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Open Let's Explore Eterna Forest!

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The golden sun filtered through the treetops. Encroaching darkness tested the edges of the forest expanse, and Rachael's patience. She was a Psychic, yet even she couldn't have foreseen waiting till sunset for her escort to arrive. It was getting cold, and she wore neither shoes nor socks. Her clothes were limited to a purple robe fastened to her waist by a single black sash and a pack containing her travel essentials.

She'd visited the Floaroma Town Guild a few days ago and formally requested that someone guide her through Eterna Forest. It was an F-rank job, open to anyone, and sure enough, the guild got back to her the next day letting her know that someone had accepted it. She'd meet whoever it was on Thursday, and the two or however many there were would set out.

But today was already the day, and no one had shown up to accompany her.

"Are they just running late or something?" Rachael wondered aloud, tapping her foot impatiently on the grounds of Eterna. "Ugh, whatever."

She left the entrance behind and started into the tall grass, clutching her Pokeball containing Psyduck tightly in anticipation of a Pokemon encounter.​
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Ramona Serrano​

Date: Day 1, Thursday
Location: Eterna Forest, Sinnoh
Pokemon Team: Luchamar the Ralts, Terretuga the Turtwig, Lanuda the Minccino, Menaje the Tandemaus, Cabadura the Charcadet, Psijaro the Flittle

Interactions: Rachael (@E.K.A.N.S. )

The rambunctious soon-to-be-graduated Pokemon Ranger had made her way through Sinnoh from Almia, got her first badge with the only Pokemon willing to fight for her in Oreburgh City, and got lost as she tried to find her way to her next gym. This journey was supposed to be a learning experience to understand herself, people, and Pokemon. Despite Ramona's intelligence, self-awareness was certainly not a gift she held.

So, as she finally stumbled her way through Floaroma Town, she saw someone had set up a commission. Being an up-and-coming Pokemon Ranger, Ramona wasn't going to say no to someone in need, so she took stock of herself and her Pokemon (even though five of them didn't even want to help her to begin with) and crashed for the night.

The next day, she made her way to the gateway to Eterna Forest, which was between her and her second badge. Making sure her green School Styler could be grabbed quickly just in case they came across a wild Pokemon who couldn't be beaten, she treaded confidently into the forest.

That's when she noticed someone ahead. Having seen the picture of someone who made the commission, she ran up to her. "Hey, wait a minute!" She charged on ahead, then skidded to a stop as she caught up, her accent a mixture of Paldean and Almian. "I'm Ramona Serrano. Pleased to meet you. You must be the lady who posted that commission, yeah? I'm a Pokemon R-OW!"

Her Pokemon - a Charcadet - had popped out of his Pokeball and kicked her ankle, making her bounce as she held onto it. "Hey, that wasn't nice..." She pouted, earning a defiant huff from the little bipedal fire monster, the creature giving her sass as he put his mitts on his hips. Sighing, she looked back to the lady after standing normally. "Heh, sorry about that. I'm a student Pokemon Ranger." She glanced at her Charcadet with an unamused expression before looking back at the Psychic. "And this is Cabadura, my Charcadet. Anyway, I'm close to graduating, so I'm just a couple steps from being a big deal." She gave a confident grin, hands on her hips.

"So, all you need is an escort, yeah? I'll gladly help with that. Before we get too far in, what are you concerned about so I may be of assistance?" Her Charcadet looked around with his arms crossed, keeping a keen eye out for any potential encounters.
Deep in Eterna Forest, there was a shrine. If the average person saw it, they clasped their hands in prayer, as that was what people did at shrines. But to whom were those respects paid? As far as anyone knew, these woods didn't have a guardian deity watching over them. So to the passing worshiper, the purpose of the structure remained a mystery.

But not to Rachael. She, along with other Psychics from the Eterna City Guild, had built it a year ago. They'd imbued paper seals with their spiritual power and tagged the shrine with them, so that if it were ever damaged and they came undone, every Psychic who'd placed one there would know about it.

That was what had brought Rachael to Eterna Forest. The seal that she'd left at the shrine, which gave her a read on the energies surrounding the woods, had been broken. There was a disturbance in the air, and Rachael was the only Psychic available to investigate it. Team Galactic had stopped the others who lived in Eterna City from entering.

Now, how was she going to explain all that to the soon-to-be Pokemon Ranger who'd introduced herself as Ramona Serrano? Rachael would take her time, like the girl had in getting here.

"You're late," she stated matter-of-factually. "But I can't say I'm displeased to meet you. The name's Rachael, and if you couldn't tell, I'm a Psychic."

