Now I'm bothered. On the subject of Rich as an aside I only have access to posting from my phone and only during school hours right now so I can't cover everything so quickly. But Rich is not a point here because I don't care about him. If people decide to actually get voting for him next round instead of just talking about it all day, then yes, I'll certainly donate my vote to him.
I suddenly changed tactics? I suppose I did, because you pretty much said VOTE FOR ME HURRDURR. Would you have been perfectly fine if I kept voting for Sem day by day? I was not involved with whatever Shiny or whatever else you mentioned as a bandwagon.
I voted for Sem because I was mad he had done me in in the first mafia game. Want to go look it up? Because I was pretty mad then and still am. HOWEVER, I am also not stupid. If I keep blindly voting for Sem every round I will have zero impact on the game. Zero. And now that I'm looking at these numbers, it's pretty likely Sem is not mafia as Shiny had gone at him, and we are very much lacking in dead mafia members right now, yet I am now suspicious because I decide to throw my vote to someone with actual suspicion?
So as it comes down to it, I'd say you or Red are incredibly likely suspects, but you threw in the towel, and want some sort of pity party defeatist act to sound like a villager by calling your supposed role, which is a role for both sides! So Riley, if you somehow manage not to die today or during the night, you will do well to remember this.
Hell hath no fury like a tentacle monster.