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Private/Closed Miraculous: Simply The Best (Miraculous RP Sign-Ups/Discussion)

Name: Caia Beatrix
Hero Name: Goldbat
Weapon: A soundwave generator/gun that can be used for tracking, but has its limitations.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Peachy skin, Average height, and wears a black biker jacket with a blue hoodie underneath, she wears a blue short skirt, green eyes, long, blonde hair. wears running shoes. her headphones are always seen hanging around her neck.
Hero Appearance: Similar to Cat noir, but with bat ears, and Wings, her scythe rests on her back, and she doesn't have Cat Noir's tail. Her eyes become the colour red, and most of her face is covered by her mask. Her headphones are seen on when she is Gold bat. Her outfit's colour is quite a bit lighter than cat noir, it's more of a dark white.
Personality: Quite loud, and kind of annoying, she occasionally causes more problems than she solves, however, she is quite brave, and doesn't hesitate to help people, especially when she is Goldbat. When she is Goldbat, she hardly ever thinks of her own safety.
Superpower Name: Dark sight
Superpower Description: either creates a dark space around her(Which only she can see normally in.), or just allows her to see through any kind of wall or cover.
Backstory: Similar to her comrades(Who she does not know are people who go to her school.), Caia started as a normal girl, doing pretty well, having a nice life, however, one day, after helping her friends out with a project, she came home to find some strange headphones on her computer desk. When Craysi came out, she was quite worried, however, after a small talk, she learnt about how the Miraculous work, and was told to say 'Wings on!' whenever she wanted to transform into Goldbat. She patrols the streets whenever she can.
Kwami Animal: A bat
Kwami Appearance: A small, grey, bat with tiny wings and big, blue, eyes. also missing claws.
Kwami Personality: Really, REALLY, likes to eat, no matter what food. Sorta rude when hungry, and hates being called weak
Miraculous Jewelry: Bat based headphones.
Alright hold on, give me a minute.
For Eeveechu's representation I would say Lightning bug because it's actually real and I would say Ingenuity for what it represents. (Like him making things on the fly.)
For mine I would say Adaptability because raccoon's can adapt to being in nature or in cities, plus I think the group could also have an afterschool club or activity to have them near each other. Also I'll probably reveal it to someone I'd trust.
ALSO I'd prefer to have my character be an active superhero.
(Thanks for the minute.)
Approved, Frase! As soon as Excalibur Queen makes her character, I'll set the thread to closed. Also, I'm going to make the first villain soon, who I planned to be a way for Mechanist to get introduced to Montreal.
Name: Mr. Adrian Mellow
Villain Name: Magnet Master
Akuma Channeler: His magnet necklace.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: Mr. Mellow is a tall man, being 6'4, and is fairly stocky. He's got a large brown beard that covers his whole lower face and hair going down to the neck. He usually wears a long-sleeved white button shirt and black dress pants to work with brown shoes and a black old-fashioned watch.
Villain Appearance: Magnet Master is a stocky, silver warrior similar in size to Rogercop, with a face-covering visor and helmet connected to the main chestplate like the gauntlets and leggings. Magnet Master's hands are covered with two large magnets.
Personality: Mr. Mellow is relaxed and kind, caring for his students immensely. He's a true gentle giant, but is harsh with students that don't even try to learn.
Villain Personality: Magnet Master treats all who don't dutifully learn and respect as terrible people worth hurting, to the point of lifting rows of cars with their drivers still inside and using them as weapons. Anyone that tries stopping him he considers the worst people.
Superpower Name: Superpolarity
Superpower Description: Using his hand-magnets, Magnet Master can attract and repel any type of metal.
Backstory: Working as a science teacher at Academie de Roberval, Mr. Mellow teaches 11th Grade Physics for the homeroom of our main characters. Sometimes mocked by the more insensitive students and ignored by the more devil-may-care ones, the teacher who truly wants to see his students succeed is blackened in heart, and made a perfect target for the Cardinals' first Akuma.
Because there aren't moth akuma, can there be different types of bug Akuma that have different effects or would that be a little to much?? (Example: Stag beetle=Bulkier or Mantis=Faster reflexes)
Hm, that seems certainly interesting. Sure, we'll do that. Magnet Master has a Stag Beetle Akuma, then. Oh also, I have a way for Mechanist to de-evilize Akumas (though he'll be using the term Purify instead) as well as repair the environment.
Name: Anais Gray
Hero Name: Chipmunk
Weapon: Bolas with weights that look like acorns, kept in a pocket inside a large acorn shaped container.
Age: (in between 13 and 17) 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Anais has light brown skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes. She wears an emerald green plaid/flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath, blue jeans, and tan fleece ankle boots.
Hero Appearance: The predominant color of the summer costume is yellowish brown-grey, often with a reddish tinge. Three wide, distinct dark blackish-brown stripes run down the back, separated and surrounded by four paler stripes of white. Also, three dark and three pale stripes are on each side of the mask. In the winter, the costume becomes duller and more greyish, and the stripes become less distinct. The ear clips are black, and the underparts a very pale grey. The tail (An extension that starts above her rear) has orange and black fur, with a paler fringe of hair on the underside.
Personality: Friendly, extrovert.
Superpower Name: Acorn Road
Superpower Description: Uses the acorn to create an easy path to the “Akuma”. The path is yellow with large acorn images on it.
Backstory: Anais sees a woman having difficulty crossing the street. She helps her cross, receiving the Miraculous later via finding it in her room.
Kwami Name: Nutti
Kwami Animal: Chipmunk
Kwami Appearance: The predominant color of the summer coat is yellowish brown-grey, often with a reddish tinge. Three wide, distinct dark blackish-brown stripes run down the back, separated and surrounded by four paler stripes of white fur. Also, three dark and three pale stripes are on each side of the face. In the winter, the coat becomes duller and more greyish, and the stripes become less distinct. The ears are black, and the underparts a very pale grey. The tail has orange and black fur, with a paler fringe of hair on the underside.
Kwami Personality: Playful, intelligent, and sensitive.
Miraculous Jewelry: Bracelet similar to the Turtle Miraculous except with a circular charm. In disguise mode the charm is copper in color. When inhabited by Nutti, it turns light brown and gains a chipmunk’s front paw print (which is black in color).

Name: Claire Beaumont
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Claire has pale skin, short brown hair in the same style as Dipper Pines’s, and brown eyes. She wears a dark blue shirt with white stripes at the ends of her sleeves and at the bottom of her shirt, brown shorts, a red and white hat with a red brim and a red maple leaf on the front, and black sneakers with white soles and tips.
Personality: Intelligent, compassionate, self-conscious and rational, and sometimes, overly judgemental, and a bit silly.
Backstory: Canadian born and raised, she became friends with Anais and Charlotte in 5th grade.

Name: Charlotte “Lottie” Howe
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Charlotte has light brown skin, gray eyes, and long dark brown hair. She wears a light brown leather jacket over a white short sleeve shirt, jeans, and black and gray sneakers.
Personality: Sweet, friendly, and energetic.
Backstory: Born to a Canadian mother and an American father, Charlotte lived in America until the end of fourth grade. Her family moved to Canada before the start of fifth grade, soon becoming friends with Anais and Claire.
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I'll also make a couple of civilians.(AKA. Possible future villains.)

Name: Zack Boer
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: dark, slightly red but mostly brown and short hair. blue eyes. Slightly darker skin tone than Caia, and Zack has a dark blue coat on. he wears a red striped t-short, and black jeans. quite short. keeps his phone in his hand or pocket at all times.
Personality: Quite shy around most people, and quite likes art, the only person who he isn't nervous around is Caia. He constantly falls asleep in class. Sorta addicted to his phone.
Backstory: Been best friends with Caia since grade 8, and has to live with adoptive parents, as he had an abusive father, and his mother died in a car crash. The adoptive parents aren't too bad though.
Any ideas?


