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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)


“Oh I’m Edric. Edric Fletcher. Nice to meet you Josh.” He was happy to just relax and remove boredom by building something and chatting with this guy. Along with Jasper, Maria and Omar, he would have gum talking to this companion.

“Well, I think they are all the same person, so no dice.” Edric responded as he put the left arm of this Big Chill together. He’d never seen differences in the clones he made, but he did have a limit.

“As for Maria, she’s another student who’s really into Ben 10. She said I resemble Ditto, which for the record I don’t think I look like a small mole fellow.” As he snapped more pieces of the Big Chill figure together, he wanted to talk more to Josh.

“Well I haven’t really watched Ben 10 in a while, my little brother does but I have no idea which of the three series he’s watching. My current favorites are the mummy, XLR8, and the pterodactyl guy, I think. I don’t think I’ve watched enough of Ben 10, but I think they are cool when I saw them, not literally of course.”

@Gold The Dragonite


As she listened to the conversation of her fellow students down below, Maria wondered what it would be like to have more friends than just Edric. Did he even count? He was just a friendly guy, so maybe he wasn't really a pal.

The wind blowed, and as she chirped and flew aside, a leaf fell on her face.

“Ack! Crap!” She yelled and chirped as she batted at the leaf obscuring her vision.

She couldn’t really reach it as a pigeon, so she quickly morphed into a coati, hoping it would help her situation. She hoarsely panted and barked until she grabbed it and threw it off the tree, landing near the students.

“Double crap…” She spoke in a hushed tone, hoping nobody heard her.

@MarcelGalliard790 @D34N.U5R @Cmeriwether @Void_Nugget
Dean knew anything could go wrong, but he preferred to think nothing would. But then Braedyn walked up grinning and laughing. "Hey, Dean, you see that talking pigeon earlier?" he said loudly. Dean almost burst into laughter, barely holding it in. "There was a talking pigeon?" he said with a hint of surprise. Braedyn nodded. Dean held his breath. "Holy shit," he said, "There's more variety in this place than I thought." Braedyn stopped laughing & grinning and sighed. "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," he said jokingly.

Then Braedyn noticed the people Dean was talking to. He sighed again. "How the fuck did I not see you come here?!" he shouted as Dean laughed. "They were here already dumbass!" Dean explained as Braedyn smirked. "So we got- we got a bunch of others, including Mr. Assassin's Creed over here," Braedyn said, barely stifling a laugh as he motioned towards Samael.

Dean sighed, chuckling. "He's like this most of the time," he said, looking towards everyone whilst motioning towards Braedyn. Braedyn gave a thumbs up. Dean then noticed a coati on the ground close to the group. He paused before sighing.

"So, Braedyn, you said you saw a pigeon?" he said, "'Cause I see a coati nearby and I will not hesitate to investigate further if you want me to. Braedyn shook his head. "I wanna know something else," Braedyn explained, "Do you like someone in that way?" Braedyn then silently motioned towards Melanie. Dean blushed tons more. "C-can we talk about this later?!" he shouted, panicking.

"I knew it," Braedyn said to himself, smirking.
(Kimiko's Question was about meetings with her house. Fuyuko's question was about Facilities and if they could handle the size of Her Spirit Dragon Takeover. Gwen's question was about how much of class was power control. We can wrap up to final moments as well, I do have to drop a mist over the school at some point in the night.)

Principal White

"Now that we have all of that taken care of..." Donna White crossed her arms and exhaled, looking out over the crowd and answering the questions one by one... starting with Kimiko!

"Your meeting with your house will be tomorrow after school- just those of your current grade though, and of course, your house leader. Otherwise, you'll be meeting your whole house over time- and it's not like you have to be friends with all of them..! Simply put, prepare to introduce yourself tomorrow, at least!" She turned her head to Fuyuko.

"Our facilities are rather huge- as Size Changing powers are not uncommon, in all shapes and sizes. Most of them have rooves that can be opened for sky access if that also becomes needed for spatial reasonings. I'm sure that unless you're larger than an actual office building, you should be fine in our facilities- though our classrooms are only sized up to those around 15 feet tall, unless someone has a specific power- in which case we apply assistance techniques to fit them like portals." After that, she attented to Gwen's question.

"While much of your time will be taken up by general studies like math and science, about half of the importance of this schooling environment is to facilitate power control for many things such as use in the general workforce, specialty jobs and roles in the community, sports in which power use is approved, and of course, the very popular life path of becoming a hero..! Still, to summarize, power control and power application is an extremely important part of Karma's cirriculum!"

After the rest of her questions were answered, the atmosphere calmed a little as she explained a little more standard information and a few beginning wishes to the luck of the students- before all were dismissed and heavily chaperoned back to the dorms... where evening would soon fall, and the world would begin to fall asleep...

Riley Deimi


Riley flopped onto her back on her side of the connected bedroom... she had barely even been able to speak to her dormmates- she was just so out of it now. For whatever reason, energy seemed to evade her- and she felt the very strange sensation of being... tired. Of course, she felt sleepy just as much as the next gal, but... just... tired. She... surmised it had certainly been a... long day. She placed earbuds in her ears, and turned on ambient music... her eyes drifting closed... as she soon, as opposed to her previously hyperactive visage...

She was... asleep... calm... quiet... and... peaceful, her face resting completely still. Her chest slowly raised up and down with shallow sleeping breaths. And so... Riley's sleep would come for her.

Nera Vasquez

Nera silently sat on her bed in rather bland and unassuming pajamas, simple ones that were definitely comfort over style. Her hair was even messier than usual, and a bit damper than usual, given she'd taken a shower. Her red eyes turned over to Isolde, in the other bed on the same side of the room as her. As soon as they met eyes... Nera's gave off a soft pale glimmer- as they specifically didn't do a single bit of mind reading, and she yawned.

"...'night, Isolde. See ya tomorrow... I'm... gonna hit the hay. Mmfff... god, if only my power didn't give me fffucking headaches... oh well... I'll... live. I have up until now."

She laid on her back in bed, staring at the ceiling... imagining nothing... yet... she... was okay with that. She saved her imagination for her dreams and for her power- nothing wrong with that. Besides... she... was just navigating her life however she could... who could fault her for that..? Sleep took her slower... but she got there.

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Tsugikuni disrobed his evening wear for a full nightgown, observing Orion as he too prepared for bed. He knelt beside his bed and placed his hands around a string of Japanese prayer beads, shutting his eyes and uttering a silent prayer. Only he knew what he prayed to the gods each night. But as he upturned his bright yellow eyes, they examined his sword, sitting on the rack above his bed. His eyes and the sword's saya reflected the moonlight streaming through the window, as he stood and set the beads on his desk, strecthing and finally turning to Orion once more.

"...I'm... calling it here, I should be sleeping- I'm sure a long day is ahead of us tomorrow... Orion. Ah... it's... mmm..."

He paused as he decided... what he wanted to say... until he settled on something, giving a gentle smile as he nodded his head and spoke.

"...may Izanagi and Izanami bless your sooncoming days with victory and life, and ward away misfortune. It was... really nice meeting you today... I'm glad to know I already have... a friend."

With one final nod, the tired boy slipped into bed... as his eyes shut... and he began to dream...

Dreaming of a world of Clarity. Dreaming of bright skies and familiar paintings. Dreaming of faces smiling and memories not yet faded into dust... whatever he did... he would do to preserve this. This clarity. This brilliance...

It was only a matter of time before his personal night would come, after all, and sleep would be no different than wakefulness.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel knew that the ceremony had come to a close. He stood up and stretched while looking to Fuyuko. “Now then, Fuyuko. If you want, I can walk you back to your dorm. We can talk more if you want.” Marcel smiled as he had part of his arm available for her to hold to. Marcel then looked to Samael, before Samael commented about the two of them.

“I shall leave you two be then.” Samael spoke as he walked away towards his dorm.

(@Cmeriwether )
(Let me get Fuyuko to bed before you drop the Mist, Cryronn.)


He had gone back to the dorms, walking Petra back, as he looked around he had slipped a note to maintenance about the Table. He had been thinking about today as he walked, from when he arrived, to meeting Pamela, Fifi, Kim, and Dean, to meeting Jasper and Edric, to dinner, to putting out the fire and meeting Petra. He was utterly surprised he had so Many people to potentially talk to, his possible friends, Mùyáng, Freydis, Damon, and Naomi, would be surprised about this, and Naomi and Freydis would tease the crap out of him right now.

'Petra, you are so cute,' Omar's thoughts drifted to Petra, 'I hope your Fire gets more control, and maybe a new use could come of it. Who knows what can happen through this year.'

When Omar stopped at Dorm 15, he let Petra go to the dorm. He then walked his way back to Dorm 3.



"I don't mind," Fuyuko responded, and took his arm, "If you don't mind me keeping close."

She was blushing intensely, but how visible it was, was unknown. As she prepared to walk, she looked up at Marcel.

"I wonder what class is going to be like?" Fuyuko asked Marcel.

Fuyuko was bubbly, and a bit bouncy. Today was the best day of her Life so Far. Meeting new friends, a cute Prince, and his friends. She knew her life would get better from here.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
“My thoughts are that classes will go well. Everyone will be kind and open. Some though, might not be. So prepare for that.” Marcel spoke as he walked with Fuyuko. Marcel noticed how much she was blushing and smiled. “My my, someone’s turning into a rose. But then again, roses are the most beautiful of flowers so. I’m not one to judge.” Marvel smiled as he slightly taunted Fuyuko.

Walking up to dorm number 15, Marcel slowly broke the hold that they had. “Now I shall leave you with a gift before I leave. A pretty lady deserves just as beautiful a flower.” Marcel spoke as he gave Fuyuko a rose. Leaving it in her hands he smiled, as he walked to dorm number 9.
(@Cmeriwether )
Orion let out a tired yawn as soon as he reached the dorms alongside Tsugi and Asuna, almost forgetting that all the dorms were in the same building, and the same floor, no less!

Once the three of them had reached the dorm floor, he bid an excited 'See you tomorrow!' to Asuna, before entering the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of his new home.

As he trudged into their shared bedroom, however, out of the corner of his eye he noticed something truly harrowing indeed. The last unclaimed bed was now home to an all-too familiar dufflebag, enclosed by a diverse set of sports equipment.

...Ah, shoot. Guess I'll be seeing a lot more of Aladdin after all.

Orion let out a soft sigh before preparing for bed, mirroring his new friend adjacent. Once prepared, he lay on his back, staring at the white ceiling above aimlessly, reflecting on the day's events.

Man, what a day, huh? Steam, surfboards, bubbles, anime protagonists... sounds like the name of a cheesy rock album!

He chuckled to himself softly, now turning his attention to Tsugi's kind words. He was touched to have not only been prayed for by Tsugi, but to also have been deemed his friend. Orion was determined to make sure he lived up to that title.

"Thanks, Tsugikuni." Orion replied mellowly, taking extra efforts to use his full name as requested, as admittedly irking as it was.

Orion then continued to daydream, reflecting on the day's events whilst projecting into what things could be like in the future.

Almost randomly, he ruminated on something Principal White had said in passing:

"...our classrooms are only sized up to those around 15 feet tall, unless someone has a specific power- in which case we apply assistance techniques to fit them like portals."

He was excited at the prospect of there being other people with similar powers at the school, and even more excited at the prospect of being able to provide others with such great service through the use of his powers. He thought of the giant he'd previously seen sitting next to Gwen in the Cafeteria.

Maybe I can help people like him get to places easier, He thought, yawning. After all, it musn't be easy being so... different from everyone else. I'll ask if I can help out... with all that... sometime... tomorrow...

Before long, sleep had taken him, his imagination transporting his mind to a world of pure spectacle and fantasy.
Last edited:


Previously Shadow_Pup
Making her way to her dorm, Jack spread out her arms wide and yawned, she was very tired out from all the commotion in the cafeteria, upon entering her dorm, she didn't even bother to go to her room and simple curled up on the couch in the dorms communal area and promptly fell asleep.

Having walked away from the group and returning his body to normal, Greyson made his way to his dorm and entered. He wasn't completely tired just yet and decided to have a quick drink, sauntering over to the kitchen her made himself a cup of tea and lent against the counter as he drank it, turning his body to the marble of the counter to allow him to drink his very hot tea without waiting for it to cool down.
Having walked down to Dorm 7, Dean, still thinking about Melanie, almost fell down. Thankfully, his lightning-fast reflexes didn't fail him and, oddly enough, he still fell down anyway. "Am I OK?" he asked jokingly. Then he stood back up and jumped into his bed. He barely, just barely, held back very loud laughter. He had secretly changed Braedyn's notification sound to something... let's just say it was loud. "Don't tell Braedyn I changed his ringtone, 'kay?" he said.

@RhythmThief @Cryronn the Mudkip

"WASSUP FELLOW CRACKHEADS," Braedyn said jokingly as he walked into Dorm 4, "ANYONE ELSE KNOW WHO DEAN'S CRUSH IS?!" Then he froze.

"Okay, that- that was terrible timing, wasn't it?" he chuckled, "Buuuuut I'm just wondering- actually, nevermind." Then his phone went off and the next thing everyone heard was a very loud, 1000% liquid fart from Braedyn's phone. "Gimme a minute," Braedyn said as he began texting Dean.

The Conversation Over Phone

Dean: "mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe"
Braedyn: "Why so many y's bro"
Dean: "cuz yes"


Dean just burst into laughter. "He actually found out by himself for once," he managed to say. In his laughter he accidentally shot an electric bolt that nearly turned into a lightning strike.


Braedyn didn't reply to Dean's last message. He just removed his notification sound. "Alright, that was Dean who changed my fuckin' notification sound after jumping in and screwing around with the files, wasn't it?" he said to himself as he heard Dean laughing tremendously even 3 dorms away.

@MarcelGalliard790 @Void_Nugget


Previously Deathstalker62
The sportster burst through the door of his dorm's sleeping area, mouth already wide open for a yawn, yet his eyes still seemed wide awake. He had already been all dressed up for sleep, that being.. only a pair of very thin pajama pants, with no top on whatsoever. Despite the day having drained his energy away quite a bit, Carter was not quite done with the day yet. He had moved to the middle of the room where there was plenty of space and begun doing a couple stretches and a few quick little work-out movements, like cracking his knuckles, a couple push-ups and sit-ups.

