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Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

AHEM. Explaining the desk system for this 'Powers' class, which is the only class that seems to have a different layout from the rest.

I went back and examined the descriptions of the room from the previous iteration of Karma High, and the desks had groups of 4.
The 9 Dot Puzzle- Difficult Variants | Puzzle a Day

So there are 36 seats but only nine desks. People will be grouped in 4- I figured there would be enough people for this to work fine, and it was simply what we were going to do last time.

Those who get the numbers 1-4 will sit in the top left, and then 5-8 will be in the top middle, and so on. I'll record who sits where as people post so you can choose a number that isn't taken! I don't know whether this might be janky or not- but I tried to stay true to the vision of the original. It might seem a little confusing but it's actually somewhat simple.

Cinaed, 2 3 4
Pamela, 6 7 8
9 10 11 Marcel
Samael 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36
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