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Private/Closed Naruto AU: Roleplay

"Thank you." Mori accepted the head and body of Mr. Snugglebottom and sat down on the ground. He placed the head where it was before it got ripped off and began to sew the head back on. "It is not as bad as it looks, just need to sew it. If Mr. Snugglebottom was hurt a bit more, I'd need to knit some patches for him. Thankfully he should be as good as new in a few minutes and won't feel any pain." He said to Naomi with a smile, making sure that she could see everything and letting her know that he wouldn't hurt Mr. Snugglebottom.

After two or three minutes the head was attached to the body, and without any signs of it being ripped off. "Mr. Snugglebottom is perfectly healthy, but you need to take care of him before he goes on an adventure because he feels so good. Will you do that?" He said as he put the needle and thread away and gave Naomi her prized possession back before standing back up. He knew that Naomi would keep her teddy bear safe no matter what, but he felt like playing along as a doctor of some sort.
Hearing Tayuya's remark, Shura sighed. "It doesn't matter what rank you are, a low rank ninja could beat a higher ranked one." Listening to Tayuya ask what happened to her teammates, Shura thought for a second. "That fat guy was indeed confirmed to have died, I don't know what happened to the one with four arms and that one guy who's two guys got away." Shura explained. Seeing Tayuya doing a physical workout, a thought came into Shura's mind. "If you're going to train here, mind if I spar with you? To make things fair, I will only use Taijustsu and not use my Byakugan." He proposed.


Previously Swirled
The fist of our favorite Raibow Flicker had finished it's course, not to say that he actually hit anything. Rather, his punch went straight through the air, travelling in an arc, leaving Taiyo rather confused.

That's weird, last time I checked, Sages can't just disa-

His thought was cut off as Taiyo took on the neck chop head on, and as such, he faced the full effects of the attack, passing out as a result. Before he did, he looked at the Blonde beauty with a firey glare that implied anger, before closing his eyes, the aura dying out as a result.
She took time to study what Kai had told her. She had suspected some form of distrust from him to arise before anything of value truly occurred.

"You bring up a decent point. And I would believe you had I not made him obedient in the first place. I have my methods, methods I can teach if you like," Finishing her sentence, Tsuki turned over to her Xeno servant to confirm the events of what happened prior, to which he nodded in confirmation.

I'm starting to sound more and more like Hama-sensei the more time I spend as her student. And you know what, I'm weirdly okay with that.
He expected this from Kai, of course someone wouldn't just accept that a Xeno is amongst them so easily, and that just so happened to be this one hunter-nin Yuki. Seiun expected him to throw a wrench into his facade, but the rogue shinobi also considered this a test for how solid his facade was.

"You bring up a decent point. And I would believe you had I not made him obedient in the first place. I have my methods, methods I can teach if you like," These words had come our of Tsuki to defend Seiun where he believed defense wasn't required. Once she mentioned her "methods" and turned to him, Seiun knew what she was talking about and nodded profusely to express agreement shuddering at what happened prior.


Deep, long breathes were drawn, spirals of air like swirling eddies funneled streams of oxygen into Sagisō's nostrils, the refreshingly cool currents chilling the tender flesh of her throat before settling into compressed bundles that filled her lungs and pushed her chest outwards.


Infused with the faintest wisps of chakra, a zephyr flowed from Sagisō's lightly parted lips, rushing outwards in misty tendrils that roiled with subdued ferocity, running amok within the branches of the tree and stirring the leaves.

Each time Sagisō molded her chakra through her body, she allowed some to siphon off into her lungs and mix with the air she was breathing. Her chakra control and breathing merged into a single semi-passive cycle that refined her skill with the art. That being said, she wasn't skilled enough to turn the effort into a passive and instinctive process, and as such had to split her concentration between subtly funneling her chakra and going about her normal chakra usage.

Her exertions all morning had brought forth a bout of exhaustion, both physical and mental, though it was primarily the latter. Though there was a hint of weariness within her crimson pupils, she rise to her feet nonetheless and in a feat that caused her brow to furrow she siphoned off a second and third stream of chakra and attached them to the soles of her feet. Her aim was minimal chakra usage, and as such, the amount of chakra she'd gathered on her feet failed to permeate through the soles of her sandals and hence failed to adhere her to the tree.

Naturally, this was a simple problem and had a simple solution. Sagisō discarded her sandals- dropping them at the base of the tree where they hit the ground with muffled thuds. Without the protection of her footwear the rough bark prickled at her feet, and the girl wriggled her toes in amusement.

Tilting to the left, she allowed gravity to weigh down on her and send her body plummeting off the tree branch. Instead of going straight down, her body drew an arc, the chakra on her soles gathered in defiance of gravity. The sudden lurch in motion caused her hair to lag behind her, looking as if someone had taken a brush and dipped it into the night sky, then- in a single forceful stroke- had painted an arc behind her.

When she released her 'grip' on the branch, her decent was accompanied by the swathes of hair that splayed behind her. She didn't fall so much as she 'gracefully floated' to the ground in a picturesque scene worthy of its own portrait. Swaying gently, her body stabilized itself, her flowing black mane settling over her face and eyes.

Brushing away the obstructions in her vision revealed the odd pair of Shura and Tayuya. Confusion etched into her face, Sagisō made to question their relationship. The minute her lips parted in preparation for speech, her expression flickered and realization dawned on her. From what she remembered the genjutsu user had disappeared with Kai at some point during the battle, and considering how hell bent Kidomaru and Kin were on killing her, she couldn't imagine this girl had willingly given up the opportunity to finish them off. Clearly, at some point she had been defeated by Shura and that had led to her retreat, and having defeated her in battle she would naturally take Shura as her husband.

Pleased with her flawless deduction of the situation, she started at Tayuya with sparkling eyes and performed a minor bow, "Welcome to the Hyuga clan, Sister-in-law."
Naomi watched, with equal worry and curiosity, as Mori began to stich her prized companion back together. Tomiko and the group watched as well, as Tomiko found Mori's psuedo-doctor persona to be endearing in all honesty. Soon enough, Mori was finished as he gave his advice to Mr. Snugglebottom for Naomi to consider as her eyes widened and the young girl grabbed the bear and gave it a big hug...though tried to be gentle somewhat as she looked a Mori before she ran over and hugged him; tears of joy in her eyes.

"T-thank you...thank you so much~!" Naomi said with a big smile on her face. Which caused Tomiko to smile as well. Proud of what Mori had done as she mouthed a thank you as well before Ren walked up to him. The protective older sibling eyed the repaired Mr. Snugglebottom before he turned back to Mori and gave a nod.

"You did well. I owe you a debt of gratitude." The scarred individual said as he showed his thanks in his own way.

"Then I guess ranking system means fuck all." Tayuya thought to herself, as she seemed to take exception to Shura's believe; in her heat, she knew he had a point about exceptions but for there to be that many exceptions for one group seems absurd to her. Though she quickly focused on Shura's offer which caused the Oto-prisoner to stop her push ups as she stood up and faced Shura with an eyebrow raised.

"Fair? Well, you have an odd way of considering a spar with a Hyuga to be fair. But whatever, I need to blow some steam even if I know this is a fucking trap." Tayuya said, before the arrival of Sagiso and more importantly her comment caught her off guard as she raised an eyebrow at her.

"Sister in...look hunny I am nobody's sister you got it?" Tayuya asked with a frown as she folded her arms over her chest while she eyed Sagiso. Curious what she implied by that as she took note that she was pne of those Genin who was part of the team that took them down, the one Kidomaru had a little chat with if she wasn't mistaken...

Sakura's kunai dropped with a clank, as she soon fell down unconscious as well. Much like Taiyo, giving a defiant glare to Tsunade on her way down as Tsunade had burned those looks into her memory though she refrained from a comment. She simply observed the pair, their determination and resolved reminded her far too much of old figures. Loved ones, whose words she had not choice but not to think about given what these two had tried to fight to get her to do.

To be Hokage is my dream!
"Shizune, bring these two to the inn Jiraiya is having them stay at. Presuming, he got them to an inn." Tsunade instructed to Shizune, who gave a nod as she went to pick up the two unconscious Genin.

"Oh, I am hurt. To think you'd assume I wouldn't even do that." Jiraiya replied with a sly grin as Tsunade let out a sigh before she turned to her...former teammate and looked him in the eye.

"Alright, I suggest we let these two rest. And we can discuss this...proposal of yours." Tsunade replied, as Jiraiya had an eyebrow raised before her sly grin grew.

"Oh, their resolve get to you?" Jiraiya asked as Tsunade placed her jacket back on and simply rolled her eyes in response.

"Let's not go that far, now are you gonna lead us or not?" Tsunade asked before Jiraiya gave a nod as he would lead the group back to the inn to further discuss this.
Looking at Tayuya, Shura heard her remark. "I'll try to make things as fair as I can. You don't have to be skeptical about everything." He said. "I haven't done any fighting in the past few days, this should be good for me." He thought. Noticing Sagiso's arrival, Shura turned towards her. "Oh hey Sagiso." He said, ignoring the fact that she called Tayuay a sister-in-law.

Although momentarily taken back, Sagisō soon nodded in understanding. They hadn't officially married yet so Tayuya was right in saying she wasn't quite sister-in-law yet. "Sister-in-law is wise, there's no need for haste after all"

Although she'd assented to Tayuya's point, the sound kunoichi had already entered the family classification in Sagisō's mind and was readily accepted. While others might have had qualms with accepting former enemies as family, Nadeshiko village was based on the principle of just that. The village would've long since collapsed if the women didn't have the mentality to forgive at the drop of a hat. That being said, the benevolence and magnanimity shown only extended as far as family went.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“I...don’t really want to know.” Kai responded to Tsuki. “Personally, I couldn’t stand a Xeno being a companion for a lengthy period of time. The chunnin exams were a reminder of their true nature. I’ve had my feel of Xeno scum.”

He shuddered, remembering not only the half xeno, Sagiso’s powerful kick, but the ripping of his flesh he had felt from the witch tayuya. Xenos were vicious. Nearly as vicious as him. Feral even. He locked eyes with the Xeno slave, seiun, putting his hand up.

“Hmph. If you really want to be a servant, that implies protecting your master from any threat. Come at me. Prove your worthy of defending a Yuki clan member.”

“Oh ho ho, your always so rash.” Hama chuckled. “Oh well, guess it can’t be helped. Seiun darling, what do you say?~”


Reaver has finished making additions to his suit. Fixing it up for his next venture. He decided to add an extra layer of copper around the wires to make them a bit more stable...in hopes they wouldn’t be exploited so easily next time. Once he sealed everything within a seal scroll, he was off.

He headed toward the predestined position where they were to embark on their journey. Once there, he didn’t simply wait on Azumi. He had begun to work bit on bit repairing his suit. He was never one to stand idle. Perfection couldn’t be left alone to decay.


Jin stood, watching the mural of a white haired woman. His eyes traced every line on the woman’s face. Her eyes were like that of a dreamer, standing near a shield with the Yuki clan’s family icon on it. He stared whiskfulky at the mural. A bitter sweet look in his eyes, his hand pressed against the mural. Weight was in every action, it was only when the honor guard came back from the door way did he stop.

“I take it the preparations have been made.” Jin said.

“Yes sir. However, we require more gunpowder and other armaments to maximize our efforts.”

“Hm. Then we shall have it. Set our sights to the leaf, we must for this to work.”
"You're welcome Naomi." Mori said with a smile as he ruffled her hair. He felt like he got way too much credit for what he did as even Tomiko thanked him for something that didn't even take ten minutes but he could understand their point, as long as these kids were happy he would be too. When Naomi's older brother said that he owes him a debt of gratitude, his smile faded.

"Are you sure? A debt of gratitude is incredibly hard if not impossible to pay off. If you keep these kids safe when Tomiko or I aren't here, that's good enough for me. In fact, I might have something for you to help you protect them although I can't reach it when Naomi is hugging me. It is a sword that is well-known for its sharpness, even a civilian can cut off the head of an animal with a good slash. Do you think that you can wield it?" He asked Ren, willing to indirectly keep these poor souls safe.

The seriousness of the situation soon faded as Mori's stomach grumbled. "Welp, didn't expect that." He said as he turned to Tomiko. "Since I had to treat you ramen anyway, what do you think about treating them as well? Surely they wouldn't mind it." He gestured at the group of children, waiting for a sign of approval that Tomiko would most likely give.


Previously Swirled
"I'm assuming that Xeno would mean someone not from the Yuki clan or the Mist in general. Although in other peoples eyes, you'd be the Xenos, but that's irrelevant. Surely they can't all be bad, but yes, the term of 'Xeno Scum' would fit me. I guess I have been a pretty scummy person in my life, I crumbled under the pressure and expectations of my parents, so I let's their bodies crumble in the remains or their home. Attempted murder is what landed me here, so when everything is all said and done. Regardless, I have to defend Mistress Tsuki now, so if I must fight you to do so, then so be it," Seiun inhaled sharply, he attempted to gather his focus and ignore all other people, but not all other surroundings. He still kept his terrain within his tunnel-vision, scouting for anything he could use to his advantage. Now that his mind was in the right place, he motioned Kai to attack him, since he was the challenger.
"Oh speaking of Xenos, have you met my friend Taiyo? If so, how is he from the last time you seen him? I hope his arms have been treating him well, and who else have you met in the Exams? Did you meet Raiku, Madoka, or anyone else? Sorry, I just got carried away, continue and ignore me," After talking about her Xeno friends, Tsuki turned away in a very unique shade of pink. Mostly due to embarrassment, but part of it was other junk the Yuki-nin hadn't began to delve into.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Xeno...friends?” Kai blinked. “Raiku is a waste of space that should be scraped off the face of the earth. I don’t know if this Madoka fellow. Taiyo however I know. We fought together once, that was it. He served his purpose. A stepping stone toward my objective.”

Answering Tsuki as honestly as possible, he recounted tayuya being fought by a combined effort of Taiyo and himself. Taiyo wasn’t horrid, but he hadn’t proved himself to be substantially good either. Seiun then began a long monologue about his position and others.

“I don’t care for your pointless banter. I only care about how you fight.”

After seiun’s most generous invitation to attack, Kai made a single handsign. He laughed to himself a bit, seeming to take some sort of pleasure out of this. His short laughs stopped as he exchanged them for an exclamation.

“Ice Drone Justu!”

Out of the huge ice wave that had frozen the demon brothers came multiple effigies of ice. Several wyvern, centipede, and vaugley humanoid shaped ones made their appearance. Due to prexisting ice, it made the justu cost much less. Kai pointes his finger toward seiun.

They sprung into action. The wyverns revved up like a fan, their scythe like wing blades revolving around them at high speeds. The humanoid ones pointed their long, noodle like is appendages at seiun. Their arms stretching and weaving toward him, looking to stab him. They grew barbs and spikes as they grew close. Meanwhile the centipedes began to burrow underground. The commander of ice made his first move
Kiro mumbled some curses as he crawled out from whatever bush he was in, leaves all over him. The cursed Hyūga must’ve set traps all around him, watching his every movement. Even the bushes were large enough to trap his body. Without the will too escape from its clutches, Kiro would’ve remained captured. As he stood up, a few leaves still remained on his clothes causing Kiro too use the towel to wipe some of them off. “Disgusting...”

Continuing on his walk, Kiro had heard a shout not too far from his position. Though he hesitated waking in that direction, it was better than just walking around in random directions. Maybe the shout was from the little girl who nearly knocked him out earlier. The little cretin had ran before Kiro could even speak to her. Was he that menacing? ‘Alright, I need too fix my attitude so she doesn’t run of off again. Maybe I could start by apologizing and then hand her the bucket. Yeah, the child should be grateful I was nice enough too bring back her weapons. Smacking me on the head before attempting too suffocate me with the towels... despicable.’

Still deep in thought, Kiro had been walking through the courtyard when he stepped on something underneath a certain tree. The Uchiha froze for a moment, half expecting a trap too simply swoop him up. He instinctively lifted the bucket and attempted too deflect whatever came his way. When nothing happened, Kiro brought the bucket back down, feeling like a complete idiot. Too say Kiro was disappointed to see what he had stepped on would be an understatement.

Still a bit annoyed, Kiro reached down and picked up one of the sandals. “Leave it to the royalty known as the Hyūga too lack manners. Smacking guests in the head, ditching them without guidance, and now leaving their accessories wherever they please.”

Intensely clutching the sandal, Kiro’s chakra soon began too rise. Perhaps he should just burn the thing. Kiro had spent a good chunk of time just walking around, wasting precious time that he could’ve used too train and further his agenda. Maybe he should’ve gone off from the start and demand the attention of whoever had placed him in this limbo. He could light the sandal on fire, but what would that serve? The flames would eventually lead too smoke before attracting unwanted attention. Lashing out with fierce power looked good but in the end gave away too much. Subconsciously, Kiro had been sending chakra into the sandal as he hoped to destroy it. His focus soon changed to a more subtle approach as he applied a change of chakra nature. A streak of electricity was enough too snap Kiro back into reality, causing him to lose his focus.

“What the hell?!” Before he could fry his right hand, Kiro quickly tossed the sandal into the bucket, electricity still running though it. Unfortunately, whoever wore that sandal next would be in for a literal shock. The Uchiha could care less about that but he did pick up the other sandal and place it his bucket. Maybe an act of generosity would be enough to buy him some of their trust which he could turn into his own gain later on. ‘Fine, I guess I’ll play nice for now.’ Kiro lightly chuckled before walking towards the training hall, attempting to put his plan into motion.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Hmm, I don’t really know. My dad told me to “play with my friends” but I’m too old for that. I mostly just hang out with Taiyo when it comes with friends, but he’s on a mission. The next person I could think of was you so I came too look for you. Do you wanna like train or something?” Raiku asked.

I might as well try to further my original plans, though I admit doing it with someone that’s not an animal is a better idea plus it uses less chakra, so I guess I should thank my father for that one...
Listening to what Raiku had to say, Shiho smirked. "Good to know I'm your number two friend." She said joyfully. Hearing Raiku ask if she wanted to train, Shiho stopped and thought about the offer. "Yeah sure, I have nothing better to do. The training hall is this way." She responded before starting to lead the way to the training hall.
Reaver would not be kept waiting long, as Azumi soon arrived at the village gates; her umbrella open to protect against the light rain. Azumi's lone tear from earlier had faded as she approached her metal ally and looked him in the eye or in this case towards his protective glass case.

"Alright, you seem ready to go. We shall depart for the Land of Water. My friend Sagiso informed me of a...potential candidate for my ambition back in her home village on one of the islands well outside Kirigakure's borders. Nadeshiko Village." Azumi explained, as she began to move forward while she motioned for Reaver to follow her. Though Azumi decided to add on one warning now so that it'd hopefully stick in the trophy collector's head.

"Remember, this is about recruitment. Not active engagement. So try to control your urges."
Ren overheard Mori's comment of a sword, as he seemed to pencil him as a protector of the group. While yes, he was the oldest there and ultimately prided himself on being the strongest...well, perhaps second strongest among them. It was more of a community effort thant Mori might have expected.

Naomi heard that comment by Mori, as she quickly broke the hug and walked over to show her repaired Mr. Snugglebottom to Tomiko. Which would grant Mori the freedom needed to hand the item in question as the scared slum sibling looked Mori right in the eye and simply gave a nod.

"I suppose there is only one way to find out. I've done a pretty good job keeping the crew safe up till now, managed to keep them that way even when Tomiko left to the Leaf so I think I can handle whatever you are considering to show me." Ren said to Mori, though it was another comment and stomach grumble Mori made that got the group's attention.

"Wait, does he mean it?" Hoshi asked Tomiko who had a big grin on her face as she turned to Mori. Seemed to group was eager for the treat and she seemed to be fine with her.

"Well, if you don't mind treating a crowd. Be warned, some of these guys have big appetites. I can help cover for that if the bill gets too large." Tomiko offered Mori, as she seemed appreciative of his offer all the same. Playful quip aside.
"Gah..." Sakura groaned, as she woke up back at their inn. A two bedroom inn, one that Jiraiya insisted on having as to avoid having to share a room with the two Genin. Claimed he needed his own quarters for "creative thinking" as it related to his research.

Though Sakura had disregarded that bad excuse, a she saw herself and Taiyo had been placed in the bed while the sounds of talking could be heard the next room over. It took a moment for Sakura to shake out the cobwebs as she recognized the voices belonging to Jiraiya & Tsunade. As they seemed to have been in deep discussion while she was unconscious. Naturally, Sakura was curious as to what had been said but didn't want to barge in and possibly ruin Jiraiya's efforts as she simply opted to place her ear by the door as she tried to make out what was being said.

"Yeah, what do you mean by....that..." Tayuya said, as she had grown naturally confused over whatever Sagiso had implied with that comment. However, further questions Tayuya may have had on the subject were dropped a she took note of a figure who walked towards the Training Hall they were at. Quite the familiar figure to the Oto-nin which caused her focus to shift and her confusion to shift to pure anger.

It's...it's...it's that double back stabbing bitch!
"Oh, fancy seeing you here. I figured you would have thrown another trusted ally under the bus to save your sorry hide." Tayuya said, as she immediately began to walk towards Kiro; her glare intensified as she soon stood right in front of the rogue Uchiha with her arms folded over her chest.

"You know, Jirobo is dead and I am stuck as a prisoner here because we bothered to try and appease your desire and honor Lord Orochimaru's offer to bring you to Oto. "Saving" you is the only reason we ended up being stuck in a dogfight with them. While fat ass and I had our...disagreements, he was still a companion and I am not gonna turn a blind eye to that given your lack of spine is the reason for his premature demise." Tayuya said, with pure venom and utter hatred behind each word spoke to the Uchiha as her ill contempt had been made all too clear.
Mori listened to Ren talk and nodded, he seemed capable enough to wield the sword in question. He reached for the sword on his back that nearly reached his pelvis and took it off along with the scabbard to present it to Ren. "I got it back in Konoha and although it is in tiptop shape, it is a bit too big for me since I am used to a tanto and not an odachi like this one. There is no blood on it as of yet and I hope that it will never have blood on it. It does need regular maintenance like cleaning and sharpening but it will prove its worth when needed." He grabbed some cloth and a bottle of oil and gave it to Ren. "Clean from the base to the tip after every use and keep it in a dry place to prevent it from rusting. If you leave the odachi in the scabbard for 30 days or longer there is a risk of rusting. And lastly you'll need a whetstone to sharpen it, but they are too heavy and big to carry by myself. I'll try to get a small one in a shop and if that doesn't work you can use mine. It is a white rock slab in front of a house in the ninja district, not that hard to find."

