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Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

And well, Nera already has an established ship and I’ve got a very very interesting direction to go with her lore.
Isolde will be here for her no matter what. She can be quite concerned for you when you get down to it.

"Did you get a paper cut again? You really ought to be more careful! Y-You'll make me worried..."


"..................H-here, let me heal it for you................"

And then this proceeds to happen for every minor injury Nera gets xd
Isolde will be here for her no matter what. She can be quite concerned for you when you get down to it.

"Did you get a paper cut again? You really ought to be more careful! Y-You'll make me worried..."


"..................H-here, let me heal it for you................"

And then this proceeds to happen for every minor injury Nera gets xd
That’s genuinely so sweet tho!!!


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Blah random content I’m making inspired by a mobile game I play because bottom text. Themed around Marcel and Samael Lore



That's it. No more shoving Cinaed into a corner when he has the potential to be the optimistic, polar opposite of Pamela. I'm finally going to give him the respect he deserves, and do him right. He deserves to be considered the same way I'm considering Isolde and Pamela. So starting now, Cinaed is going to be more than a twinky goofball: he's going to be a optimistic, fun loving light! A perfect opposite to all the edgelords in the cast.
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That's it. No more shoving Cinaed into a corner when he has the potential to be the optimistic, polar opposite of Pamela. I'm finally going to give him the respect he deserves, and do him right. He deserves to be considered the same way I'm considering Isolde and Pamela. So starting now, Cinaed is going to be more than a twinky goofball: he's going to be a optimistic, fun loving light! A perfect opposite to all the edgelords in the cast.
Him and Elizabeth would get along so well. She's more on the blind side of optimism, but she's still optimistic and caring. They have no issue helping someone breaking the "emo sitting in the back corner" vibe, literally through seer no social awareness xd.

(Forgot to add Not in a romantic wa, platonic friendship.)
Kind of random, but let's discuss the school grounds themselves. What amenities are on them? Courts? A lake? A greenhouse? What does this dorm school offer recreationaly? And can students go into town on their off days?

I'd like a lake on campus. That's all I've got to say about it.
That’s what I was wondering too so I could come up with ideas for Marcel and Fuyuko’s little outing together and pitch them to Cmeri
I'm gonna be honest- that's partly why I'm so partial to having a lake. those two would be right at home in a boat, surrounded by water like that one scene in 'tangled'. It'd be so elegant and romantic! They could even have prom around it, maybe???

Yeah sorry for being a ghost but good to be back here ^^

I'm sorry, I just found this misspelling hilarious and infuriating, I don't know whether I want you to correct it or keep it as is. My feelings about this are mixed beyond being mixed lmao-

Well made the choice for you lmao edited not my best moment.

I happen to be making a whole ton of mii's in miitopia based on the characters in the rp, and it's been pretty fun! I'm running out of characters with picrews though so my creativity is being taxed to the limit....and I thought it'd be fun to ask.....

If you could describe your character with one of the following words, which would it be?


What's your character's 'battle cry'? That is, what do they say to rally themselves?

I happen to be making a whole ton of mii's in miitopia based on the characters in the rp, and it's been pretty fun! I'm running out of characters with picrews though so my creativity is being taxed to the limit....and I thought it'd be fun to ask.....

If you could describe your character with one of the following words, which would it be?


What's your character's 'battle cry'? That is, what do they say to rally themselves?

I'd say that Kim would be a mix of cautious and stubborn, she has that family pride drilled into her being but she tends to be measured about how she goes things.

Far as a battle cry. She'd probably have something like: "The pride of the Takahashi flows through you..." as she very much is in the mindset she represents her family much as herself adding to that internal pressure to accel no matter the situation.


Previously SlicertheGallade890

I happen to be making a whole ton of mii's in miitopia based on the characters in the rp, and it's been pretty fun! I'm running out of characters with picrews though so my creativity is being taxed to the limit....and I thought it'd be fun to ask.....

If you could describe your character with one of the following words, which would it be?


What's your character's 'battle cry'? That is, what do they say to rally themselves?
Do you request more Picrews Mayhaps?

Also for Marcel, he is Kind and cool. The reason is despite the copious amount of pressure on his shoulders as a Prince. He still keeps himself calm and collected. For battle cry? “The Prince of Zereaton stands strong!” Zereaton is his home kingdom.

Samael is cautious and cool. As an assassin he always had to calculate every move and every step of his actions as to not risk being attacked…except for one incident which we’ll get to soon. As for his battle cry? “This is the burning skull’s wrath!” His is for obvious reasons, his identity as the burning skull. And his assassin nature against king pins and mobsters.
Do you request more Picrews Mayhaps?

