Oh shit yeah my bad I'll post as soon as I can (or should XD)
Edit: not only did Braedyn respond- (if you know you know)
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Oh shit yeah my bad I'll post as soon as I can (or should XD)
I was wondering the same for ConnorSorry for my late response. What should I do with him for now, since he’s not one of the freshmen? Do I just wait until the entrance ceremony?
Holy Crap! Was not expecting you, and everything looks good, but I'll wait for @Cryronn the Mudkip to get his own look as well.I'm not the rper the world needed, nor am I the rper the world wants, but I am the rper the world gets-YES I LIVE! I've been gone a bit and decided to get lost in some rp again soooo if you're still accepting
Name: Lsyander Hinokami- often shorted down to "Lyn"
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: He/HeHim
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'7
Appearance (pictures can also be used): For someone who used to spend all their time locked up in a room, spending every hour they could studying science, Lyn has an unsurprising unkept look. His hair a shaggy mess, with its wavy dark appearance. Tips of his hair stained in a deep scarlet. His eyes hold dark bags under them, fitting for a night owl like him. His round glasses are paired with a bright smile? His floral shirts, loose trousers, the colourful shoes, all of it screems 'look at me'. The ocassional bucket hat here and there, Lyn's skinny frame and messy appearance completely contrast his clothes and demeanor. But looking closer to him you can start to pick out some traits that don't completely seem human. Maybe it's the slight point of his ears and teeth, or how his pupils almost seem like slits. Something just seems off about his appearance.
Personality: Confidence, what is it really? Is it to stand up to your own fears, is it speaking when others can't or is it pushing yourself out your comfort zone? Whatever it is, Lyn has it. There's something about him that irradiates this confidence. He's loud, he's brash, his social batteries just don't seem to have an end. Armed with a sharp tongue, Lyn has no issues with putting it to use alongside his wit. A playful and teasing soul, he's all bark and no bite. Yes, he hates confrontation. He avoids it as best he can, but that doesn't mean keeping his mouth shut. Most would mistake him for a weirdo on their first meeting, which is understandable but he's kind and compassionate at heart. It's almost too good to be true, almost like he can't show any negative emotions. However there is something about Lyn, nobody can quite put a finger on, that seems quite sinister.
Backstory/History: Poison, the world renowned weapon of cowards. Lysander Hinokami was born into a pretty well off family, being the second child of Ami and Ijin Hinokami. By day his parents were world renowned medical practitioners. Their findings on the relations between the human mind and body seemed to be what they were best known for. While his parents were successful, success barely means anything if it only lies outside the house. For Lyn this meant that he barely saw his parents. They were always busy. They always left him in the care of his older sister Rin. It didn't make it easier that he was powerless, much unlike his family.
Lyn's home life might've been dull and uneventful, and school life wasn't any better. While he was the subject for a lot of humiliation, the main asshat that bullied him only really bullied him because 'they could'. It wasn't that Lyn did anything, it wasn't even because he didn't possess any supernatural abilities. It was because he was powerless to stop it. Being unable to stop the constant harrassment as others in his class also took part in his daily humiliation, Lyn found his only safe place in his room. Somewhere far away from everything. Somewhere that felt like he could have control. He took retreat in his books and science. That's where he excelled. His undertstanding of biology and chemistry were only proof that he was his parent's child. While it felt like things couldn't go well, he kept close with his sister. His older sister who had looked after him since he was a child. She was always there for him. But that wouldn't last long either. Rin's power was centred around enhancing her physical and mental traits through the cost of her health. Unbenownst to anybody was how steep the price was. Her constant use of her powers at school and outside had left her sickly. She was left bedridden as her health was slowly declining.
It was around this time Lyn found out about dormancies within powers. It was something he ruled off initially, he couldn't have any dormant powers. Sure everyone else in his family had powers of some sort but his own? No, he'd be able to see signs of it. Surely he'd have known, wouldn't he? Whatever happened, it led to the creation of his surpressents. It also led to his new fear of Juuzou, realising that whatever monster he created, it wasn't something he wanted out. He wasn't allowed to let out. But that was ages ago wasn't it? New school now meant a new start. Sure mum and dad weren't gonna be around to watch like usual, and big sis won't be either, but Lyn has this... right?