When his seemingly final workout of the day was complete, Whitaker did not even move towards his bed, as he quite literally just leapt up and bodyslammed into it, like a wrestler who was one powerbomb away from taking home the championship belt, sending the pillows and blanket high up where they then fell back into place, allowing Carter to simply re-arrange them to become the most comfortable. And, unfortunately for his dorm mates, this was only the beginning. For they would soon find out one thing.. that Carter was a very early bird, and the alarm on his phone would let everyone know just how early.

When it was all said and done and all the students were already on their way out, Vince remained. Seeing how Gwen hadn't left yet, he figured he that, since he would have to go to the dorms anyway, he could take her with him. And so, the slowly-rising hulk of a student had just gotten up to his feet, lifting his enormous frame with sluggish speed, before turning his attention to the girl.

" You want come with? Can climb on if you like. "

Fuyuko nodded when he said that, she knew that for a fact there was the possibility of people not being so nice.
Her half-sister had bullies that tried to attack her before Fuyuko had to intervene for their own safety. When Marcel said something about Roses, Fuyuko remained that red, if not even redder. He then let go of her, however, and left a rose in her hands. Her face stayed that way as she walked into her dorm. As she walked in the door, she went to her area, and made sure everything was arranged accordingly. She was amazed at the staff arrangement, and even saw that they got her Switch set up. She then looked at the group, well, there was no one here yet. She then went to get into sleeping clothes. She got done changing and was now wearing a pajama shirt worn open, with a sports bra under the shirt, and long sweats. She then sat on her bed, thinking about today.


Melanie had gone her separate ways from her sister and got to her Dorm first. She had passed Dean, his friend, alongside Greyson, and a few others, mainly thinking about her day. As she got into the dorm, she found a girl already trying to sleep, in the middle of the common room. She carefully snuck past her and put her sword in its holding case for the night. She then went to get into her pajamas, she wore the most comfortable clothes she could imagine for herself. She then hit her bed and saw Riley, sleeping.

'Why is she so adorable like this?'

She then fell over, hitting dreamland as soon as her head hit the pillow, any spirits that may have been possessing her stopped possessing her.


Asuna had walked with Orion and Tsugikuni and when Orion excitedly said 'See you tomorrow!' Asuna's heart fluttered. As she walked back to her Dorm, she thought about him and her entire day. When she arrived, she saw someone sleeping. She quietly got herself changed into some pajamas, and went into her bed. As she laid down she thought about Orion, and how her day went. She never thought she'd make friends, much less with a Cute boy like Orion. As she laid there, her heart started pounding in her ears as she went through her day. Eventually her heart calmed down and she fell into a nice sleep.

It was currently late as Edric hauled another version of himself into his dorm. It had been a while since in chatted with Josh, as he had finished building the Big Chill figure that now sat on his side table. His other clone has spent almost the whole afternoon and most of the evening attempting to find Maria so that he could tell her about Josh, to no avail. In fact, his other clone was barely conscious, mumbling like he was delirious.

“Uggghhh… Let me sleep…” The clone in his arms mumbled as he passed out. Edric dropped him onto the beanbag chair he pulled out a while ago from the Pocket Dimension. That would probably be one of the last items he pulled out today.

“Sure buddy. I’ll just stay up a bit longer. I still got some energy left in me.” Edric mumbled to himself as he accidentally pulled out an small tin labeled: Emotional Damage. It was one of those powders that you would mix with water and drink as a substitute to caffeine, he knew that because he had one tin at home.

“Really, energy powder, now? I’ll just drink it tommorow, Pocket Dimension.” He politely placed it next to the Big Chill figure, careful to not knock over a picture frame of his family. He decided to just sit down on his bed and play some Pokémon on his switch, watching as the night passed by.


She had narrowly escaped being noticed earlier, and she could not afford to do that again. As she flew towards her dorm as a crow, ready to prepare for bed, she noticed Edric in the window of the nearby dorm, fast asleep on the beanbag chair. The Ditto boy was fascinating to her, a new lens into this unfamiliar world of superpowers.

As Maria perched on the windowsill, she saw the Big Chill figure, lava lamp, and a unfamiliar tin on his side table. She wondered where he even got the Bionicle figure, as he wasn’t holding anything when she’d left.

“Hopefully you sleep well, Edric.” She muttered under her breath. She just watched for a minute or two, before fleeing the area as silent as a crow can, cawing as she went.

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair

Gwen nodded as Principal White had answered her question. Powers in general workforces... she thought of the others she met today. Asuna's a walking sauna, Carter's a walking gym, Vincent's a walking kitchen, and she herself was a walking car wash. And Orion would probably be the best Uber known to man. But as the principal had mentioned, and what she expected, a hero's life was most popular. To no-one's surprise of course. After all, why have a dead-end job when you could be fighting bad guys?

As everyone started to leave, Vincent offered to accompany her to the dorms. Gwen smiled. "Sure." She wasn't fully sure how to get around climbing aboard, so she opted to walk by him instead to the dorms.

As they approached the dorms, Gwen turned to Vincent. "Thanks for the company. Sweet dreams, Vince." Gwen entered her dorm room, more exhausted than she realised. She changed before practically flopping into her bed, falling asleep near-instantly.


Josh made it back to his dorm, opening the door. He enjoyed his conversation with Edric, albeit his questions were cut short as everyone was going back to the dorms after the principal was done with her speech and questions. He was able to see the figurine complete, but he wasn't even tired. Josh moreso wanted to meet the other students, especially Maria that Edric had mentioned. But it was sleeping hours, so Josh listened to music and slowly drifted to sleep, or at least tried to.
Once all the students were dismissed, Frederick immediately got up and made his way over to his dorm, he whistled a little tune as he found his dorm and walked on inside, happy to see that his stuff was still there and immediately went to the bathroom to get himself changed. Once he was changed, he went to take a few things out of his bag to leave on his dorm desk before he paused and thought to himself, 'Maybe I'll unpack it all tomorrow... or...' he began to smirk and held out his hand, the palm began to ooze with jet black ink that quickly poured on to the ground in to a large puddle, from said puddle, Thomas crawled out from within along with two other black cartoonish devils who wore fancy shirts and hats as if they were part of a gang.

"You rang, boss?" The huge one asked as his gigantic arms began to push the rest of his body off the ground while his tiny feet were left dangling uselessly beneath.

"Lemmie guess, you want us to help with unpackin' and makin' your room look nice'n'snazzy?" The tall and slim one asked with a grin as he rubbed his two hands together and revealed that his arms looked as flexible as wet spaghetti.

"That's right, today was more exhausting than I thought, so I figured I'd just go ahead and get some shut eye, I trust you three to help with unpacking and all that, you all know how I like it." Frederick explained with a tired smile as he slowly laid down on his bed, Thomas nodded and gave Frederick a little pat on the head before he looked back at his fellow Boys. "Tommy Two-Hands, Thompson, you two heard the boss, let's get to work." Thomas said confidently, yet somewhat quietly as to not disturb anyone who slept in the rooms next to Frederick's.

As Frederick began to fall asleep, the Boys started to rummage through Frederick's bag and take out his items, Thomas grabbed appliances like Frederick's glasses case, spare glasses and toothbrush, Tommy Two-Hands' arms stretched out and grabbed what few posters Frederick brought, reached out on to the wall to neatly pin the posters to it, despite the fact Thompson used his enormous arms and hands as legs and feet, he was surprisingly adept at setting up Frederick's other things and even used a power similar to Frederick's InKreation ability to create a phonograph beside Frederick's bedside table with a record already placed in it.

Once their job was done, the Boys looked around and nodded while they bro fisted each other and spontaneously melted in to black puddles that quickly evaporated, satisfied that their job was done.
Kim listened to the Principal as the question was addressed and she nodded along. A meeting tomorrow, alright that seemed fair enough though the gradually meet members had her curious, either way soon the dismissal had been called as as she quickly finished up her meal and set her plate aside before she made her way out of the cafeteria.

Kim had not seen her roommate, but frankly she tried not to mill it over. She came here to learn, to grow and become the hero she needed to be. Extending herself with pleasantries had been a waste of time, and served to not benefit her goal what so ever. "I don't need that kind of thing."

As Kim walked, her eyes noticed some other students who had mingled or walked together, while she remained alone. Her face kept her usual composure and visible disinterest, though her eyes showed a slight longing as others seemed to enjoy one another's company.

"I really don't need it..."

Kim had focused to her dorm, entering inside as she prepared to turn in for the night. An eventful day awaited her tomorrow and she wanted to make sure she was fully rested for it.


Previously QueOne
“See you around,” Petra said to Omar with a smile as he turned to walk to his own dorm. She watched him for a moment, before shutting the door and finding her belongings. She hastily got changed before procuring a small plastic box from her suitcase. It was a blood draw kit--a special one which used blue tinted tubing and a sealant system on the needle to stop any stray drops of blood from ever seeing the light of day. She’d designed it herself just before coming to the academy. Given the nature of her power, Petra figured that she wouldn’t stand a chance here if her only two modes were “normal human” and “the walking inferno,” so she decided that her best move was to rely on pre-drawn blood.

Petra locked the bathroom door behind her and plunged the needle into her arm, keeping an indifferent face and pretending that it didn’t hurt. Once she’d filled up four small vials, she flicked a switch and detached the device. She stowed the vials away into a special pouch, taking utmost care not to drop them and accidentally blow up her dorm. Then she packed up and headed to the bedroom. When she got there, she found another girl already sitting on one of the beds who was adorned with golden markings. Petra’s eyes flicked to one of the beds, and she considered just getting into it and going to sleep immediately.

No, that would be too awkward. I should say something, since we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other anyways.”

“Hey, how was orientation for you?” Petra said finally. “My name is Petra, by the way.”
Kim had been working on her bed when another presence came to her dorm room, a girl who seemed to be wearing a sweaty of sorts that had been among the faces in orientation. At first, the girl seemed to keep quiet, Kim wondered if she had decided to just go to sleep and finished up making her bed but as she finished up the girl seemed to work up some words and even introduced herself as the Takahashi disciple turned over with that usual indifferent expression.

"It was a bit more, chaotic than expected. Some of our classmates seem to struggle to control themselves. Hopefully it was an outlier of what is to come." Kim expressed before she seemed to avoid eye contact a moment and then sighed facing her. "Kim...Kim Takahashi. I hope we can co-exist peacefully." Kim mused a bit, a mix of formal and slight awkwardness as social interactions had been something she needed practice with.


| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
Jasper soon left the cafeteria and started walking to the dorm. He wasn't that drowsy yet, but it looked like most people are leaving the canteen. Phone in hand, he walked back to the dorm, as he read his texts from his parents.

"Jasper, How are you feeling on your first day? I hope you're doing well. Remember to make some friends, okay?" A text from his mother flashed on his screen.

"I'm doing well, Ma. I'm about to go back to the dorm. Did you eat dinner yet?" Jasper asked his parents, as he kept walking towards Dorm 3.

"Yep. Your dad just fell asleep a few minutes ago. Goodnight, Jas. Text me tomorrow, okay?" His mother's text flashed on the screen again.

"Okay, okay. See you. Goodnight." The moment this text sent, Jasper had arrived at Dorm 3.

He opened the door, seeing most of his dormmates were already here. He saw Edric, but another one was in the dorm too. His dormmate, probably. Honestly, Jasper probably would've touched him if they were awake or something, but if they're asleep it would be pretty weird. He waved a quick "Hello" to Edric and set up a small desktop area, where most of his devices sat. He would sit there, and started playing some of his online games, just to pass the time, and hopefully fall asleep.

Fuyuko had been sitting, thinking about her day when someone responded to her. A dark haired, blue eyed girl.

"It was great, met quite a few people," Fuyuko responded accordingly, blushing at the thought lf Marcel, "I'm Fuyuko Redtail, I'm the one who was in the corner with a small bunch of us gathered over a sword. I was thinking a bit, and was waiting to go to sleep as a mist drops when I sleep, I don't want anyone caught up in it, I've actually gotten a story from someone who got caught up in it once."

Fuyuko was also looking at a Family photo, with her, her Dad, her half-sister and her eight half-brothers.



Omar had seen Petra smile after she said her goodbye. He blushed a little bit as he then walked over to Dorm 3. When he walked in the door, he saw all of his roommates, but most were asleep. He then took the time to get into his pajamas. When he got out, he has seen Jasper, doing what ever it was that Jasper did before he went to Bed. Omar then went to place his Pendant on the night Stand. He then laid down, thinking about his day. From getting to the school, to meeting Pamela, Fifi, Dean, and Kim, to reading his map upside down, to Jasper hitting him with a door, to dinner, to almost getting hit by a raccoon plushie, finding Dean at this feet, and finally, putting out the fire. The fire itself was alarming, however the girl that had done it was cute, to the point of adorable. What? When did these thoughts get here? Omar then kept the wild thoughts out as he then drifted into a mental field of sheep.

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
Jasper would start playing his old MMORPG, which isn't too popular anymore, but it was Jasper's favorite game. It was a pretty simple game, it was called "Innocent Sin: RPG", and almost nobody played it anymore, probably because it was almost a decade old, and there was already a new one that released, so there wasn't really much point for other people to play Innocent Sin anymore. Jasper's character walked around the area, grinding even more levels. He wanted most of his games to be completed a hundred percent, mostly because he called himself a "completionist."

After a few minutes of his character walked around the area, another character would spawn into the game. It would wave at Jasper's character, and Jasper's character would wave as well. A text bubble popped up from the player.

From the character's head, it said: "Hello! I didn't think anyone else still played this game."

Jasper promptly replied with, "Ah, yeah. Innocent Sin is my favorite game, y'know. This is my third playthrough."

The other player wrote back, "So, you're the world-renowned hacker, Goldenwolf, right? They said I would be able to reach you here."

Jasper stared in shock at his screen as he read those words. He thought making this new account, no, he KNEW making this new account was a sure-fire way to stop people from recognizing him but looks like Jasper was wrong. His screen flashed again.

"Cat got your tongue, Goldenwolf? Didn't expect anyone to find you, right? You must be wondering who I am." The text flashed up from the other player's character.

"You're right. Who ARE you, exactly?" A text bubble from Jasper's character popped up saying these words.