"Hey, a big appetite can't be a bad thing. I think that everyone here could use a big bowl of ramen, and if it gets too expensive I can do the dishes." Mori said with a grin as he looked at each individual member of Tomiko's group. "Before we go, I just want to clarify one thing. I don't want to be repayed for this, I'll refuse any and all offers to repay me. Am I clear?"
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Oddly enough, Shura and the Sound ninja as well, seemed to utterly fail in grasping her implications- which should've been quite obvious. By a feat of sheer intuition, Sagisō was assured that the relationship between her cousin and the loud-mouthed sound ninja would be a long and arduous one, filled with thorns and thistles, detours and pitfalls- all created by their mutual density. Her gaze which had once contained admiration and congratulations drained rapidly from congratulatory to condoling. Perhaps...it was fate.

Sagisō was disinclined to explain herself, and hence she shifted her gaze away from the duo who clearly only had EQ comparable to the most simple of red bricks. As fate would so have it, her gaze landed on the only other person in the vicinity, the chuckling Uchiha who seemed to be confidently approaching the Hyūga training halls with...a little too much pep in his step. Although she'd intended to make a comment, as luck would have it the Oto-ninja had a bone to pick with Kiro. Without a moment's hesitation, she jumped on Kiro, her words dripping with vicious resentment. Abruptly, Sagisō's eyes widened and realization dawned on her, her eyes subtly shifting between Tayuya and Kiro, she muttered softly, "So that was Mother's goal..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Nadeshiko? What kind of worthless place is that? I don’t know if it. Mustn’t be important.” Reaver grunted. “This Sagiso. I fought her. She was a pathetic run of a girl. He couldn’t land a single good blow on me! You should choose better friends than utter weaklings.”

Reaver’s suit revved as soon as Azumi stated her second sentence. He let out a low, deep chuckle, looking to her, towering over her frame in his metal monstrosity of an exosuit.

“I will be the judge of that. If they die they are too weak. Sympathy is weakness.”


Kou walked out of the cave, the remnants of the package in hand. He didn’t seem nearly as afraid as he was walking in. Orochimaru, the snake sannin himself noticed this instantly, his tounge going from the left side of his mouth to the right. As the boy came closer, Orochimaru tilted his head.

“You seem rather cheerful.”

“‘Cause I got it done. No biggie.”

Kou tossed over the bag to Orochimaru, who grabbed it, a slight since in his eye. Orochimaru still recovering from the attack on the leaf, felt the weight difference in the bag. He gave Kou a testing look.

“You didn’t open the bag at all, right boy?”

“Nope. Not at all.”

Orochimaru gave him a once over, Kou passing the elder ninja, and going straight back to the sound village. Orochimaru looked back, letting the distance between them grow. He began a slow laugher that had begun to grow louder and louder. He smile plastered on his face.

“Oh, he’s quite the interesting one, wouldn’t you say...



Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku followed Shiho to the training grounds and unsurprisingly noticed the large amounts of Hyuga training and sparing. He scanned the area and noticed a few people walk in, Shura and Kiro being the ones he recognized the most. He noticed a sound ninja near Shura which confused him for a second before he realized Shura was probably keeping an eye on her, which made sense considering he possessed the Byakugan.

Then the sound ninja near Shura walked up to Kiro and started spewing venomous words at him, he noticed her mention a teammate named Jirobo.

Suddenly he realized that the Sound ninja was one of the people he fought on his mission, and he killed one of her teammates. He walked up to Tayuya and gave her a slight smirk.

"Is this Jirobo person perhaps a fatso with orange hair? 'Cause if so, I killed that guy. Might wanna blame me for that instead of this idiot, though I agree on the fact he's spineless," Raiku told her.


Previously Swirled
His body was in a state of rest, enjoying who knows what kind of dream in his head. That was until the Leaf-nin unconsciously decided to have muscle spasm, providing himself his own rude awakening.

"What the? What happened? Where am I?" Taiyo jumped up from his bed and soon took time to observe his surroundings. He briefly forgot what happened between him and Tsunade, before remembering his utter defeat, prompting him to punch the nearby wall.

"Son of a bitch! Sakura, what's going on? Where am I?" His eyes were flaring with a newfound anger to avenge his loss at the hands of Tsunade.
Observing Kai's little army of ice, he had to admit, he was impressed. Not only did the Yuki sport exceptionally talented medical ninja, they also had impressive techniques, no wonder why they were so arrogant about their own skills.

"Not bad, I suppose since you created your army, it's only fair that I create my own," And just like that, a group of Seiun began to desperate from the original, prepping hand seals for a jutsu in the process. Once a sufficient amount of Seiun's have been produced, they all called out in unison.

"Lightning Release: Lightning ball!" Ans soon a barrage of blue electric balls began hurling at Kai's Ice army. They were mostly aimed at the ice general and the ice wyverns, completely unaware of the unground assault from the centipedes.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai watched as seiun declared the shadow clone justu, separating from himself. Kai arched a brow, watching as the scene unfolded. He’s planning something. With one hand he preformed a few handsigns.

“Lightning release: Lightning ball!”

The barrage shot out from the multiple clones from seiun ripped through the assembled army. The wyverns were utterly obliterated. The humanoid ones were somewhat hit, although they remained mostly intact seeing as they weren’t the target.

“Ice Wall justu!”

Kai enacted his justu, an ice wall emerging around him in a heartbeat. The barrage of lightning battered away at it. It began to crack and break up. As soon as the bombardment has stopped, the ice wall shattered to pieces. Kai looked at the shattered wall and then to seiun.

“Your instincts are sharp, but your brain is dull. For you have already fallen before me.”

In an instant, the centipedes emerged from the ground, covered in spikes and barbs. They lunged at his legs and feet, trying to snake their spiked selves over the real seiun, who seemed none the wiser. The humanoid ice amalgamations shot their long spiked tendrils at the clones, who had left themselves be open from their attack. Kai nodded, it was all going to plan.

As for Kai, he took out a single senbon, a hand behind him. He aimed it at seiun’s forhead, hoping the centipedes would keep him immobilized. He then shot the senbon with the accuracy of a Hunter nin, his resolve shining true
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Looking at Sagiso, Shura noticed how her expression shifted. “Huh, her expression just shifted like we’re missing something obvious, what is she thinking of?” Shura thought. Despite not knowing Sagiso all that well, only having met her a couple days ago, Shura tried to think about what she could possibly be thinking about. Remembering back when they first met, Shura remembered a subject that had cause a skirmish to occur between them. His eyes widened as he thought about it. “Wait, could She’s be thinking that...” He thought before looking towards Sagiso. But before he could speak his theory, Kiro showed up out of nowhere and he watched as Tayuya angrily marched up to him. “Oh this can't be good.” He thought. Seeing Shiho show up accompanied by Raiku made Shura raise an eyebrow. “How many people are going to show up here?” He added in his thoughts.

Shiho led Raiku to the training hall a sniper noticed the cluster of people at the entrance. Before she could say a word, she noticed Raiku walk up to Tayuya and confess what he did like it was nothing. “Hey Raiku wait up.” She’s said as she walked closer to the crowd. “What’s going on here?” She asked out loud.
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Kiro really had no idea he had been walking towards Tayuya and the others. In fact, he had no idea that the Oto-Nin was even present in the village in the first place. Kiro had only taken a few steps into the training hall and before he knew, all the unwanted attention drifted his way. Unsurprisingly, the loud-mouthed, idiotic bitch of the Sound Four was already up in his face spouting some shit. The Uchiha was tempted too retaliate but remembered the resolve he came to earlier. Rather than resorting to violence or interrupting, he let the woman speak her mind. When she was done, Kiro still wore a confident expression, showing none of her words affected him.

“Wow, how sweet of you too come and greet me first. It’s good to see you as well.” Kiro simply responded, the sarcasm practically dripping from his tone. It was difficult too hold back the repertoire of insults he had in mind. His tolerance did take a hit when he saw some familiar faces behind Tayuya. The Uchiha and the Demon Princess were the ones that stood out the most. The former made his previously irrelevant presence known by gaining the nerve to speak up. Kiro would’ve applauded Raiku’s actions but the rival Uchiha’s little insults at the end changed his mind.