Jekyll and Hyde
The moment the serum coursed through his veins, Lyn's life would forever change. Barging his way into his life, a new being by the name of Juuzou was born. Juuzou is the culmination of every single negative emotion inside of Lyn, its transformation only triggered when Lyn is unnable to surpress negative emotions or if he is overwhelmed. Upon transforming, Lyn's arms and legs grow in length, putting him at a heigh of 6'8. His muscles bulge from under his skin as he gains more definiton to his body, and his mouth widens as rows of fangs become visible. His lips and teeth melt into his gums, having his face always contorted into an uncanny smile. His once brown eyes sink into his skull, now crimson while the colours are a deep green. He also gains two thick vertical stripes across his eyes. Ears becomed pointed while his skin pales. He gains a noticeable hunch in his posture, as it almost seems slumped over. His hair, now white, flares up and stands on end, and his nails become sharp claws. It's not a pleasant process and it's not one he has much control over.
Juuzou's personality is based off Lyn's negative feelings, with the most common seeming to be self deprication. But unlike Lyn who's kind hearted and playful, Juuzou is cold and blunt. They act more as a force of nature than a person, everything seemingly unpredictable. But this isn't all bad, apart from the self deprication, they just seem really timid and anxious. But as an exact opposite to Lyn, they also have a much more malevolant side to themself. Should someone be disliked by Lyn, should someone harm Lyn, should someone make Lyn uncomfortable, Juuzou will view them as nothing but dirt beneath them. While Juuzou is massively self depricating, they have a strong despisal for anything they deem beneath them. This is where that volatile personality comes from, the one that makes you feel like you're next to a loose cannon. The one where you're afraid that he could just snap at any moment and you'll be met with a wild chimpanzee with super powers.
Due to the nature of his powers, Lyn has created a formula. Only a temporary one, to help him surpress Juuzou. Lyn has to take a dosage every 3 hours to maintain perfect control, which may seem excessive but missing one wouldn't lead to Juuzou instantly taking front. Instead it'd just lower his mental fortitude against Juuzou, with the more dosages missed leading to it being harder to keep Juuzou at bay. With a full days worth of doses, Lyn can even control Juuzou's power while they are surpressed, albeit on a smaller scale. Surpressants can be given either through the blood or via consumption. Alternatively, Lyn has a vial on him he always keeps. A last resort to anything, and it's the original formula. Consumption instantly brings out Juuzou, no matter the state of mind that Lyn is in.
Juuzou possesses biokinesis, though it only affects themselves. They can rapidly accelerate or decelerate bodily processes, including muscle growth, bone growth and tissue repair. Not only that but they can also control their muscles on such a scale that they can contort their body into inhuman shapes through fully rotating the spine or creating new joints within their limbs. They can enhance their physical senses, though they must be careful as they aren't resistant to having their senses overloaded. Another technique they possess is the power to turn off their pain receptors which is useful in small short bursts but over doing it can cause them to overlook damage they take to their body. It's unsurprising that Juuzou's physical ability is also heavily enhanced, allowing them to move and strike at greater speeds. They can reinforce their skin and muscle to increase their defence, or they can condense their own blood to harden their body.
Though it makes them a formidable foe in hand to hand combat, Juuzou can be overwhelmed by long range opponents. In terms of raw power they're hard to match but they still have a weakness to attacks that can burn, freeze, electrocute or just overwhelm their biokinetic ability. Juuzou also can't "create" from nothing, they need energy to carry out these bodily functions. Meaning that while they can heal at a rapid rate, or increase the size of their limbs or muscle mass, overtaxing it can severely weaken their biokinetic abilities. In extreme cases, Juuzou will be unnable to move at all and be put in a state of suspension until Lyn comes to. Juuzou's biokinetic ability is all controlled from his brain, meaning that starving him of oxygen or head trauma can faulter his ability to use his biokinesis or even render it useless.
