked at the boy who spooked her sister.

"I-i am M-Melanie R-redtail." Melanie got out as best as she could, "W-where did you Come from?"

@D34N.U5R @Void_Nugget @MarcelGalliard790


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“I was an assassin. Not a mercenary. Actually, I was one of the best assassins!” Samael told the newcomer as he looked at him. “The burning Skull sent fear through the streets, where I was before I came here. But I’m not that way anymore. Since I need a new gig, that gig being here.” Samael explained as he looked the newcomer up and down.

“Ah! You’re right!” Marcel spoke as he turned to the newcomer. “I’m Marcel. Marcel Cromwell, a pleasure my friend.” Marcel spoke as he held his hand out for him to shake, his cape was still next to him, his royal attire remained unchanged.
(@D34N.U5R @Cmeriwether )
Dean smiled. "I didn't mean to scare anyone," he said, "That AC had a chip for some reason." He shook Marcel's hand, not out of necessity, but out of respect, mainly due to his royal attire. "My name's Dean," he said, "Dean Emery." He then looked over to Fuyuko and Melanie. "Like I said, I didn't mean to scare anyone," he said in a calming tone, "Even if most of my pranks involve scaring people, that wasn't a prank." He laughed awkwardly as he looked towards Melanie.

"I don't mean to be weird but damn, she's cute," he thought to himself.

He started to blush a tiny bit as he focused on Melanie. Then he looked back to Marcel. "Don't worry, I got myself under control," he said, still thinking about Melanie. Then he looked back to Melanie and smiled. Then he looked back to Marcel again. "OK, maybe I got myself under less control than I thought," he said nervously (which is really out of character for him).

@MarcelGalliard790 @Cmeriwether @Void_Nugget

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair

Josh let out a sigh of relief, sinking into the welcoming comfort of the park bench beside the guy, as he cloned himself and ordered it to... go pigeon hunting? Strange, but Josh didn't ask. "Cloning, huh? That's pretty cool!" Josh remarked, his eyes alight with curiosity. He couldn't help but think about the possibilities with such a power. "Hey, ever think the clones might turn evil, like in the TV shows?" He mused, grinning over the overused trope.

Josh raised an eyebrow at the guy's question. "I dunno if I can remember... guess I haven't really thought about it much," Josh started to snap his fingers together, trying to recall. "I'd probably go with the red one." Despite his incredible description, he felt the need to clarify as he remembered the alien's name. "I think it was Stingray or something. Jetray? Jetray sound right." He corrected himself. "That or Rath, I thought he was pretty funny," His answered his question with a satisfied sigh as he thought of both of the alien's fight scenes.

"I'm Josh, by the way. What's your name? And who's Maria? Is she another student?" Another astute observation from Joshua. He looked over to the guy, his wings glowing a dim blue in response to his music.

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam!