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Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

Yep, yep! Going to make a post today

In the mean time though, have some traditional doodles and sketch of Kyosu! As a side note, I thought that she could use her quirk to "emote" in a sense. Think about like Animal crossing NH reactions for example

Showed these in the Discord server, but figured I'd show them here too for those who are not there

Mono | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Animal Crossing Reactions

Like Momo from Castle Swimmers! That's a really cute idea.
So I was going to have the 1A teacher come in but I'll let the interactions go on for a little longer before he makes his grand arrival, still waiting on @D34N.U5R 's post then it'll be underway.

As previously mentioned Saturday I'm free and so will be making a move to begin the writings for the villains. With that I am off to sleep, long day of classes tomorrow- practical too.
Seventeen if I’ve counted correctly
37 total characters that I counted - 17 hero students, 7 support students, eight heroes, 5 villains.

EDIT: Question for support course; do you guys want a grading scale for assignments? I'm more than willing to grade assignments given in class to give your student characters a legitimate academic standing and to mark their progress and improvement, but if you guys think that's too much let me know. Just trying to think of ways to worldbuild and increase the immersion uwu
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Question for support course; do you guys want a grading scale for assignments? I'm more than willing to grade assignments given in class to give your student characters a legitimate academic standing and to mark their progress and improvement, but if you guys think that's too much let me know. Just trying to think of ways to worldbuild and increase the immersion uwu

I'm all for it!
37 total characters that I counted - 17 hero students, 7 support students, eight heroes, 5 villains.

EDIT: Question for support course; do you guys want a grading scale for assignments? I'm more than willing to grade assignments given in class to give your student characters a legitimate academic standing and to mark their progress and improvement, but if you guys think that's too much let me know. Just trying to think of ways to worldbuild and increase the immersion uwu
Uh, if you want. A very interesting idea.
Uh, if you want. A very interesting idea.
A spur of the moment idea but I moreso mean do you guys want to include factors like grades to give effect/reward to your characters efforts/lack thereof, or focus on other elements of plot. Nothing too crazy, just Hachō giving out A's and B's based on how you decide your character did, how much effort you write them putting in, etc.

On another note, posts for Kai (short one to acknowledge Kisuni) and Nami are cookin'...~ :)
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@Draco Nightshade

Heads up, just in case you missed it, but I am awaiting a reaction/Response from Himari. The post is linked Below.

Hijima Tetsuo

Tetsuo was satisfied with the General description of family. He then looked at Himari, preparing to whisper.

"I understand about Metabolism, mine's not as bad, despite my size, but part of that requires me to consume multiple times the normal person's amount of Iron and other minerals. Also, Keep this between you and me, but I am The son of the Angered Hero Rampage. I don't have much family, as both my parents are only children. This will be revealed when the time is right to the rest of the class."

Tetsuo was unsure if the mentioning of a Pro Hero would scare, excite, or a number of other reactions that he'd not expected. As such, he kept that on the down low, whispering it rather than announcing it as most people would.

@Draco Nightshade (Himari)


Previously Deathstalker62
Here's a little (big) villain (killing machine) that I felt like throwing into the fray (causing chaos with). Enjoy.

Name: Monomu Noroi

Age: 26

Villain Name: Nomu

Gender: Male

Role: Villain

Likes: Violence, outcasts, using brute force, acting inhumane.

Dislikes: Most types of people, heroes, empathy, living, positivity

Appearance: Noroi's body is horrifically distorted from what an ordinary person looks like, in many ways that makes him all the more imposing. His arms are thick and long, as if they were giant tree trunks, as are his legs. His digits are mishapen and crooked, with thick, sharp, crescent claws instead of finger- and toenails. His eyes are a pale white as if blind, though he can still see clearly through them, while his hair is an ash-black pitch, wild and overgrown, like a charred bush, shaven only at the front to allow him sight. His torso is very large and wide, set with mass amounts of muscles all over, while his head is chiselled and lipless, his teeth barring out with their tall, shark-like appearance. His ears are like his digits - pointed and crooked, while his hands and feet are incredibly enormous and wide, much like the rest of him, while his entire body still holds that familiar fair tone. Overall, he gives off more the style of some sort of ancient, prehistoric human-like animal than an actual person which, with his deteriorating mind, is slowly becoming a truth. Due to his unusual circumstances, Monomu's clothing and villain costume are one and the same, that consisting of a simple pair of tan leather shorts made to fit him, a black belt with a silver, skull-faced buckle tying it to his waist and nothing else added on top or below.

Height: 13.5 ft standing up straight, 7 ft while on all fours.

Weight: 884 lbs.