As a conduit for all of Lyn's negative emotions, Juuzou's blood is inherritantly toxic. Though the effects of his blood aren't like simple poison, they instead bring out a form of decay. Forcing flesh to crumble from people, constructs to cascade, metals to rust. The sensation on a person is equivalent to feeling their flesh burn, causing immense pain. Though it can be diluted by water, most water seems to evaporate upon touching his blood.
While powerful, the effects of his blood is only greater on non organic matter. This is due to organic matter possessing water, it dilutes the toxin and causes it to be absorbed by the body which renders it harmless. This in turn means that there would need to be constant contact with his blood for the decay to cause serious harm, while a few dropplets would only lead to pain and minor burns and blistors.
Likes: Hot drinks, sweet foods, cuddling under blankets while watching movies; though that's mostly reserved for his stuffed toys, shoes, jackets, baking, SCIENCE, he's a bit of a book worm, his sleeping dog stuffed toy which he always takes where he sleeps and any fluffy creature.
Dislikes: Cold foods, stressful situations, boring individuals, circuses, clowns, cold weather, windy days, being overwhelmed.
Relationships: Ami Hinokami( Mother), Ijin Hinokami( Father), Rin Hinokami (Sister), Bucket (family dog)
Other: hmmmmm I may post some little headcanons for his character here.
House: Chimera
@Cryronn the MudkipName: Pax Navarro
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Female; she/her
Sexuality: what’s that?
Height: 5’6”
View attachment 947501
顔周りを修正しました。ズレているパーツがありますが追々修正していきます おかしなパーツを見つけたらこっそり教えてください 「〇〇のパーツを追加してほしい」「パーツ追加ないんですか?」等の質問、ご要望は受け付けておりません。 【修正予定】 ・帽子、髪飾り、首飾りあたり ・ピアスあたり ・ケモミミ描き直し ~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~ × 自作発言、二次配布、商用利用 〇 加工・加筆、アイコンのご利用 作成したキャラの二次創作 TRPG、定期ゲームの使用 メーカーを元にして第三者絵師様への依頼用の資料作成 <※商用利用について>...picrew.me
Personality: Paranoid and constantly on edge, Pax is always on the lookout for danger. She’s highly observant and tends to keep to herself, but when she feels threatened, Pax tends to act aggressively. She is quite antisocial out of self-consciousness because she doesn’t speak the language very well, and she is near clueless as to social norms. But when one gets to know her, Pax is curious, sweet, and a good listener, if a little strange.
Backstory/History: Pax was born the only child of an eccentric scientist whose life revolved around developing a time machine to see the dinosaurs. When Pax was a toddler, the machine was nearly complete; doing what toddlers do, she may have touched a few buttons and was whisked back sixty-five million years. Nearly eight years she spent there, living alone in the dinosaur times, surviving through the powers of sheer luck and her ability to adapt, before her father could complete another machine in the same manner as the first and find his daughter.
He did achieve his childhood dream of seeing the dinosaurs, but Pax became a relic of their time upon her return; she was about as uncivilized as they came. She couldn’t speak; she attacked anything smaller than her that moved and hid from anything larger; and she had a penchant for stealing anything shiny.
Of course, things had changed greatly since her disappearance— her father was less an esteemed researcher in the field of time travel and more an estranged hermit with an unhealthy obsession. He had grown even more intent on reaching the past when Pax was sent back, but after several years of failed attempts, her mother lost hope and couldn’t deal with the man her father had become anymore, and left him. The world Pax returned to was very different from her vague recollections, but they were so far back in memory that being returned to her correct time was still a culture shock.
At the very least, though, Pax was a quick learner— it took her about two months to passably communicate, and in a year she was near-fluent, though she still used hand motions to get points across with her speech. It took longer for her to grow accustomed to other people and animals, though— she still can’t take hints, most jokes go over her head, and small creatures still appear to her to be prey. Still, after three years of Pax’s father coaching her and regular therapy sessions, it was deemed helpful for her to be around others, now that she was no longer a risk to their safety. High school, they thought, would be a good learning environment to begin…
Accelerated Darwinism and Mimicry: The official name, but Pax calls it ‘Dino Pop’ because of her particular expression of it. Through the powers of repeated observation, Pax creates mental pathways of possible escape routes; then, when a situation arises in which one of the observed phenomena would prevent her from being injured or killed, a part of it manifests somewhere on her body, a type of immediate evolution. The more Pax has seen an occurrence, the more seamlessly the evolutionary trait emerges. If something is observed often enough, that trait can be called upon at will. The expressed trait remains present until Pax’s life is out of danger, or until she recalls it if she brought it out by will. More often than not, even willing a trait to manifest is more subconscious than conscious thought.