"Don't be too aggressive, Goldenwolf. I'm your friend here, y'know? Those people you screwed over, they're looking for you. Better watch out-" These words of warning came from this mysterious figure, which rung repeatedly in Jasper's head. "Just so you know, I'm Axel. Get some sleep, Wolf. Remember, those people are looking for you. Have fun." Axel's player character soon disappeared, as Jasper looked at his screen with shock.

He turned off his computer and climbed into his bed. He was stressed out. What if those people DID find him. It's been a few years since it had happened, and they've probably held a grudge ever since. Jasper had more important things to think about though, for example, who that mysterious Axel guy was, and why he was so willing to help him, even though he didn't know him. Maybe a good sleep could take this off of his mind. Soon enough, Jasper closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marvel decided one last thing before he headed to bed. He texted Fuyuko one time before he headed to bed. He was blushing as he wrote the text. He had. A huge crush on her. This would be his first crush, he never thought that when coming to Karma High, he would find someone like Fuyuko. He sent the text and it read.

Hey Fuyuko, It’s Marcel. I know you’re probably heading to bed, so I wanted to send this to you to tell you to get a good nights rest. I’ll see you tomorrow and we can even walk to class together. Have a good night and sleep well, Cutie.”

Marcel then sent a picture of him smiling, his sharp white teeth on display. His crimson irises in his black eyes shined as he looked at the camera. He had his hand do a peace sign as he looked at it. He put his phone aside as he laid back in his pajamas, a 72 Seasons Metallica shirt with some flannel pants. He smiled as he dozed off to sleep.
(@Cmeriwether )


Previously QueOne
“Likewise,” Petra responded to Kimiko. “Nice to meet you two.”

She tilted her head a bit at Fuyuko’s mention of her “mist.” It seemed like some sort of involuntary power, the sort of power she herself was all too familiar with. Whatever it was, it seemed dangerous. Once again, the sort of power she herself was all too familiar with.

“Fuyuko, what does the mist do?” she inquired, trying to learn more.

"My mist is a defensive power, it tends to haunt intruders," Fuyuko responded to Petra, "Someone tried to get in my family home in New York when the mist activated, haunting them with scary illusions and it woke me up."

As Fuyuko was Listening to what Petra and Kim had to say. While she was listening, her Phone chimed, giving a text alert. She blushed when she saw who texted.

"Hey Fuyuko, It's Marcel. I know you're probably heading to bed, so I wanted to send this to you to tell you to get a good nights rest. I'll see you tomorrow, and we can even walk to class together. Have a good night and sleep well, Cutie."

He also sent a picture of himself holding up a peace sign wearing a shirt from a Metallica Album. Fuyuko responded accordingly.

"I hope you get this in the morning, I'll join you, and please, sleep well, and rest. You will probably be asleep by the time I send this. So sweet dreams, Cute Prince."

Fuyuko sent a picture of what she was currently wearing, however, she made sure to hide any of her scars that may have been there by buttoning her shirt up to where the buttons met her sports bra. She gave a playful wink. She was sitting in a position that showed herself off, but not too much. She was not sure how Marcel was going to react to her photo.

'Why does Marcel look so cute like this, dare I say, attractive?'

Fuyuko's heart rate started climbing towards the roof. She knew Marcel affected her, but this much? She then unbuttoned her shirt to get some airflow towards herself. She took some deep breaths to calm herself down.

@Banan-chan @Godjacob
Once introductions with Petra were finished, she turned to the other girl who was in the dorm Fuyuko before her as she listened to her ability; seemed she produced a mist which was more of a defensive tactic of sorts, try to scare those who lacked awareness which seemed to be informative enough.

However, seemed a text interrupted things as Fuyuko who blushed in response which caused Kim to raise an eyebrow, but soon some clarification came as she seemed to not only text a response but even paused to take a picture of herself which caused the Takahashi air to roll her eyes. First day and already she found someone she had been that close to? Seemed hormones had been running wild at this school though Fuyuko seemed to breath a bit heavy once she had been done.

"Seems that the romantic webs are a bit constrictive." Kim mused a bit to Fuyuko, having clearly guessed what she had done but she still walked over a bit and offered some water to Fuyuko. "Here, this might help."

@Cmeriwether @Banan-chan


Previously Deathstalker62
As soon as Vince was all done with bringing back Gwen to her dorms, he just sort of.. stood there for a few moments. Sure, he could go back to his dorms right now, but.. he wasn't tired. Like, at all. With his size, it should be of no surprise that Potbelly has granted him such incredible stamina, but it also was kind of a curse. His whole schedule was staying awake from the start of the week until the end, then sleeping all throughout the weekend. And it neither was the weekend, nor did he feel tired.. so, what was there to do now?

As the gigantic student waltzed through the darkened school grounds, he figured it may not be the wisest choice to just stay out here. While his thick skin did not even register the approaching cold from the sun having fallen beyond the horizon, he wasn't exactly sure if school staff would allow him to roam at night.. though then again, they probably do also have some students here who's powers are limiting them to sleeping during the day and being out and about at night.. right?

It was better not to risk things. This was his first week here, so it was best not to end up getting himself into trouble so early on if he could avoid it. So, with his waning steps, he had made his way back to his own dorm and had tried his very best to keep himself entertained. His hands were too large to draw or play games, he didn't exactly feel hungry yet so no time could be spent making himself a bite to eat..

..okay, maybe a few couple strolls outside wouldn't hurt. Surely the school would've known that a guy like him couldn't exactly uphold normal sleeping times.. right?
Fuyuko, Currently trying not to have her heart burst out of sheer attraction.

"Seems that the Romantic webs are a bit constrictive."

Fuyuko had looked over to see Kim up near her. She fumbled the phone so that it was completely visible to Kim. She then blushed immensely.

"He's the first boy who I flirted with and he oddly did not run away." Fuyuko admitted, still blushing, "He's cute, and a kind, caring soul."

She then noticed the water, "Thanks, after that surge of that, I needed that."

Fuyuko drank the water, a few sips at a time. As she drank, she hoped Petra did not notice her sudden increase in heart rate.

@Banan-chan @Godjacob


Previously QueOne
“So it’s basically a hallucinogen gas. At least it’s not too dangerous,” Petra noted after Fuyuko‘s explanation. She noticed that the girl seemed to have become preoccupied with something on her phone. Petra’s expression shifted from curiosity to amusement as she watched, the situation becoming clear to her. The brief exchange between Fuyuko and Kim confirmed her suspicion—not that it wasn’t terribly obvious already, since what else could get a girl to act that way? “High-octane romance already, huh? You sure move fast, Fyuko!” she thought to herself, suppressing a giggle. She thought for a second about what she should say.

”You’re quite honest Fuyuko. I like that, and I’m sure he does too,” Petra said finally, offering some encouragement. Then, unable to resist a little light teasing, she turned to Kimiko with a grin and said “What do you say we leave her be, Kim? Give her some “creative freedom” and all.”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel heard his notification go off and saw Fuyuko text him and saw the text and picture. So he decided to respond to the text and picture.

I will. But just know that I’m here to talk if you want to. Get you some rest cutie❤️. Hope you have some of the best dreams.”