Personality: Noroi is the silent, brooding type one moment, then as wild as a rabid dog the next if provoked. He can range from reserved and quiet to violent and hate-filled in a heartbeat, though actual speech he rarely ever seems to do even when in range, more so preferring to resort to simple grunts, scoffs and other such recognizable mouth sounds and body language in general. He never did like his ever-deepening voice.

Bio/Backstory: Even since birth, Noroi's quirk hasn't stopped expanding. Because his body would end up deforming more and more, the misdeeds directed towards him by his peers and fellow people became increasingly worse, until.. one day, where Moromu snapped and saw red. Quite literally so, as he had found himself in the same alley as his most prominent enemies.. only, the red he saw was warm, with quite the smell.. and their mutilated bodies all around him.

Safe to say, Monomu was not seen by the public again that day as he was forced into hiding for several years, where he ended up mixing in with the other outcasts and crime-doers of the world, doing dirty, dirty jobs for a living and getting a reputation for being the local 'butcher', though it was not meat he ended up selling to people..

Desired Development: Rip and Tear, until it is done.

Quirk Name (Type): Monster (Mutant)

Quirk Description: This quirk has caused Noroi's body to keep growing and expanding since birth, causing him to take on monstrous deformities such as arms as thick and long as oak logs, mountains upon mountains of muscle, extremely wild and enormous hair, massive, pointy teeth and more. The older he gets, the less he starts looking human - and given his past treatment, the less he remains one, too. This grants him an ever-increasing body, allowing not only things such as regeneration and immense strength, but also equal speed, durability, etc. The downside? With his muscles, organs and body in general expanding, his mind slowly deterioates, dedicating all that it can to trying to match his rapid growth. Now, he still has some mental capability within him. Give him a few years, and he'll be as rabid as a wild mutt. There is no permanent stopping this quirk, as only inflicted wounds will temporarily stunt it to allow the body to mend itself before continuing its horrid, never-ending work.

Quirk Pros and Cons:
+ Each year sees an overall increase in physique, enhancing strength, senses, stamina, agility, durability, etc. evermore.

+ The above includes a regeneration factor, making the user a physical powerhouse.

+ Increases also include size and weight, making the user harder to top each year goes by.

-Each year, the user's brain deteriorates more and more until, eventually, it goes by little more than pure instinct, which will be the very moment it stops as there is nothing else left other than the basic necessities.

-All this power makes it a challenge to control as it never stays the same.

-Bigger size means more surface area to hit, even if the durability and endurance can take it.

-Regeneration only kicks in during a rest or a short while after the user stops taking injuries and stops immediately when more damage is taken.

-/+ This quirk will stay active forever, essentially making the user an eternal, ever-growing walking mountain of a former person.

Growth: N/A
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@D34N.U5R Are you still participating in this Rp? It’s okay if not but I’d just like to know so I don’t leave your character behind if you’re still interested.
Honestly I've been wrapped up in other stuff but I'll post when I can and if I don't... you get the idea.

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| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
sniper girl

Name: Dahlia. (Real name unknown)

Age: 21

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Role: Villain

Likes: Protecting Chrome, those who are loyal to their teammates.

Dislikes: Those who dare attack Chrome, Traitors.

Appearance: Dahlia has long orange hair, which is usually put up in a ponytail while she has amber-colored eyes. She has a fairly slim body shape and looks completely normal, especially those to the normal eye. For covert operations, she usually dons an all black jumpsuit, having a sling on her back, as her bright orange hair is tied up nicely in a bun, usually attacking at night, away from usual sightlines of those she's attacking. In more casual circumstances, Dahlia wears a muted blue hoodie and gray sweatpants, and some long black boots. Here, her hair is usually let loose, flowing away in the breeze.

Personality: A woman with few words, Dahlia is not one to speak, especially to those she doesn't consider as close to her. She doesn't like to talk with other people, as many times before, she had been hurt by hurting those she'd previously had connections. She only trusts Chrome, seeing him as the one who had helped her when she had nothing, and is always loyal to him. All in all, Dahlia is a calm and collected person, with many different emotions, even if she does seem like a heartless killer.

Bio/Backstory: As a child, Dahlia had always lived on the cold hard streets, living all alone, with no help from her parents, nor other family members. Eventually found by Chrome, she was taken under his wing, and learned his ways. She learned to conceal her identity and acted as Chrome's recon until she was entrusted with her specialty, the sniper rifle. She would practice it's use almost daily, until she would become a perfect sniper, protecting Chrome from harm.

During one of her infiltration missions, she garnered feelings for a boy, who she knew was the target. It hurt her deeply as she shot the bullet that ended his life, and as she promised herself to never trust anyone again.

Desired development: I'll have her development go along as the RP progresses, but personality wise, she'll probably be a bit more open.