Sixth Sense: Pax has a general passive read on every living thing around her. She can sense, in essence, how dangerous a creature has the potential to be and how likely it is she would be harmed by interacting with it.
Likes: chasing small animals, shiny objects, sunny and breezy days, soft music, high places, trees
Dislikes: being chased, people, thunder and other loud sounds, things that taste too artificial, looking up at tall buildings
Relationships: Samuel Navarro, father; Theodore Larson, therapist; Jennifer Navarro, mother (divorced)
Other: Cave lady would try to eat a sleeping dog
House: Gryphon
WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THATJust get Dean outside, Rohan is looking to communicate with people
Cos everyone IGNORING Rohan right now.WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT
Fair point as well.Cos everyone IGNORING Rohan right now.
Damn. Kinda reminds me of me. (idc if anyone ignores me to be honest, their loss I guess XD)Yeah... he just wants friends, and love. Is he just that kid everyone chooses to ignore?
I'll get Cryronn to look at it, but it's looking good so far.Name: Angus Bowie
Age: (15-16) 16
Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6’1
( Taller than that great Dane, stuipd sleeping dog )
View attachment 947502
Personality: With great powers comes great ANXIETY! With that being said. Angus has situation anxiety, anxiety over certain situations like moving for example. He can over think the smallest of things causing him to spiral into unwanted research. But through all this he truly loves people and bugs alike. Angus is sweet and caring no matter who or what you do. As Long as you dont kill his bugs. Anything but that, he can hold grudges for ages. He also has the a zoning out problem if he's in deep thought.
He was originally born in Wales. Where he and his family lived till he hit high-school. We're his parents though it would be better to move to America for his schooling. Especially after his powers developed. They thought it was wise to introduce him to a new environment, and we'll bug.
But before the move, and his anxiety he was strongly against it. Mainly due to all the issues it could impose, with his social life, even his powers due to the difficulty of learning new ecosystems. The change of environment startled him for a while. But he quickly adapted and even applied to hero school. Where he is now.
Poison Swarm.
As the name suggests, his superpower is to control swarms of insects. His preferred insects are blister beetles. Not poisonous, he can control any other insects that can or are poisonous.
-With controlling so many insects it takes a strong mental fortitude, and durability.Causing him migraines if he controls too many at once.
-He is also limited in the amount of insects he can use, due to the difficulty of carrying them around.
-Angus is also limited in the number he can have. Due to the intensive breeding he does for his incest swarms. (And the size limit)
-Due to his insects being INSECTS. They are more vulnerable to colds causing hibernation of sorts.. And extreme heats.
-If he loses control, the beatles can either go crazy or disburse. Causing him to have to rebreed his colony or find them again.
-The swarm acts as a hive mind, Angus at the helm controlling them.
-He can swarm small areas efficiently, and effectively.
As Well as cover large areas as a sort of warning systems if enemies appear.
-Due to his beetles hardshells are a great defensive method. He uses them as shields and camouflage.
He can control the swarm to take shapes, or objects.
-The blister beetle's ability is used as another defense method. Causing the attacker great pain, and if left untreated death due to them.
-If he carries large amounts of beetles they can be turned into armor, walls, even support type things depending on the situation.
-His powers are useful in many ways, but his main choice is defense due to the power of his beetle's shells.
It's a given that he likes bugs. Even those creepy crawlies in the corner of your room. He loves learning about new insects and the compatibility of them with his tiny army. Angus also likes to read, and learn about most things.