Marcel looked at the picture of her and smiled. He sent a selfie of him and his crimson hair to her, his face had some blush on it. His heart was racing, and his he was breathing slowly but nervously. His face was slowly turning the same color as his hair. ‘So this is love? Hmm. I’m not opposed to it.’ Marcel thought to himself as he smiled while laying down. ‘But how to tell her. It’s too soon. Maybe if the school has some kind of dance or something, I’ll confess to her then.’ Marcel was overthinking as he laid back and slowly thought about him and Fuyuko as he smiled with his phone down on his chest.
(@Cmeriwether @Godjacob @Banan-chan )

When Fuyuko finished her water, she then heard Petra respond.

"Thank you, Petra," Fuyuko responded, still Slightly blushing.

She then had heard Petra ask Kim to let her be and get some creative freedom. As she heard that, her Phone chimed again, she saw it was from Marcel. She saw what the text said. This text Read:

I will. But just know that I’m here to talk if you want to. Get you some rest cutie❤️. Hope you have some of the best dreams.”

Marcel had also sent a selfie of his face. Fuyuko decided to send one with a massive smile on her face as her heart rushed itself again, but her breath was more slowed and nervous. As she fell back down, she kept herself as calm as possible.

"You Too, Cute Prince. Have a good night!"

Fuyuko looked at her roommates, hopefully they didn't see that

(@Godjacob @Banan-chan @MarcelGalliard790 )
Despite her phone being in full view, she had not glanced at it. Kim honestly had not been one who was into that sort of gossip though it appeared she hit the nail on the head as Fuyuko seemed to scramble to jusrtify this as apparently she seemed to be a disaster flirt.

Kim had kept a measured expression, honestly it seemed too many people in this school were being smitten on the first day, was something in the air she missed? Either way she merely sighed happy her water seemed to help.

"Well, seems he left quite the impression on you." Kim mused a bit as Fuyuko drank the water she provided, though rolled her eyes as Petra seemed to mention "creative freedom" as she raised her hands in the air.

"Hey hey so long as these two don't be annoying about it, I don't intend to police this kind of thing." Kim mused a bit backing up to her bed to give Fuyuko the metaphorical and physical space as she seemed to send a pic back to this guy, one of her face smiling this time as Kim felt a sweat drop as this all seemed...rushed, from her POV. But hey, who had she been to say? Least this crush seemed earnest in nature and...not exactly like she had been used to shows of open affection to her either.

"Should probably be getting ready for bed soon, big day tomorrow." Kim said to Petra and Fuyuko as she adjusted her pillow a bit before she moved to a corner of the room to change to some pajamas, working to keep herself out of view best she could as she seemed to slip on a pair of black pajamas that seemed to have some white flame symbols designed along it.

@Banan-chan @Cmeriwether @MarcelGalliard790


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel smiled as he received the text and picture from Fuyuko. He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling as he plugged in his phone for the night. “I’ll give her my world. She’ll like the outfit I’m going to wear tomorrow.” Marcel spoke under his breath as he laid back on his bed and started to doze off. ‘Fuyuko has no right to be as cute as she is.’ Marcel thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep with a blush filled smile on his face.

Samael had put everything aside as he rested and was exhausted. ‘Marcel is probably having the time of his life texting her if I had to guess.’ Samael thought to himself as he slowly dozed off and fell asleep

Fuyuko had turned around, as she heard Kim say that He left quite the Impression on her.

"You're correct, in my middle school days, anytime I would try to flirt, or even get close, to a boy, the boy ran away in fear due to an incident. It was after I sent my school's popular girls to the hospital for bullying, hurting, and attempting to torture Melanie. He's the first one who hasn't ran away from fear. Remember my question, that question has something to do how I ended up sending those girls to the hospital."

At the beginning of the previous school year, in New York, Melanie Redtail had been backed into a corner as someone tried to hurt her with some sort of Shadow Manipulation, Melanie tried to defend herself, but this person was too strong, even for the Emperor, to fight. The girl had two others, one with a restraining power, and one with some sort of tape dispenser (Think Sero from MHA for power). She was restrained as the Shadow Manipulation held her legs, and other restraining items were holding her down. All of a sudden, a Spirit change occurred, and The Conductor took control. She was freed of all things holding her and bolted, hoping to grab someone's attention. She did, and it was scary. A slightly dark skinned girl with golden whisker marks on her face, her dark hair streaked gold, her golden eyes now serpentine, as some sort of Spirit energy was leaking.

"Who are you, our business is with Melanie."

"Your business with Melanie is my business." The girl snarled, "Why the hell did you do all this to her, revenge?"

"Our two friends were forced to transfer after one of her spirits embarrassed them."

"You don't need to take it out on Her!" The girl roared, "If you touch her, you're screwed!"

"Do you not know who we are?" The shadow Manipulator warned, "I am Francesca Ghostfist, the Queen of this school, you are an insignificant brat, this girl should be permanently hospitalized aft-!"

"I don't care who you are, all I care about right now is the fact that you hurt my sister. My name is Fuyuko Redtail, I'm about to show you why you shouldn't mess with Melanie."

The Spirit Energy around Fuyuko who just spoke suddenly flared out as The girl started floating into the Air as its true form took shape, a huge, golden Reptilian creature form its body around the girl's, the girl's markings, midsection and scars on her hips glowing. The creature had shorter wings than others of its kind, but its wings extended across the main body, and to the base of the tail, which was rather long, and the form's head had a fin on top of its head and whiskers on its face. The form was golden as it lifted its head up, and roared.

"What the hell!?"

"Who in the hell is your sister, Melanie!?"

"How the F@$& are we supposed to fight that!?"

Those were the reactions to this form that had taken over the girl. They didn't have much time as a fire breath came straight at them. The Shadow Manipulator managed to block the oncoming fire from herself, but her counterparts weren't so lucky.

"I'll fight you alone, it seems I have no choice."

"Fuyuko." Melanie whispered.

She tried to manipulate a shadow under the spirit Takeover, but it wing attacked, launching the Shadow Manipulator a bit, as she got up, she prepared for the next attack.

"A Dragon Spirit." Both the other two whispered as one called an ambulance, or three.

Melanie hid herself to watch, making sure Francesca didn't see her, or something would go wrong.

"Francesca, you need to give up," the one with the Tape power responded, "That is Fuyuko Redtail, she is the last person you want to pick a fight with, and if she shows up to fight you, you are screwed, this form is exactly why no one wants to mess with her, and by extension, the girl you hurt today!"

That was heard by Francesca, and was taken about as well as telling a mule to do something other than what it was doing at that moment. She then threw a shadow spear at the Dragon Spirit but it was whacked away at landing. It was at that point Francesca realized why she should have never tried to bully Melanie. Francesca was promptly beaten down into the ground after she tried to block the incoming blows, she managed to block one before the second and third blew through her defenses. As Francesca struggled to get up, she was launched into a nearby goal post. The ambulances arrived at that point as Fuyuko's Spirit Dragon Takeover broke down to normal, letting her down to the ground. Some staff rushed out, realizing that Francesca had actually carried out her threat towards Melanie, but only being recently notified about it.

"When I heard that Francesca Ghostfist was going to hurt and potentially torture Melanie Redtail over Francesca's two friends, I didn't expect her to actually go through with it. You guys will get a bit of a break after the amount of stress placed on Melanie Redtail, Fuyuko, Thank you for stopping Francesca before she could get worse. All three are being sent to the hospital, two for burns?"

"Gold Dragon is Dragon Spirit." Fuyuko responded.

