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LoN's Signature Shop - Requests closed ;_;

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My latest :)
CIS that looks great LoN, i love C.S.I but the background does not do it for me. it needs a crime like background or even a lab one.

EDIT: you use gimp 2 right? where did you get those backgrounds
EDIT: you use gimp 2 right? where did you get those backgrounds
Brushes mostly, few C4Ds as well.

[quote author=Chao link=topic=4912.msg75815#msg75815 date=1224101788]
i love C.S.I but the background does not do it for me. it needs a crime like background or even a lab one.[/quote]Yeah, I was trying something new out. I wouldn't have done this with Mac but I thought "Ah, what the heck." And I did :D
Image: Sableye
Text: Chao's Sableye, It's A Beast
Colour scheme (optional): canit be a ghost/dark type scheme
Font: Same as my last one

please and thank you^^


Hey LoN! Not sure how long your waiting list is, but if its not too much trouble would you mind making a sig for me?

Image: Just an Umbreon
Image #2:
Text: "Umbreon" in a Gold wavy looking font
Colour scheme (optional): A moonlit background if thats okay with you.

if you "need moar detale" just PM me and I'll let you know ;)
yeah thats fine

Also can you change the text to say Katara in one corner and water tribe in the opposite corner in a smaller font size
Lol, couldn't keep away! ;D

Images: The EVILEST, DARKEST, MOST BLOODTHIRSTY DRAGON YOU CAN FIND! And a girl that matches the style of Dragon (if you can't find one, ask me to look, and If I can't find one, just discard the girl)
Text: Bring it on... (In a dark area, white/silver colour)
Colour scheme (optional): Anything to do with mystery (aka, blackish, maybe with moonlight)
Done Aero's sig.


LOL!! I meant how you could see the symbol in the foreground, as well as the background if you're looking for it. IT's nice, I really like it.
Hey LoN! Not sure how long your waiting list is, but if its not too much trouble would you mind making a sig for me?


How is it?
Didn't bother with the girl, here it is.



100th post and 5th page! Yay :D
Heya! Can I ask for a sig please? love your work!

Image: http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee157/Haileyvoir/Gardevoir/poke35.jpg (If you can't crop the image from the BG, then just use a normal Gardevoir)
Text: Gardegoddess (In the most regal, but readable, text you can use)
Colour scheme (optional): Green, silver, and small bits of red.
Et voila :p


You're very welcome Haileyvoir!

I've just major-ly updated the showcase on the homepage, be warned for pure awesomeness and lots of sig files to load :D


I like this one :)
Groovy? Niiiiiice :p

I wanted to make Espeon stand out more, so I took the outline and filled it purple, then smudged it. It's kinda pulsating psychicness now ^-^
can you do and see which i like best?

Image: the zangoose Silver Magpie done and can you put it to the right of the sig
Text: Lulz, ZangOose, in Phorossa font: http://www.dafont.com/phorssa.font can you keep the capitals in, the letters will come out looking different
Colour scheme: kinda urban like graffitti but still kinda like your other sigs.
Transparent bits: top part of the tail

Image: the zangoose Silver Magpie done and can you put it to the right of the sig
Text: gothic
Colour scheme: kinda dark and scary
Transparent bits: top part of the tail
Hello there, i was wondering, because your such a great illustrator and all, that you could make me a Sig please...

if you could do one for me it would be a nice birthday pressent for me lol :)..

30th october in case you were wondering...

it would be soo cool if you would make a sig with lucario, glowing with aura, and a blue flame backdrop, with a really cool looking font with my Pokemon Diamond Friend Code: 0645-8790-9848,

thanks so very much if you can do this for me..

peace out.

can you do and see which i like best?
Ya, sure.

[quote author=Josh24/7 link=topic=4912.msg76436#msg76436 date=1224416255]
Hello there, i was wondering, because your such a great illustrator and all, that you could make me a Sig please...

Cheers for said complements, but the fact remains you didn't read the first post, so no, I won't even if you repost the request.
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