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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)

Frederick stopped when he heard the voice of a woman and turned his head over to them, he had to look up to see her... not just because he was shorter, but because of the fact she had elegant looking golden dragon wings that made her fly instead of walk. Frederick reached up to his glasses to adjust them, he knew there were bound to be some strange people with strange powers, but it still seemed like a lot to take in. When she mentioned the 'gangster like individual', his head immediately turned to Thomas who tipped his hat to the lady.

"That's right, lassie!" Thomas said confidently before Frederick stepped forward. "He's a part of my powers. The name's Frederick Valentine, but you can call me Fred or Freddie." Frederick said before looking back at the dragon girl's wings with a curious expression before he blinked and stepped back. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." He said with a light wave of his hands. "And I'm Thomas, one of the boss' Boys." Thomas said as he tipped his hat to the girl once again.


Previously Deathstalker62
The group would have zoomed across the air on the flying surfboard, Carter doing his best to maintain the balance of the surfboard - something he was used to considering he used to carry his whole friend group at one point. As he took everyone through the winds, Whitaker spoke up without looking back, having to ensure that everyone would get to where they needed to with this next question.

" Alrighty, ladies and gents! We're pulling up to the dorms now, so get your numbers ready! I'll drop ya off one by one, so just give me a holler to your dorm and we'll make a pit stop! "

Carter had then aimed to decrease the speed of the surfboard as he would have lowered it more to the ground. He planned on keeping a lookout for any of the dorms these guys would probably mention, briefly lower himself to where they needed to go and stay there until they would have hopped off and grabbed their things before moving on to drop off the next person. And he planned to do all of this until it was just him on his surfboard, at which point he would just fly to the dorm he needed to be and finally get closer to building up his new crib.
Needless to say the realization that one of her roommates had been the girl she just had a scuffle with was th type of irony that one would've tossed from a sitcom for having been too "unrealistic" and yet that had been her fate. This was fine, this was fine. It was one incident and despite the heat of that moment she figured they could be mature and put things behind them going forward, she had even prepared to suggest as much as they opened the door inside Dorm 15.

But then Pamala just had to open her mouth.

"Ms...H-hashbrowns?" Kim asked as her eyebrow twitched unable to comprehend how that could've been associated with her, and with a minor huff she stepped inside and sat on one of the beds as she claimed one by the window. She set her suitcase onto the bed and opened it up, as she knew she'd need to find space for her clothing in the dorm drawer but her gaze had shifted to Pamela.

"First. It's Takahashi. Kim Tak-uh-hash-ee. Second of all, we share a dorm but that does not mean we have to be all buddy buddy day one. Let's just try to give each other some respectful space and work from there." Kim said, though her tone and deliberate emphasis on the pronunciation of her surname showed the icy exterior remained, least for now.

She blinks. "Nah, it's good! You're forgiven!"

Pamela had somehow interpreted that as an apology, ignored the bit about not being buddy-buddy, and bounded over to Kim's suitcase. Quickly, with speed that would be associated with a mother who had done this for a living, she took Kim's clothes. She unfolded them, refolded them, and placed them in drawers with apparent ease. "My gram's always valued the importance of household tasks, so this is second nature to me! And your folding skills could use work," she said.

Following this shocking display of household skill that would not be associated with the mess named Pamela, she turned and lugged her suitcase onto the second bed. Pamela took her own clothes, though she put them in the drawers with less ease.

Pamela maintained a constant stream of chatter, not saying anything important until she stopped to take a breath, saying; "But in any case, I wonder if we're rooming with anyone else, Kim! I mean, you're interesting and all though your not much of a talker but I think three's company and two's an awkward living situation! Y'know? I mean, I guess it's cool to be livin' with some cool famous family person, but...Oh! Did you already pick a hero name? For when you become one? Because you seemed kinda into the idea! Havin' a whole family bein' famous is kinda...A huge weight. So your hero name has gotta be good! What is it?"
Kim blinked a bit unsure how anyone had taken that statement as an "apology" but before she even had a chance to respond Pamela seemed to move with a purpose as she grabbed her clothing and had began to fold them without being prompted!

"H-hey those are mine!" Kim called out, already fearing the worst but with this sudden speed and a bit of grace she had not seen from anyone but Mister Stevens Pamela seemed to perfectly fold up her clothing and already placed them upon the drawer as she had to admit, this sort of natural grace and gentle touch was something Kim had not expected to see out of someone who seemed so uncoordinated she bumped into her in the middle of a hallway.

Perhaps there had been more than meets the eye, or it had been a fluke.

Pamala then continued to talk, moving a mile a minute as she seemed to jump from one talking point to another as Kim seemed to struggle to follow her. She had never met someone who just had so much energy like this, and her friendly if scatter brained way of going from point to point had not helped matters. Quickly she raised her arms. "A-alight alright there slow down can only respond to a point at a time." Kim said as she thankfully managed to catch her questions and answered accordingly. "I presume we'll least get 1, maybe 2 more roommates to come. These rooms can hold up to five or so if I recall correctly. Far as a hero name goes, I've settled on Origami Queen, as my abilities..." Kim said, before she took her right arm and it seemed to turn into a paper replica which she then folded to shape into a bouquet of flowers she held as she had struck a confident grin of her own. "...speak for themselves~"
The Cafeteria

The Cafeteria was one of the largest individual rooms in the entirety of the school- at least in its main building, as the facilities in the Training Yard probably took up nearly 2/3rds of the school grounds. It was more of an indoor food court than anything you'd see at a normal high school- with different stands for different food items, alongside a section where students with particularly dietary needs (notably one unfortunate soul who has to eat rocks) get their food pre-prepared. Most individuals from the different dorms were already working to pile themselves into the cafeteria's space- though thankfully, there was much more space to work with- as only a 3rd of the school's population was here at the time.

Some notable food options include Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Pizza, Burgers & Hotdogs, a Vegetarian-exclusive area, Traditional school food (from peanut butter and jellies to applesauce), Seafood, a destination for Pure Carnivores, and of course, French (which was oddly less crowded).

Nera Vasquez

Speaking of the cafeteria, one of the first arrivals from our little cast would be Nera, blending quietly into the crowd, unlike some of the many loud, LOUD people showing off their powers... she was just glad basically every surface in the school was blastproof, fireproof, and had many many other safety precautions- because oh boy would things not be good if they weren't such a way. Nera recognized many of the food stalls here to have similar offerings to other restaurants outside- which made sense, the school probably leased chefs and recipes from chains, stripped most of the branding, and offered the stuff here. She was just glad the food was paid for by the tuition fee... she decided to line up for Chinese food when-

"Sorry for the Inconvenience, but the Chinese stand has run out of stock. Please choose from one of the other stands around the cafeteria!"

"Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Nera made a loud exasperated sigh, wondering who put her on such a cursed earth- a delectable batch of spicy chicken now out of reach for her... at least for today. She then sauntered over, defeatedly, to the Mexican stand... deciding to grab herself some enchiladas for dinner tonight- as the spice would likely drown out her thoughts of defeat at the hands of the Chinese stand... and she would get her recompense.

