‘What the...?’ It seemed that they just kept on coming. Kiro watched now as a girl, along with two wolves, casually strolled onto the scene before initiating contact with Kenji. Kiro didn’t even bother to listen as instead he suddenly felt a shiver go through his body. ‘What is this feeling?’ Kiro stood frozen for a moment as he tried to deduce whatever was making him feel on edge. It couldn’t be Sagisō, he was sure she had been knocked out for good. Maybe it was her sister reacting to the healing method Taiyo had decided to use. ‘No, he would’ve been dead already.’ If it wasn’t them, who else was there that could make Kiro feel this way. Soon enough, whoever they were, decided to make her chilling presence known.
Turning his head around as soon as he heard the voice, Kiro looked up to see a mysterious figure sitting on a tree branch. Sitting with her legs casually crossed, the Anbu looked down upon them, seemingly as if she was looking at a group of insects. The tone she spoke in displayed a sense of calmness but that wasn’t what Kiro felt. For him, he felt a sense of powerlessness. He felt small, tiny in comparison to what he was sensing from this...
‘Bullshit!’ There was no way it was some ANBU who had caused this uneasiness inside of Kiro. He refused to believe this madness. Sure the ANBU were supposed to be at an extremely high level but this was the first time Kiro had been caught completely off guard by one. The first where an Anbu made him feel virtually inconsequential. It had to be the concussion. There was no other logical conclusion that Kiro could draw up as to why he hadn’t noticed this Anbu before. It had to be why this feeling of fear crept through his body. ‘Who the hell is she?!’ Kiro glared at her, seemingly trying to do the impossible and see through her mask.
Then he felt it, Kiro felt a wave of dread wash over him as he began to process the words that had come from the Anbu. The words that seemed to give off a genourous, seemingly gentle vibe at the forefront. However, what one could fail to notice would be the commanding edge, which made any other option seem incorrect. ‘Th-those fools.’ Kiro stuttered even in his own thoughts, hoping they would do the right thing. He would warn them but his body remained frozen as a another thought crept into his head.
The order this Anbu had given, too hand over not one, but both the girls gave Kiro a question. This question was one he hoped didn’t have the answer that he expected. Other than her byakugan, the only thing he know about Sagisō was her name. The thoughts in his head seemingly began to come together, almost as if they were pieces of a puzzle. He didn’t have all the pieces yet, but he believed he had a part of the full picture. First off, Sagisō and the little girl who Taiyo was currently giving mouth-to-mouth too had to be related. Sagisō’s insane reaction showed nothing but proof that his point was seemingly correct. Now, this Anbu suddenly shows up and out of everyone there, including himself, Sagisō and the girl were the two that needed to be retrieved. Maybe it was because they were Hyūga. That seemed to make the most logical sense to Kiro. Why else would such an Anbu, during the time of an invasion, where nearly a half of the village was destroyed, come to collect two shinobi?
Clenching his fists, Kiro began to understand the predicament he had gotten himself into. It would seem that Sagisō wasn’t the only monster in her family. Taiyo was a leaf ninja, but was even he really safe from this Anbu? Kiro himself subconsciously took a step backwards, fearing what were to happen if this Anbu learnt what had caused the two girls so much damage. He also wondered if any of the others had picked up on this yet. His analyzing skills were great but he couldn’t be the only one who noticed, could he?