Also for Marcel, he is Kind and cool. The reason is despite the copious amount of pressure on his shoulders as a Prince. He still keeps himself calm and collected. For battle cry? “The Prince of Zereaton stands strong!” Zereaton is his home kingdom.

Samael is cautious and cool. As an assassin he always had to calculate every move and every step of his actions as to not risk being attacked…except for one incident which we’ll get to soon. As for his battle cry? “This is the burning skull’s wrath!” His is for obvious reasons, his identity as the burning skull. And his assassin nature against king pins and mobsters.
Marcel's mii actually turned out pretty good. It's one of my favorites, but the best one has got to be Orion's. He looks so snazzy!
Tsugikuni, Kim, and Asuna are great too!
I'd say Pamela is cautious or stubborn. stuck in her beliefs and careful not to slip up, that's Pamela!
As for her battle cry...
"You are strong....they are weak...so victory is inevitable."

Isolde is fs cautious, or kind. There's a heart hidden under all that fear! She's like a tsudere but instead of getting mad she's just terrified of you.
Her battle cry would be something like,
"For B-Barley and honor!"
it's something her dad has said.

Meanwhile, Cinaed is kind or energetic. His battle cry reflects this energy-
"Burn, burn, BURN! Haha!"
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I happen to be making a whole ton of mii's in miitopia based on the characters in the rp, and it's been pretty fun! I'm running out of characters with picrews though so my creativity is being taxed to the limit....and I thought it'd be fun to ask.....

If you could describe your character with one of the following words, which would it be?


What's your character's 'battle cry'? That is, what do they say to rally themselves?
[insert character directly based on me] is kind, no doubt. As far as battle cries go I'd probably just settle on "jackpot" (I'm obsessed with dmc at the moment lmao).

Braedyn is airheaded. Battle cry? Fuck.

Miles is either laid-back or cool, and as far as battle cries go, I'd probably go with something marvel related like "don't mess with the amazing Spider-Man", I'm not saying that out of my own free will though, send help- (obviously I'm joking)

I happen to be making a whole ton of mii's in miitopia based on the characters in the rp, and it's been pretty fun! I'm running out of characters with picrews though so my creativity is being taxed to the limit....and I thought it'd be fun to ask.....

If you could describe your character with one of the following words, which would it be?


What's your character's 'battle cry'? That is, what do they say to rally themselves?

You should send us pictures of the Miis you made! That’s a super cool idea in general!

For my characters…

Riley (Energetic): “I’m on top of the world!~”
Nera (Stubborn): “I guess that works.”
Tsugikuni (Laid-back): “A simple endeavor.”
Maya (Cautious): “Hey, that actually wasn’t bad!”

Tsugikuni, the laid back warrior
battle cry: "a simple endeavor."

(Keep in mind that not everyone is here, this is just the part of the cast I've made so far. I'll probably get to everyone eventually)

Gwen, the energetic mage
battle cry: "Aaand...there we go!"

Omar, the stubborn tank
battle cry: TBD

Marcel, the cool warrior
battle cry: " for the kingdom, Zereaton!"

Isolde, the cautious cat
battle cry: "f-for barley and h-honor!"

Riley, the energetic thief
battle cry: "I'm on top of the world!"

Asuna, the kind flower
battle cry: TBD

Kim, the stubborn princess
battle cry: "the pride of Takahashi..."

Arielle, the cautious scientist
battle cry: "Oh- um...s-sorry..."

Nera, the stubborn vampire
battle cry: "...I guess that works."


Orion, the cool pop star
battle cry: "you ladies alright?"

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Oh, is this a trend now? Let me try-
Okay! Here's~

Pamir Oswald!
He may act aggressive, but he only pushes others away because he's afraid of getting hurt by them. He couldn't manipulate his way out of a paper bag, though, and sometimes his true nature shines obviously through.
His energy-draining power Decaff is off the hook!

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Ciarra Allen!
While at first she seems chill, she actually places all of her self worth in others and is very pessimistic. Often underestimates her own abilities and places too much importance on the achievements of others.
Her Freezer Queen ice powers are bone-chilling!
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AND Izan Barley!
The stuck up rich bitch stereotype, to the umpth degree.
His Blue Justice can inflict bodily pain to any who hold it's gaze while lying, and his Yellow Righteousness can show visions to others who dare gaze into it's depths!
And don't forget his Damned Darkness ability, with which he can use darkness to lacerate his foes' bodies! Only practical to use at night, though.
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Damn, I actually would have a lot of fun playing these three out. Perhaps in another would where I'm 'Inkette' and not 'Inkage'
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