Riley Deimi

After Riley left behind her new roommate completely bewildered, stunned, and blushing like a dork, she took her hyperactive self to the cafeteria, a few exasperated other students groaning as she bolted by- recognizing the white blur from about an hour earlier- and the novelty of her speed certainly had worn off on those she'd bumped into (at least she was courteous to avoid anyone with a tray), but still.

"Oooookay... what do we hhhave... mmmm... five slices of prime Cheese Pizza... coming riiiiight up, tum-tum!"

She focused her gaze on the pizza... and well... let's just say she made it there less than 20 seconds later.

Riley is going to go very fast very often.
Dean jumped into his room and saw that it was entirely made of... computers? "I am confused on so many fuckin' levels," he said, very loudly, "But it kinda makes sense." He tried to zap one of the machines, only for it to ricochet into his heart. "Ow- I- shit- GODDAMNIT," he said to himself.

"Anyway, what now?" he said, not expecting an answer. He then walked outside the dorm and noticed someone on a surfboard moving people towards their dorms. "I've seen everything," he said to himself. He walked back into his room (at Mach 88.09796494, which is 0.01% of his top speed, but also the highest speed he can even talk without any major drawbacks) and put his bag next to his bed, then walked at the same speed to the cafeteria.

He lined up for a pizza at lightspeed and felt like he was going to pass out for a while after that. "Fuck, my head hurts..." he said, "Shiiiiit." Then he noticed someone... a girl who made it there before he did, probably since he was busy with... well, let's just say he was planning another prank on the school. "This is fine," he said to himself, "I'm not gonna think through every possible outcome." Ironically, that's what he did.

If Orion kept screaming like this, he was sure to lose his voice, get dizzy, or perhaps even pass out. When Carter began lifting off, Orion repeated to himself don't look down, don't look down, don't look down... as he was looking straight down. A few seconds of flight later, and well, the rest is self-explanatory.

"Let me DOWN!!!" He cried, his eyes shut tightly with fear. "You gotta let me down right now man, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMOOOOORE!!"

The complete opposite of Carter, who had been stood upright and balanced, Orion lay on his stomach, hugging the surfboard as tightly as possible, pushing the strength of limbs into overdrive.

In between the wind rushing into his face and his bouts of screaming, he peeked to judge how close they were to the dorm building. When they were just in front of it, he began shrieking once more.


As Carter seemed to slow down and stop before the dorm building, Orion slithered off the surfboard onto the ground, panting heavily... until he burst out laughing, rolling on the ground like a maniac who'd just been told the funniest joke on earth.

It seemed the adrenaline of the whole thing slammed into him all at once.

Coming to the end of his fit of laughter, he collected his belongings and glanced at the 3 of them with a dorky smile, shaking his head slowly before waddling off without a word.

In truth, he was so embarrassed by the whole thing, especially looking like that in front of Asuna, that he didn't know what to say.

So he elected to say nothing at all.

"There go my chances of being a cool kid this time around." He sighed, still smiling from cheek to cheek.


After turning the key to Dorm 7, Orion crept in cautiously.

"Hellooooo?" He greeted. No response. He came all the way inside the small hallway that connected the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.

Stepping into the latter, he was greeted to a homely, spacious room consisting of 4 beds that almost served to divide the room into quarters, two on either side, separated by a huge brown curtain that was currently folded up.

Each quarter had a different feel to it; the bottom left corner, for example, was chock full of computers and the like. Looking closer now, he noticed luggage and clothes in that same corner, realizing that somebody must have moved in already. He checked his watch.

"4:25?!" He gasped.

With that, he took a quick glance around the room. Of all the corners, the bottom right was easily the most dull. As he edged nearer, it seemed as though there was absolutely nothing special about this corner.

"...this must be where I belong, huh?" He whispered, a knowing, yet disappointed smile on his face. He shrugged it off and began unpacking.
Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

After watching the flying surfboard of impending doom whizz away, Tsugikuni quickly made his way to his dorm... finding it rather quickly in the grand scheme of things, as the dorm was starting to quiet down as many people began to rush into the cafeteria so they had as much time as possible to eat. So then, Tsugikuni would enter the dorm shortly after Orion, finding his bed to be on the same side of the room AS Orion... resting his hand in his pocket with a small smile.

"Looks like you survived, then... that's good, calling the cops would have been quite the mess."

He made a tranquil grin, and began to unpack his corner of the room. It was decorated with a few things that appeared to be Japanese- an incense burner and a sword rack specifically. He pulled his ornate pen holster off his belt, and in a few sudden, magical seconds, it morphed into a full-sized Nodachi in an equally as ornate of a Saya. He placed it blade-up on the sword rack, and lit the incense burner.

"This should create a pleasant smell for all of us when we return from dinner- preparing us to rest our eyes for the evening. I would change into some evening wear myself, but it appears the time for that passed long ago, given the narrow window we have remaining."

Tsugikuni worked on finishing up his little corner, placing a collection of traditional clothing into the drawers, and fixing his ponytail, as he turned his bright yellow eyes to Orion.

"Ah, I never asked of your name. Perhaps you can share with me that- and other things about yourself... if you'd care to walk with me to the cafeteria..?"

"Wow! That's so cool!" Pamela's face shone. "You must be great at shadow puppets!"

Pamela puffed her chest out and said, "My ability is Caffeinated! I produce caffeine and pump it into the air around me! Pretty cool, huh? Maybe that's why you're so peppy compared to earlier, huh?"

Pamelas then clapped her hands with glee, and said "Welp, I believe it's time for lunc- Dinner! I think it's dinnertime, Kimmy! And also Paper Queen isn't the best hero name. You could've gone with Origamy! Or Origone! But nope...It's Paper Queen...So much missed potential!" Pamela shook her head, smiling.

"Welp, wanna go get some eat's together?"

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
"Yeah, This is our dorm-" Referring to himself and Edric. "My name is Jasper Mueller. It's nice to meet you Omar." He clicked the close button on the previous blue screen that showed Edric's information, and went inside of the room. He put his bag on the bed, as the other minimized blue screen that wasn't previously visible appeared. He clicked on the close button again, and the bag became a normal sized bag filled with his clothes, a handheld console, and a laptop.

"Anyway, what time is it?" Jasper checked his watch, and with big bold numbers it said '4:35P.M.' "Oh man, it's almost dinner time! We should get going to the cafeteria, if we get there late, there won't be any seats for us." Jasper told the group, tapping Omar on the shoulder as he ran past both of them to reach the cafeteria before more people arrive there.

Fuyuko looked to see the young man staring at her, or rather her wings. She then lowered herself back to the ground as she let her Draconic Features disappear. She was still a bit taller him.

"Fred, Thomas, I'm Fuyuko Redtail, and The wings are spectral, and usually visible, I can make them disappear for usage like this almost at will." Fuyuko responded, "However, all my other abilities are either too destructive or have a trigger. I also have marks on my face because of my power."