“Listen, I didn’t come here too deal with this nonsense. However, I know none of us started off on good terms so it’s understandable if you share some resentment towards me.” The Uchiha let out a sigh, still contemplating how he should continue. “Earlier when I woke up, some little girl, a Hyūga I presume, assaulted me and ran off. Now I’m basically trying to get these items back to her.” He lifted up the towel and bucket, revealing why he held the two items. “I was also hoping she would be able to tell me what’s going on... but maybe one of you know?”

'...what!?' Pupils dilating in shock, and lips parting in befuddlement, Sagisō's astonishment was on full display as she listened to Kiro...sympathize and then...'try' to a nice person- emphasis on the try. She could still see the faint outline of a bruise on his face, one which just so happened to fit the curvature of the bucket in his hand. Her eyes narrowed into crescents, and soon to follow were her lips as they curved into a soft smile. To think the ever prideful Kiro would've been reduced to such a state after being assaulted by a little girl- how adorable~ ♥


Practically cooing, Sagisō spoke, stifling giggles, "You're probably looking for Raku, and in that case you're lost." Gesturing toward the building Kiro had just tried to enter, she explained "That's the training hall, you won't find any answers there, instead you should head to the main hall, over there." As she finished up she gestured to the Main Hall, the building Tayuya would've just exited from.

"However...if you have questions, then I'm sure I can answer them, you don't need to scare any more children with that steely mug of yours."
Azumi shot a cold glare at Reaver when he openly mocked Sagiso. Normally, Azumi would not have paid Reaver's trash talk much mind given he generally had a low opinion on everyone he encounters regardless of who they are or what they are like barring meeting his hyper specific standards, but given it had been Sagiso he chose to badmouth she felt the need to step in.

"Sagiso is a name you shall not drag through the mud. She has proven her quality and capabilities on more than one occasion. The fact that you deem her so lowly shows that you do not possess a credible ability to evaluate others." Azumi said, in defense of the only person she could honestly call a friend and one of the strongest ninja among her generation if she had to put her money on it. Though Azumi would begin to move forward before Reaver had a chance to spit his counter at her.

"We have a long trip ahead Reaver, let us not waste it bickering here. I'm sure you can speak and walk at once anyway." Azumi clarified as she would begin to lead them to their path to the Land of Water.

Ren took the presented sword and scabbard as he heard Mori's instructions for keeping it well kept and also his wish that he'd never have to actually get blood on it. Which was something Ren shared, but down here that had been far from a guarantee though he'd try to honor his words as he gave a nod as he placed the sword within the scabbard on his belt and hid it under his jacket.

"I understand. Thank you, thank you for all you've done." Ren said as Tomiko and company overheard Mori's insistence that he was fine if they had big appetites and that they'd not repay him for this. Hoshi had a bit of a snicker to him as he faced Tomiko.

"Man, he's really trying to impress you. Are we sure he isn't your boyfriend?" Hoshi asked, though even with the tease he and the rest of the group seemed more than eager to get some Ramen as Tomiko merely rolled her eyes in response before she faced Mori.

"We'll...negotiate on that. But the offer is generous. And I am hungry so I say we all get a nice meal and quite wasting time talking~!" Tomiko said as the group, minus Ren who was the least...expressive of the bunch, cheered as they seemed ready to go and get some Ramen.

"This place is a lot more creepy then I remember."

"I think it is perfect! Not used to terrain outside of the forest, so I am excited."

"You didn't have to tag alone."

"What, and leave you alone with your foreign friend here. I am way too curious to see how this plays out. Besides, someone's gotta provide cover."
Kenji, along with Rika and Aisha with her companions Sky & Luna in toe, arrived to the cave just on the outskirts of Kumogakure. The place where Kenji would receive his training in the Inuzuka arts from Aisha. Rika decided to tag along to act as a security policy in case anyone within Kumo managed to catch on to them and she'd be able to justify Aisha's place here. Besides, she simply was curious what a member of one of Konoha's major clans could do. Aisha had a grin a she removed her "cast" and jumped on a large rock which was followed up by her wolves as they looked down on Kenji.

"Now then, in order to find your inner beast you must first be willing to embrace the open connection with nature. Are you willing to do that? You can't back out when we begin or else all the training here will be pointless." Aisha added on, with a more serious tone as Kenji thought it over. Though back to his defeat at Sagiso's hands, his ineffectiveness in general and the fact that he stood there with no goal or ninja way to call his own. He knew then that he was prepared to do anything to change all that as he faced Aisha and gave a nod.

"I'm ready for anything you can throw at me." Kenji said with resolve, as Rika found this determination to be a bit surprising though Aisha had a toothy grin as she seemed pleased with the answer.

"Good, then first thing's first. Remove your clothing."
It was a bit of a meticulous process to build a new puppet, as she had been so used to working on Raven that some old biases when it came to construction kept getting in her own way. Still, she felt she had been making decent progress with the general construction, though making the basic frame was but one part of a multi-step process.

In fact, the important part was working in a path to connect her chakra threads and her chakra in general to the puppet. One thing Madoka hoped to correct about her limited style, beyond a second puppet with a differed skill set compared to Raven, was incorporating more of her wind style with her puppets. So that her offense would not be limited to projectiles and poisoned blades.

Besides, in the presence of a true master in Chiyo, who had observed to offer her advice and critique on the construction, so she needed to iron out each and every technical aspect in order to not disa..."

Madoka was taken out of her work when she heard the sounds of snoring, as she glanced over and saw that Chiyo was slumped over in a chair; as she appeared to have fallen asleep on her as she watched the construction of her new puppet.

"L-lady Chi..."

"Hey! There are no breaks for master puppet makers. I wasn't born yesterday you know, so get back to work."

Madoka had been stunned when Chiyo sprung to life and "criticized" her for "wasting time" as she let out a sigh before she went back to work on her new puppet.

Sakura had naturally been stunned when Taiyo suddenly sprung to life, which caused a light "eep" to escape her lips as she nearly fell on her back from the door she had leaned against but thankfully managed to stop herself as she turned to the clearly enraged Taiyo who spat questions at her.

Seemed the loss to Tsunade had a greater effect on him then even she could have guessed.

"Well, we were brought to the inn if I had to guess. And Jiraiya seems to be in conversation with Tsunade. I'm trying to listen in so, can you kindly keep it down." Sakura urged Taiyo, as while she sympothized with his disappointment over the outcome of their battle with Tsunade they needed to keep it down as she wanted to avoid disrupting Jiraiya's conversation by making a ruckus.

"Oh did the big Uchiha get a boo boo from a little girl? Want me to get you a band-aid? I'm sure I can find one for you, probably next to your pacifier." Tayuya replied with a teasing tone at Kiro as she held her arms over her chest and smirked. Clearly, she had little sympathy for Kiro's plight though her focus shifted to Raiku who boldly and quite stupidly proclaimed he was the one who killed Jirobo.

Was he trying to shift the heat away from Kiro to himself? To protect him? Tayuya could not be sure, but given the other lengths the entire world seemed to bend over backwards to protect him it wouldn't have shocked her. None the less, she shifted her cold gaze to Raiku as she had an impulse to reach for her flute; but given she had been suppressed by the seal and was hopelessly outnumber along with being in enemy territory she realized it was a futile gesture and stopped immediately as she simply let out a sigh.

"You know, you ought to watch what you decide to gloat about. After all, accidents are known to happen and even our all powerful, all generous Hyuga overlords cannot see everything at all times. So don't be quick to tick the wrong people off." Tayuya said, as she made a not so subtle threat to Raiku.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku frowned at Kiro’s recallings of being hit with a bucket by a child and raised an eyebrow at Sagiso before shifting his eyes to Tayuya.