Quirk name: Quirkless
Quirk type: N/A
Quirk description: N/A
Growth: N/A
sniper girl

Name: Dahlia. (Real name unknown)

Age: 21

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Role: Villain

Likes: Protecting Chrome, those who are loyal to their teammates.

Dislikes: Those who dare attack Chrome, Traitors.

Appearance: Dahlia has long orange hair, which is usually put up in a ponytail while she has amber-colored eyes. She has a fairly slim body shape and looks completely normal, especially those to the normal eye. For covert operations, she usually dons an all black jumpsuit, having a sling on her back, as her bright orange hair is tied up nicely in a bun, usually attacking at night, away from usual sightlines of those she's attacking. In more casual circumstances, Dahlia wears a muted blue hoodie and gray sweatpants, and some long black boots. Here, her hair is usually let loose, flowing away in the breeze.

Personality: A woman with few words, Dahlia is not one to speak, especially to those she doesn't consider as close to her. She doesn't like to talk with other people, as many times before, she had been hurt by hurting those she'd previously had connections. She only trusts Chrome, seeing him as the one who had helped her when she had nothing, and is always loyal to him. All in all, Dahlia is a calm and collected person, with many different emotions, even if she does seem like a heartless killer.

Bio/Backstory: As a child, Dahlia had always lived on the cold hard streets, living all alone, with no help from her parents, nor other family members. Eventually found by Chrome, she was taken under his wing, and learned his ways. She learned to conceal her identity and acted as Chrome's recon until she was entrusted with her specialty, the sniper rifle. She would practice it's use almost daily, until she would become a perfect sniper, protecting Chrome from harm.

During one of her infiltration missions, she garnered feelings for a boy, who she knew was the target. It hurt her deeply as she shot the bullet that ended his life, and as she promised herself to never trust anyone again.

Desired development: I'll have her development go along as the RP progresses, but personality wise, she'll probably be a bit more open.

Quirk name: Quirkless
Quirk type: N/A
Quirk description: N/A
Growth: N/A
Gladly accepted!!
If this is still open for students, LEMME IN!!
Name: Tajiri, Roshi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: Student (acts good, not evil)
Likes: Food, friends and video games!
Dislikes: Evil people
Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin. Out of school, wears a blue hoodie, blue jeans and black trainers
Personality: He is good and friendly. Prefers to stick together than go seperate.
Bio/Backstory: He discovered his quirk when he was 5 years old. He then took part in The Test and was accepted for teamwork and battle skills.
Desired development: Become a hero, and defeat a powerful foe from his past...

Quirk name: Elecrification
Quirk type: Emitter
Quirk description: Can emit electricity from his hands. Only good at close range.
Growth: He will develop the ability to use it at far range
If this is still open for students, LEMME IN!!
Name: Tajiri, Roshi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: Student (acts good, not evil)
Likes: Food, friends and video games!
Dislikes: Evil people
Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin. Out of school, wears a blue hoodie, blue jeans and black trainers
Personality: He is good and friendly. Prefers to stick together than go seperate.
Bio/Backstory: He discovered his quirk when he was 5 years old. He then took part in The Test and was accepted for teamwork and battle skills.
Desired development: Become a hero, and defeat a powerful foe from his past...

Quirk name: Elecrification
Quirk type: Emitter
Quirk description: Can emit electricity from his hands. Only good at close range.
Growth: He will develop the ability to use it at far range
The bio's a bit lacking and we do sort of already have an electric user too.

More so than anything I really should've privatised the thread earlier. The amount we have in RP right now is the amount I'm comfortable to manage and with the story underway I don't really want any new elements added. I think anymore people and it might get a little too cluttered.

I'm really sorry but I don't think I'll be accepted anymore people.
Aight, so long time no message!

College got very dicey for a bit there as did life but having finally settled into my new place and having finished the course I'm moving forwards in rebooting this RP.

We'll be keeping it closed and with the current cast we already have although alterations can be made to already existing characters as long as they're posted again. I'd highly recommend joining the discord for plot discussions as it's just structurally nice. (DM for link)

I'll be reviewing the RP and plotting where to start off next, might possibly implement a time skip but I'll leave that to a vote!
Aight, so long time no message!

College got very dicey for a bit there as did life but having finally settled into my new place and having finished the course I'm moving forwards in rebooting this RP.

We'll be keeping it closed and with the current cast we already have although alterations can be made to already existing characters as long as they're posted again. I'd highly recommend joining the discord for plot discussions as it's just structurally nice. (DM for link)

I'll be reviewing the RP and plotting where to start off next, might possibly implement a time skip but I'll leave that to a vote!

Ooooh, Solar Rei gets another chance at life. It's cool and hey wish you well in College man!