Fuyuko's whisker tattoos started glowing Momentarily. Then her phone went off. She looked at the notification that her stuff, as arranged, was rearranged in Dorm 15 by staff after a realization of a volatile mix of powers was discovered in the dorm.


Ryugetsu Asuna looked to Orion, who was seemingly panicking, before she called out her dorm number. Orion had said nothing when he got off, which worried her. However, she was holding on as best as she could while Carter was balanced on the surfboard.

"Dorm 18." Asuna responded, "See you all at dinner."

She then whispered under her breath, "Especially you, Orion."

Asuna got off as the Surf board came slow enough, she then grabbed her luggage off the barbell, making sure to not damage the Yukatas. As she went into her dorm. She noticed two people had set their stuff up and weren't there. She set her stuff up, got freshened up quickly, and changed her Yukata for an orange dress for the evening.

"I hope Orion is okay, he did not look good while we were on the surfboard."

As she walked out of the dorm, she then worked her way towards the Cafeteria.


Omar then looked at Jasper, alongside someone who was behind him as he walked out the door. He then saw the other person that had spoken before.

"I'm Omar Shieldson," Omar responded to the person, "We need to get going, my powers may only slow us down."

Omar started following Jasper as he made sure his pendant was in his shirt so it was less likely to fall.

@| Korutesu | @Abra Kadabra Alakazam!
"Yes. Shadow Puppets. Truly you are a creative one unlike any other." Kim said with a touch of sarcasm as her hand returned to normal.

The girl then seemed to describe her ability, and suddenly everything about her manic energy seemed to make sense. It was literally caffeine in her veins. Had it rubbed off on her? Well, Kim had no way to know that for sure but as she casually dissed her hero name her cheeks seemed to puff behind a frown as she had taken exception to that.

"Apologies if my name is not "punny" enough for you, I aim to be taken seriously when I go Pro." Kim said, before she saw someone enter the room, drop off their things and then left as Kim blinked wondering if she had seen things or not. Regardless, on the topic of the cafeteria meal she had gone to go change to something more formal and emerged not long after, as she seemed to favor black and pink and had her hair tied neatly as she seemed to carry that grace she showed in the hallway.

"I suppose after such a trip I could use a meal."

"Alright, one of us should unpack the luggage, the rest of us will go with Omar. I'm a tad hungry." He addressed the other clones, who handed him the luggage.

Edric decided to fuse himself together into two Edrics and have one of them deal with all this luggage business. It was more efficient this way, and wouldn't slow down the others, but they seem to be moving, and he didn't wanna get left behind.

"Be careful me! Don't break anything!" One of the Edrics ran out, following Jasper and Omar.

"Trust yourself, it'll be fine." He replied, dragging the luggage into the dorms.

@Cmeriwether @| Korutesu |


The clone of Edric who was left behind just decided to head to his room and pack his stuff. It wasn't a long process but he had to set up stuff like his Switch, his wardrobe, and some decor like a lava lamp he pulled out on the way here. He also drank a few cups of the Tropicana which he had accidentally spilled. He was lucky that the clones had individual hunger, so that he could have maximum efficiency.

"Uuugghh... This process is a bore. If only there was something interesting to do."

But when he looked out the window, he saw what looked like a flamingo with a backpack on, which was a bit odd, especially because it was going around the back, avoiding all the people.

"If that was a fellow student, they would be quite lonely. Maybe I should say hi."

This Edric quickly split himself in half, and understanding the mission, this new Edric walked out of the room. He was trying to socialize as much as possible, which was something his mom told him would be useful in a new school.
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Frederick smiled when the girl introduced herself as Fuyuko while he looked on in fascination to see her wings disappear. "Fuyuko eh? Pretty name." He said before he put his hands in his pockets as he listened to her explain how her powers were quite dangerous. "Destructive you say? Hmm, well, I'm sure this school will help us both control our powers better." He said and gave her a small and comforting smile. before Thomas chimed in almost without warning.

"And who knows, maybe durin' your high school days you'll find yourselves a nice other half if ya know what I mean." Thomas said and concluded with a little cackle while Frederick blushed at the thought. "Thomas! It's our first day here, it's far too soon for any of that." Frederick explained while he did his best not to look embarrassed... although the signs that he was were clearly there. "Hehehe, sorry boss, had to say it." Thomas said while he looked up at Frederick who shook his head while his eyes briefly darted at Fuyuko a few times.


Previously Deathstalker62
Karma High - Cafeteria
It was quite the lively scene in the dining hall of the school. There were all different kinds of people all mucking about, showing off their powers and generally creating a sea of different conversations that echoed throughout the large room. Some were flying about, some were showing off some form of elemental or energy bending, some were just outright performin a kind of magical talent, but all of them were doing the one same thing - willingly revealing the powers they were born with. And so it remained lively, until..


A nearby glass of water shook, causing one group to fall silent. Not that the liquid inside begun rippling on the surface.. but at what could have caused these vibrations to occur. Whatever it was, it seemed to be approaching the Cafeteria? Was it another student? But what were with these ripples if it was? Were they made of lead or something?


More people grew silent and looked onward to the slightly open Cafeteria doors as students stopped pouring in. Something was coming through, something that somehow caused the others in the hall to hesitate. Whatever it was.. it sure was loud to announce itself with those steps alone.




Abruptly, the sound of the large steps stopped the moment they drew close to the door. Then, in one swift, yet still somewhat sluggish movement, a tree trunk-sized hand pushed open both doors gently, yet wide enough to fully open them, attached were arms as lengthy as a whole tree's log and as wide as an oil barrel. Now out from the hallway and into the room stepped an oddly-shaped individual stepped into the light, easily towering over most-, if not all the surrounding participants.

If it were biologically possible, Vincent would've frowned even before entering this room. He just came here for a bite to eat, and now he was being stared at like some kind of monster once again. Though one could not read it through his beady eyes, he felt bad for causing most of the cafeteria to go quiet from his appearance, even for just a few moments as the conversations started to pick up again. Carefully, he walked around people who were quietly trying to get out of his way. As much as it sucked looking like a human-formed kaiju.. at least people would not be too bothered about getting out of his way.

And so, the titan of a person walked on over, shyly averting his gaze from the surrounding looks and keeping his view strictly on the food stands. With one enormous hand, he carefully held a platter pinched between two fingers and decided to go for the first thing he saw before his round-trip to take one of everything in here - the Mexican stand. And what would he be ordering? Why, raw ingredients, of course! Because why get a fully-prepared meal when you can just make it yourself?
Orion's silent unpacking was interrupted by a gentle voice behind him. He turned around to see that it belonged to none other than the stylish Japanese guy he encountered earlier, before. Orion couldn't help but chuckle at his greeting.

"You can say that again! Though I'm sure a bloodied corpse would have been even -" He paused, shocked that he just let that escape from his mouth. "...sorry, that was- uh, yeah. It's been a long day." He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck before resuming his unpacking.

Ponytail, as Orion had dubbed him, was extremely calm and serene in his composure, speech, and actions. There was a particular grace and flow about him that, honestly, slightly disturbed Orion. The only person he'd come across with an elegance like this was... Asuna. He halted his train of thought there.