After that incident, Fuyuko was talking to a boy named Henry who had basic Psychic powers, she was blushing and attempting to flirt with him.

"You think your powers could steal my heart?"

Henry, realizing that the girl he was talking was none other than Fuyuko Redtail, bolted for the hills.

Another time, She was talking to a boy she had a bit of a serious crush on, however, when he realized that the girl that liked him was Fuyuko Redtail, he ran.

Towards the end of the school year, she had some feelings for a boy and was actually about to confess them, his name was Dakota, and when she went to meet him for the confession, he was not there. Fuyuko then cried as she walked home. A friend told her that Dakota ran away because of how intimidated he felt.
"Incident?" Kim mused, as she had no idea of the background this one seemed to have. But then story time began and wow needless to say she had not been exaggerating as she seemed to display a scary power which caused others to flee her and developed a bit of a fearsome reputation. Perhaps that is why she connected so much with this person she had been texting with, KIm herself was largely and isolated girl who would not know of such feelings but her story seemed to get a response from her as she seemed to look upset by it.

"If the reaction of the people at your school to genuine heroics is to be afraid of the one doing the right thing, then you deserved better company anyway. Bunch of fools." Kim said back with a matter of factly tone to her as she seemed to adjust her sheets and prepared for bed.

"One thing I should make clear now is I intend to finish top of our class. So whatever power you have, don't expect me to run from it. Nothing will scare me off my destiny..." Kim added on, before she seemed to lay down. "...night in any event." She said to Fuyuko & Petra.

@Cmeriwether @Banan-chan


Previously QueOne
Petra listened to Fuyuko’s description of her middle school years with sympathy.

“It must have been rough,” she said to Fuyuko. “But it’s just how it is for those of us with dangerous powers. Everyone avoided me back in my middle school—physically, I mean.”

She looked down, as if pondering something.

“It’s understandable I suppose. I wouldn’t want to stand near me either without a full suit of Nomex, and maybe a bucket of water just for good measure. But anyways, I’m sure things will be better here for all of us.”

Noticing that Kim seemed to be getting ready to sleep, Petra went to her own bed and laid down. She closed her eyes.


Previously Night's Shadow
The finned girl, having returned to her dorm room, could hardly believe the chaos that was now her life. It was like the typical plot points she would assume would be reached in high school had been swapped out for a whole new set. It was almost overwhelming.

Fifi rolled over onto her side, feeling tired but oddly content. She wondered what else would be in store for her.

Jaime curled up on his bed, his knees to his chest, a long-standing habit of his that likely stemmed from the nature of his powers. The boy was feeling pretty good about himself; he hadn’t talked with much of anyone, and in turn hadn’t been much bothered. But judging by the personalities of people he had seen, it would be a miracle if Jaime could avoid interaction for longer than another day or two. Especially since it seemed the “what’s up bitches” kid was one of his roommates, or so he figured through a squinted eye as he pretended to be asleep. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but it looked like it would be a long night. My parents would hate it here. So I guess it’s not so bad.

Fuyuko felt like she had allies for once, outside her half-sister, Melanie. She then nodded at them, feeling like the happiest girl in the world.

"Thank you, Kim, Petra," Fuyuko responded, "For understanding me."

As Fuyuko went to make one more check of the phone for Marcel, which he didn't. She figured the Cute Prince was asleep, like she should be. She then started counting sheep, Hitting the hay when she hit sheep number nine hundred and thirty seven.

@Cryronn the Mudkip (Drop the Mist!)
~ The Mysterious Mist ~

Night soon crept in over the halls of Karma High, sending many students and staff alike to sweet dreams, the atmosphere still pulsing with quiet waves of excitement toward what the new school year may bring.

For many, the campus was silent, save for the bands of crickets serenading the stars with their signature chirps. For others, however, a different beat accompanied their slumber; a deep, subtle sequence of lumbering steps that could easily be mistaken for one's heartbeat.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Of course, the cause for such a rhythm- a towering, rotund young man taking an evening stroll across campus- made sure his footsteps were not loud enough to wake anyone, clearly experienced with having to keep his unique properties in check for the wellbeing of others. Perhaps sometimes at the expense of his own.

"Should we, uh, do something about that?" asked a bespectacled young man adorned with messy green hair, his tone bored. He was sat in a dimly lit surveillance room surrounded by monitors, desktops, and other technological paraphernalia. His eyes were fixed onto the image of the young man strolling through campus.

"No," answered a spectacular, white-winged figure from behind him, appearing to take her leave for the night. "I imagine he was unable to sleep and wanted to pass the time with a stroll. He's harmless."

"If you say so," answered the young man, exhaling. He glanced at the time in the bottom-right corner of his screen. "Say, shouldn't it be time for-"

As if on cue, the picture being fed back by various monitors trained on different locations on campus began to fog up, becoming increasingly cloudy and difficult to see through. It had come a bit later than expected, though it arrived as expected.

"...the mist?" the Principal finished, smirking. "That's it. If what we have on file is to be believed, that's from one of our new first-years, Fuyuko Redtail. The mist acts as a threat-detector, coating the immediate area in a defensive mist meant to ward off intruders or those with ill-intent towards her."

The young man re-adjusted his glasses, otherwise remaining completely still.

"In other words, free security?" he queried.

"Free security." the Principal replied. "Well, free security so long as she remains on our side. If anything were to make her doubt, fear, or otherwise lose faith in us, then-"

"We'd be the ones in need of security." concluded the twenty-something.

"Precisely. We've put the appropriate systems in place should that unlikely scenario ever come to fruition. It's an edge case, of course, but when running an institute full of super-powered teenagers, well... caution is never a bad thing."

She paused, as if pondering something.

"Especially with this new cohort. We have a particularly interesting bunch in our hands this time, and we're all the better for it. We'll need them all to be at their very best for what's coming..."

The Principal let out a tired yawn before twisting the door's knob, easing it open.

"I'd better get some rest. Big day tomorrow. Say, keep an eye on Vincent; he might panic with this mist settling in. If you think he may need help finding his way back, well, you know what to do."

"Aye aye, cap'n." affirmed the young man, expending as little energy as possible.


Previously Deathstalker62
It was quite a late night by this point, everyone had seemed to have gone to sleep.. well, with one notable exception. The lumbering giant that was Vincent was still wide awake, wandering the school's perimeter like a guard on night duty. Only.. well.. without any equipment. Or work attire. Or being qualified for such a position in the first place. But who cares about all that anyway, right? Certainly not this hulking lad, who had just been casually wandering around, until he started to notice something strange.

Something pale crept up, his enormous frame too large to really be completely encovered by the oncoming fog. While this bizarre mist intrigued Vincent for but a bit, he really did not pay much mind to it. It didn't hurt him, it just.. concealed his lower half. Neat. Scratching his head at a brief pondering session about just what would cause the clouds to arise, he really gave it not much further thought before continuing on to wander on about and around the area.

He would have gladly joined the others in their slumber, yet unfortunately for him, retaining such a large amount of stamina had its costs, one of them being a very unusual sleeping schedule. Oh well, there was nothing to be done about such things, so he simply disregarded his brief period of pondering and continued to waltz aimlessly around the premises, planning to continue doing so until the light would start to rise from the horizon, at which point he'd have then already returned to his dorm and prepared for the new day.
~ ??? ~

In the heart of the city, within the confines of a dimly lit office, the faint hum of computers was the only company to a weary figure laboring over a stack of documents. The late hour was perhaps a testament to their dedication, and commitment.