“It’s not like I’m trying to act like a have a big mouth or gloat. It’s really nothing personal, but if one of my friends got killed, I’d at least want to know who did it. I’m not sure if you cared enough about him to say he’s a friend, but companion is good enough for me. Anyways whatever, bye,” Raiku explained as he noticed Shiho come nearby.

“Nothings happening just talking to some people I recognize...” he quickly said. Then he turned around for the last time.

“Oh and Kiro, I’d suggest not disgracing Hashima’s name by being assaulted by little girls.”
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Reaver gave Azumi a look that could be only decribed as disgust. He began walking toward their supposed destination, shaking his head. He growled, drawing a broadsword from his wrist, extending it further to around three foot. He struck a nearby tree, the tree trunk impailed through the other side. He withdrew it and turned around, the sap from the tree in his blade similar to how blood from an enemy would be.

“The girl? The weakling whom couldn’t scratch my armor with help? Ha! Pathetic. She is the one pretending to be something that she’s not: Talented. Your platitudes are meaningless.”

His broadsword retracted back into his wrist gauntlet. He eyed Azumi directly, giving a loud Tsk. Here Azumi was, standing up for a weakling where she stood high and mighty above the weaker links of her own village. It was hypocritical and blood boiling. Reaver would remember this.



“Why don’t you just kick the bucket already?!?”


“...that would be most counter productive.”

Kin and Yukimaru were sparing in an open section of the sound village. Her claws slashing away at Yukimaru’s twin swords. Yukimaru grunted with each animalistic attack, elegantly gliding into each movement with easy. Kin on the other hand had rigid and jagged movements, no forethought or predetermined action. Her random movements were hard to counter, their duel becoming one of atrucion and malice, with a dash of evasive parrying on yukimaru’s part.

“Your technique is rash...as always. You should have tactics kin.”

“Eh? What that #+%& are you in about?!”

With a singular movement, his left sword batted say kin’s Talons, using the spaces between then as leverage, delivering a kick that landed him on top of her. Kin was on the ground, Yukimaru’s foot on her stomach. He put his right sword to her throat.

“Because you might end up being distracted.”
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"I trust you to do the right thing, even if that is considered unethical." Mori said as he heard Hoshi's comment and couldn't help to grin at it. "Come on, can't someone just be nice without having any secret intentions anymore?" He feigned pain and grinned at Hoshi afterwards, ruffling his hair. "You really think that I am just doing this for Tomiko? You folks deserve some food too. Besides, Tomiko can probably get someone better than me don't you think?"

Mori stopped ruffling Hoshi's hair and turned to the exit of the slums. "Well, shall we go get some ramen? No point in waiting any longer right? First one there gets a second helping!" He said with a grin. "And to prevent cheating, no jutsu are allowed. Looking at you, Tomiko."
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Putting up the ‘nice’ guy act was proving to be quite a difficult task. That soft sound escaping her lips... how dare she! Maybe Kiro had gone too far with this act if that was the reaction he was getting. Then again, the demon never really took him serious in the first place. Kiro was sure she was always looking down on him. Sagisō had shot his pride so many times now that he really couldn’t bare looking at her for more than a few seconds. Especially after the events when he was caught, Kiro was nearly certain Sagisō had put the group of genin and Anko, a jonin, under some mind control. Once they had become nothing but pets, she made them go through with her plan without disagreement. Even Kai, as stubborn as he was had fallen. Kiro had to be careful around her or she could corrupt his mind as well. ‘Even now she’s...’

Technically, the way Sagisō thought down on him actually worked in his favor. Kiro didn’t need anyone to take him seriously. What if he was considered a threat? This was the ninja world after all. If they didn’t kill him and feed his body to the dogs, Kiro would surely be locked away in some prison. Sacrificing his pride too avoid those outcomes would be one of the hardest things Kiro would have to do, but in the end it could only make him stronger.

By the time Sagisō finished speaking, Tayuya had once again decided too run her mouth. Kiro was not going to let that one slide no matter how nice he was trying to be. He glanced over at Sagisō’s direction, trying to keep his response as clean and respectful as possible. “Thanks for the information Sagisō. Though you know how much I dislike coming to you for help, I do have a question. Why is she here?”

After the question, Tayuya had gained his attention and he simply waited until Raiku had said his words too respond himself. “Listen here woman, please don’t put your problems on me. Telling me I need a bandaid as well as a pacifier, don’t make me laugh. Last I checked, Orochimaru wasn’t capable of giving orders during the escape. You’re the one still bawling over the fact you made the decision to come for me when you could’ve easily escaped. Was that the first time you’ve managed to do something on your own will or is Orochimaru the only thing in your head? Either way, deal with the consequences and stop complaining. Then again, it must be difficult for a slave to do something unless they’re ordered too. I guess the Hyūga are running low on maids if they brought you here. Which master are they having you bend over for now?” Kiro questioned with venom in his tone. He shook his head in annoyance after he was done, knowing full well that the outburst may have blown his cover. The added insults near the end weren’t really necessary. However, someone needed too shut her up and he didn’t mind doing it himself. In any case, Tayuya was nothing but a slave to Orochimaru’s will. Kiro, though he wanted power, wasn’t planning to be anyone’s slave.

Then there was Raiku...

By the time Raiku had finished speaking, Kiro could barely refrain himself from responding. “I didn’t get assaulted! I mean I did, but not like that! The little pest ran away before I could do anything. There’s no way some little girl would actually beat me.” Kiro sighed after he finished speaking, concerned that some of them did believe Raku had completely destroyed him.

For some reason, Raiku had also brought up Hashima, the girl he killed in the exams. It seemed the Uchiha hadn’t gotten over her death just yet. If so, he wasn’t doing a good job of showing it. Rather than give some type of playful remark on Raiku’s feelings for the girl, Kiro calmly asked a simple question.

“Raiku, was that the first time you’ve lost someone close to you?”

The question probably seemed like it came out of the blue, which it did, but Kiro wanted confirm something. Kiro believed the answer to the overarching question he had for the Uchiha clan itself was also a simple one but maybe Raiku could help with that.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“I know Uchiha are known for having strong feelings, but that just seems illogical for me to feel that way towards Hashima. Believe it or not I just barely talked to her and only treated her as a guest to her village. I felt more about the Uchiha that fell in the invasion than her death, even if the number was small. I hope that answers your question, because I didn’t come to you and this red head to chat.”

Raiku then turned to Shiho, the original reason he came here in the first place.

“I assume this place is for Taijutsu spars? It doesn’t seem to be able to handle elemental battles, unless you wish to spar outside of here.”


Previously Swirled
"Goddammit! You can try, but if you can't hear over me venting out all of my rage, then that's a you problem," Taiyo spat at Sakura, he held no ill will to her, but his rage was like a wildfire, spreading and consuming everything in its wake. Since he couldn't resort to punching the wall, he had to settle for the next best thing, which was shouting various curses and other phrases of the like.
She took note of Kai's response. Raiku didn't surprise her, since she just assumed that his opinion for most Xenos defaulted to them being comparable to a disease. He did meet Madoka in the tunnel where Tsuki was originally picked up and taken home, but there was little to no interaction between the two of them, so his lack of memory made sense. But what surprised her was how well Kai had spoken of Taiyo, it pleased that he was doing well, allowing a small grin to crawl on her face.
Due to the complete and utter surprise of the attack, Seiun was completely immobilized legs down, however his waist and upper body remained well and useful. Once Kai had thrown the Senborn, going for the kill, Seiun knew that this had taken a turn for the better, at least in his eyes. He was able to catch the small needle between his fingers, albeit drawing blood from the intersection of the fingers.