Yeah, any chance I had with someone like that left with my dignity up on that damn surfboard.

Coming to that sad conclusion, his brooding was once again ceased by Ponytail. Orion admired the decor of his part of the room; particularly an incense burner and a sword rack specifically. Also, did he just turn that pen holster into a full-fledged blade? What is this, Percy Jackson?

He nodded gratefully at Ponytail lighting the incense burner. "Good call. We're gonna need it if we're having Mexican tonight, I'll tell you that for free!" He was about to begin analyzing that sentence in his typical manner, judging whether it was awkward or just about passable, before Ponytail's comment about evening wear stopped him in his tracks.

...Shit. I completely forgot about that.

Hearing Ponytail's offer to go to the cafeteria together, Orion hurriedly replied.

"I'm Orion, and sure thing! There's one quick thing I gotta do first though!" He responded, glancing here and there, trying to find a nice open space to-

And that's when he saw it.

Just past the foot of his bed, there lay a very well disguised door, the same mahogany color as the walls. No wonder he didn't see it initially. He crept towards it, glanced tentatively towards Ponytail, and walked in. Inside, was a space no larger than a small walk-in closet. What he saw, however, was a sight that lifted- no, skyrocketed his spirits.

Plastered all over this room, which he made a mental note to now dub The Portal Room, were photographs of important locations to Orion, such as his home, his favorite park, and multiple slightly unfamiliar locations that he deduced must be school locations. Places like the main courtyard, a few study wings, the cafeteria, and the library were included among them.

Finally, there lay an open space in the middle of the room. Orion already knew what to do. With perhaps the biggest, most real smile he'd ever put on since coming here, he briefly thought of home before another portal manifested in front of him, filling the space so well it was uncanny.

They DID do something after all! But who could have given them all these pictures from home?

Without a second guess, he already knew who was behind all this. And Orion would be giving him the BIGGEST hug a few moments from now.


A few minutes later, Orion popped back out of The Portal Room with not only a pep in his step, but also wearing a brand new set of formal clothes; a pair of black smart shoes, black suit trousers, and a white shirt accompanied by a black bowtie. He elected to sling the suit jacket over his right shoulder rather than wear it, digging his left hand into his pocket.

His obscure talent of changing quickly definitely had its uses.

"Sorry, had to run home and grab this." He explained, gesturing to his new clothes."My Dad would kill me if I didn't wear this to the dinner. Hopefully nobody asks me to perform any magic tricks." Orion explained, smiling gently, now looking at Ponytail.

He gestured to the door.

"Shall we?"

Orion was looking forward to getting to know Ponytail, and hopefully the secret behind that super serene aura of his, which Orion felt was already starting to rub off onto him. He planned to follow Ponytail all the way to the cafeteria, open to any friendly conversation they might have along the way.
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Previously Night's Shadow
Fifi’s room, upon her unpacking, was fairly bare-bones. She hadn’t brought much outside the essentials, trying to start a new life more than remember the old, sure the people of her hometown were more than happy to have her gone. But that train of thought kind of sucked, so she made an effort to concentrate on something else. Like food! A glance at the clock told Ffion it was nearly five, which meant it was time for num noms.

When the finned girl arrived at the cafeteria, she found that most people were dressed fairly nice. But hey, they were probably uncomfortable, Ffion added in her mind, sticking her hands in her hoodie pockets. As the stragglers headed toward the entrance, their seemed to be a bit of a roadblock, though; a titan of a person was carefully fitting his way through the doorway. Once he was through, she skirted around him with her mind on the seafood stand, though her eyes were still on the big guy. Oddly enough, Fifi wore a huge grin. Everyone was tiny compared to this guy, and she didn’t feel so short anymore.

Jaime was late. Very late. His flight had been delayed, yeah, but he could have made it on time if he’d really wanted to. But he figured he’d take a little power nap under a tree so he wouldn’t feel so jetlagged, and that had been great, but had also taken four hours. Now it was nearly 4:30, and the cat-eared boy had just taken his first steps on campus. Fantastic.

I told you to set an alarm, came the smug, easygoing voice in his head, matter-of-fact. Jaime always pictured Mau as a fat, furry Siamese, grinning at him from the top of a bookshelf, or something, though he never saw the true form of the demon who shared his body. Your internal clock leaves much to be desired.

You know what else is internal?
Jaime thought back, as he made a lazy pace toward his dorm assignment. He was already late, why not be later? Your furry ass, Mau. And don’t give me that ‘but I sleep when you sleep’ crap. After a second of mental silence, in which Jaime envisioned Mau languidly flicking his tail, the boy hefted his duffle bag a little higher on his shoulder and continued on. He was a little faster now, not because he cared about his tardiness, but because he was hungry and his heightened senses could smell food. Doesn’t matter. Help me find the goddamn room so I can lose the bag, then we can eat.

Jaime could feel the cat demon’s appreciation of that statement as they walked by the dorm buildings. He didn’t want to have to deal with a staff member asking why he was so late, so rather than go through the front door, Jaime began to fluidly scale the back wall, occasionally helped along by a vaguely cat-shaped cloud. It took a few peeks through windows before he found what he assumed to be his room, judging by the large number of various cat-demon affiliated things, from Pokemon cards to those waving porcelain things at Chinese restaurants. Jaime thought in hindsight that his parents had really sucked at birthday presents, but hey; at least his dormmates would have been duly warned.

As Jaime climbed through the thankfully unlocked window, he gathered up the few crosses his parents had no doubt sent for him and stashed them under his bed. Love your neighbor as yourself, except when your neighbor is a cat demon possessing your son, or aforementioned son harboring aforementioned cat demon, Jaime thought wryly, and he could sense Mau’s silent laughter. He dropped the duffel on his bed and leaped out of the window, his fall easily broken by a feline smoke trail.

Jaime’s stomach growled. He wanted a gyro.
Pamela Oswald
"Great! Super! Awesome!" Pamela changed right then and there, no shame, into something that could be fancy had it not been on Pamela of all people. A simple yet elegant dress. Cream.
"C'mon! Let's eat before everything good is gone, Kimmy!" Pamela grabbed her hand, leading her out of the apartment.
....And meanwhile...

Isolde Barley
This student had not been late. This student hadn't been delayed or otherwise cut off.
She was quite early, actually.

This student's name was Isolde Barley, and she had simply avoided people. Cutting through abandoned paths, skulking in shadows until people left, and pretty much lying low until she had reached her room. Dormitory 18. Perfectly quiet. Perfectly Dark. Nobody around.
Yes, Isolde had arrived on time. Earlier than others, in fact. Her commitment to being first and not having to deal with people was strong. Ah. Silent. Nothing. Just good old Barley Bear...And her silence.

She sat in total silence, occasionally hiding beneath her bed whenever somebody dared come in to set down their luggage. Around dinnertime, Isolde put on an coat. She skulked quietly down the hallway, perfectly planning to stay out of sight. Yes. She would get dinner, and she would leave. And quickly; Cafeterias could get packed.