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Name: Anais Gray
Hero Name: Chipmunk
Weapon: Bolas with weights that look like acorns, kept in a pocket inside a large acorn shaped container.
Age: (in between 13 and 17) 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Anais has light brown skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes. She wears an emerald green plaid/flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath, blue jeans, and tan fleece ankle boots.
Hero Appearance: The predominant color of the summer costume is yellowish brown-grey, often with a reddish tinge. Three wide, distinct dark blackish-brown stripes run down the back, separated and surrounded by four paler stripes of white. Also, three dark and three pale stripes are on each side of the mask. In the winter, the costume becomes duller and more greyish, and the stripes become less distinct. The ear clips are black, and the underparts a very pale grey. The tail (An extension that starts above her rear) has orange and black fur, with a paler fringe of hair on the underside.
Personality: Friendly, extrovert.
Superpower Name: Acorn Road
Superpower Description: Uses the acorn to create an easy path to the “Akuma”. The path is yellow with large acorn images on it.
Backstory: Anais sees a woman having difficulty crossing the street. She helps her cross, receiving the Miraculous later via finding it in her room.
Kwami Name: Nutti
Kwami Animal: Chipmunk
Kwami Appearance: The predominant color of the summer coat is yellowish brown-grey, often with a reddish tinge. Three wide, distinct dark blackish-brown stripes run down the back, separated and surrounded by four paler stripes of white fur. Also, three dark and three pale stripes are on each side of the face. In the winter, the coat becomes duller and more greyish, and the stripes become less distinct. The ears are black, and the underparts a very pale grey. The tail has orange and black fur, with a paler fringe of hair on the underside.
Kwami Personality: Playful, intelligent, and sensitive.
Miraculous Jewelry: Bracelet similar to the Turtle Miraculous except with a circular charm. In disguise mode the charm is copper in color. When inhabited by Nutti, it turns light brown and gains a chipmunk’s front paw print (which is black in color).

Name: Claire Beaumont
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Claire has pale skin, short brown hair in the same style as Dipper Pines’s, and brown eyes. She wears a dark blue shirt with white stripes at the ends of her sleeves and at the bottom of her shirt, brown shorts, a red and white hat with a red brim and a red maple leaf on the front, and black sneakers with white soles and tips.
Personality: Intelligent, compassionate, self-conscious and rational, and sometimes, overly judgemental, and a bit silly.
Backstory: Canadian born and raised, she became friends with Anais and Charlotte in 5th grade.

Name: Charlotte “Lottie” Howe
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Charlotte has light brown skin, gray eyes, and long dark brown hair. She wears a light brown leather jacket over a white short sleeve shirt, jeans, and black and gray sneakers.
Personality: Sweet, friendly, and energetic.
Backstory: Born to a Canadian mother and an American father, Charlotte lived in America until the end of fourth grade. Her family moved to Canada before the start of fifth grade, soon becoming friends with Anais and Claire.

It has been edited.
By the way, can’t make a sheet for him since I’m on phone but I have an idea for the second villain. His name’s Mammoth Monkey, and his shtick is he’s a huge ice age villain that threatens to turn Montreal back to 1,000,000 BC.
Oh, just to establish things, we should solidify the list of Miraculous users and their status.

Cobra Venin

White Tiger
Silent Claw

I'll update the list as I get responses on it, but I need more people to tell me if their character is active or not. I think I'd like a maximum of five active Miraculous users, and the rest come along during Mammoth Monkey's attack.
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Speaking of Mammoth Monkey, time to make his form.
Name: Jacques Stone
Villain Name: Mammoth Monkey
Akuma Channeler: Mammoth Belt
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jacques is a large man, being 6'4". He's also pretty large, being about as thick as Adrien's bodyguard. He usually wears his museum security guard uniform.
Villain Appearance: Mammoth Monkey gains the head and feet of a mammoth with the body of a monkey, including the tail. He's stockier and larger than his normal form.
Personality: Jacques takes massive pride in his role as security guard of Montreal's History Museum, and is extremely interested in the ice age. He's a gentle heart, but has no tolerance for anyone who messes with the exhibits.
Villain Personality: Mammoth Monkey has no restraints, with an extremely tribal and rustic manner of doing things. He considers the ice age as the ideal time, seeking to return to that era, and fights to establish a survival-of-the-fittest society.
Superpower Name: Ice Age
Superpower Description: Using a certain channeling point, Mammoth Monkey can cause a massive ice storm that, given time, can send everything back to the ice age.
Backstory: Jacques Stone worked at the History Museum, but upon meddlesome troublemakers messing with the exhibits he lost his temper. Feeling utter distaste at how history has brought up the current youths, he was a perfect target to be infected by an Akuma bug.