"Nice attempt Snowboy, but you forgot two crucial details. My instincts are indeed sharp, and your not so bright yourself you forgot to immpbilize the other half of my body, which means I can do this. Lightning Release: Thunderbolt!" He extended both arms as blue balls of lightning were charged. He then moved his hands together to fire the large blue beam at both Kai and his General of Ice, while he made clones that repeatedly fired lightning balls in hopes of killing him.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai was surprised at his move. He would spend Chakra so quickly and recklessly? The last spread of clones that had the chakra to fire off Justus all to themselves must have costed a fortune of chakra. Now he has made another set of clones firing Justus. He must be running out. A glass cannon eh?

“Shattering ice Spear!”

Drawing upon a decent sum of chakra, he summoned a pillar of ice that jutted out of the ground. The thunderbolt had struck it first, sending a spidery crack all along the entire structure. The attack was powerful, he could only imagine what would happen if he were to take that attack head on...

He couldn’t tell if the slave was actually aiming to kill him. It he weren’t then he must have some impressive aim or intellect to shoot such a projectile. If he were...then that would defeat the point of the test. Regardless, he wouldn’t give up or go easy.

The clones surrounded him, they all charged their attacks. He then did something that was unexpected. He touched the ice of the shattering ice spear and melded into it. He had just walked into the ice! He sped inside like a reflection, shooting out of the pinnacle of the spear. Upon his dynamic exit, he left the ice pillar with a new ice sword in hand, crafted from the ice of the pillar.

The humanoid figures, which still haven’t been dealt with by seiun, has weaved their tendrils back to weave into the new set of clones, seeing as they dealt with the first in the same manner successfully. Kai brought his sword over his head and plunged down at seiun, the centipedes digging down even deeper into seiun, drawing blood from him now. If seiun didn’t call off the duel, he would continue to come down and strike him. Perhaps he should aim for a non vital area if he were not to...
"There is more of a talent measure than simply those able to overcome your suit; which itself acts as a specific counter to her style; your attempts to belittle her are as tiresome as your rants at times. Now then, let's move forward, we have better things to do then waste time on this." Azumi said, as she had not even turned around to face Reaver; even when she heard his suit strike a tree with significant force. It appeared as if the two had opposite views on who was considered "strong" or not. While Reaver found her praise of Sagiso questionable, she could say the same for his praise of Mori. Whose biggest achievement to this point had been knocking out that Uchiha with a cheap shot.

But Azumi decided not to bother bringing that up, yet anyway, as she just continued forward as she motioned for Reaver to follow.

"Doesn't hurt. And hey, I wouldn't push yourself out of the market." Hoshi replied with a smirk as the twins Mio and Miu giggled a bit in response as Tomiko rolled her eyes; unconsciously brushing the feather that Yasu gave her that she wore on her hair before she faced them.

"Now now, we can discuss my fascinating love life later. For now let's get some ramen~!" Tomiko called out, before she overheard Mori's little bet and her provision from using justsu; which only caused a competitive smirk to grow as she turned to the group.

"Well you heard him, and I intend to get that second serving~!" Tomiko said with a grin as the group all had excited smiles, with Naomi jumping on Ren's back, before they all set off and began to dash to the main section of the village where the Ramen stand would be.

"W-wait what!?"
Rika had a mad blush on her face, only surpassed by Kenji's own when they had heard Aisha's first instruction to remove his clothing. Which had, quite understandable caught the both of them off guard. Was...was this really an aspect of training? It felt wrong, perverse even and Kenji had not been about to blindly to agree to strip in front of his teammate and his newfound companion without proper explanation.

"H-hold on a second. How does removing my clothing even remotely factor into training of any kind?" Kenji asked, as he stressed key words while Aisha's toothy smirk only grew.

"Simple. In order to be one with nature, one has to remove their attachments to the "human" world and set their feet bare into the world of the animal kindgom. Only then can you truly begin to find your inner wolf." Aisha said, as she pulled out what appeared to be a ninja scroll as she summoned forth...what appeared to be loincloth made up of leaves and other "natural" elements that Aisha seemed to simply have on hand as she tossed it to Kenji's feet.

"Given we as people have concepts as "decency" that are lost to our animal kin, and given I doubt you'd be willing to show your...personal, body parts on full display I had this made on the way here." Aisha explained as Kenji's blush grew while his eyes only widened. Rita mirrored this as neither could believe what had been asked of Kenji who faced Aisha once more.

"H-how did...how did you get my size?"

"Measurements in your sleep. Pretty easy all things considered, and by the way you have a snoring problem. Might want to get that looked at."

"Okay, maybe ask me in the future. But...all my clothing? Are you are serious about this?"


"And you are sure this is necessary?"


Kenji had been in mental debate for what appeared to be ages, but eventually he let out a sigh. If he was gonna improve, he really had no other option but to take Aisha's word for it. With great shame, he moved back behind a lone rock as he began the process of changing clothes much to Rita's ever growing disbelief.

Madoka continued to tink around with her soon-to-be second puppet. Attaching the general limbs together. Though that in it itself was the "easy" part of the construction, now came making the psuedo-chakra network to pump her own chakra into.

So she began the process of making a few tiny, nearly invisible holes and would construct some threads of chakra to slide into those holes as she took a deep breath. Chiyo had an eyebrow raised and decided to interject.

"You have but the basic mold, you haven't even began the details of the construction and yet you already want to test if your chakra flows through it?" Chiyo asked Madoka who in turn kept her focus on the puppet even as she thought of an answer.

"Yes. The details don't make up the soul of the puppet anyway, I want to make sure I can even send my chakra through it first. If I cannot do that, any further construction would be a waste of time until such adjustments had been made." Madoka explained, and Chiyo simply said nothing. As if she was thinking over the answer, for what Madoka presumed was some sort of unspoken test. Madoka only hoped she gave the "correct" answer as she continued work on her new puppet.

"Slave!? Funny considering you are so blinded by your desire for power you will follow its call wherever it goes. I'm not the one who agreed Just because I display actual loyalty to something and don't stab allies in the back at the drop of a hat does not give you any high ground to stand on." Tayuya spat, as her tone grew more irritated and she only barely managed to control her rage...though a vain had began to show itself. Clearly being called that had been a sore spot for her, as she took a moment to unconsciously rub her curse mar underneath her t-shirt.

Though Tayuya managed to collect herself. And had a small smirk on her face. Even with her teeth grit somewhat. So, this guy wanted to look down on her for being Orochimaru's "slave", well in that case two can play at that game.

"You speak as if you have complete control over everything. That you make conscious choice at every step. You are so easily seduced by power you'll gladly throw allies, morals or whatever beliefs you have aside to get to them. You don't care about "free will" as you will gladly surrender that to gain this power. And for what? To spite the Uchiha? Because they didn't want you? Oh cry me a river, the world is a shit-hole and not everyone has the benefit of being born with those eyes to give them any sort of value. You lecture about others being slaves while oblivious to the fact you are one yourself; surrendering yourself to whoever says what you want to hear in order to get power. Helping serve their ambitions while you have none of your own; no matter who it is, yet still standing all high and mighty as if you are anything more. Go. Fuck. Yourself." Tayuya said with a figurative and literal spit as she made her disdain to Kiro more the evident as well as her belief that Kiro was a hypocrite on top of everything else. A slave to his power obsession who pretended to be a free man.

"T-taiyo!" Sakura called out with a curse, before she went over and tried to clasp her hand over his mouth in an attempt to quell down Taiyo's curses to avoid making a scene.