She was in. People didn't stare at her. Good. Her two eyes moved in different directs, spinning wildly to take in the intent of the room.
Nothing evil.
Now it was time for Quesadillas. The best food known to man.
She was quietly picking up a few when some huge stomping was heard. She turned slowly, balking in terror as a huge Kaiju-like figure approached. Blue Justice didn't pick up on malicious intent.
Yet she could never be too careful. Keeping one eye on him and the other on her plate, she slowly backed away. It was the perfect getaway.

Or it would've been, had she not tripped on her own feet, landing on her back with a shrill 'Eep'!
...This is why you don't walk backwards, kids.

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She had listened to what Freddie had to say. She knew she needed control, especially after that incident. She noticed the small smile, and gave one back as Thomas spoke up. She blushed, then looked at her feet, then back at Freddie. She then

"That sounded like what one my of living half brothers would say." Fuyuko responded about Thomas, "I do agree with your response in the sense that it is way too early. Do you have any family?"

Fuyuko went to check the time. It read 4:35. Luckily, she's in her evening wear for dinner.

@Red Gallade


Asuna Ryugetsu had been walking for a bit seeing the sights around
the school. During this, Orion came up in her thoughts. Between how he called her hot, by complete accident, and him clinging to the surfboard. Those two were completely different events. She giggled at the memory of clinging to the board. It was very brave to show your presumed fears, but the reaction was somewhat humorous to her. As for when he accidentally called her hot, she blushed intensely, to the point that a puff of steam popped from her. Her thoughts drifted around, mainly between this and anime that she had watched.

"Maybe I should talk to him about things," Asuna responded, "That reaction was somewhat worrying on Carter's Surfboard, but it seemed he was trying to hold it back, but why?"


Omar had been running with The Edric that was originally behind Jasper, and Jasper himself. He hadn't realized how his hair moves when running and nearly whacked people with his ponytail.

"Edric, how did you split and reform yourself?" Omar asked, "Is that your power?"

Omar was serious about that question, he also rolled up is sleeve to reveal the bar tattoos.

@| Korutesu | @Abra Kadabra Alakazam!


Melanie had gone out of her room, passing a Fish fin eared girl on her way out. She figured she'd get to the Cafeteria, and hopefully, no shenanigans occurred. When she got there, she had to push the door, her spectral outfit changed to that of sixteenth century samurai attire. She then saw a girl walk backwards onto the floor. She kept her eye on the situation and saw a giant person. She was confused, how did the giant person get in here? She then went to get something, she was in the mood for some Mediterranean food, hand on her sword in case of something going wrong.
Riley Deimi

Riley was all but focused on piling up on slices and slices of pizza- not even really caring about what kind- cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian, vegetarian, 3-meat-treat... it was all secondary to it being PIZZA! A girl with as cost-expending of movement habits like her's needed to load up on as many calories as she could! Even if it did leave her a bit... less than supermodel at her waist. As is to say- she a bit chooby. Whatever the case, as she turned away with her plate full, some girl from the nextdoor Mexican stand basically tripped backwards over herself... and in a single swift motion, she planted her hand on the girl's back, and slowly lifted her back up onto her feet, exhaling with a giggle.

"That was close!!! You don't wanna be falling over with your food on your first day, do ya~? Well, don't worry, Riley's gotcha covered... and oooohhh!!!"

Her eyes turned upwards to Vincent, the one whom, unbeknownst to her, Isolde was trying to step away from. She didn't have a look of fear... but instead wonder.

"Whoooa! You look so cool! What kind of power do you have??? What does it do??? Isn't he so cool, pal~?"

Her gaze turned back to Isolde for affirmation!

@Blotch'd @DevVoid

Nera Vasquez

Nera would watch curiously as... business unfolded at the Mexican stand. She like, just wanted some Enchiladas. Oh well- this is what she gets for not making it to the Chinese food stand. What appeared to be a really big dude, some white haired girl that was on bath salts or something, and a girl that really just didn't want to be there were all working on getting themselves sorted out.


She met their gaze each at least once, and so she got the basic memo on the situation. She nearly broke her link with Isolde instantly after learning her name- as her string of consciousness was VERY loud and VERY scared and honestly? Nera did not need more noise right now. Still, she recognized Isolde as being from her dorm... so she'd been hiding under the bed whilst she set up her own? Jeez, things were gonna be rocky with this girl... they'd find a way to make do though- they had to, considering they were both on the same side of the room.

As she walked to exit, she managed to goof it up, stumbling... but using Riley's Rush Hour through her Active Copy ability to right herself once again, the accident basically just looking like a sudden blur for the trio she'd been observing. Her cheeks flushing red just a little... she moved pretty fast to get to her table already.

@DevVoid @Blotch'd as well

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Tsugikuni had done his own bit of dress up as Orion had seemingly created a portal inside his little closet. He was now wearing a comfortable hooded jacket, with a pattern resembling the flowers of the Wisteria blossom. It was bound at the middle with a sash, mostly just for fashion, as on his legs were a pair of Tobi pants, perhaps the most traditional part of his ensemble. And replacing his simple ponytail holder was a hair clip shaped like a maple leaf. He nodded gently.

"I see your power involves portals- a fine trick to have in your arsenal, I'd imagine..."

He nodded thoughtfully, and agreed with Orion that it was time to get out of there. The two exited the room together, and headed down the two sets of stairs to the lobby, where he began to speak again.

"Ah, I introduced myself to your acquaintance Asuna, but not to you. My name is Tsugikuni Ginhoshi, but please, just call me Tsugikuni. Nicknames are fine, just not immediately. Get to know me a little more first."

As the two exited the dorm building to go towards the students funneling into the cafeteria, he made a dry laugh.

"Perhaps I should consider bringing my weapon everywhere, even to casual places like this- after all, it seems people are eager to show off their powers... at least I can consider doing a demonstration of Defensive Stance... food for thought, I suppose."

"H-hey!" Kim called out as she was led by the hand out of the room and once more this girl's manic energy seemed to catch her by surprise. Suppose this was the norm, and something she'd need to get used to sooner rather than later as she walked along the hall with her down to the cafeteria. Seemed like there was a bit of traffic, including this giant of an individual who seemed stuck by the door as others had to try and wiggle around them. Thankfully by the time they got near the door it managed to work through as she stepped inside and seemed to scan the scene inside.

Quite the lively crowd, with most wearing something fancy though a couple had gone more casual. Not that it mattered so long as she looked the part that was all that concerned the Takahashi heir, though as she walked through the gym with Pamala she wondered just what kind of food this place offered.

Pamela Oswald
Maaaan, look at this place! Like a freaking palace! You must be right at home, eh?" Pamela nudged her friend in the ribs, scanning the room. "WOW! Look at that dude! He's, like, 2000 feet tall! I wonder how long it would take to climb to his shoulders!" Pamela stepped forward to do just that, but was distracted by food.