The soft glow of a desk lamp cast elongated shadows, painting an atmosphere of quiet solitude. Yet, as the advocate's tired eyes flickered over the words, an odd sensation arose, a sense that they were not alone. The creak of a floorboard, a whisper of movement, and suddenly the room seemed to exhale tension.

Before they could react, a gloved hand emerged from the shadows, clamping over their mouth, stifling their startled gasp. In the struggle that followed, papers scattered like autumn leaves, and the room felt like a battleground, a place where ordinary existence and ominous danger collided.

The scuffle ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving only an uncanny stillness. When the victim's trembling gaze finally turned towards their desk, it was to find a single card—crisp, unblemished, and profoundly out of place. The ace of spades lay there, a silent declaration that danger had paid an unexpected visit, leaving a cryptic calling card in its wake.

~ Karma High, Southern California ~

"Last night marked the third kidnapping case in a recent string of incidents the authorities are now dubbing 'The Spade Kidnappings', named after the only consistent piece of evidence left at all three locations; the 'ace of spades' playing card. Investigations are still-"

...aaaand that's enough of that, thought Orion, turning off his mobile groggily lifting himself up from his bed, rays of the morning sun attacking his vision. It always surprised him how common 'normal' crimes, like petty theft and (to an extent, of course) kidnapping were in a world where the vast majority of people were superpowered.

Just like cars, I guess- when the roads become overcrowded with 'em, they start to lose the value they had initially. Eventually people will just start walking again.

He was far from the first to rise- he briefly remembered waking at the sound of Carter's ridiculously early alarm before miraculously drifting back to sleep.

He got up and offered lazy, mumbled greetings to Tsugi, who was neatly preparing himself always, as well as anyone else on the other side of the dorm, too tired to look, and began his preparations for the long day ahead.

Once done, noticed 4 sticky notes left at the front door, adjacent to the viewer. Upon closer inspection, they had each of his dormmates' names written onto them in neat black ink- Tsugikuni, Dean, Carter, and Orion.

Lifting his own up off of the surface, he was taken aback when the paper note poofed and seemingly transformed into some sort of school uniform. He exhaled in wonder, before running back into the bathroom to try it on.

Looking himself up and down in the mirror, he smiled sheepishly. The uniform, perhaps not intentionally, came off as somewhat preppy - it consisted of a bright blue blazer, the chest pocket emblemed with the signature Karma High italic 'K', a white shirt, blue tie black trousers & shoes.

He felt like a Funeral Plan Salesman, and imagined the girls' variation was just as conservative. Oh, well.

There was one really cool addition, though- every uniform came equipped with a pin, stuck just below the chest pocket. Orion's had the emblem of a horse with wings - the Pegasus- against a pale celadon backdrop, and pressing down on it would actually change the whole blazer's color from the previous blue, to whatever the color the pin is! Likely a feature for House Events, whenever those would occur.

Making final adjustments and slinging on his backpack, he crept to the front door, making idle conversation with Tsugikuni, who was also suited and booted, evidently enjoying the formality of the uniform. The Japanese young man even went so far as to add a small flower, the same shade of yellow as his eyes, to his chest pocket.

After making another joke about Tsugi's effortless style, Orion and his fashionable friend bid a quick 'see you later' to their other two dormmates as they headed off towards the hustle and bustle of their first day, moving toward the Main Building, just right of the Cafeteria.

After having pushed and shoved their way through into the Main Building, with upperclassmen trying their best to usher students into neat cues, the pair were astonished at the sight before them.

The hallways flowed with rivers of excited students, all dressed carefully (some more than others) into the same blue uniform donned by the duo, the silver walls decorated by customized lockers, trophies, photos of alumni, and more that told the story of what Karma High was.

"Hey," Orion commented, awe struck. "I figured now would be a good time to let you know- I have no clue where I'm going."


And then the two howled with laughter, doubling over and slapping each other's shoulders like old friends sharing their most secret, inside joke.

As if on cue, a cheerful, jubilant voice rang out through the halls.

"Welcome to your first day at Karma High! If you're hearing my voice, then check your inside pocket- you might find something very useful there!"

The two reached inside their blazers as instructed, pulling out pieces of paper that detailed their classes and rooms for the time being. They looked at each other in amazement before heading to the 1st floor, where their homerooms were.

With Tsugi heading to 1-D and Orion to 1-A, the two bid farewell, promising to catch up at lunch. When Orion reached the door that was scribed '1-A', he gingerly opened the door.

A handful of students had already arrived, scattered across the 3x3 arrangement of desks, with each desk large enough to fit a single (standard size) student. Professor Thornheart hadn't arrived yet.

They all offered him smiles, waves, or nods respectively, which he cheerfully returned, before claiming a seat right in the middle, on the second row and second seat from the left.

Finally, he unearthed his student diary from his backpack, which came supplied with the uniform, gleaning whatever information from it he could.
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"You have the responsibility to be the next in line to carry the flame of the Takahashi. Your failure to be worthy of this flame reflects not only on yourself, but our entire family. Failure is unacceptable...do not forget this."


The morning sun had barley risen to shine over the campus grounds, and already one student seemed to be up and about as it were. Kim apparently got her restful sleep but had awoken early as she was outside her dorm by what seemed to be a lone tree just beyond their window. Seemed the girl had a bit of a morning routine as she finished a morning jog and now seemed to prepare a unique exercise; this tree was filled with several apples all along the branches.

She had shifted her foot into this paper form with a blunt toe tip, and delivered a kick to it which had been enough to knock the apples all loose as they came raining down, she had then just as quickly shifted her arms to a pair of paper bladed arms and worked to cut all the apples as she seemed to try to see how many of them she'd be able to cleanly cut in half before they landed on the ground. It was an exercise she had done often at the Takahashi compound, though in that case it had been a peach tree but that had been more semantics than anything else.

Regardless, she moved with a swift speed that showed the years of preparation she had put herself through even prior to joining the school, as she made short work of the couple dozen or so apples as all of them had been cut clean in two and landed on the ground almost like a light shower around the tree as Kim landed and took a moment to catch her breath before she shifted her limbs to normal and inspected her work.

She managed to cut all the apples, yet as she gazed upon the field of split fruit her focus was on one, an apple she seemed to miss a clean cut in the middle of, and more seemed to chip a side of it as it was the one fruit that had not been cut clean in too and despite still landing a cut she seemed to lament on this with some visible frustration. Damn it!

She knew she'd run a risk of having some slight rust given she had to prep for enrollment and had not been as on top of her training as she needed to be, but this "glaring" result seemed to confirm as much. She needed to get back into form now, and as she used her paper limbs to scoop up the cut apple bits to dispose of, she'd have to better herself as a slip up like that reflected on her family and she needed to be better. Needed to be perfect.

For now, she prepared to head back to her dorm, the idea to grab some fresh clothes so she'd have something to change into after she took her morning shower. Kim had tried to be quiet when she initially left the dorm to not disturb those she now called roommates and she hoped to be as quiet as she moved back inside to go get some fresh clothes to get ready for the day ahead.