As said in the backstory, he hates new places. They give him anxiety, especially when he doesn't know if his bug army will be labeled invasive and killed. Even through his love of bugs, he Dislikes having to learn an ENTIRE ecosystem to see the causes and effects of him. Don't kill his bugs.
Because I'm lazy. His parents and grandparents. He has no relationship partner yet. Maybe later.
His name “Angus” means “One Choice”, it originated in Celtic origin. It also is the name of a species of cattle used in meat production, but he prefers to relate it to his Celtic roots.
Support type things. Is vague, but is ment in the term of braces, stretchers. Or even potential temporary stitches and such. If allowed. Beetle power !
This theme songs are
“ Stalker “ by Stevie Howie
And if he goes villain arch
“ PARAMOUR “ by Sub Urban, AURORA
House: House of Gryphon
All aspects of this oc are subject to change, if for personal means. Or the roleplay hosts opinions.
The powers for this oc, are also subject to change; it needs more explaining, ability lists, or more balance.
If the type of insect needs to be changed I'll change it. Although grudgingly.
All information about the beetles i found is scattered long the internet.
Imagine if from picrew.
HES DONE !!! I can finally breathe again!! insert lyrics from sing here
I spaced it out abit to much but meh
Alright take you time you guys. I don't mind waiting-I'll get Cryronn to look at it, but it's looking good so far.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Just Vibin' finished their Character sheet.
I wonder how Sixth Sense would pick up on Fuyuko due to her Dragon Spirit.Name: Pax Navarro
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Female; she/her
Sexuality: what’s that?
Height: 5’6”
View attachment 947501
顔周りを修正しました。ズレているパーツがありますが追々修正していきます おかしなパーツを見つけたらこっそり教えてください 「〇〇のパーツを追加してほしい」「パーツ追加ないんですか?」等の質問、ご要望は受け付けておりません。 【修正予定】 ・帽子、髪飾り、首飾りあたり ・ピアスあたり ・ケモミミ描き直し ~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~✿~ × 自作発言、二次配布、商用利用 〇 加工・加筆、アイコンのご利用 作成したキャラの二次創作 TRPG、定期ゲームの使用 メーカーを元にして第三者絵師様への依頼用の資料作成 <※商用利用について>...picrew.me
Personality: Paranoid and constantly on edge, Pax is always on the lookout for danger. She’s highly observant and tends to keep to herself, but when she feels threatened, Pax tends to act aggressively. She is quite antisocial out of self-consciousness because she doesn’t speak the language very well, and she is near clueless as to social norms. But when one gets to know her, Pax is curious, sweet, and a good listener, if a little strange.
Backstory/History: Pax was born the only child of an eccentric scientist whose life revolved around developing a time machine to see the dinosaurs. When Pax was a toddler, the machine was nearly complete; doing what toddlers do, she may have touched a few buttons and was whisked back sixty-five million years. Nearly eight years she spent there, living alone in the dinosaur times, surviving through the powers of sheer luck and her ability to adapt, before her father could complete another machine in the same manner as the first and find his daughter.
He did achieve his childhood dream of seeing the dinosaurs, but Pax became a relic of their time upon her return; she was about as uncivilized as they came. She couldn’t speak; she attacked anything smaller than her that moved and hid from anything larger; and she had a penchant for stealing anything shiny.
Of course, things had changed greatly since her disappearance— her father was less an esteemed researcher in the field of time travel and more an estranged hermit with an unhealthy obsession. He had grown even more intent on reaching the past when Pax was sent back, but after several years of failed attempts, her mother lost hope and couldn’t deal with the man her father had become anymore, and left him. The world Pax returned to was very different from her vague recollections, but they were so far back in memory that being returned to her correct time was still a culture shock.