"Oh! Right! What do you wanna eat, Kimmy? Personally, I don't care as long as it's edible." Pamela turned towards her 'friend' and looked at her. "Maybe we'll see the rest of our friends, yeah? You'll love 'em when you get to know 'em! I hope. Y'all got off the wrong foot at first but it'll be just fine after some elbow grease! I know it! Now. What's to eat, Princess?"

Isolde Barley
Welp. There goes hope. Isolde was in free fall when she noticed someone pushing her back up. HUMAN CONTACT! Isolde flared up, turning red as a tomato, and spun to meet her savior/terrorist.

Isolde gaped. This girl not only had the gall to touch her but also talked at a speed too fast for her to understand. She glanced around, making eye contact with another girl. A chill went through her body; not the sort she felt everyday. This girl was reading her. Like a book. And then she blurred away.

Isolde didn't respond to Riley at all, but maintained a confused expression. Her stance was hard as rock, straight as a ruler. Isolde just stared straight ahead in bewilderment. And then she snapped back to reality, looking up at Riley and the Giant with equal fear and trepidation.

Her only thought; "Why does God do this to me...?!"
The level of pure drip on this man is just unfair! Orion thought enviously as he left the dorm building alongside his roommate.

He meant it; for the entire 10 minutes he and Ponytail had been acquainted, his style seemed so... effortless.

Once on the stairs, Ponytail now introduced himself as Tsugikuni. Orion smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, Tsugikuni." He replied, mentally noting that Tsugi would be his nickname once they'd bonded enough. "I think the two of us'll get along juuuust fine!"

Though he tried to mask it best he could, hearing Asuna's name brought along all those feelings of self-consciousness from before. His demeanor hardened slightly.

It'll never happen, okay? Stop thinking about some random, albeit very pretty, girl you met 5 seconds ago, dude. Orion thought to himself.

She's not for you. Leave that to the cooler, more interesting guys, like...

He peered again at Tsugi as he was making another comment about students showing off their powers. He was right.

The path towards the cafeteria looked like a super-powered circus; students gliding, shooting projectiles, transforming... he was glad the school had a top-notch security system in place, though he was beginning to hear whispers of a "bomb-related" announcement or something similar as they approached the huge cafeteria building.

Probably just a silly prank, Orion thought to himself. For whatever reason, though, his mind drifted to the student who had moved in before him, the one who's corner of the room looked like a collection of props for The Matrix. He hoped that he or she was doing okay, wherever they were.

At the mention of Defensive Stance, Orion began glaring at Tsugi with a knowing smile, clicking his fingers.

"I finally get it. It's all making sense now!" He began, doing his best impression of a villainous laugh before pointing at Tsugi.

"The clothes, the magical pen holster... and now Defensive Stance? These dudes at Karma High have me roomed with a whole anime protagonist!" He announced.

"Hey, as your awkward but lovable 'best friend' character, I'll probably get to live til' the end right? Though killing me off could give you a nice new transformation or something... better yet, how about I become your rival? We could fight all the time, share a mutual disdain for each other, but then team up when the situation requires and-"

He paused, finally getting a hold of himself and sighing. When he started going off like this about the stuff he was into, it was hard to stop.

"Sorry. As you can see, I'm a bit of a nerd, Tsugikuni." He confessed, looking ahead at the Cafeteria. They were approaching the entrance.
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As Asuna was approaching the Cafeteria herself, she had seen Tsugikuni and Orion, Who she needed to talk to. The young man that had been intruding her thoughts while she was walking was now in front of her. She approached slowly and waved when she saw them. Orion was in a formal outfit, which she did not expect. She blushed at him when she got there. She heard that he was a bit of a nerd. She was something of an Otaku herself, but she would explain that to Orion once she was able to talk to him alone.

"H-h-hi, Orion," Asuna responded, stammering, "A-Are you okay after the surfboard, I-I-I was worried?"

Asuna gave a genuine smile to Orion as she finished what she said. She noted that Tsugikuni was there as well.

@ExxtremeBattler @Cryronn the Mudkip
Tsugikuni Ginhoshi


Tsugikuni looked at the boy as he called out him being an anime protagonist, going over what role in the story he could be to Tsugi. He blinked a few times, almost flabbergasted... before a smile cracked across his lips, and he couldn't help but start laughing. It was the most raw emotion Orion had seen from Tsugikuni, his laughing breaking his elegance entirely, as he let out an exhale.

"...I'd rather keep us as friends... and you alive. But I'm flattered you think of me as a "Protagonist" in any regard, honestly~... but I do think we disagree on one thing- you believe life is an anime and that I'm the protagonist... but looking at you? Life must be a comedy, with you as a protagonist... because that's the hardest I've laughed in months...~"

Tsugikuni couldn't wipe the smile off his face, as he consoled Orion a little after his nerdy confession-

"Hey, I couldn't care less- honestly, it's quite endearing. I... have a feeling we'll be good friends..."

Tsugikuni looked to see a rather aghast Asuna approach them as they stood just outside the cafeteria, excited to see a familiar face approaching them... as she then mentioned if he was okay, and the whole thing with the surfboard. He took a bit of a step back, knowing this was their conversation, but slipped in a quick-

"Hello Asuna- and, from what I can see, he appears to be holding himself together well enough..!"

@Cmeriwether @ExxtremeBattler
Tsugikuni's laughter was as shocking to Orion as it was delightful. This was the first time today he'd made someone genuinely laugh, and it felt amazing. He was relieved Tsugi didn't mind Orion's general dorkiness and let out a liberating exhale, feeling that he'd be able to express his complete self around Tsugi.

At the mention of Orion being the protagonist of a comedy, he couldn't help but convey agreement through a chuckle of his own. Since he arrived, it had been one funny thing after another.

He had a feeling this wasn't the case just for him, but for all the freshman who moved in to start their 'hero academia' today; after all, what else could you expect when you throw a bunch of diverse teenagers from all sorts of backgrounds into one big superhuman mixing pot?

He looked forward to meeting all kinds of colorful characters here at Karma High.

Speaking of colorful, as the pair approached the entrance to the Cafeteria, Orion spotted a familiar lock of red hair moving towards them. As if on demand, his face broke out into a wide smile, before he tensed his facial expression into a neutral one to hide his internal euphoria.

"Hey Asuna, what's cookin'?" He replied to her greeting, as calmly as he could manage. It seemed that as much as he tried to get her out of his mind, his efforts were futile. Especially with how elegant she looked in that orange dress.

After hearing that she wanted to talk about the surfboard incident, he let out a sigh, smiling sheepishly. He nodded in agreement with Tsugi's assessment of his condition.

"Sorry you had to deal with all that. I'm no good with heights, as you saw." He admitted, resting a hand softly on Asuna's shoulder, touched that she was genuinely concerned about him. He hoped she was okay with the physical contact, otherwise, this was gonna get awkward real fast.

Now glancing at Tsugi, who looked a little left out, Orion gestured at both of them towards the Cafeteria, thinking they could all sit together.

"Shall we take this inside?"