She reached a hand into her bag and pulled out a copy of her favorite mystery novel, bookmarked with a seal. Then, she removed the white slip of calligraphy from the pages and showed it to the student Ranger.

"This is what I'm concerned about," Rachael said. "It's a talisman into which I can channel my power. I develop a spiritual connection with whichever location I stick it and can monitor the place from afar. There's a shrine deep in these woods, where I put a tag just like this one."

She didn't notice the Murkrow that had begun to circle overhead as she spoke.

"It broke, which means something about these woods is off. First, I want to check on the shrine. Then, let's head to Eterna City. If you want to be of assistance, keep the wild Pokemon away from me."

Rachael managed to finish her sentence before a Murkrow swooped down and snatched the book out of her hands. The rest of the flock descended on her and Ramona right then, as the one that had stolen from the former flew away.


The swarm of birds cut the Psychic's exclamation short. Rachael dropped her Pokeball as she covered her head with her hands, inadvertently sending out her Psyduck but not quite ready to give commands. Even if she were fit to battle, though, the orders wouldn't have come. The Pokemon of Eterna Forest had never attacked her upon entry like this, and it caught her by surprise.
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Ramona Serrano​

Date: Day 1, Thursday
Location: Eterna Forest, Sinnoh
Pokemon Team: Luchamar the Ralts, Terretuga the Turtwig, Lanuda the Minccino, Menaje the Tandemaus, Cabadura the Charcadet, Psijaro the Flittle

Interactions: Rachael (@E.K.A.N.S. )

Ramona was displeased with the matter-of-fact statement of her untimely arrival, but she tried to maintain a professional air about her. Rachael being a Psychic was a surprise to her, her eyebrows shooting up.

Psychics exist? She thought it was some silly character trope with powers in media. She didn't know if this girl was telling the truth though, but if what this girl was saying - if it's true - meant that she would have to get serious. But why make it sound like it was a simple escort through the forest? This was a bit above her paygrade.

Her Charcadet stared up at the Murkrow flying overhead while Rachael explained her psychic... bookmarks? Stickers? Tags? And Ramona nodded along as if she understood, even though she didn't fully comprehend what she was looking at or hearing. Again, her explanation sounded quite farfetched, but she wasn't about to say that she didn't believe Rachael. Again, if this was serious and something is happening to the forest, Ramona would be remiss if she just said 'see ya later' and left.

For Rachael to try and hide this though... Maybe the guild wouldn't have sent the commission because it sounded ludicrous if the details were there. Or, this was a set up.

Still, she was hear on a commission. It would look back on not only her, but the academy she came from. She just gave an easy smile. "Well, we'll see how screwed the forest is then. I'll keep them- AH!"

The Murkrow attacked, and the Charcadet was too slow to intercept the book-thief. Still, the Charcadet blew flames above, which fanned out a little. The Murkrow were scared off from Ramona. Using her styler, the disc shot out and she used the wand on her device to guide the disc and loop around the Murkrow in small fast circles to protect Rachael.

A flash of white, and Ramona's aura - as well as the aura supplemented by the styler - helped calm the Murkrow. The few who stayed afterwards perched on the tree branches beside them, and Ramona sighed.

This was... going to be tricky. This was simply a school styler, the actual styler could help send a command to a wild Pokemon, making them feel obligated to follow it. This school styler only gave supplemental calming aura, but even though her own aura was in it, it wasn't enough to create a connection... Meaning she couldn't actually command them to do anything. She could try, but it was a toss up if they'll ever listen or if they just fly off.

How could she explain that to Rachael? Better keep it hidden for now.

She walked up to Rachael, looking over the girl's body with her golden hazel eyes as she bent over slightly due to nearly being six feet tall. "You alright? They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?" Ramona just had a few scratches on her forearms and shoulders, and her long chestnut brown hair looked tousled something crazy. She was otherwise fine. These scratches honestly looked like they'll be additions to the scars already on her tanned skin.

Making sure Rachael was fine, Ramona looked up to see the Murkrow she 'tamed' (for now) were still watching them. Could she command them? No, if it comes off as a command, they would just be scared off. Time for a suggestion. "Hey, you guys are birds of a feather, yeah? How about you help us find that book one of your friends took? I'll make it worth your while." She said with a generous smile.

Then again, she was compensating, as a proper Pokemon Ranger with a proper connection wouldn't need to do this to a wild Pokemon they tamed briefly.

The Murkrow looked at each other, cawed, and then flew off. In different directions.

Ramona sighed, a defeated expression on her face. There was a third of a chance that one of them would help, and even that was a 50/50. Great...