"I get you are frustrated, but please~! We really need to keep our cool here." Sakura insisted as she tried to cover Taiyo's mouth and would attempt to try and settle her teammate in this mission before his anger caused something to go wrong in Jiraiya's efforts to sway Tsunade.
"We can discuss your love life later since the gang is interested, like when everyone's having ramen with a side of my dust! Mori shouted as he dashed away, trying to atleast give everyone a run for their money. Ren especially caught his eye as he carried Naomi and the newly gifted sword yet was running surprisingly fast given the extra weight. "Not bad dude, but can you do better or not?" He said tauntingly as he passed Ren and tried to pass the twins. "Coming through!" He forced himself to put a bit more energy into his legs and accelerate. Just Tomiko and Hoshi left to pass, and he would not let them win this easily. He was a ninja after all and was used to physical strain, but not being able to use chakra to cheat was new to him. He didn't mind it as it was nice training, but he would need to hope that Hoshi grew tired soon so that his better stamina could let him pass him. Tomiko was a different case since she lived to train and could keep up with him, but he was going to make her work for her ramen! He accelerated more, spotting the ramen stand and slowly but surely catching up to Hoshi and Tomiko. Come on, pump those crazy legs!

"Ah, Uchiha are so petty, are you still holding a grudge over what happened during the Chūnin exams?" With the way Kiro had been speaking, he made it sound as if she'd committed some egregious offense against him and practically smeared his pride with a steaming pile of dog shit -which she hadn't, as she would've been far more amused if she had. The only real things she could think of were perhaps their interactions during the Chūnin exams.

"To answer your question, she's here for the same reason as you, you're prisoners of war, basically." It wasn't meant to be particularly insulting or even demeaning, but rather a matter-of-fact, and that's exactly how Sagisō conveyed it. Her tone neutral, perhaps even slightly cheerful, as she spoke about the matter as if it were as obvious as the daily rasing of the sun or existence of gravity.

Besides answering the occasional question directed at her or interjecting with a comment every now and again, Sagisō was very comfortable with simply watching on the sidelines and letting the two go at each other's throats to their heart's content. In Nadeshiko, minor disputes were settled through arguments that sometimes escalated to combat. A difference in opinions, if truly that important would naturally be settled by whoever had the larger fist. Perhaps it might've been barbaric, but it was an accurate reflection of the world in which they lived. As they say, The Winner is the King and the Loser the Bandit. History was written by the victorious, so, in the end, it didn't really matter if you were right or wrong, whoever came out on top would go onto pass on their ideas, and the defeated would die and their beliefs would fade into obscurity.
Shiho was standing still as she watched the drama unfold in front of her when suddenly Raiku snapped her out of it. "Oh yeah, this place is mainly used for Taijutsus and other less destructive practice. For the more destructive trainings we go out to the training field." She explained. Looking past Raiku at Tayuya who was chewing away at Kiro, Shiho noticed her as the one they brought back from the forest as a prisoner, thought her attention was more fixed towards her chest. "Hey lady, you got a nice..." Before she could finish, Shura stepped in and covered her mouth. "We'll have none of that thank you." He said before looking back towards Tayuya and Kiro. "The situation got even tenser now, its best not to interrupt unnecessarily." He thought. “As Sagiso said, she’s kept here the sma reason you are.” He added.
Kiro listened as Raiku, Tayuya, Sagisō and even Shura put in another response. The only one he found respectful was actually Raiku’s. Speaking of grudges, Kiro nearly forgot what he had against the generous Uchiha. For Tayuya, he lost her half way through and only heard the last words. He managed too suppress a grin due to how proud he was. ‘Looks like I pissed her off. Too easy.’ Of course Tayuya was right in her judgement. He was so blinded by power that he may as well have tried breaking out the Hyūga grounds as soon the chance arose. What the hell, why did he not put up a fight before he was captured in the first place? Kiro should take a page out of her book and start ranting on until someone rightfully knocked him out. He simply shook his head and quickly thought up some response to not only piss her off further but also try ending the stupid conversation.

“You’re right. I am a slave, but to my own will. I want power, then I’ll do what I believe can get me there. If stabbing you right in the back is all it takes then I’ll do it. What about you, who’s will do you serve?” Kiro questioned knowing full well any answer but Orochimaru was a blatant lie. He let out an annoyed sigh and contemplated if he should just ignore Tayuya’s next outburst as he turned his attention towards the fellow Uchiha.

“Thanks for the kind response Raiku. That answer was sort of what I was looking for. I think it’s safe to say Uchiha tend to get a bit over emotional, I was just wondering about some stuff is all.” Kiro spoke in a respectful manner before looking over at Sagisō, a little bit of confusion on his face. Kiro was grateful too find out he was a prisoner of war but her earlier remark caught him a bit off guard. His comment about Sagisō knowing he disliked her help was meant to be taken as a partial joke between two enemies. Perhaps bringing up past disputes in a simple conversation with someone who didn’t see him in a good light wasn’t a good idea.

“Uh, I don’t know about the rest of the Uchiha but okay I guess?” Kiro responded to the first part Sagisō’s comment, not really angered by it at all. The Uchiha hadn’t meant to insult her with his comments. He did make a mental note to work on a more friendly tone when speaking to neutral threats. “Raiku, sorry about bothering you again but are all the Uchiha petty or is it just me? I mean I don’t care either way.” Strangely, Kiro started off his question by apologizing first, hoping that it didn’t sound as if he was trying to be insulting. “I would prefer if it was just me though. It would be horrible if all the Uchiha were petty... you know, because they’re a clan and I, uh...” Before he could finish, Kiro covered his head with the towel in embarrassment. “Nevermind.” He really needed too work on his self deprecating jokes because that one just failed entirely.

“Anyways, I tried but I didn’t think it would be this hard too be a ‘friendly’ person. You guys have your fun here. Sorry for the interruption. I’m going to find whoever is in charge and let them know this isn’t going to work. I don’t want to be here and I’m pretty sure it would be better off if I wasn’t here.” He lifted the towel off his hair and took a step towards the training hall. Kiro hesitated for a moment and face palmed when he remembered the direction Sagisō said the main hall was. With his new course determined, Kiro proceeded towards the main hall too hopefully find whoever placed him in this madhouse.


Previously Swirled
Having his mouth being restrained didn't help soothe his rage, if anything, it only made it flare up more. His eyes began to take on a devilish glint, although the driving emotion behind it being anger instead of malicious joy. The Leaf-nin could no longer hold his rage to mere words, actions had to be taken. So Taiyo did what any normal human n his situation would definitely do, he bit Sakura's hand. It wasn't meant to draw blood, but merely as a show of aggression.

Uhh hey man, can I just kindly ask the nessesary question of WHAT THE FUCK?!

Don't ask, I don't even know myself, althoug is it weird that I kinda liked biting on her hand...

Eh, as long as we don't make a habit out of that, it'll be fine.

It seemed that at long last, Seiun had understood the severity of his situation. Due to his poor treatment of the Centepedes, they were now drawing blood from him. And now, if he didn't do something, anything, he might die, or at least lose a vital area.

"I hope this doesn't kill you Kai, I don't want more punishment then I've already recieved. LIGHTNING RELEASE: FINAL DISCHARGE!" And at that moment, Seiun released a large fraction of his remaining chakra, in the form of a powerful discharge attack. It lacked the power to kill, but if unguarded it could stun the target for a long time.

I never wanted to use this again, but I got desperate, I'm sorry, young me, but I couldn't do it...I couldn't refrain from it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
What the? I guess he is trying to act nice. Whatever, this is still the same power hungry moron that I’ve hated since the day I saw him, and according to him he’s not gonna change.

“If I answer that question, it’d be bias since I think highly of my clan. Oh and I wouldn’t be so negative to that girl. After all when I had a blade to your neck she was gonna try and save you. But good luck finding another place to be a prisoner, I don’t even know if they’ll let you,” Raiku said with the last bit under his breath.

He turned to Shiho and figured he was correct.

“I’d like to practice more than just Taijutsu spars against you to be honest. I wanna see what a Byakugan user can do, but obviously I’ll try not to hurt you that bad. Though considering the destructive nature of fire style I would be careful.”