If they both agreed on it, he planned to follow the two of them inside the noisy dining hall.
"Eh, a bit on the small side." Kim said, and she had not intended that to be a boast just the space seemed to be smaller than back home, though on the flip side it had way more people around so perhaps that factored into things. Though attention shifted to the giant as she felt a sweat drop at her question. "I would not be eager to find out..."

She blinked a bit eager to meet her "friends" which Kim still seemed hesitant to refer to herself as such with anyone after a single day, perhaps it had been a safeguard as she was not used to someone this positive this much around her as she tried to focus on the meal. "I suppose I am the type to enjoy some chicken and vegetables." Kim admitted honestly to Pamala.
Pamela Oswald
"Oh, great! Except the veggies. This girl...Runs on pure meat! And the occasional ice cream," Pamela replied. "You and I are obviously gonna get along just great! So, Kimmy, let's eat then! I'm absolutely famished. I could, perhaps, possibly, have a bit of bovine and, perhaps, possibly, some other such sustenance," She said, imitating a posh accent and behavior that would befit a cartoon princess. Still grasping Kim's arm like a mother and her child, she dragged her to various carts, letting her pick up whatever she needed. The people around Pamela tended to get impatient with the lines, fidgeting and glancing around so much that they did not notice her line jumping.

Eventually Pamela had visited the carts both she and Kim needed, and, ever grasping to Kim like she was saving her from drowning, plopped down at a seat with her. Most of the chairs at this table were somehow empty. Pamela's crowd manipulation was flawless if you were her, but if you weren't, you often found yourself being bumped into. Pamela didn't stop for anyone, and standing in the way of her path meant being bumped into.

"There! Food! Did you get what you needed or do I need to drag you around again?" Pamela said this shortly, but not with any heat or impatience, and promptly began to stuff herself.
...She was all over the place, that's for sure. But she had meat, so she was fine.

"Not much, set up my room and got changed for the evening after you left." Asuna responded, her blush getting a bit brighter after his hand touched her shoulder, "I understand, which was why I was worried. We can take this inside. I've been wanting to know more about people around here."

Asuna had been keeping eye contact with Orion, as she fiddled with her fingers, and her stomach had a case of Butterflies. As such she stuck a bit on the closer side. She then looked at Tsugikuni, who may have felt a bit left out.

"You can join us, if you want." Asuna offered to Tsugikuni.

She then turned back to Orion, her face still a bit like her hair.
"You have quite the optimistic outlook, I will say..." Kim mused back, almost finding it hard to follow Pamela's train of thought. From her view being this full of energy had to get tiring, but she supposed this had to be an effect of her powers that only boosted this extrovert side to her. Before long she felt her wrist grabbed again as she was literally pulled to the food cart with little warning. "Whaaaaa h-hey easy there!" Kim called out but Pamala seemed to have a one track mind and this track had no breaks. Seemed that Kim would have to work fast as she failed to get her hand out of the grip of Pamala and used her free hand to grab at a try to set along the cart.

She focused on getting the essentials: She grabbed a cooked chicken breast as her main course, she then complimented it with a side of lettuce, some apple slices, ranch dressing and some bottled water and she had tot hank her ability to shape her body because given how quickly Pamala tugged along her she had to extend her fingers with her paper power to make all this work before they were seated at their table.

"I-I have just a minor suggestion, I can handle getting what I need if I missed something, and we don't drag me around against my readiness again. Okay?" Kim asked, seemed she would have to play the more measured half of this dynamic here. Much as that seemed to be a source of future frustration, least the food looked good.

And, it was...nice, to share a meal for a change rather than eat alone. Not that she'd comment that...
Still in the cafeteria, and still lining up for pizza (excitedly), he was unaware of Vincent's presence, unlike everyone else. He was confused by the silence, no surprise. Meanwhile...

"I'm fucking LATE!" he shouted. He was panicking, but still, he was running at 39kph so it wasn't really much of a challenge to get from the front to Dorm 4 (it was Dorm 4, right?). When he finally made it, he ran into where he was supposed to sleep. It was chock full of punching bags for some reason. But he liked it.

Eventually, he finished unpacking and, unsurprisingly, ran to the cafeteria to show off his powers. "WASSUP BITCHES?!" he shouted, obviously not meaning it. He blasted mountains of fire from his fists and re-absorbed the fire a few seconds later. He went to line up for pizza, but he tripped and face-planted on the ground, a large "BAM" above him. Dean chuckled a bit. "Classic Braedyn," he said.

"Hey!!" Braedyn shouted, sending his first (and in turn, himself) flying at Dean, who ducked at Mach 3 and dodged. Braedyn flew into the wall faster than Usain Bolt could run, accompanied by a large "BAM". Braedyn got off the wall and began to look for people to talk to. He eventually found someone... or more accurately, some PEOPLE... to talk to. "'Sup?" he said, trying to be as cool as possible, "My name's Braedyn."

@ExxtremeBattler @Cmeriwether (spoiler alert: Braedyn is more of a goofball that Dean)


Previously Deathstalker62
Vincent's attention was grasped away as his plate was getting a literal mountain of food piled up atop of it, his beady eyes now landing on the two who made such a ruckus - first his gaze fixated on Isolde, then on Riley, then lastly on the both of them. And then, he was just bombarded with all kinds of questions. Questions he.. didn't really want to answer right now, since he felt more inclined to just get what he wanted and just sit down somewhere on his lonesome to be left alone.

And so, with a grunt so deep that it could put the likes of alligators and mammoths to shame, Vincent tilted his body down as a nod for a brief, wordless apology before the walking, enormous bowling pin of a man turned back around to find his platter pretty much about to topple over with food. At which point, he did something those around him likely did not expect.

His head suddenly clapped open like the lid of a trash can as he dropped the entire platter into his mouth opening from which, moments latter, the platter re-emerged, now wiped completely clean without even so much as a particle of spit or a crumb of food left on it. After this, Vince just simply moved on to get to the next stand closest to him to get another mountain to just dump within the bottomless pit of an opening that was his mouth, his 'head' plopping back down and sealing his mouth shut.


Previously Night's Shadow
The finned girl thought momentarily that she might like some pizza, then promptly decided against it at the sight of a very speedy girl making quick work of slice after slice before she dashed over to prop up a falling classmate. Fifi grinned dryly at the sight, then moved off. The line for Korean food wasn’t bad, and spicy rice cakes ranked up there with pizza in Ffion’s opinion, so she headed that way, once again going around the giant (who was now consuming food far quicker than anyone could have predicted). With two generous portions of tteokbokki and plenty of water to kill the inevitable burn, Ffion made her way over to the edge of a table and plopped down. Chow time!

The cat-eared boy, feeling uncharacteristically benevolent, yielded to another boy entering the cafeteria and let him go first. This offered him an entertaining view from behind as the student gave an emphatic what’s up bitches?! “Not your intellect, apparently,” Jaime commented snidely, but it seemed like the kid hadn’t heard him, as he moved off to spew fire, then yell and punch at what Jaime could only assume was a friend of his. At least he hoped so, else he would feel bad for the other guy, and that was a waste of his already limited emotional capacity.