At the very least, though, Pax was a quick learner— it took her about two months to passably communicate, and in a year she was near-fluent, though she still used hand motions to get points across with her speech. It took longer for her to grow accustomed to other people and animals, though— she still can’t take hints, most jokes go over her head, and small creatures still appear to her to be prey. Still, after three years of Pax’s father coaching her and regular therapy sessions, it was deemed helpful for her to be around others, now that she was no longer a risk to their safety. High school, they thought, would be a good learning environment to begin…
Accelerated Darwinism and Mimicry: The official name, but Pax calls it ‘Dino Pop’ because of her particular expression of it. Through the powers of repeated observation, Pax creates mental pathways of possible escape routes; then, when a situation arises in which one of the observed phenomena would prevent her from being injured or killed, a part of it manifests somewhere on her body, a type of immediate evolution. The more Pax has seen an occurrence, the more seamlessly the evolutionary trait emerges. If something is observed often enough, that trait can be called upon at will. The expressed trait remains present until Pax’s life is out of danger, or until she recalls it if she brought it out by will. More often than not, even willing a trait to manifest is more subconscious than conscious thought.
Sixth Sense: Pax has a general passive read on every living thing around her. She can sense, in essence, how dangerous a creature has the potential to be and how likely it is she would be harmed by interacting with it.
Likes: chasing small animals, shiny objects, sunny and breezy days, soft music, high places, trees
Dislikes: being chased, people, thunder and other loud sounds, things that taste too artificial, looking up at tall buildings
Relationships: Samuel Navarro, father; Theodore Larson, therapist; Jennifer Navarro, mother (divorced)
Other: Cave lady would try to eat a sleeping dog
House: Gryphon
In general it picks up ability and not personality; so if someone had a very powerful offensive capability but was really shy and never used it, they would still read as highly dangerous. So Fuyuko, since she has the potential to be very powerful and cause serious damage, would scare Pax more than Omar, because though he could attack her physically, he’s not all that intimidating compared to dinosaurs since his powers aren’t particularly dangerous to one’s life and limb.I wonder how Sixth Sense would pick up on Fuyuko due to her Dragon Spirit.
The other one that I would want to Know is Omar, due to him being in the same House as her, and his powers aren't inherently dangerous for Pax, except for Cage.
I wonder how that would work with Angus. Do you think she could pick up on the emotion/ability/vibe that he channels through his bugs ? Because IF she could that would lead to some interesting situations with angus. Would he look like a blob that never stops moving, or spread out in differing sections. I won’t lie I feel plain now with that ability a bit.In general it picks up ability and not personality; so if someone had a very powerful offensive capability but was really shy and never used it, they would still read as highly dangerous. So Fuyuko, since she has the potential to be very powerful and cause serious damage, would scare Pax more than Omar, because though he could attack her physically, he’s not all that intimidating compared to dinosaurs since his powers aren’t particularly dangerous to one’s life and limb.
It’s also less of like a conscious power and more a sort of vibe she gets from others— like if anyone has played mope.io it outlines animals that can eat you in red, animals that can’t in dark green, and animals you can eat in light green. It’s kind of like that, but a feeling rather than a visual cue. It also allows Pax to be particularly adept at determining when someone is angry or otherwise more inclined to lash out.
Wow that was very long for those who read it why? Why did you do that? But still o7
Don't feel plain, that ability is freakin awesome, dude. Super excited to see it in action.I wonder how that would work with Angus. Do you think she could pick up on the emotion/ability/vibe that he channels through his bugs ? Because IF she could that would lead to some interesting situations with angus. Would he look like a blob that never stops moving, or spread out in differing sections. I won’t lie I feel plain now with that ability a bit.
I used a Dnd Gold Dragon for power inspiration for one of my characters, Fuyuko hadn't been used for 3 years before that.I wonder how that would work with Angus. Do you think she could pick up on the ability/vibe that he channels through his bugs ? Because IF she could that would lead to some interesting situations with angus. Would he look like a blob that never stops moving, or spread out in differing sections. I won’t lie I feel plain now with that ability a bit.
Connor could bump into Reggie and Leo.I was wondering the same for Connor
searches furiously for his bioI wonder how that would work with Angus. Do you think she could pick up on the emotion/ability/vibe that he channels through his bugs ? Because IF she could that would lead to some interesting situations with angus. Would he look like a blob that never stops moving, or spread out in differing sections. I won’t lie I feel plain now with that ability a bit.
searches equally furiously for this bioAs for Saul, he probably won't register as super dangerous... unless it picks up on toxins.