Jaime also hoped the food was good, because a shitty falafel would likely ruin his night. There were only about four people in front of him for Mediterranean, which was tolerable, so as long as they weren’t stupid he shouldn’t have a problem. That’s a lot to ask of humans, Mau remarked. Jaime rolled his eyes as he waited impatiently for his turn.

Melanie Redtail had been in line for Mediterranean, she was third in the line and all of a sudden, someone shouted.


Melanie nearly jumped when she heard that, almost whacking the table with the sheathed, four hundred year old sword that belonged to a certain Englishman that sailed around the world. She caught a person get in line from the corner of her eye, Melanie was quite surprised and had turned around to find a cat ear boy, with her hand on her sword, mainly the top of the handle, as if she was resting her hand there. She started to speak.

"H-hi!" Melanie attempted to speak, "M-m-elanie R-redtail is my name, sorry if I almost took out the stand with my sword."
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Dean laughed. "Braedyn should really calm down," he shouted, "Don't make a scene next time." Braedyn groaned. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," he said, "But don't expect me to thank you, Dean!" Dean sighed. "Not planning on it, mate," he said. Braedyn smirked. "Well, I apologize for the stupid shit I did," he said, "But don't expect me to apologize for doing it again." Dean slapped Braedyn in the face (you could see the word "slap" on his cheek) at Mach 10 and returned to his place in the line. "OW, FUCK," Braedyn shouted. Dean burst out laughing for some reason.


Previously Night's Shadow
A girl closer to the front of the line startled, and Jaime could see the disaster about to happen. Stacks of pita and containers of lamb and falafel jittered as the tablecloth jerked. Jaime took a step forward as if prepared to catch anything that took a tumble. “I swear to God, if my fucking pita bread falls—”

Jaime was cut off when she turned around with an apologetic look and almost hit him with the sheathed sword. At the last second, an ash-colored feline shape shot out of his shoulder and caught the sword in its cloudy claws. “Watch where you swing that thing,” he grumbled as the cat dissipated, though a bit of his fire was removed by her apology and apparent anxiety. “I just want a damn falafel pita.” He sighed and flicked an ear. “Whatever. No harm done. Yet,” he couldn’t stop himself from adding. After a second, he realized she’d introduced herself, and he supposed he’d better do the same out of social obligation. “I’m Jaime. Jaime Allen, if it matters, which it really doesn’t. But yeah. That’s my name.”
Pamela Oswald
"Oh. Right. My bad. I just...Erm, have strong motherly instinct, I guess? haha...!" Pamela laughed at this half baked joke, and continued to shove her face with food. Her slightly awkward expression hung in a following silence, before it was wiped as she changed the subject.

"Y'know, I wonder if everyone else will find us...! Oh, man, will they be surprised to see me with you! Fifi totally tore into you earlier! But she's so cute even when she's angry. Isn't she just the kind you wanna protect? Like, with every ounce of your being? Actually, maybe that's a bit weird. Haha...Friends definitely don't do that for each other...That's what mom's are for, right?" Pamela laughed, playing it cool. "Well, maybe friends do that. I wanna protect all my friends. Except Omar! My forehead isn't even at his eye level, so he can protect himself pretty well!"


Isolde Barley

Isolde gaped as the hulking figure bowed it's head to loom over her.
Her last thought before she toppled over again was this;
"I'm sorry! Please let me live!"

She straight up fainted at the sight of him hunched over, looking at her from this intimidating position

@Cryronn the Mudkip
Edric (who is heading to the canteen)

It was a mad dash to the cafeteria, but Edric still heard Omar’s question. Carefully weaving through the crowd of probably very hungry students, he raised his tone to be audible to his companions.

“Yeah! It’s called Clones. It allows me to split myself into clones that work independently from one another. Very useful for trying to do many different things at once.”

Despite having used his other power, he wanted to save its introduction for later. After all, it wasn’t important yet and he was a bit peckish. Hopefully, there would be food left when he got there, especially something like beef or pork belly.

@Cmeriwether @| Korutesu |


Just like most experiences in her life, she was trying to remain invisible. She wanted to not be noticed in this unfamiliar place, and she succeeded by avoiding as many people as possible throughout orientation and while moving her other luggage. It was like a whole new world here, with so many sights and faces.


How could she forget? It was all overwhelming.

“Phew, nobody’s around.” She said in a whisper tone, probably sure she was alone. As a flamingo, she could attract some attention, but she had transformed into it because she could fly and carry her backpack at the same time without being too much of an eyesore. At least she hoped.

“One last round and then I can go to dinner. Hopefully, I can find a quiet corner to eat alone.”

But something in her mind was telling her that she was doing this all wrong. Her moms wouldn’t want this for her. They’d want her to make new friends. But who would want to be friends with her?

“I swear I saw a flamingo out here somewhere. No way that wasn't another teen. I mean it had a backpack on. I’m not going crazy right?” A voice came near from the dormitory in front of her, but out of sight. She was a bit freaked out because she planned to be as discreet as possible. But she guessed that wasn’t happening anymore. Suddenly a white-haired boy with a lime green headband rounded the corner, catching her off-guard.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” She shrieked in pure surprise.

“WOAH, A TALKING FLAMINGO WITH A BACKPACK!” The boy reacted similarly, freaking out as he stumbled over. Maria didn’t want somebody to get hurt, so she casually approached.

“Are you ok?” She muttered in a light tone, barely audible.

“Uuuggh… Guess Zach was right…” The boy said as he got up. “Animals are usually much more scared of you than you are of them. Seems like this person follows that trend, so let me try again.” He seemed to get up quickly, composing himself.

“ Hi, I’m Edric, and I’m sorry for spooking you. I just thought you were lonely so I decided…”

As he mumbled, she felt something different about him. He wasn’t like any kid she’d ever met before, because he seemed to be sincere and caring. He wasn’t trying to trick her or pretend to be her friend, like any other teenager she met. This person was trying to understand her deeply, and she was oddly surprised.

“Yeah so I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure that you would be okay. You might wanna head off now, cuz dinner is starting.” He finished rambling, so she decided to take a chance, swinging her neck towards him.

“No no, it’s fine. Uh, yeah I’ll get going to eat then.” She decided to fly away, bringing along her backpack in case. She would hopefully see him again, as she flew towards the cafeteria. She squawked as she left, leaving Edric to look up.

"Welp, I'm heading back. I might need more help unpacking." Edric said, as he walked back inside his dorms.
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Melanie looked at her sword, which was caught by an Ash-gray cat's paw? Hand? She then remembered that The Unifier was still possessing her. So she decided to ask about that mystery limb.

"What was that limb that stopped my sword?" Melanie responded, "This sword has something to do with my powers, particularly one of my spirits. It's very old, that is why I wear it everywhere, so things don't happen to it on my watch."

She drew the sword to inspect the blade for any signs of damage. When she put the blade back in its sheath, the sixteenth century samurai attire wore off.


Melanie then walked up, grabbed two Gyros and a Greek salad.
